City Council Minutes 1974 10-10-74 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A.
OCTOBER 10, 1974
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
Aldermen were present:
1st Ward-Wolff 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis
Thanepohn Simmons
Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read
the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Ellis moved to accept the minutes as printed
unless there were corrections to be made. There being no corrections, Ald. Wolff
seconded the motion, motion carried. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to present
the bills. Ald. Hanback questioned the bill of W. W. Grainger, Inc. for $1,000 for
generator and drill as to whether or not it comes out of the $2,000 allotted for toe
Ald. Wolff stated it did. Supt. Madden stated this bill was higher than the price it
the catalog and he will check on this before payment is made. Ald. Hanback questione
the bill of Matt Walton Sewer Construction Co. for installing fire hydrant in Countr
side Subdivision. Clerk Brant stated the bill was dated April 26, 1974, with no loca
tion stated as to where in Countryside this was installed. Discussion as to whether
or not this is the city's responsibility. Mayor Coleman asked this bill be held unti
clarified where it is located and who authorized it. Ald. Hanback asked Clerk Brant
whether or not he had received an itemized statement from Bob's Service since nothin
was listed on the bills. Clerk Brant stated there was no itemized bill. Ald. Ellis
suggested holding this bill until we know what we are paying for. A discussion was
held on receipt of the bills. It was suggested each department have a rubber stamp
made stating the bills be mailed directly to each department head. Mayor Coleman ask
if the Communications Technicians & Consuants bill completed the radio system. Chi
Prickett stated the conversion.,is done but still some work yet to be completed. Ald.
Ellis questioned the bill from Yorkvill"uto Parts; Ald. Wolff stated this was for
hand tools. Ald. Hanback questioned the bill of Aurora Blacktop should be paid out o
MFT funds and Clerk Brant stated it could not come out of that fund because bids wer
not let for the work. Ald. Wolff moved to pay all the bills with the exception of
the three bills listed above (W. W. Grainger, Inc. , Matt Walton Sewer Construction
Co. and Bob's Service), seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried.
Attorney's Report-Attorney Grant presented an Ordinance Concerning Dogs. Ald. Thane-
pohn will look it over and come back to it for passage. Attorney Grant then present
an ordinance for a use tax on any item of tangible personal property which is purcha
outside Illinois at retail from a retailer, and which is titled or registered with a
agency of Illinois government. The tax shall be at a rate of 1% of the selling price
Ald. Ellis moved for acceptance, seconded by Ald. Wolff, roll call vote: Wolff-aye;
anback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously.
Mayor's Report-Mayor Coleman read a letter from CM & T in regard to the well located
on the old Ivan Anderson farm (where the Pizza Hut is located). It has only a 5"
diameter and therefore, is not suitable for use by the city. Mayor Coleman had
been contacted by Mrs. Howell.from the Dept. of Public Aid office in regard to placi.
a person in a city office who is on Public Aid at no cost to the employer. This is
through the Operation Mainstream Program. The Mayor thought possibly someone could
be used in the City Secretary's office part-time. Discussion. Mayor Coleman will
continue to investigate this possibility. He read a letter from the EPA stating
FORM 601-49® U.S.A. OCTOBER 10, 1974
laboratory reports would be discontinued. Supt. Madden reported $4,050.83 would be
the amount the city would receive for the storm damage clean-up. Mayor Coleman
suggested hiring another man for the Street Dept. He pointed out we have lost a
driver of a snow plow or truck because of an illness. Ald. Wolff moved to have a
committee meeting to discuss this, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Meeting
set for 7:00 P.M. October 24th at City Hall. Two people are still needed for
the census taking.
City Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant reported he had contacted Hamilton Chev-Olds in rege
to the tires on the truck bid but had not heard from them as the salesman had had a
death in the family. Discussion on whether or not to go ahead with acceptance of thi
bid or accept another or rebid altogether. Ald. Wolff moved to accept Carl's bid.
Discussion again. Ald. Wolff withdrew his motion. Ald. Ellis moved that we continue
to accept Hamilton Chev-Olds. bid providing he meets the specifications without
raising his bid; if he does, then go to the second lowest bid, seconded by Ald. Wolff
Discussion. Roll call vote: Wolff-nave; Hanback-abstain; Thanepohn-naye; Ellis-naye;
Simmons-nave, motion did not pass. Ald. Ellis moved to reject all bids and rebid fol
the vehicle with the specifications originally stated, seconded by Ald. Simmons,
motion carried. Clerk Brant presented a questionnaire from Clean Sweep; Ald.
Thanepohn recommended it go to the Street Committee. Clerk Brant had received a
notice of training classes from the U. of I. for November 11 through November 16th,
This was referred to the Streets Committee.
Treasurer's Report Ald. Wolff moved to accept this report, seconded by Ald. Thanepol
motion carried.
Police Report-Ald. Wolff moved to accept this report, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn,
motion carried.
General Superintendent of Public Works Report-Ald. Wolff moved to accept this repor'
seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Ald. Wolff stated all should go look at the
map that is being made up.
Ald. Thanepohn stated the dog ordinance fits all of the intent. Ald. Wolff moved to
accept the ordinance concerning dogs, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn. Roll call vote:
Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unan-
Old Business-Ald. Wolff presented a grant of easement for the signature of Walter
Karkow. Ald. Simmons will get the grant signed. Discussion on the council's pro-
cedure of tabling matters and apartment complex developments. Ald. Thanepohn asked
the council to slow down on passing developments so each one can fully study all
the phases of it. Ald. Wolff moved that the water committee get a rough draft
of an ordinance for presentation at the next meeting, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn,
motion carried.
New Business-Ald. Thanepohn reported on a meeting he attended in regard to establis
ing an Economic Development Commission for Yorkville. Ald. Thanepohn moved to have
the City Attorney draw up a resolution establishing the United City of the Village
of Yorkville, Illinois Economic Development Commission, seconded by Ald. Ellis,
motion carried. Discussion on petitioning the Sanitary Board that one of the trus
be the Mayor of Yorkville. Ald. Thanepohn moved that we petition the Kendall County
FORM 60:-49 ® U.S.A. OCTOBER 10, 197+
Board that one of the Sanitary Board Trustees be the Mayor of Yorkville, seconded by
Ald. Wolff, roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Sim-
mons-aye, motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports-Streets & Alleys: Ald. Hanback questioned why W. Hydraulic St.
had not been resurfaced. Supt. Madden stated no one has been pushed to finish it.
Millen and Harker have put on the first two coats and it is up to Loftus to put the
finish coat on.
Police & Fire: Ald. Thanepohn reported there is a constant parking problem on W.
River St. in front of the Kissel apartments and would like to amend the ordinance
on parking that violators' cars will be towed away. Attorney Grant will look into thi
matter. Ald. Thanepohn recommended a No Parking sign be posted in the alley that goi
into the Library parking lot. Discussion.. Madden will put up a sign... Ald.
Thanepohn reported a check had been taken on the speed of trains coming through town
at different times and they are travelling at an unsafe speed, sometimes going 40
miles an hour across Rt. 47. Ald. Thanepohn moved an ordinance be drawn up that tra:
should not exceed 15 to 20 miles an hour through the city, seconded by Ald. Wolff,
motion carried. A Police Committee meeting was set for Oct. 29th 8:00 City Hall.
Ald. Thanepohn asked the Press to give the city some help on the dog ordinance aski:
voluntary compliance to the ordinance would be much better than hauling dogs to the
dog pound.
Future Planning: Ald. Simmons reported he had talked with Postmaster Crawford about
the mail delivery and Mr. Crawford and his boss from Chicago are going to meet on
Monday to go over this. He did state to Ald. Simmons it would only cover one side o
the street. Ald. Simmons said they told us it would be on both sides of the street
and asked that the Mayor write a letter objecting to delivery on just one side of
the street. Ald. Simmons has the specifications ready for office space at the main-
tenance building.
Lights, Telephone & Gas: Ald. Hanback reported lighting of,the Library parking lot
will be taken care of as soon as it is determined whether the alley is a private
driveway or not. Supt. Madden researched the street lighting in Countryside and eve
homeowner is to put in a yard light 5' back of the sidewalk in front of their homes
and this is all that was to be done. He feels that when the entire area is built up
this should be sufficient lighting. The center boulevard street lighting is to be p
in by the city.
Building & Zoning: Ald. Hanback asked if something could not be done to get apartme
builders to complete their buildings before anyone moves in that no landscaping is
done or walks. Supt. Madden stated something is being done to get this situation
taken care of.
Finance & Audit: Ald. Thanepohn stated transferring funds to certificate of deposit
will be done in the next few days.
Ald. Simmons moved to adjourn to executive session at 10:25 P.M. , seconded by Ald.
Ellis, motion carried.
City Cler
Commonwealth E"son Co.-P.D. $7.97, St. Lighting$589.61, Park$16.31,Maint.Bldg.$4.19 618.08
Northern Ill. Gas Co.-Libr ry$9.11,City Hall$3.23, P.D.$4.63,Park$43.91 60.88
Ill. Bell Tel. Co.-Treas.0.76, POliee Chief$o.o2, Clerk$1.8o, P.D.$18.50, 23.08
Keith & Ray Flatwork- Sidewalks, library 752.00
The Country Companies Ins.- Truck $27.53, Comprehensive & Workmans Comp.$2,574.00 2,601.53
Vernon & Sons- dog tags, Inv.#5142 19.62
Betty Huston, Sec'y Plan Comm.- Secretarial service & expenses 68.25
Clean Sweep, Inc.- street sweeping, Sept. 60.00
Kendall County Record- Printing ordinance & notice, ledger sheets 41.40
Fox Valley Disposal Co.- Disposal service, Sept. 1,773.76
Anderson & Bushnell- Drafting Suppl. 5.67
Crawford, Murphy, & Tilly, Inc.-Invest. storm sewer$66.0o, 66.00
Yorkville Hardware-Oiler. Suppl. for Bldg. Insp. 8.46
Yorkville Hardware- Trash bags & tools, St. dept. 26.37
Fox Paving, Inc.- Cold mix 84.00
Aurora Blakktop, Inc.- Adj. manholes, gas valves, prime & surface street 3,220.00
R.J. Vargo Electronics- Repair portable radio, St. Dept. 59.06
Mississippi Valley Structural Steel- Channel iron Inv.#30192 103.48
Fox Valley Sewer Service-Labor & Equip. to open sewer 145.00
Central Limestone Co.- Rock 40.16
Hathorn Inspection Station- 2 truck insp. 11.29
Yorkville Auto Parts- Chamois & fuses, P.D.$58.86, 4 new britain, St. Dept.$421.76 487.71
Rich's Unoin 76- Gas, st. dept.$86.31, P.D.$455.74 542.05
W.W. Grainger, Inc.-Generator & drill Inv.#144-603768 1,000.26
Martin's Sheet Metal- Install downspout, P.D. 52.50
Maleor Roofing Co.- Repair roof, P.D. 203.00
Countryside Hardware- Oper. Suppl.P.D.$1.60, Spade, St. Dept.$14,65 14.63
Bob's Service- 20.09
Badger Uniforms- Emblems & Jackets, Crossing Guards$115.17, Jacket(3), Uniforms(2) 578.87
Share Corp.- Cleaner, Inv.#130,237 49.88
Clark Boardman Co., Ltd.- Search & Seizure Law report, 1 year 18.00
Ray O'Herron Co., Inc.-Finger print kit & asse. 60.52
Alvin P. Spera- Mileage to attend firearms school at Champaign, Ill. 33.00
Communications Technicians & Consultants, Inc.Monitor & Assc.$438.64, Inst. remote
control & base$37.50, Portable radio & assc,$723.00 1,199.14
Markelz Office Products- Office Supplies less credit memo 126.89
Hamilton Chevrolet- Oldsmobile- Lic. & Title Trans. 5.00
Technigraphics Inc.- Inv.#19790 240•
Commonwealth Edison Co.Water Tower$9.37, Pumping$3.44, Pumping &lighting$562.02 574.83
Northern Ill. Gas Co.-Pump house$3.23,Pumphouse$8.62 11.85
Illinois Bell Tel. Co.-Pump house 53.61
The Bank of Yorkville- Deposit, Depr. & Contg. Fund 150.00
The National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Deposit, Bond & Int. Acct. 150.00
The National Boulevard Bank of Chocago- Deposit, Bond & Int. Res. Acct. 170.00
Finley Sign Co.- Letter truck 48.00
R.L. Wagner & Son, Inc.- Gasket mat'l. Inv.#8249 2.:00
Badger Meter, Inc.- Meters, Inv.#542105 1,072.08
Frank's Service- Truck insp. 5.50
LeRan Copper & Brass Co.-tubing, Inv.#6848o 149.60
K R & G Excavating- Labor & equip. to repair water linr 36.00
Hach Chemical Co., Inc.- chlorine test kit, Inv.#523599 21.71
Producers Chemical Co.- Chlorine,Inv.#38217 36.50
Water Products Co.-100#g8anular &clamps, Inv.#9657, 9742 108.08
E & H Utility Sales, Inc.-Clamp, Inv.#12969 107.92
Wallace & Tiernan Co.- Contract for rust-proofing water tower 200.00
W.W. Grainger, Inc.-Shield & caps, Inv#144 603869 13.52
Marilyn J. Merkel- postage 9.74
Farmers' Elevator Co.-Field tile 5.4o
Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl. 21.33
Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.-Prepare forms EPA $124.82, Studies for well$321.50,
Assist. water ordinances $168.00, Cosult Plan Comm.$69.00
Matt Walton Sewer Construction. Co., Inc.- Install fire Hydrant, Countryside Subd. 620.00
Sewer Bond & Int. Fund
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Bond payment $10,880.00
Kendall County Record- vehicle sticker notices 16.05
Balance 9/30/76 6226.54
RECEIPTS - Tax Distribution 8616.20
- Interest on Certificate of Deposit 180.00
Total Receipts 8796.20
Balance 10/31/76 15022.74
Balance 9/30/76 4650.56
RECEIPTS - Hook ups 650.00
Balance 10/31/76 5300.56
Balance 10/31/76 205.40
Balance 9/30/76 14225.00
RECEIPTS - Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago-Refund-Balance 1959 Water Bond 23.50
Transfer from Water Fund 2300.00
Total Receipts 2323.50
DISBURSEMENTS - Northern Trust Co. Bonds dated 5/1/69 5% Water Refund 765.80
- Northern Trust Co. Bonds dated 5/1/69 7% Water Revenue6492.18
Balance 10/31/76 9290.52
Balance 9/30/76 6371.33
RECEIPTS - Transfer from water fund 170.00
- Interest on Certificate of Deposit 97.50 .
Balance 10/31/76 6638.83
Balance 9/30/76 5904. 73
RECEIPTS - Transfer from water fund 150.00
- Interest on Certificate of Deposit 65.00
Balance 10/31/76 6119.73
Balance 9/30/76 662.61
RECEIPTS = Meter Deposit 25.00
DISBURSEMENTS - Refund of Deposit 25.00
Balance 10/31/76 662.6
Balance 9/30/76 17366.72
RECEIPTS - Treasurer of the U.S. 9291.00
DISBURSEMENTS - Kendall Co. Record- Publish Actual Use Report 22.80
Balance 10/31176 26634.92
Balance 9/30/76 2252.65
Tax Distributions 72297.87
Sales Tax for July 15620.42
Utility Tax - Gas 2639.64
- Telephone 5442.51
Circuit Clerk - Fines 897.68
City Ordinance Fines 3.00
Liquor License 1175.00
Building Permits 1677.60
Sale of Zoning Books 10.00
Sale of Boca Building Code Books 19.00
Sale of Subd. Ordinance Books 5.00
Library - Salary deductions 161.66
Interest on Certificate of Deposits 650.00
Transfer from Water Fund-Salary deductions 1341.79 _
Library - Re-imbursement of Loan 4500.00
Madsen & Sons - Boca Plan Review Fees 468.00
National Care - Street signs 375.26
Blaine Harker - moving permit 11.76
Total Receipts 107296.19
BALANCE 10/31/76 84925.72
Balance 9/30/76 17564.29
Water Rentals 18891.54
Outside Readers & Meters - 60.00
Connections 8459.70
Total Receipts 27411.24
Balance 10/31/76 25084.98
Balance 9/30/76 27301.56
RECEIPTS - Interest on Certificate of Deposit 1102.20
- State Treasurer - Allotment for September, 1976 2543.70
Total Receipts 3645.90
DISBURSEMENTS - Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc.- Services on Main St: 3944.70
Balance 10/31/76 27002.76
Balance 9/30/76 10008.69
RECEIPTS - Interest on Certificate of Deposit 211.44
- Vehicle Stickers 67.25
Total Receipts 278.69
Balance 10/31/76 10287.38
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