City Council Minutes 1974 08-08-74 FORM 601-49 ® U.B.A. AUGUST 8. 1974 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON AUGUST 8, 1974 AT 8:00 PM. Mayor Coleman announced the meeting would be delayed because of the President's spec The Council and guests viewed on television President Richard M. Nixon's speech in which he submitted his resignation, effective at noon August 9, 1974. At 8:15 P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flag, He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: 1st Ward-Wolff-absent 2nd Ward Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis Thanepohn-absent Simmons Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald.Ellis moved to accept the minutes with any cor- rections to be made. Ald. Simmons seconded; there being no corrections, motion carrel Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills. Ald. Ellis stated a study shoulc be done on revising the mileage rate as 10¢ a mile isn't a practical amount with the price of gas now. Mayor Coleman referred this to the Finance Committee meeting of August 15th. Ald. Ellis moved for acceptance of these bills. Clerk Brant recommender the Utilities Committee review the Illinois Bell Telephone Co. bill for the library. He feels the $35.00 plus tax monthly charge is high as the library has only one phor, and two extensions. Matter referred to the committee. He also stated the copier in his office could be used by Betty Huston, secretary for the Planning Commission, ane eliminate the charge made for copies of the Planning Commission minutes. Clerk Brar. asked for a legal opinion on the W. W. Grainger, Inc. bill for tools for the main- tenance building. These tools are installed in the building, such as vise, grinder and torch. Attorney Grant stated this bill could be paid out of the Revenue Sharing Fund instead of the Water Fund. Ald. Hanback seconded the motion, motion carried. City Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant read a letter from Fox Valley Disposal stating the charges for garbage pick-up at Palmer Dam will be increased from $30.00 to $40.00 per month effective with the next billing. Treasurer's Report given. Police Report-It was noted 203 cases were reported to the Illinois Crime Commission during the month, which indicates a lot is going on which;, some are not aware of. Water Report-Ten million gallons were pumped this month, ove two million from last month. Street Report-Ald. Ellis reported he had calls from appreciative residents for the brush pick-up. The cost to remove the brush has been $3v790.00. Department of Public Works-Ald. Ellis moved to approve Supt. Eldon Madden be given 4 days off without pay, Sept. 3-6th, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carri It was noted the oxy-acetylene welding course given by Waubonsee Community College ould be an approved course for the street department. Building inspector's report- Ald. Ellis noted the Kissel suit has been settled with the city being awarded $5,000 Ald. Ellis moved to approve all the above reports, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. ld Business-Conover Subdivision double water rates-Mayor Coleman stated this matter ad been thoroughly researched and investigated. He submitted a plat map of the area e 33.12 acres, which falls under the annexation agreement with John Conover, ef- ective June 29, 1971 until June 29, 1976, will receive single water rates and at th, nd of that time, the city is obligated to return to double water rates. The ordinan eads double water rates will be paid by users outside the city limits. Property owns -2- FORY 801-49 ® U.S.A. AUGUST 8, 1974 f lots 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 & 44 have been charged double water rates and they are ocated within the 33.12 acres. Mayor Coleman apologized for this and stated some ad- ustment or credit will be made to these property owners. After much discussion, it s agreed the property owners will appoint a committee which will meet with the wate ommittee or entire council to discuss this matter further. Mayor Coleman is to be otified when the committee is appointed and he will set up said meeting. New Business-Clerk Brant read a petition of Blaine Harker to subdivide Unit #2. This roperty was known as Ament's. Ald. Ellis moved to refer this to the Planning Commis- ion, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. ommittee Reports-Streets & Alleys-Ald. Ellis reported on the resurfacing of Rt. 47 r u town. The work to be done on Rt. 47 from the bridge thru town is 24' with 5' tar n each side leaving 11i' on either side of the roadway with no finish coat. The park ng strip has been deleted from the contract by the state. Aurora Blacktop has pre- ented an approximate cost of $3,220 for the 111' strip on either side of the roadway rom the bridge to Van Emmon St. This would be done at the same price the state pays or blacktop and would include adjusting manholes, etc. The committee recommends chasing this service so it is a finished job. Ald. Ellis moved that bidding be aived and the city contract Aurora Blacktop to do this for the quoted price, seconde y Ald. Hanback. Roll call vote: Hanback-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye; Mayor Coleman- ye. To waive the bidding, a 2/3 vote was necessary. Motion passed. ealth & Sanitation-Ald. Ellis reported he has checked with Sandwich and Plano in [he gard to the Citizens for Better Environment, who have asked to canvas the city. In ndwich they had solicited funds and had no problems with them. Plano had rot given rmission for them to solicit but they did it anyway and were rude and impolite to residents. Ald. Ellis suggested letting this ride but if they do come to solicit, t them but not to encourage it. - Ald. Hanback reported this committee has ob- ined more information on purchasing a garbage truck and asked the council to think out it. He feels the committee will recommend purchasing a truck in the near future ees & Parks-Ald. Hanback asked KR & G for an estimate on finishing up the work at fhe dam and should have this at the next meeting. ture Planning Ald. Ellis stated a letter from the Mayor itemizing the cost of clear g up the city after the storm of June 20, 1974, is necessary for a refund from the ats. Civil Defense Director Al Brady has asked for a decision on the purchase of e civil defense siren. The cost is $7,000 with the city paying $3,500. It will be [mblic stalled on top of the Courthouse and the city will have to supply power to the unit d. Hanback moved to go along with the purchase of the siren with the stipulation a uncil member be involved with the direct purchase of it, seconded by Ald. Simmons. ll call vote: Hanback-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion carried. There will be ock disaster exercise Sept. 28th with approximately 500 people involved. Property & Bldg.-Ald. Simmons reported the Police Building is about done and 400ks real nice. He will have bids for the roof work by the next meeting. Ifinance & Audit- Meeting Thura, August 15th. tibrary Board-Ald. Simmons reported the weeds and grass have been cut and would recoc 4end next year putting it on regular maintenance. Sign ordered reading No Parking- only Library Patrons. Ald. Ellis asked if Supt. Madden would check on the sidewa: d get it done. d Simmons moved to adjourn at 9:55 P.M. Seconded b Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Gz'_2�2� JB/njb JAMES BRANT, CITY CLERK