City Council Minutes 1974 07-25-74 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. July y 25 19 -4 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JULY 25, 1974 AT 8:00 P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flag He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: 1st Ward-Wolff 2nd Ward-Hanbaek-absent 3rd Ward-Ellis Thanepohn Simmons Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Ellis moved to accept the minutes with any corrections to be made. Ald. Wolff seconded the motion, there being no corrections, motion carried. Attorney's Report-Attorney Grant presented the ordinance to vacate the street known as Atherton with the corrected legal description. Ald. Ellis moved to accept this ordinance, seconded by Ald. Wolff. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis- aye; Simmons-aye. Motion passed unanimously. Attorney Grant presented a resolu- tion that the sewer user charge as imposed by the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary Distri be billed and collected by the United City of the Village of Yorkville, providing that�the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District reimburse the city in the amount of 1-21% of the total amount of billing for each billing period and for incidental costs such as ledger books, etc. Ald. Wolff moved to accept this resolution, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously. Mayor's Report-Mayor Coleman read a letter of resignation from R. W. Barkley, membe of the Yorkville Public Library Board. In Mr. Barkley's letter, he suggested several maintenance repairs to the building. Mayor Coleman referred the letter to Ald. Sim- mons, chairman of the Library Committee. Mayor Coleman stated a letter will be sent to Mr.. Barkley thanking him for his many years of service. Ald. Ellis added his thanks to Mr. Barkley for working on the Library Board, stating he was a very activ member. Mayor Coleman read a copy of al.etter from Senator Robert Mitchler to the Department of Conservation in regard to the clean-up at the Glen Palmer Dam and the possibility of making this area into a park. Mayor Coleman had re- ceived a letter from Crawford, Murphy & Tilley in regard to estimated costs of a well and referred it to the Water Committee for study before presenting it to the Council. In regard to the letter from the Citizens for Better Environment that was read at the last meeting, Ald. Ellis stated he is still. reluctant to allow a canvas of the city and feels it should be handled through the Community Chest. It was reported they are canvassing Sandwich and Plano now so Ald. Ellis will check wi these cities. City Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant read a letter from The Travelers Insurance Co. in regard to a rider to the city's health insurance policy. This provides payment of other charges in connection with certain surgical procedures when performed in an Ambulatory Surgical Center, as of July 1, 1974, with no additional charge to the ci Mayor Coleman acknowledged this change by signing a copy of the rider. Clerk Brant read a letter from Robert Harrington, Joliet, stating he had recently canoed the Fox River and was astonished at the trash in the general area of the Yorkville dam. He urged undertaking some kind of program to keep this area clean. -2- FORN 601-49® U.S.A. July 25, 197+ Clerk Brant read a letter from Dan Reilly, 102 Somonauk, Yorkville, who recently attended a city council meeting. Mr. Reilly commended the council for an outstand- ing job in keeping Yorkville in step with progress, yet keeping it a decent place t live. Plan Commission Report-Clerk Brant read the minutes of the July 23, 197+ meeting. 7.01 Brian Mulhern Developer, Countryside Center PUD-review of landscaping plans ar. restrictive covenants. The following additions and corrections were added to the covenants. Item 1 : All yard areas and shrubbery on all lots shall be regularly maintained by the owner. Item 2: All parking area, private driveway areas, and pri- vate sidewalks shall be regularly maintained and snow shall be removed and cleared from such areas on a regular basis as weather conditions permit by the owner.Item F No buses, self-contained mobile camper units or vans in excess of the length of a normal pickup motor vehicle, camping trailers of any nature, semi-trailers, or semi tractor motor trucks, boats;- snowmobiles or similar vehicles, shall be parked in, about, or upon the parking areas or access drives on any lot for a period of time in excess of six (6) hours. It was moved and seconded these changes be incorporated in the Covenants and Restrictions and be submitted for final approval. Discussion on the proposed landscaping plan. It was moved and seconded that the overall land- scaping plan should be approved with the exception that more definite plans for individual sites must be submitted before building permits would be issued and that the size of the trees must be a minimum of two to three inches in diameter. Noted also that the building inspector should receive a copy of these minutes. 7.02 First Kendall Co. Wildwood PUD-Review revised Master Plan and Petition for approval of annexation agreement. Mr. Thelan presented a Revised Master Plan, which included a change in the business area from B-1 zoning to B-2 zoning. The recreatic al layout included 2 tot lots, 2 softball fie*, and a football-soccer field. Total acreage for active and passive recreational facilities would be thirty-two acres for a proposed population of 2,200. First Kendall Co. does not desire to put all th recreational amenities in at the beginning of the project, but planned to contribut $100,000 to the Homeowner's Association. First Kendall Co. and Mr. Clarage will meet to discuss changes in the plan. Matter tabled until the next meeting. Ald. Thanepohn stated according to the Plan Commission minutes Mr. Mulhern was not ready to come to the Council meeting of July 11 , 197 +. Mayor Coleman stated he appeared before the Council just to feel them out on these matters. Ald. Ellis asked if the secretary for the Plan Commission could bring enough copies of the minutes for the entire council when she delivers the minutes to the Clerk. This would eliminate mailing copies to each one and they would have them for the Council meeting. Mayor Coleman will take care of this matter. New Business Mr. Claude Vlasz represented homeowners from Conover's Countryside Subdivision in presenting a petition protesting double water rates being charged by the city. They feel the double rates are discriminatory and unfair, based on the fact that not all residents who are outside the city limits are paying double water rates. The residents on the north side of Prairie Lane are paying single rates whil the residents on the south side of the street (both outside the city limits) are paying double rates. Attorney Grant read a portion of the ordinance and the an- nexation agreement with Mr. John Conover dealing with this property, which was des- cribed as being 33.12 acres. Discussion. Ald. Ellis moved to table this petition to research the necessary documents and determine the area involved, seconded by Ald. Wolff. Roll call vote-Wolff-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously. -3- FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. Jul V 25 1974 Clerk Brant read a petition of Glen Gabel to rezone from B-3 to B-2 property on Hydraulic. Clerk Brant noted there was no check for filing fees or plats accompany- ing the petition. Ald. Wolff moved upon receipt of the necessary fee of $85 and 3 copies of the petition and plat, the petition be referred to the Plan Commission, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. Committee Reports-Streets and Alleys-Ald. Ellis reported the committee is in the pr Bess of looking over curbs and sidewalks for possible replacement. In the near futu the committee hopes to present a method people can use to request sidewalk replace- ments. Water-Ald. Wolff set a meeting for this committee before the Council meeting August 8th at City Hall, 7:00 P.M. Police and Fire-Ald. Thanepohn reported this committee recommends advertising for bids for a 2-way 4 frequency radio as the radio in the Chief's car is unreliable and then if another squad car is purchased, it could be used in it. Ald. Thanepohn moved to advertise for bids for this radio, seconded by Ald. Ellis. A three to one vote carried the motion, with Ald. Simmons casting the nay vote. Trees and Parks-Ald. -Ellis reported one tennis net had been ordered even tho the matter had not been presented at the last school board meeting in regard to sharin4 the cost of nets. He also reported favorably on the concert in the park on Friday night and one is lined up for this Friday night. The matter of paying each group is to be pre-arranged with Ald. Hanback and he will let the Clerk know the amount so a check will be available the night of each concert. It was brought to the Council' attention Friday evening, August 15th will be the beginning of the Scout Rally and asked Mr. Harker to so inform Ald. Hanback that no concert will'be held that date. August 4th, rain date of August 11th, has been set for another clean-up day at the Palmer Dam. Sewers-Ald. Wolff reported sewer liners will be looked into for use in old sewers and will have more at the committee meeting. Public Property & Bldgs.-Ald. Simmons reported the air conditioning and heating un. has been installed at City Hall and the remodeling at the Police Bldg. is progress- ing. Discussion on needs for furnishing the new section, carpeting etc. Ald. Simm03 is to check on the necessary needs, the roof at the P.D. and hiring some part-time help to paint City Hall and the Police Building. Building and Zoning-Supt. Madden requested permission to take a correspondence cou: from BOCA on the basic plumbing code at a cost of $65. Permission granted. Finance & Audit-Ald. Thanepohn set a meeting for )'�ug. 15th 8:00 at the Clerk's off: to go over the audit and the tax levy. Ald. Wolff moved to adjourn into an executive session. At 10:00 P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting back to order. Ald. Wolff moved to bid on the emergency truck belonging to the Bristol-Kendall Fire Dept. with all the equipment included. Seconded by Ald. Simmons. Roll call vote: Ald. Thanepohn-aye; Ald. Wolff-aye; Ald. Ellis-aye; Ald. Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously. Ald. Wolff moved to adjourn at 10:05 P.M. seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried James J,/Brant, City Clerk JJB/njb JUNE 1974 GENFAiAL FIND Commonwealth Edison 6o.- Park $12.70, Garage $4.31, Street Lighting $589.6.1 606.62 Northern Ill. Gas Co.- Police Dept.$41.33 41.33 Illinois Bell Tel. Co.-Pvt.Linr $15.76, Police Dept.$34.78, Street Dept.$0.92 51.46 Ralph E. Pfister- Bldg. Insp. 35.00 Fred 0. Christian- Bldg. Insp. 25.00 Kathy Farren- Plan. Comm. Secry. fee and suppl. 82.38 Xerox Corp.- Inv.#23758000, 558 copies 26.51 General Electric Co.- Radio equip., Street Dept. Inv.#19-61328 1,462.72 The Open Door- Printing Zoning books, 25 copies 174.75 L.A. DOUGLAS CARPET SERVICE- Labor & carpet, City Hall 669.37 Archie Bieritz- mowing park & ballparks, June 155.00 Fox Valley Disposal Co.-Disposalservice, 1,773.76, Palmer Dam $30.00 1,803.76 Kendall C9mnty Record- Printing notices 45.40 Anderson & Bushnell- Office Supll. City Sectry. 9.82 Clean Sweep, Inc.- Street Sweeping, June 60.00 Aurora Blacktop Inc.- Cold mix, Street Dept. 486.00 Rice's Service- Oil, Start truck, blades, steering fluid, & oper. Suppl. 50.07 The Corral- tractor tire, & service call 49.00 Blocker Bros. , Inc.- Cleaning culverts, Inv.#3820 175.00 Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl. Street Dept. 28.25 C.O. Nelson Co.- Trash disposal 51.00 Countryside Hardware- Chain saw & Oper. Suppl. 144.38 Kendall Outdoor Equipment- Chain saw & acts. 324.80 Dierzen Welding & Machine Co.- Repair Spreader 25.00 Leroy's Hobby Craft- Contact cement 4.00 Rich's Union 76- Gas, Street Dept.$237.68, Police Dept.$480.62 718.30 Markelz Office Products- book rings, P.D. 5.20 Barco Municipal Products, Inc.- Magna lite fl6od 40.63 Sa-So, Inc.- Emblems,Inv.#21204, P.D. 33.36 Kendall County Record-.Statement & memo forms 29.00 Hamilton Chevrolet- Oldsmobile- Refinish body reposition stone shields,insp.tires 57.79 Bob's Service- car wash 1.25 Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl., P.D. 2.36 Durbin Office Machines- 3M paper 18.60 Badger Uniforms- 3 shirts Inv.#51538 24.65 Auto Specialists, Inc.- labor & mat'l. repair altenator, P.D. 50.86 Yorkville Auto Parts- prestone 22.50 University of Illinois- P.T.I. Course, Wayne Millen 4 .00 $8,066.12 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co.- Water tower $9.28, Pumping $3.07Pumping $4.28, Puming $459.75 476.38 Illinois Bell Tel. Co.- Pump house 2.53 Marilyn J. Merkel- Postage .66 E & H Utility Sales, Inc. - Curb box, Hyd. adapter Inv.#10200 & 10264 7-47,4 *-.6-t Continental Research Corp.- Blast fog & tar jel Inv.#10300 77-75 Jim's Trenching & Sewer Cleaning- labor for water leaks 353.00 Don's Engraving Service- 2 signs 80.00 Yorkville Hardware- oper. Suppl. 7.72 John N. Schneider - Oper. Suppl. 25.17 Water Products Co.- Meters & fittings, Inv.#8854 & 8638 671.76 Farmers' Elevator Co.- sakrete, field tile, & filon 75.92 Kendall County Record- Printing Water bills 147.87 REVENUE SHARING FUND ;;�,�/�•n Kendall County Record- Printing notice $ 22.80