City Council Minutes 1975 01-09-75 FORM 601-490 O.S.A. JANUARY 9, 1975
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag,
He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
Aldermen were present:
1st Ward-Wolff 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis
Thanepohn absent Simmons
Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read
the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the minutes as printed,
seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Mayor Coleman directed the clerk to read thi
bills; Clerk Brant presented a bill from McNelis Tree Service in the amount of $2,71
for clearing and burning debris on the island. Clerk Brant clarified the telephone
bill and clothing bills in the General Fund for Ald. Ellis. Ald. Ellis moved for
approval of payment of the bills, including the McNelis Tree Service bill, seconded
by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
Attorney's Report-Attorney Grant reported the Campaign Disclosure Act does not appl;
to any of the politicians of the council. He also reported as of January 1, 1975,
all cities employing five or more police officers will be covered by the overtime
provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. They must pay time-and-a-half to such
personnel for hours worked over forty in a seven day period. Attorney Grant request,
Clerk Brant furnish every member of the council and department heads with a copy of
the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Mayor's Report-Mayor Coleman had supplied each alderman with a copy of a letter frog
the Farm Home Administration, which denied the application for a grant to help with
the sewers and water improvements. It was suggested by the Administration the city
make a pre-application for a loan. Mr. Anderson, city engineer, will go to Spring-
field on Tues. to discuss this situation with their engineer. The council requested
Mr. Anderson to send each one a copy of the application for a grant.
Mayor Coleman reported on the census recently taken. As of October 23, 197+ the
official population of Yorkville is 2,453.
Mayor Coleman appointed the following to the Economic Development Commission: James
Hall, Bank of Yorkville; William Harthan, Harthan Realty Co. ; James Garnett, Super-
intendent of Schools; Richard Hames, Caterpillar Tractor Co. ; Rev. Larry Rezash;
Jeff Farren; Ernest Zeiter. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the Mayor's appointments,
. seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. The Mayor will set a date for them to mee
City Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant reported he had checked into insurance for the spec
investigators and it is possible to include them on the city's plan. For a single
person, the monthly premium is $25.75 and for a married person, it would be $63.75.
If they participate, the premium should be received by him or Marilyn Merkel by the
25th of each month as it is due in Connecticut the first of every month.
Clerk Brant read a copy of a letter from John C. Loos & Assoc. to the E.P.A. reques
ing a permit to connect and use sewer for the Millen & Emmons Subdivision as the ne
sanitary plant is in operation. There was a discussion as to whether the system met
all requirements for hook-up. Ald. Hanback moved the Mayor be authorized to approve
this connection with the Superintendent's O.K. of the sewer, seconded by Ald. Simme
motion carried.
FORK 601-49 ® U.S.A.
.TUrrreRV o_ 1975
Clerk Brant read a notice of a hearing of Commonwealth Edison on application for
variances from certain portions of General Order 172, as revised and effective Dec.
1, 1974, to be held at the Commission office in Chicago January 17, 1975 at 2:00 P.r
Clerk Brant read a letter from the Yorkville Community Unit District No. 115 reques-
ing the building permit fee be waived for a Lester Pole Building to house all the
vehicles of the school district. The area will be enclosed by fence. Ald. Ellis move
to waive the building permit fee, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried.
Treasurer's Report-Ald. Wolff moved to accept the Treasurer's report, seconded by K
Ellis, motion carried.
Police Report-Ald. Ellis moved for acceptance, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carrio
Water, Public Works and Street Department Reports-Ald. Wolff moved to accept as
printed these reports, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried.
Ald. Hanback questioned the length of time Mr. Mulhern has to carry out his final
plat at Countryside. Attorney Grant was asked to look up the time limit.
Old Business-Clerk Brant was instructed by Mayor Coleman to open the squad car bids
Kane Ford Sales, Inc. , Boulder Hill Pass, Aurora, Ill.
1975 squad car Ford, Custom 500 1bur door, or Torino four door, delivery date
6 to 8 weeks following notification of bid award (approximately)
Custom $4,665.00 Torino $4,476.00
Jim Detzler Pontiac Inc. , Oswego, Ill.
1975 squad car, Pontiac, Catalina 4 dr. sedan, delivery date approx. 30 days
from order. $4,846.00
Carl's Chevrolet, Yorkville, Ill.
1975 squad car Chevrolet, Belair 4 door, delivery date approx. 10 weeks.
Specs. as requested except: Chrome window trim (not available); electric
window defogger not available-forced air substituted. If Impala 4 door is
desired please add $150.00 to price below. Chrome window trim is standard on
Impala. $4,779.41
Sandwich Ford-Mercury Sales, Inc. , Sandwich, Ill.
1975 Ford LTD 4 dr. Pil. HT equipment listed. Delivery in 30 to 40 days afte:
received order. $4,995.00
Wehling Buick-Pontiac Sales, Sandwich, Ill.
A letter stating they were not interested in bidding.
Ed Fanning, 1252 N. Lake St. , Aurora, Ill.
1975 Chevrolet Bel-Air 4 dr. sedan, equipment listed $4,514.00
Hamilton Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Inc. , Rt. 30, Plainfield, Ill.
1975 Olds, Delta Royale Town Sedan, delivery date 30 days approx., equipment
listed $6,115.00, less discount $1,304.00, net $4,811.00
Valley Pontiac, Inc., 114 S. Lake St., Aurora, Ill.
1975 Pontiac Catalina 4 door sedan, equipment listed
$5,932.80. less auth. discount $11193.80, net $4,739.00
Ald. Wolff moved if it meets with the specifications, we accept the Hamilton Chev:-
Olds.. bid of $4,811.00. Discussion. Ald. Ellis seconded the motion, roll call vote:
Wolff-aye; Hanback-no; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion carried by a 3-1 vote. Bid
referred to the Police Committee.
Ald. Hanback questioned the matter of the ordinance vacating a street that once -.ran
through the Lindblom and Feltz property. Attorney Grant stated it had been taken ca
of and turned over to Mrs. Leifheit.
FORN 601-49 ® U.S.A.
New Business-Blaine Harker asked if now street signs on Fox St. could- be,put-up.v The
Franklin St. signs have never been changed to Fox Street. Discussion on street signs
house numbers and the forth-coming house to house mail delivery. Mayor Coleman direr
Mr. Christian to order street signs for Fox Street and the extension of River St.
that is now Hydraulic.
Committee Reports-Streets & Alleys: Ald. Ellis reported there is a problem of stand-
ing water in Apple Tree Courts and it is being looked at by the City Engineer. He
asked if the alleyway west of the old Post Office had ever been dedicated. Mayor Col
man stated the owners will not relinquish their rights for dedication.
Water: Ald. Wolff set a meeting for January 20th at his home at 8:00 P.M. to discuss
some water problems.
Trees & Parks: Ald. Hanback reported the island is now cleared off and he is hopeful
the state will move it now.
Public Property & Bldgs. : Ald. Simmons reported there are just a few odds and ends t
finish at the Maintenance Bldg. offices and the carpeting should be in next week.
Lights, Telephone & Gas: Ald. Hanback reported street lighting at Morgan and Dolph
has been ordered.
Finance & Audit: Reminder of a meeting set for January 16th at 8:00 P.M. at Ald.
Thanepohn's home for a Police Committee meeting and also finance meeting.
Ald. Ellis moved for adjournment at 9:10 P.M., seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion
Cit Clerk James J. Brant