City Council Minutes 1974 08-22-74 FORM 601-490 U.S.A. AUGUST 22, 1974
yor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
e then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
dermen were present:
1st Ward--Wolff 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis
Thanepohn Simmons
yor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read t
'nutes of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the minutes as printed, seco
d by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried.
yor's Report-Mayor Coleman and Treasurer Mrs. Merkel As
icussed ways to handle the
reimbursement of the 7 water accounts in Conover Subdivision that had been erroneous
harged double water rates and Mayor Coleman recommended reimbursing them in full by
heck. Ald. Thanepohn moved to..-concur with the Mayor's decision and pay these water
ecount overcharges, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. - Mayor Coleman stat
he purchase of the used fire dept. emergency truck was not brought up at the last
eeting and asked for approval of payment. The accepted bid was from the city for
1,005.00. Ald. Ellis moved to pay for the truck according to the bid, seconded by
d. Simmons. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Sim-
ons-aye, motion passed unanimously. - Mayor Coleman stated the City Secretary ha
eceived a few complaints in regard to difficulty in getting certifidd copies of dea
ertificates and asked the Clerk if Mrs. Merkel could be made a deputy. Clerk Brant
aid there were 3 deputies in town to issue burial permits and the certificate is fi
n his office from which copies must be made and signed by him as Registrar. Arrang
ents are made by him with the deputies when he is out of town. - Mayor Colema
ead a letter from Senator Mitchler inviting him to attend a meeting August 26th wit
ther local dignitaries in regard to water pollution and water resources. The Mayor
s unable to attend this meeting.
ld Business-The Zoning Board of Appeals minutes of the meeting of August 19th were
read. The petition for variance of Frank Wakefield was considered and there being no
bjectors, granted the petition. Ald. Thanepohn moved to accept the petition for
ariance at 305 East Main St., seconded by Ald. Hanback. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye;
anback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-nay, motion passed 4 to 1.
New Business-Mayor Coleman directed Clerk Brant to open the bids for a two-way radio
or the Police Dept. Motorola Communications & Electronics, Schaumburg, Ill.-
Motorola MOCOM 70 mobile 3 frequency, 4 position
blank, with extender; 4 frequency sequential monitor $1,449.00
Installation 62.50
Total 19511.50
Communication Technicians and Consultants, Inc., Joliet, Ill.
General Electric Mod. mobile radio, 4 frequency T% & RZ
option PSIM x#7376 $1,435.00
Installation in Yorkville 20.00
Total $1
d. Thanepohn moved to refer these bids to the committee for acceptance and empower
hem to purchase a radio, seconded by Ald. Wolff. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback.
FORM 601-49® U.S.A. AUGUST 22, 197+; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously.
ld Business Mayor Coleman presented a letter, itemized bill for $3,729.33 and a re-
olution for Mr. Al Brady, Civil Defense Director, in regard to reimbursement of mon
pent for city clean-up of wind and storm damage. Ald. Thanepohn moved the resolutio
e adopted as read,, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
d. Hanback suggested Marilyn Merkel, city secretary, file for a notary public seal
d the city pay for the fee each year. All the council members approved and instruc
er to do so.
omnittee Reports-Streets & Alleys Ald. Ellis reported the contractors who were away
%e bid on cement sidewalks in front of the library cannot be located. Discussion.
d. Ellis will check with the attorney on the legality of contracting the work with
other firm. Ald. Thanepohn moved that the committee be empowered to contract for t
ement work for sidewalks in front of the library, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion
arried. - Clerk Brant asked about the tear up of the streets by Northern Illinoi
as Co. as to putting the street back as it was. From Van Emmon up Heustis Street th
ock has washed out and is in bad repair. Supt. Madden will contact the gas company.
d. Ellis presented each alderman with a copy of replacement of sidewalk guidelines
or study.
ater-Ald. Wolff set a meeting of this committee for Sept. 3, 7:30 at city hall. Ald
olff moved to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor as representative to file an
ign grant application forms and documents as stated under the anti-pollution bend a
ld. Ellis seconded the motion, motion carried.
ealth & Sanitation�_Al.d. Ellis reported this committee had talked again about a garb
ruck and feel it would prove worthwhile for the city to purchase one. The committee
ecommends purchasing a garbage truck, costing between $18,000 and $20,000, and em-
loyment of another person for at least 2 days a week. Ald. Ellis moved the committe to accept bids for the purchase of a garbage truck, seconded by Ald. Hanback
discussion followed on maintenance of all the hydraulic equipment; in case of a
reak-down, the need for a back-up truck and funds appropriated for garbage pick-up.
otion carried.
olice & Fire Ald. Thanepohn set a meeting for Sept. 5th. City hall, Police building
d the pump house have all been painted. Ald. Thanepohn complimented Ald. Simmons
n the fine job he did in getting the P.D. remodeled and it is really appreciated
the force.
ees & Parka-Ald. Hanback reported he was considering advertising for bids for the
inal cleanup at Palmer Dam. He asked about the removal of dying trees in the park
d was directed to contact McNelis Tree Service. The Boy Scouts left the park in
ery good shape after the rally last week-end.
blie Property & B1 s.Ald. Simmons presented 2 bids on the roof at the Police Bld,
lossop Roofing & Siding Co $210.00 and Malcor Roofing Co. $203.00. Both companies
elt a new roof was not necessary and bid on just repairing it. Ald. Simmons moved t,
ccept the Malcor Roofing Co. bid, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried. Ald. Sim-
ons recommended increasing the insurance on these buildings since the remodeling is
ele hone Lights & Gas-Ald. Hanback reported the library telephone will be included
der the city phones. The telephone company was never notified the library was now
Bing maintained by the city. Ald. Hanback asked if there was any place else that
ceded a phone as there were still some available. He had one put in at the Sanitary
District maintenance building and will check on the line from the maintenance buildii
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. AUGUST 22, 1974
to the P.D. for the radio. Mayor Coleman reported he had taken a tour of the new
elephone ESS building and it was fantastic.
mane-Ald. Thanepohn recommended adjourning this meeting until next Thursday, Aug.
th at 7:30 P.M. in order to take care of the tax levy.
Board-The president, secretary and attorney of the YBS Board plan to come to the
ext council meeting to talk to the council and get better communications between th
o boards.
d. Thanepohn had a request from Chief Prickett that the council consider an ordina
or No Parking 80' from the stop sign west of Heustis on Van Emmon St. Ald. Thanepoh
moved an ordinance be drawn eliminating parking 80' from Heustis on the south side o
an Emmon St. It was recommended the tenants at the Kissel apartments be allowed
to park in the street for one week only while the driveways are being repaired.
:10 P. M. Ald. Thanepohn moved to adjourn until August 29th at 7:30 P.M. at city ha
eeonded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried.
- - ' JULY 197+ �r
Northern Ill. Gas Co.-P.D.$4.32, Park$43.14,Library$11.89,City Hall$4.32 63.67
Co-monwealth Edison Co.-Mlairtenance Bldg.$3.32,Park$10.01,Street Ltg.$589.61 602.9+
Ill. Bell Tel. Co.-LJbrary$40.36,Treas.$o.g5, P.D.$29.44,Street Dept.$0.60,Pvt.Line$15.76 87.11
Xerox Corp.- 260 copies 12.35
Hayden's Sport Center-Tennis net & crank 93.95
S.rtlip & Son- Heating & a.e. , City Hall 2,195.00
Riemenscrneider Electric- Labor & Mat'1. , P.D. & Park 812.52
-L chie Bieritz- Mowing Grass, Ball Park & City Park 135.00
Yorkville Hardware- Fuses, City Hall 7 .30
It if - Bldg. & Zoning, Notebook & pens 4.75
Betty Huston- Sect'y. Planning Comm. Salary & supplies 55.20
Kendall County Record- Printing ordinance & Business cards 67.50 Oil Co.- Street Dept., Truck repairs 27.45
Hornsby's-.Oper.Suppl.,Street Dept. 1.98
-�-urora Blacktop Inc.- Cold Mix, Street Dept. 67-50
Homer G. Dickson & Eo. ,Inc.- Street Dept., Repair tractor 7.50
& G Excavating- Hauling brush 692.25
Fox Paving, Inc.- Cold Mix 32+.00
Elden Madden- Truck mileage,x+76 milesC0.10/mile 47.60
John N. Schneider- Oper. Suppl 17.74
vo kville Hardware- Workshoes, tools, Oper Suppl. x+7.49
Fred Wayne- Hauling rock 61.59
Russel Pottenger- Brush disposal 363.00
Co-,; itryside Hardware - Oper, Suppl. P.D. $1.15, Street Dept.$18.48 19.63
Yorkville Auto Parts- Street Dept., Ticket#1599 &1544 7.75
,aderson & Bushnell Office Supllies- Office Supplies 51.25
Clean Sweep Inc.- Street Sweeping, 60.00
Central Limestone Co.-.Rock, Street Dept. 153.28
Farmers' Elevator Co.- Oper. Suppl., Street Dept. 20.05
CO.0. Nelson Co.- 2 loads trash 10.00
Rich's Union 76- Gas, Street Dept. $178.57, P.D. $463.04 6+1.61
Yarkelz Office Products- P.D., Chair & office supplies, Inv.#48054, 47515, 49749 103.38
lexapdep likaffibep Ge.-
Homer G. Dickson & Co.,Inc.-.P.D. Labor & Mat'l. for pumping Inv.#20617 55.00
Hamilton Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Inc.- P.D. alin front end, tune-up, Inv.#18269 136.50
Pay O'Herron Co., Inc.-Pin backs & clutch backs, Inv.#22004 112.60
Durbin Office Machines- 3M paper, Inv.#9281 67.70
Kale Uniforms- Rain coat, Inv.#19511 30.70
Robert W. Prickett- convert radio &repair radio 99.35
John N. Schneider- labor & mat'l. for wall sleeve & air conditioning $ 307-50
$7, 699
Northern Ill. Gas co.-Pump house $8.81, Pump house $7.84 16.65
Commonwealth Edison Ci,Water tower$8.03, Pumping$4.09, Pumping$7.20,Pumping$515.61 534.93
Ill. Bell Telephone Co.- Pump house $8.60 8.60
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Deposit, Bond & Int. acct.June & july 300.00
it it to it " it it Res. acct. June & July 3+0.00
The Bank of Yorkville- Deposit, Depr.& Contg. acct. June & July 300.00
W.W. Grainger, Inc.- Tools, Inv.#6953+5, 695332 485.90
Crawford, Murphy,& Tilly, Inc.-services for E.PA., Water supply, &drainage 454.27
Ter-Jac Corp. - water hook-ups for 3 years per Annexation Agreement 3,2+0.00
McNelis Trenching- Labor for digging 2 water lines. 70.00
Joseph C. Rein- Drill & tap Comb. sharpening, Inv.#116 28.00
Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl. & tools 26.99
John N. Schneider- It It ' It 22.84
Water Products Co.- Copper tubing & clamps, Inv#9035, 91+6 less credit 463.05
James Mauser- postage 3.43
E & H Utility Sales, Inc.- Curb stops & Corp.stops, Inv.#11405, 116+8 251.12
Countryside Hardware- Oper. Suppl. 12.x+1
Wallace & Tiernan Inc.- Reg.valve, labor & expenses, Inv#305723 111.39
Revenue Sharing Fund $ '
Homer G. Dickson Co., Inc.- Pumping, Maint Bldg.
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