City Council Minutes 1974 12-05-74 FORM 601-48 ® U.S.A.
DECEMBER 5., 1�4
ayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
e then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
dermen were present:
1st Ward-Wolff 2nd Ward Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis
Thanepohn-absent Simmons
yor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read
he minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Ellis moved for acceptance of the minutes unlei
here were corrections, Ald. Wolff seconded the motion. There being no corrections,
he motion carried. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills. Clerk Brant
rought to the attention of the council the telephone bill for City Hall. He stated
that phone had been changed from the police number and since there were no eoncessioi
hones left, it was put in as a business'private line. This will be more costly each
onth, therefore, he suggested having an extension of either the Clerk or the City
ecretary's phone put in at City Hall. Discussion. Mayor Coleman directed the Tele-
hone Committee to have the telephone changed to an extension of the City Secretary',
umber, 553-7809. Mayor Coleman questioned the first 2 bills under Revenue Sharing.
lerk Brant reported they were plumbing supplies for the Maintenance Building. Ald.
Ellis moved to accept the bills for payment, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carrie,
ttorne 's Report-Mayor Coleman read a letter from Dean Thanepohn, President of the
chool Board, in regard to the city adopting a Local Enabling Ordinance. Attorney
rant read the ordinance. Ald. Ellis moved to accept this ordinance, seconded by Ald
anback, roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion
passed unanimously. Ald. Ellis suggested a note be sent to the School Board informin,
hem the ordinance was passed and a copy must be sent to the Assessor with a certifi.
ation. Attorney Grant had prepared a letter for the Library's use in regard to
he return of overdue books. He had received a letter from-,Attorney General Scott'
ffice stating that office did not have the authority to give an opinion on the Fox
Road situation. Attorney Grant will do some research on the statutes and report back
at the next meeting.
4ayor's Report-Mayor Coleman had received the resignation of James Mauser effective
ovember 15, 1974. Ald. Ellis moved to accept this resignation, seconded by Ald. Sim
ons, motion carried. Mayor Coleman read a copy of a letter from the Illinois
apartment of Transportation stating they could not at this time give a specific
Location of the Yorkville By-Pass of Route 47. Mayor Coleman appointed Milford
elson to the Street and Water Department at the salary of $700.00 per month ef-
ective December 1, 1974, and he shall have all benefits as provided by the Personne
olicy adopted May 11, 1972. Ald. Wolff moved to accept this appointment, seconded
y Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Illinoi
ommerce Commission requesting the Police Dept. to continue to clock the trains goin
through Yorkville.
lerk's Re part-Clerk Brant reported the City Stickers had been received and would go
n sale at the City Secretary's Office immediately. The stickers this year have a
icture of the George Walter's home on Ridge St. and sticker no. 0 will be forwarded
to Mr. Walters. Clerk Brant read a copy of a letter to the Sanitary District
FORw 601-49® U.S.A. DECEMBER 5 1974
from the Division of Water Pollution Control Grants Administration and Tax Certifica
ion Section stating State Sewage Works Construction Grant partial payment request
is being processed. Clerk Brant presented an annual premium installment in-
voice for renewal of Policy #GP 1778 Directors & Officers Liability with Internation
al Surplus Lines Insurance Co. Ald. Simmons moved to approve payment of this premiva
seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried. Clerk Brant reported the IMRF employ
contribution rate for 1975 has been reduced from 13.73 to 11.69%.
Treasurer's Report-It-was pointed out the shopping center is doing a good deal for t
city in bringing in more sales tax money. Mrs. Merkel had prepared a comparison of
ales tax receipts for 1973 and 1974. January thru November, 1973 receipts were
7,288.51. For the same period in 1974, the receipts were $120,737.52, making an
ncrease of $33,449.01. Ald. Ellis moved to accept the Treasurer's Report, secondee
y Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
olice Report-Ald. Wolff moved to accept the Police Report, seconded by Ald. Ellis,
otion carried.
eneral Su erintendent Re ort-Ald. Wolff added to the report as of December 10th, tr
ater is going to be shut off on all delinquent accounts of at least two quarters.
d. Ellis moved for acceptance of this report, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carri
lan Commission Report-11.01 Rt. 34-Corridor Study; It was stated two-thirds of the
ding would possibly be funded from federal grants and the remaining one-third frc
ity coffers. Total package price for Yorkville is $2,700 from which $1,000 would bE
aid to our city planners. Phase I which will cost $1,181.25 pertains to mapping anc
btaining interpretive background data. Funding for this phase has been approved by
ederal grant so the actual cost to the city will be $393.75 and federal funds will
ccount for the remaining $787.50. Funding for Phase II which deals with the actual
lanning of Rt. 34 may be approved in April. Funding would be two-thirds by federal
ant and one-third by the city, if approved. It was moved and seconded the Plan Con
mission indicate to the city council that we participate in the Rt. 34 Corridor Stuc
11.02 Rt. 47 By-Pass; Illinois Department of Transportation stated the matter had
een Leferred to the District Engineer, I11. Division of Highways, Ottawa and was
abled for further study. 11.03 Yorkville Congregational Church; It was stated the
ongregation needs an additi6n equal to the building they now have and they voted
ast year to stay at their present location. They have several problem areas to dis-
uss before actual plans can be drawn up. 1. They would not be able to meet the zon-
ng ordinance for a side yard of 30 ft. as there would only be a 17 ft. side yard.
They do not have a full 2 acres so they would exceed the ground coverage require-
ent. 3. They would not be able to meet the parking requirements. Senior CitizeY
ousing in Kendall County: Countryside Center is being considered for the location
f a senior citizen housing unit. They stated it now looks financially feasible to
wild with the use of federal money and thit if these units were constructed no re-
ident would have to pay more than 25% of his total income for rent. Countryside woi
e an excellent location for senior citizen housing because the federal government
ants these housing units located next to developed areas because of transportation
roblems, also cultural activities now occur at Countryside. 50 units are being
lanned for each Yorkville and Plano. They would have to determine what land is beii
onsidered before further discussion could occur. 11.04 December meeting date: Mot:
as made that unless the city council referred business to them, there would be no
eeting in December. Routing sheet for Petitioners: Some members felt that peti-
ioners were not always knowledgeable of procedures to follow when dealing with the
FORN 601-49 ® U.S.R. -� DECEMBER 5. 1974
the city council, planning commission and building and zoning board of appeals. By
motion we recommend to the city council that our city planner be employed to prepare
a routing sheet to be given to each petitioner indicated procedures to be followed
hen presenting a petition to the city council, planning commission and building
and zoning board of appeals.
Chief Prickett had asked Clerk Brant if the two investigators working here in York-
ville could be covered by the city's health insurance program as they are not covere
y any health insurance. Discussion. The council would like to know more about this
situation. Clerk Brant was directed to check with the Traveler's agent and report al
the next meeting.
Ald. Ellis referred to the last paragraph of the Plan Commission report on routing
procedures for petitioners. Discussion. Mayor Coleman recommended Mr. Madden draw ul
his information rather than the planner and have copies available at the City Sec-
retary's office.
Old Business: Glenn 'Gabel's Petition for variance- Mayor Coleman reported a public
caring was held at 7:30 P.M. this date and asked the Clerk to read the petition. Al
he hearing there were no objectors. Ald. Ellis moved to allow the variance, second(
by Ald. Wolff, roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, moti(
asked unanimously. Mayor Coleman asked for consideration of the Rt. 34
corridor study. Discussion. Ald. Wolff moved to table this matter and have a Plan
Commission member and someone from Clarage's office come to the next meeting and giz
heir reasons for wanting this. Seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried.
New Business: Petition of Mr. Tom Curnes to have the property rezoned from B-2 to K
united manufacturing district; this property being located at the corner of Orange
t. and Rt. 47, the Al Hub Electric Supply building. Ald. Ellis moved to refer this
o the Plan Commission for the January meeting. Seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carr-
Jerk will forward this to the Plan Commission. Mr. Curnes will get 10 copies to tho
lerk for the Plan Commission's use.
ids for the Squad Car were opened by Clerk Br . Ald. Hanback questioned why there
were only three bids sent out. Ald. Thanepohn/ ld Mayor Coleman he takes all respoi
ibility in stating only three compan;:es to receive bids. Discussion.
Hamilton Olds, Plainfield; 1975 Delta Royale Town Sedan, per attached specificatioi
with 30 day delivery $4,825.00. Note all taxes deducted in advance.
Kogos Buick, Aurora 1975 Buick LaSabre, 4 dr. sedan $5,409.15 plus state tax.
Jim Detzler, Oswego 1975 Pontiac Catalina, 4 dr. sedan per specifications, 30 days
elivery $4,846.00. Ald. Wolff moved to accept Hamilton Olds bid. Discussion
n the fact that only three bids were sent out and only considered Olds, Pontiac
d Buick cars. Ald. Wolff withdrew his motion. Ald. Hanback moved to reject all
ids, Ald. Simmons seconded. Discussion. Aldermen Simmons, Hanback and Ellis voted
ye and Ald. Wolff voting nay. Bids were rejected and should be submitted to any caa
Baler that can meet these specifications. The Police Committee will Xt the Clerk a
list of who should receive the bid, and should be in by the first meeting next montl
yor Coleman directed the Clerk to open the heating and air-conditioning bids for
he Maintenance Bldg. Ald. Simmons asked Clerk Brant if there was a bid received la�
d he said there was one received after the deadline. Ald. Simmons moved to reject
he late bid as it did not meet the requirements, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion
arried. Lee Martin, Yorkville, York system $2,532.00; Schneiders, Yorkville, Yor]
quipment $2,398.00; Artlip & Sons, Aurora $2,380.00. Ald. Hanback moved to accept
FORM 601-49® U.S.A. DECEMBER 5. 1974
Schneider bid for $2,398.00, seconded by Ald. Simmons, roll call vote: Wolff-aye;
Hanback-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously.
Lee Hill, representing the Bicentenial Committee, asked the council if they would go
long with other cities in the county on a special 1976 city sticker. Possibly a
student contest to design the stickers will be held but as yet nothing definite has
even planned. Ald. Ellis moved that we cooperate with the Bicentenial Committee on
their plans for 1976 city stickers, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried.
d. Ellis moved that we direct the Mayor to send a letter to Anthony Dean, the dire,
r of the Dept. of Conservation, objecting to the closing of the Game Farm Zoo and
Silver Springs Outdoor Education Center and the attorney draw up a resolution to thi
effect, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried.
ommittee Reports: Streets and Alleys: Ald. Ellis had received a bill for removing
ld cement from a sidewalk and asked about the sidewalk procedure. He will have Mr.
dden check into this. He also asked the council to consider selling the 1966 Ford
ater: Mr. Anderson, city engineer, reported specifications will be ready for the nex
ouncil meeting on the water main in the east alley.
ealth & Sanitation: Ald. Ellis reported the garbage bids are due in at the next mee
ng. He had sent them to 18 firms.
olice & Fire: Mayor Coleman reported there is a Police School being held at the Ill
nstitute of Technology on juvenile matters. Tuition is $19.50 for each Officer Ran-
all and Office Reuter. Mayor Coleman also stated $300 needed to be sent to the
ounty Treasurer for the services of the two new investigators working in town.
ees & Parks: Ald. Hanback reported this committee is working with the School Board
n more ball fields. Mayor Coleman reported he had given the Jaycees permission to
rect a Seasons Greetings sign north of the memorial in the park.
ewers: Ald. Wolff reported a letter had been received from the Dept. of Agriculture
tating we are not eligible for a grant and Mr. Anderson has sent another letter to
hem. Mr. Anderson said he had received a call this date informing him we are still
eing considered.
blic Property & Bldgs. : Ald. Simmons reported the shed is up at the P.D. A recom-
endation of the committee is to ask to go ahead and get some bids for carpeting for
he main office of the maintenance bldg. when the time comes they are ready for it.
'ghts & Telephone & Gas: Ald. Hanback said he would get the phone switched at city
all to the secretary's number.
'lding & Zoning: Ald. Simmons reported there is a course at the University of Wisc
at Mr. Madden would like to attend on building, housing and building inspections.
ourse runs from Jan. 6th through the 17th, with tuition of $300. Ald. Simmons said
t should cost no more than $550. Ald. Simmons moved that Mr. Madden be allowed to
ttend this course, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
Ald. Wolff moved for adjournment at 9:50 P.M., seconded by Ald. Ellis,motion carried