City Council Minutes 1974 09-12-74 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. SEP'T'EMBER 12, 1974
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag,
He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
Aldermen were present:
1st Ward Wolff 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis
Thanepohn Simmons
Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read
the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the minutes, seconded by
Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Mayor Coleman directed the clerk to read the bills (copy
of which is attached). Clerk Brant stated the bill from W. W. Grainger, Inc. for
heaters listed under the Water Fund should be under Revenue Sharing as they are for
the Maintenance Bldg. He also presented a bill from James B. Clarage for $1,000 for
attending regular monthly meetings, comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. This fe
under the General Fund. Ald. Wolff moved the bills be paid with these corrections,
seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried.
Attorney's Report-Attorney Grant presented an Ordinance Regulating Parking by Estab-
lishing No Parking zones on the South side of Van Emmon St. for a distance of 80'
westerly from the intersection of Van Emmon and Heustis Streets. Ald. Ellis moved to
pass this ordinance, seconded by Ald. Wolff. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye;
Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously.
Mayor's Report-Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Department of Commerce in regard
for our request for a special census. It stated the Department would be in touch wit
him as to the date and name of person.-,,who would be in charge of conducting the censu
He had received a phone call in regard to this and Edna Kuhlmen has been named to
head this census which will be on October 23, 1974. They request 8 people for inter'
view and will use 4. Mayor Coleman asked each aldermeul to turn in 2 names of interes
ed people to the City Secretary. - Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Dept.
of Transportation in regard to an organization and management study which moved
Kendall County from District 1 to Ottilwa District 3. - Mayor Coleman read a
letter from the Bureau of the Budget in regard to application of grant for storm sew
ers stating no EPA application was included. Mayor Coleman had referred the matter
to Mr. Anderson, city engineer, and it was being taken care of. - Mayor
Coleman read a copy of a letter from the EPA to Wayne E. Millon issuing a permit to
construct only sanitary sewer at the and of Morgan St. south of Washington St. -
yor Coleman read a resolution passed by the Kendall County Board on a comprehensiv,
plan for a by-pass around Yorkville. Discussion followed and matter referred to the
Plan Commission. - The Mayor read a letter from the State's Attorney off:
in regard to the part of Fox Road annexed with Williamsport Subdivision. The letter
contained State Statute quote implying the city must maintain the road. Discussion.
Supt. Madden requested Attorney Grant get a legal opinion on this for him.
Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant stated at the adjourned meeting the audit was discussed ai
gone over but he had no record of a motion accepting said audit. Attorney Grant poin7
out on Page 2, the first line under Cash On Hand and In Bank should read "The cash
balance at April 30, 1974 amounted to $309,248.85, which consists . . . . ." Ald. E1:
moved for acceptance of the corrected audit, seconded by Ald. Wolff. Roll call vote:
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A.
S .PTEMBER 1P. 1974
Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unani-
oualy. - Clerk Brant read a copy of a letter from the EPA to Loren Mil-
ler denying a sanitary sewer permit.
The Treasurer's Report was presented with Ald. Thanepohn moving for acceptance of th
report as printed, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
The Police Report and General Superintendent's Report were presented.. Ald. Wolff mov
to accept both reports, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried.
Plan Commission minutes of two meetings were given to each alderman. Minutes of the
meeting of Aug. 27, 1974 - 8.01 Brian Mulhern, Developer, Countryside Center PUD, a
plan was presented which differed from his earlier plan in that some buildings were
relocated or turned around, and some parking areas were modified. Matter tabled unti
the next meeting to allow time for Mr. Bartell to do a study on it. 8.02 First
Kendall Company Wildwood Development, changes were presented as suggested by the Com
and Mr. Clarage at the July meeting. It was moved and passed that the plan be recom-
ended for approval with five notations to the Yorkville City Council for their
consideration. 8.03 Review and resolve letter from CM & T Consulting Engineers,
this matter was referred back to the City Council with approval. A special meeting
of the commission was set for Sept. 10 to consider items 8.04 and 8.05 on the agenda
Minutes of the meeting of Sept. 10, 1974. 8.04 Pottinger and Gabel, owners, petition
to rezone from B-3 to B-2 Hydraulic Ave. Matter tabled until the next plan commissic
meeting. 8.05 Blaine Harker, Developer, Harker Subdivision, Unit 2, the preliminary
plat was accepted as submitted. Ald. Thanepohn stated the Plan Commission recommends
the council's approval of the Wildwood Development is a long way from being approves
Ald. Simmons stated the ones voting approval felt it was beyond their area to look
after these things and it would be up to the council to see to it. Discussion on
Plan Commission responsibilities, sewer etc. The feeling was the plan is a workable
plan but the other things certainly could totally stop this subdivision.
Old Business: Harker's Petition to subdivide Unit 2 of Harker Subdivision. Ald. Wolf
moved to accept his petition to subdivide, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, roll call vol
Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unani-
mously. - Ald. Hanback reported he had some complaints on people at the dam
area using it as a camp ground. He asked for an ordinance to prevent this. The matte
was referred to the police committee.
New Business: Mr. Carl Hauser, chief engineer from Walter Deuschler Assoc., spoke fc
the sanitary district in regard to the new plant. He went over some of their problez
which are related to problems of the city as well. To allow for the population growl
the flow of excess water must be reduced. He asked for the city's cooperation and
efforts to try to work this out. Ald. Wolff stated a program is being started and
everything will be done to help eliminate the high flow of water but that it takes
Committee Reports-Streets & Alleys: Ald. Ellis reported the sidewalk in front of tho
Library is completed and a meeting was held with the Methodists in regard to the sic
walk in front of the church, which will- be taken care of possibly next week.
Water: Ald. Wolff reported a meeting was held and he moved the City Clerk send out
bids per committee's specifications for a pick-up truck for the Superintendent of
Public Works. Discussion on the need of another truck. Ald. Simmons seconded the
FORN 601-490 U.S.A. SEP' EMM 12 1 1974
the motion, motion passed with a dissenting vote cast by Ald. Hanback. Ald. Wolff
moved the Superintendent have the authority to order much needed tools for all the
departments. The cost is approximately $1,500 to $2,000. Ald. Ellis seconded the
motion. Mayor Coleman questioned why not put on a bid basis. Ald. Wolff said they
will be coming from all different places and not one individual tool will cost more
than $500. The committee felt it was not practical to put out for bids. Roll call vc
Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimc
ly. The committee recommends approval to start drilling for a shallow well. Mr.
Robert Anderson, city engineer, explained procedures that will be followed. A deep
ell, pump house, pump etc. would cost approximately $3190000.00. A sand and gravel
shallow well, pump house, pump, transmission main etc. would cost approximately
$229,000.00. He said a research of records of the State Water Survey of farm wells
that have passed through; a verification from the State Geological Service on sand
and gravel in the area; drill some test holes to confirm what size it is and deter-
mine the quality of the water would be some of the study prod.edures involved. He
anticipated the cost of the study to the point of knowing whether or not a shallow
well could be drilled in the area north of the city would be around $2,000. Ald. Wo:
moved to start proceedings to find a`shallow well, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn. Roll
call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion pa,
Health & Sanitation:Ald. Ellis had received several complaints on weeds and had cal:
the property owners and all have been taken care of.
Police: Ald. Thanepohn reported the committee had accepted the bid for the 2-way ral
of Communications Technicians and Consultants for a GE radio costing $1,435.00 plus
installation. Ald. Thanepohn presented a new dog program which would need the autl
orization of the council to hire an assistant dog warden. The dog warden and assist
ant will patrol and pick up loose dogs on sight; dogs will be boarded at the dog
warden's; police will notify owners; dogs will be boarded no longer than 5 days and
either found a good home or disposed of; charges of $3.00 per day, $5.00 release fe
and $5.00 for rabie shot; a fine of $10.00 first offense, $20.00 second and so on.
An ordinance is needed setting forth all conditions. Ald. Thanepohn moved this prog
be adopted, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried. A discussion of traffic vio-
lation fines with a recommendation the Police Dept. use state tickets. The commi
authorizes the purchase of finger-tip-length winter jackets for the police departure
and crossing guards. The committee recommends authorizing one more full time pa-
trolman. Ald Thanepohri stated he would not go into all the discussion that went on
at the committee meeting but there is a definite need for another man. Ald. Ellis
feels there is police work that needs to be done in working with juveniles, drugs,
courts take more time, more traffic control and he stated these are his reasons fo
voting for another man. Ald. Thanepohn moved that we authorize one more position o
the Police Department, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
Trees & Parks:Ald. Hanback reported he is getting estimates on the clean-up at the
dam and will look into making that a restricted area. Mayor Coleman said he had re-
ceived several complaints about beer drinking and marijuana in the park at the sum-
mer concerts. Discussion.
Public Property & Bldgs. : Ald. Simmons presented preliminary prints for office spac
in the Maintenance Bldg. Prints showed one large office, a shower and wash room, a
clothes drying and storage room and one small office. Ald. Simmons moved to prepare
some specifications and send out bids, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
Li is Telephone & Gas: Ald. Hanback reported all telephones had been installed la
Finance & Audit: Ald. Thanepohn reported he is working with insurance agents for
equitable values on city hall, police building and the maintenance building for in-
surance purposes. Ald. Thanepohn moved we commence to pay mileage at the rate of
FORM 601-49 ® O.S.A. SEPTEMBER 12, 1974
15¢ per mile, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
Library: Ald. Simmons reported the Library Board is happy to have the sidewalk done
and the painting.
Mayor Coleman presented a petition of Ivan Anderson for re-classification and amend-
ment to Kendall County Zoning Ordinance on property located on the northeast co er
of Rt. 47 and 71 for truck and trailer storage. This falls under the 1j mile •° `de
or- the city limits. Ald. Thanepohn moved to refer this to the Plan Commission, seconded
by Ald. Hanback, motion carried.
Ald. Wolff moved for adjournment at 10:40 P.M., seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion
GENERAL FM �� /� 14-
Commonwealth Bt on Co.- Park$9.03, Maint.Bldg.$9.25, P.D.$7.12, St.Ltg.$589.61 $ 615.01
Remsbyss-Marilyn J. Merkel- Drapes for P.D. 47.45
Illinois Bell Tel. Co.-P.D.Pvt.line$15.76, P.D.$38.24, Treas.$1.89, Library$80.72 136.61
The Open Door- 500 business forms printing 10-50
M&W Construction - Remodel P.D. 3,560.00
Xergx Corp.- 199 copeis 9.45
John N. Schneider- Repair furnace, Library 162.1$
Business & Institutional Furnitrue Co.- Portable easel, City Hall 41.98
L.A. Douglas Carpet Service- Carpet, P.D. 845.70
Archie Bieritz- Mowing Grass, Park $60.00, Ball diamond & City Hall$40.00 100.00
National Fire Protection Association- Building Code books 21.03
Yorkville Hardware- Glazing Comp., City Hall 1.09
John N. Schneider- riper. Suppl., P.D.$39.09; Oper. Suppl.6&-PAINT, City Bldgs.$310.76 349.85 I
Fox Valley Disposal- Palmer Dam$70.00, City $3,547.52 3,617.52
Clean Sweep, Inc.- Aug. Sweeping 60.00 '
Kendall County Record- Printing Zoning Board notice & Annual report 225.30
Countryside Hardware- Oper Suppl., City Hall$8.36, St.Dept.$57.50, P.D.$30.76 96.62
Riemenschneider Electric- Labor & mat'l. Library$89.95, P•D.$152.10 242.05 i
Martin's Sheet Metal- Duct work, P.D. 375.95
Anderson & Bushnell- Name tags, P.D. 35.87; Office Suppl., City Clerk$12.27 48.14
B.F. Goodrich Tire Store- Tires, St.Dept.$ 316.30
Airco Welding Supply- Gas 9p..23�.
Yorkville Hardware- Oper.Suppl.City HALE, 14.77
C.O. Nelson- 4 loads trash 20.00
Hornsby's- Oper.Supp1.ST. Dept. 5.46
Southtown Oil Co.- Truck repairs 199.14:
Coffman Brothers- test reject, Truck 4.25
Crawford, Murphy, & Tilly, Inc.- Investigate storm sewers 268.77 4 :
Navy Brand Manf. Co.- Street paint, Inv.#78928 81 90
Fox Paving, Inc.- Cold Mix 108.00 1'
Rice's Service- tire repair, start truck, warming lite, gas & can 25.04
Elden Madden- truck mileage(549 mi.) 54.90
Farmers' Elevator- Shelving, Maint. Bldg. 21.75
Yorkville Hardware- Oper.Suppl.St.Dept. 25.96 I
Central Limestone- Rock, St.Dept. 103.88
Rich's Union T6- Gas, St.Dept.$82.85; P.D.$3?7.24 460.09
B.F. Goodrich Store- Tires, P.D. 211.20
Yorkville Auto Parts- Echlin, P.D. 8rr oper. Suppl. 37.09
Yorkville Hardware- Oper, Stppl. P.D. 5.13
Richard A. Randall- Reimbursement for schooling 200.00
Homer G. Dickson & Co., Ine.- Plumbing P.D. �_ 29.72
Drivers License Guide Co.- Drivers lic.Guides 5.45
Bob's Service- Spot liter 30.31
Auto Specialists, Inc.- Check voltage regular & repairs 15.84
John N. Schneider- Waste baskets, P.D. 4.00
Durbin Office Machines- copy paper, inv•#9376, 9469 60.14 -14@54
Ray O'Herron Co., Inc.- dome lites, Inv.#21776, 22448 29.51 :.
Markelz Office Products- Office Suppl.PD, Inv 46035, 54815, 51512, 46103 240.26
WATER FUND 13,235.50
Commonwealth Edison Co.- Water tower$3.52, Pum ping$2.36, Pumpi 569.60 (575.48)
Ill. Bell Tel. Co.- Pump house 18.00
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Deposit, Bond & Int. Acct. 150.00
Res. Acet. 170.00
The Bank of Yorkville- Deposit, Depr. & Contg. Acet.
The National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Water Rev.Bond payment Acct.#12-00943-00 260.00
Water Products Co.-Buhings & clamps Inv.#9207,9146 less credit memo 9208 414.92
Illinois Supply Co.- Valve Inv.#B9786 26.68
Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl. 80.59
Wallace & Tiernan - Gaskets, diaphram, lubricant, Inv.#23671 37.67
Badger Meter, Inc.- meters, Inv.#541722 101.58
K R & G Excavating- labor at well 130.00
Homer G. Dickson co., Inc.- Repair mower & oper. Suppl. 87.50
Marilyn J. Merkel- postage 8.15
Crawford, Murphy, & Tilly, Inc.- Prepare E.P.A. forms, Rehabilitation of well, revise
water works ordinances 905.62
27W*W6 Grainger, Inc.- Heaters, Inv.#144 603133 603.06
E & H Utility Sales, Inc.- Drills,Clamps, Corp. Stops.Inv.#11762,12250, 12552, 11863 337.74
K & K Well Drilling- labor & chlorine 167.00
Sleezer Bros.- labor & equip. , water leaks 50.00
A & M Construction Co.- breakout & replace cap & pour apron pump house 268.00
The Glass Shop- hammered wire, pump house 14.60
Countryside Hardware- Flag & pole, Bulletin board 12.22
Riemenschneider Eleertic - Labor & mat'l. City well 33.25
McNelis Trenching- Labor & equip. $ 40.00 },
2.06 '.
Revenue Sharing Fund: Kendall Co,,mty Record- Printing notice 22.80
'I Tr+.. ,t grrt,. ;-t'^+;nr,i �,r,,} F�n1- of..!r+R,•n�rn ." Bon mm. ent Acct.12-00722A1,180.P!f