City Council Minutes 1974 12-19-74 FORM 601-490) U.S.A. DECEMBER 19, 197+ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE ILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON DECEMBER 19, 197+ AT 8:OQ P. Mayor Colemancalled the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. e then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: 1st Ward-Wolff 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis Thanepohn Simmons Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the minutes as printed, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Attorney's Report-Attorney Grant presented an amendment to the dog ordinance. The County Veterinarian requested Section 6 in its entirety be deleted from the ordinanc as it conflicts with the State Statute. Ald. Thanepohn moved to accept the amendment seconded by Ald. Ellis; roll call vote: Ald. Wolff-aye; Ald. Hanback-aye; Ald. Thane . n-aye; Ald. Ellis-aye; Ald. Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously. Attorney Grant stated in his opinion, the city is obligated to maintain Fox Road. Discussion. Mayor's Report-Mayor Coleman appointed Robert P. Yuill to the Library Board. Ald. Simmons moved to accept the appointment of Robert P. Yuill, seconded by Ald. Hanbacl motion passed. Mayor Coleman will write a letter of congratulations to Mr: Milo Himes for 25 years of service to the community in operating the Himes Home for the Elderly. Mayor Coleman read a letter from James B. Clarage & Assoc. in regard to the planning consultant contract for a fee of $1,000 per year, an in- crease of $100 over the past year. A1d.Thanepohn moved to renew the contract with Clarage, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Mayor Coleman read an invitatiox from the Kendall County Bicentennial Commission to a County-wide work shop at the Oswego Jr. High School on January 1'8, 1.975 from 9 to 3. Ald. Ellis and Hanback indi- cated they would try to attend. Old Business-Mr. Leo Anderson, chairman of the Plan Commission, reviewed the Route Corridor Study. Discussion. Mr. George Bell, representing the county, stated this study is to preserve the route as the state requests a study to definitely set up a frontage road and exits and it must be on paper and all set up. Discussion. Ald. E1: moved that the city participate in this study, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carrif Ald. Ellis was excused at 9:00 P.M. New Business Mayor Coleman instructed the Clerk to read the specifications for the garbage bids and then open the bids received. Midwest Disposal Co.,. Inc. 1113 Prairie St., Aurora, Ill. Rate of $3.45 per month for each residence, all garbage will be disposed of at C. 0. Nelson Dump in Plano. Pickups will be Mondays for one side of town and Tuesdays for the other side. Tri-County Rubbish Removal, 1105 W. Park Front, Joliet, Ill. Rate of $2.45 per month for each residence. 2 attachments-1. A letter statil E.P.A. permit numbers, the type of trucks used, and collection day will be Tuesday, first day's collection to be Jan. 7, 1975. 2. A statement from the Pfaff Construction Co., Morris, Ill. advising that Tri-County Rubbish Remove has the right"to use their sanitary land fill. -2- FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. DECEMBER 19f 177 Fox Valley Disposal, 15 5 urora venue e, Aurora, 1 . Rate of $2.23 per month for each residence; 2 attachments-1. A letter from Fox Valley Disposal stating they had satisfactorily provided collection since Oct. 1, 1966, with no interruption in service due to weather or equipment breakdown. 2. A letter of disposal authorization from Midway Landfill Inc., Batavia, Ill. Foschi Disposal, 808 S. Joliet St., Joliet, Ill. Rate of $2.10 per month for each residence Acorn Dislfsal Service, P. 0. Box 421, Geneva, Ill. Rate of $3.10 per month for each residence. The C.O. Nelson landfill will be u for disposal of all refuse. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the bid of Fox Valley Disposal for $2.23, Ald. Thanepohn seconded the motion. Discussion. It was pointed out that the Foschi Disposal bid di not meet the specifications by not stating what landfill was to be used. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-not present; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously, with bid going to Fox Valley Disposal. Committee Reports: Streets & Alleys-Ald. Wolff stated he is against selling the 1961 truck as it serves as a good stand-by truck and the matter was tabled until next moi Police-Ald. Thanepohn stated there will be a police and finance meeting at his home Jan. 16th at 8:00 P.M. Bids had been sent out for a new squad car. Trees & Parks-Ald. Hanback reported the committee is still in discussion with the School Board on the ball parks. He reported the island is pretty well cleaned off. Mr. McNelis has had a stroke and he wishes him well. Public Property-Ald. Simmons reported the offices in the Maintenance Bldg. are goin4 well and everyone should take a look at them. Lights, Telephone & Gas-Ald. Hanback stated the city hall phone has been changed ovi to 553-7809. Liquor Commissioner-Mayor Coleman gave permission to holders of Class A liquor licei to remain open until 2 A.M. on December 31, 1974, (New YeaA Eve) Building & Zoning-Ald. Simmons reported Supt. Madden has his registration for class( at the University of Wisconsin. Fire inspections are being made. Ald. Wolff requested an executive session to discuss Yorkville Bristol sanitary pro- blems. Blaine Harker thanked everyone for all their cooperation. It was pointed of to the council that there was no provision for a closed meeting to discuss sanitary problems. Ald. Wolff stated the Sanitary Board is concerned with the amount of storm water that is seeping into the sanitary sewer system and will take some action to the E.P.A. if the city does not do something about the matter. It was pointed oui that the city has applied for a grant to take care of this problem and there was not much the city could do until they heard from the grant. Ald. Wolff will contact Mr. Anderson. Ald. Simmons stated the Subdivision Control Ordinance is out of date and would like to get started on up-dating it. Ald. Simmons moved that we allow the Planner to star work and to apply for a federal grant, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Ald. Simmons moved to adjourn at 9:50 P.M., seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. J S J. Br, CITY CLERK JJB/njb NOVEMBER 1974 GENERAL FL. Commonwealth Edison Co.-Park$9.84, Mait.Bldg.$9.48, P.D.$1.84 21.16 Northern Ill. Gas Co.-Park$51.94, P.D.$20.43, Library$62.79,CityHall$18.98 154.14 Ill. Bell Tel.Co.-Treas.$0.68, Supt.P.W.$1.53, P.D.$57.13,City Hall$49.37, 108.71 G. William Moore- 1973 Audit 1,640.00 Markelz Office Products-Inv.#73595, link mat, Inv.#53041,clear pockets 29.26 Anderson & Bushnell- Inv.#61489, Xerox Paper, City Clerk 28.20 Municipal Clerks of Ill.- Dues 1975, Paid 10.00 Norma Fisher- Census emunerator, Paid 85.60 Kris Millen - it it " 95.80 Evelyn Olson- it it of 33-72 Charolotte Trout-" to to 62.68 Chester Vail- it it of 61.12 Xerox Corp.- Inv.#o26452436, Copeis 41.99 Kendall County Record- Printing ordinance & notices 76.40 Erickson Tool & Mfg. Co.- Inv.#5659, Blueprints & Drawing paper 17.00 Elden E. Madden- Mileage, Nov.1974 63.30 Central Limestone Co.- Rock 42.88 Bender's Inc.- Inv.#000235, Employees uniforms, St. Dept. 250.21 Yorkville Auto Parts- St. Dept. Inv.#A3879,14-903 Bk$28.82 92.10 Rice's Service- Tube & tire labor,tractor 9.00 W.S. Darley & co.- Clothes ,Inv.#5019, St. Dept. 173.14 Fred Wayne- Hauling salt 65.42 Kendall Outdoor Equipment-labor & parts 80.90 Farmers' Elevator Co.-Oper. Suppl. , St.Dept. 41.69 Southtown Oil Co.-Repair tractor 2.50 Rich's Union 76- Gas, P.D.$549.02, St. Dept.$123.19 672.21 Bob's Service- Towing & battery 54.74 Ill. Law Enforcement- Officers Law Bulletin- 7 Subscriptions@10.50 73.50 Markelz Office Products- Inv.#73625,45138,734700ffice suppl 10.29 Ray O'Herron Co.,Inc.- Inv.#23605, Targets 12.86 B.F.Goodrich Store- Adjustment of tires 40.00 Al-Hub Electric Supply- Flor. lights 14.88 Alvin P. Spera- Trng. Mat'l. 30.00 Wifred W. Prickett- Trng. , Child Abuse Workshop 6.00 Robert W. Prickett- Repair radio 18.05 Hamilton Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Inc.-Tune-Up& service,Inv#19471,19567 122.60 A & M Construction Co.- §idewalks, United Methodist Church,Paid 50% 856.00 WATER FUND $5097.99 Commonwealth Edison Co.- Water Tower$3.84,Pumping$0.83, 4.67 Northern Ill. Gas Co.-Pump House$24.97,Pump House$10.28 35.25 Illinois Bell Tel. Co.-Pumphouse 13.48 The Bank of Yorkville- Deposit; Depr. & Contg. Acct. 150.00 The National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Dep. Bond & Int. Acct. 150.00 " of if of of it to Bond & Int. Res. Acct. 170.00 Elden E. Madden- Trng. Mat'l. , Water treatmentI 8.40 Marilyn J. Merkel- Postage 23.00 Kendall County Record- Print water ordinance 204.80 Illinois Supply Co.-Inv.#69923, Plastic & tools 32.32 Crawford, Murphy, & Tilly, Inc.- Inv.#9212constr.guidance$38.41,Inv.#9213,Prem.studies for developement of well$445.32 483.73` Producers Chemical Co.-Inv.#38722, Chlorine &cylinders 209.00 E & H Utility Sales, Inc.-Inv#14716, 45 0swivels 102.08 $1,586.73 REVENUE SHARING ACCT. Illinois Supply Co.-Inv.#69245,69273; Pumping Suppl.,Maint.Bldg. 144.76 Scott Wood & Metal, Inc.-Iuv.#116585,116778 Pipe & fittings, Maint. Bldg. 97.97 W.W. Grainger, Inc.- Tools, Inv.#144 607683, Maint-Bldg. 117.95 Riemenschneider Electric - Labor & Mat'l. for lighting, Maint. Bldg. 775.04 $1,135.72 MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION OF VARIANCE DECEMBER 5, 197+ Mayor Robert Coleman called the hearing to order at 7:30 P.M. and directed City Clerk James Brant to read the petition of variation. This petition of Glenn 0. Gabel asked for a specific variation with the terms of the Yorkville Zoning and Building Ordinance to allow construction of a building with a minimum set-back of 20 feet which is the same as the adjoining building. under the existing B-3 Classification of the following described property: West half of Lot 2 in Block 8 of Black's Addition and Lot 3 in Block 8 in the East 15 feet of Lot 1 in Block 9 in Black's Addition aforesaid extending from the North line of Hydraulic Ave. to the Fox River in the Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois. There being no objectors the hearing was closed. 1�ti1' - JAMES J. BRANT, CITY CLERK JJB/njb