City Council Minutes 1974 10-24-74 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. OCTOBER 24, 1974 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND AT.TJFRM M OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON OCTOBER 24, 1974 AT 8:00 PM. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: 1st Ward-Wolff 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis Thanepohn Simmons Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the minutes as printed, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. Attorney's Report: Attorney Grant presented a. resolution establishing the United Cj of the Village of Yorkville Economic Development Commission. Ald. Ellis moved for acceptance of this resolution, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried. Ald. Ellis recommended someone representing the school district or the superintendent be place( on this commission. Mayor Coleman asked each alderman for names of possible members on this commission. Attorney Grant did not have the ordinance ready for amendir4 the parking ordinance for towing away violators cars because he needs help in namir4 the streets pertaining to this amendment. Discussion and he was asked to make it a blanket ordinance and have it at the next meeting. Attorney Grant reported he had checked into an ordinance controlling the speed of trains through town and no municipality can regulate such speed. Discussion. Ald. Thanepohn moved we petition the Interstate Commerce Commission to require reduction of speed through Yorkville until such time as the tracks are put in proper condition and that complaint is als( registered that the speed of trains is in excess of the speed limit, seconded by Al( Wolff, motion carried. Mayor's Report: Mayor Coleman asked the council for a resolution regulating hours f4 the children out on Halloween night. Discussion. Attorney Grant was asked to write up a resolution at this meeting. Mayor Coleman asked that a resolution be pre- pared allowing senior citizens to purchase city vehicle stickers at a cost of 50¢. Ald. Ellis moved to give senior citizens (age 65 or over) city vehicle stickers for 50¢, allowing only one car-e at this reduced price. It was noted this would be an amendment to the city ordinance. Mayor Coleman appointed Jim Kenton to the Plan Commission. Mr. Kenton resides in Countryside Center and is manager of Globe Lumber Co. Ald. Simmons moved to accept this appointment, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried. Plan Commission report was read by Clerk Brant. 10.01 Illinois Route 47 By-Pass Stu A letter requesting a Yeview by the state of the city's plan for the proposed by-pa had been sent to the Illinois Transportation Department by Clarage and Associates. It was decided to wait for the state's response to give the commission direction fo: further study. 10.02 U. S, Route 34 Corridor Study It was recommended complete cooperation with the other cities involved and the county. A letter giving recommen ations to the city council was then dictated and attached to the minutes. 10.03 Gabel and Pottinger, Petitioners. A Revised Plan for an Apartment Building on West Hydraulic Avenue, Yorkville. Mr. Gabel presented a revised plan, asking to retain t'. 13-3 zoziing but with a variance to allow the building to have the same setback from street as the existing building. It was moved to leave the B-3 zoning but with an ception to the variance to allow for a matbhing permanent set-back with the existin, building. Plans should indicate asphalt drive and parking, and green area at the fr, -2- FORM 601-490 U.S.A. OCTOBER24. 1974 of both buildings, and the garbage is to be placed .at the rear, motion carried. Clerk Brant read a letter from Leo Anderson, chairman of the Plan Commission in regard to the U.S. Route 34 Corridor Study, stating there is a need for this study and recommends complete cooperation with the other cities involved and the county. They suggest corresponding with the other cities and county indicating somewhat the above as they were interested in a thirty day response. Mayor Coleman read the resolution written by Attorney Grant on the hours for obser- vance of Halloween and trick or treat festivities be limited to/ee ffourrsgof 5:00 PJ and 8400 PM on the 31st of October, 1974. Ald. Wolff moved to accept this resolutiol seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Old Business: Ald. Wolff presented a new water ordinance, which increased the con- nection fee to $250.00, and included the following paragraph: "If, at the request o: and for the convenience of the owner of a premises containing more than one custome: water is furnished to said premises through a single meter for the purpose of re- distribution to the several customers, the charges set forth for a service for a 5A meter shall be multiplied by the number of customers served and the product therefri shall be the water service connection charge." The ordinance is the same as the old one except for the above listed changes. Ald. Wolff moved to accept this new ordin., seconded by Ald. Hanback, roll call vote: Ald. Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-ayi Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman directed Clerk Brant to open the truck bids. Ed Fanning, Aurora, 1975 pick-up truck, 5 weeks delivery $3,427.00; Kane Ford, Aurora, 1975 pick-up truck, 30-45 days delivery $3,492.15; alternate bids of G78x15 8 ply (D) with M&S rear les: $6.47 $3,446.68 - W G78x15 (B) M&S rear less $81.52 $3,411.63. Carl's Chevrolet, Yorkville, 1975 pick-up truck, 6 weeks delivery, $3,435.61; Farnsworth Ford, Auroi 1975 pick-up truck, 30 days or sooner (in stock) $3,553.56; Hamilton Chevrolet- Oldsmobile, Plainfield, 1975 pick-up truck, 30-40days delivery, $3,423.00. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the Carl's Chevrolet bid, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, roll ca: vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-abstain; Thanepohn- aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion pa; ed with 4 ayes and 1 abstaining. Ald. Ellis stated the matter of hi3 ing another man for the street and water dept. had been discussed in a committee meeting. Ald. Hanback questioned the need of another employee. Ald. Ellis moved to hire another man to work in the Public Works Department, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, discussion, motion carried. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to opi the bids on the Maintenance Building office space. Leifheit Construction, Yorkville $4,625.73, add $290.00 if office #1 is to be paneled. Steve Halmagyi, Yorkville $39909.70 plus $82.00 in options. M & W Construction Co, Oswego $3,500.00 with paneling $3,760.00 completed by November 30th assuming no delay with electrical & eating contractors. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the bid from M & W Construction Co, for $3,760.00, seconded by Ald. Simmons, roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye., motion passed unanimously. New Business: Ald. Ellis suggested changing meeting dates for November and December because of the holidays falling close to council meetings. Ald. Wolff moved meeting, be held November 14th, December 5th and December 19th, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. Ald. Ellis asked the council to consider a change in opening ids at meetings. He would like to see the bids opened at an open committee meeting before the council meeting and if a study of the bids is necessary, there would be time before presenting them Discussion. -3- )' FORM 601-49 U.S.A. OCTOBER 24, 1974 Committee Reports: Health and Sanitation: Ald. Ellis presented copies of a proposa: for bidding for garbage removal for the city. Discussion. Police: Ald. Thanepohn reported there will be a meeting Oct. 30th at the P.D. on th dog ordinance. There will be a meeting at Ald. Wolff's Oct. 29th at 8:OOPM and ead alderman was asked to ride his ward looking for junk violations, trash, junk cars, auto repair in yards, etc. to get all we can together and we will make an effort to clean house. Lights, Telephone & Gas: Ald. Hanback reported the light for behind the library has been ordered and a dedication of the alley should be drawn up. Liquor Commission: Mayor Coleman reported the liquor licenses have been made out an are available at the City Secretary's office. Building & Zoning: Ald. Simmons stated the problems of landscaping at duplexes and other new buildings can only be taken care of by recommending that it be done, Dis- cussion. Ald. Hanback asked the council to think about the number of units in each apartment building to be built in the future as he feels we should keep the city in the country atmosphere it has now and not large apartment complexes. Finance & Audit: Ald. Thanepohn reported $95;000 had been transferred to Certifieat of Deposits. Also reported the insurance review is in motion with a view at bidding on January 1st. Library: Ald. Simmons reported the library has been awarded an All-Star Library awa with Mrs. Thomas accepting the award in Springfield this week-end. Ald. Wolff suggested everyone drive through Blaine Harker Subdivision as curbing and other improvements have been done and commended Mr. Harker on a fine developmen which is an asset to Yorkville. Ald. Thanepohn reminded the council the Illinois Municipal League Conference is being held tomorrow, Sat. and Sunday. Mayor Coleman said the census has been started and hope to be done by Monday. The city fell short of obtaining enough people to take the census so out of town ex- perienced people were hired and the city must pay their mileage. Ald. Wolff moved the meeting be adjourned at 10:00 PM, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. G", J. , CITY CLERK JJB/njb