City Council Minutes 1974 06-27-74 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A.
JUNE 27., 1974
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
Aldermen were present:
1st Ward-Madden 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis
Wolff Thanepohn Simmons
Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read
the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Thanepohn made a correction on Page 2, Para.
2, Line 9 as follows: "the sewer connection of Miller." Ald. Ellis moved to accept
the minutes, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried.
Attorney's Report-Attorney Grant reported he had this date sent a certified letter
to Bob Loftus stating his ordinance violation, which is moving people into his build
ings before a final inspection is made. Attorney Grant checked into the real estate
tax exemption and it applies only to the 1974 taxes and thereafter. Clerk Brant was
directed to pay the 1973 tax bill. The amendments to the water ordinance will be
presented at the next meeting. Attorney Grant read two letters 1. -Walter Deuchler to
EPA stating the occupancies as of June 1, 1974 as follows: 13 single family homes,
52 P.E.; Pizza Hut P.E. 1; Veterinary Clinic P.E. 1; Kentucky Fried Chicken P.E. 2.
The available P.E. for further development in the Subdivision under the existing
permit is 307 P.E. 2. Letter to the Board of Trustees, Sanitary District, denying
application of Robert Loftus.
Mayor's Report-Mayor Coleman read a letter from Senator Mitchler written before the
clean up day at the Palmer Dam. He referred the letter to Ald. Hanback and asked
him to send a letter to Senator Mitchler. Mayor Coleman appointed Elden Madden as
Superintendent of Public Works at a salary of $1,100 per month effective the first
of July, 1974, with all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy. Ald. Thanepohn
moved to accept this appointmmt, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant read a letter from the Illinois Municipal League in regar
to their annual conference set for October 25-28, 1974.
Clerk Brant read the Plan Commission minutes from their meeting of June 25, 1974.
6.01-Brian Mulhern Developer Preliminary Review of a Residential Unit Development
Lot 1, Block 9, Unit 4, Countryside Center. Attorney Max Peterson presented an
amended petition for a ?lanned Unit Development and a proposed plat and architectura
Tans. The new plan had access off Kendall Drive, 7 12-unit buildings and one 20-
it building for a total of 104 apartment units. The brick buildings are to be set
18 to 20" below grade so the height is twenty-five feet according to city ordinance.
Discussion on various covenants and conditions which should be set forth before ap-
proval and the problem of density. The City Attorney in a letter of opinion indicate,
he developer's proposed density is allowable according to the original acreage.
Motion passed to stand by the original annexation agreement to allow Mr. Mulhern to
wild with the density he is presently proposing. Motion passed that the following
covenants and restrictions should be satisfied before issuance of building permits:
1 ) Suitable landscaping plans by a landscape architect should be submitted to the
Commission. 2) There is to be no fence surrounding the buildings now or at any futur
ate. Residents from each building should have unrestricted access to all open space
FORM 601-49® U.S.A.
JUNE 27 1974
and parking areas. 3) Provisions for care and maintenance of yards and parking areas
and snow removal are to be established. 4) There is to be a screen or hedge provided
around all parking areas. Motion passed that subject to the acceptance of the two
prior motions, the petition be accepted. 6.02 Attorney Bassak presented the final
plat for Fox Industrial Park. He stated property adjacent to the park has been pur-
chased which now allows the extension of Deer St. to Route 126. The state has alread
approved access to the highway which would eliminate traffic out to Rt. 47. The only
other change was the realignment of some lots to face onto the proposed extension of
Deer St. Motion passed to approve Fox Industrial Park Unit 3 as presented. Mr.
Bortell submitted copies of Phase One of the Yorkville Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Ander
son stated he felt the new zoning ordinances should be revised, edited and cross-
referenced to reflect the'latest changes. Changed the time of meeting for the months
July, August and September to 8 P.M. Motion passed that the secretary of the Plan
Commission write letters to several Yorkville businesses recognizing outstanding
Old Business-Frank Wakefield stated he had checked into the State Plat Act and it
allows the split off he wishes to make on his property at 305 E. Main St. Discussion
on the zoning ordinance and interpretation of same. In order to use the land, it was
suggested Mr. Wakefield go ahead and split it off and then go before the Zoning Boar
of Appeals, which requires filing a variance fee of $85 with the City Clerk. Ald.
Ellis suggested any one who has questions on zoning get a copy of the ordinance,
which is on file at the City Secretary's Office, and read it through. Since this is
still new, no one on the council is that familiar with the entire ordinance.
Bob Grate appeared again with the sign for the Countryside Theaters. He stated the
sign probably would be placed near the property line, parallel to the building.
On committee recommendation, Mr. Grate was told either to stay within the ordinance
requirements of 100 square feet or go to the Zoning Board of Appeals, which also re-
quires a variance fee of $85 to be filed with the City Clerk.
Attorney Max Peterson presented to the Council an amended petition for a Planned
Unit Development and a proposed plat and architectural plans for Mulhern's PUD in
Countryside Center. Ald. Thanepohn moved to table the matter until the next meeting
o the Council can familiarize themselves with it, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion
ew Business Mr. Allen Brady, Kendall County Civil Defense Director, presented a nerd
proposed warning system from Federal Sign and Signal Corp. , Blue Island, Ill. at a
ost of approximately $7,000, half of which would be paid by a Federal Grant. He
stated he would like to see it installed on top of the Courthouse as it would give
he greatest amount of coverage for the area. He plans to talk to Countryside de-
elopers on the installation of a smaller unit for that area. Discussion. Ald.
Wolff moved to refer this the the Future Planning Committee for consideration, secor
d by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. Mr. Brady also recommended the City appoint
other Civil Defense Director. Police Chief Prickett is now the director and state
d federal authorities state law officers have their own duties to attend to in a
isaster and the Civil Defense Director should be someone other than a law officer.
yor Coleman will appoint a director in the near future.
ttorney Bassak appeared for Gabel and Pottinger stating they were not prepared and
would like placed on the agenda next meeting.
yor Coleman directed the Clerk to open bids for air conditioning and heating for
he City Hall.
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. JUNE 27 197+
Martin Sheet Metal $2,725.00 completed by 15 working days.
Artlip & Sons $2,195.00 completed by or within 10 working days of
contract approval.
Schneider Refrigeration & Appliance York equipment
$2,57+.00 completed by 3 wks. from bid acceptance.
Ald. Simmons moved to accept the bid of Artlip & Sons as it is the lowest bid sub-
mitted. Seconded by Ald. Ellis. Roll call vote: Madden-aye; Wolff -ayf; Hanback-
aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion passed unanimously.
Attorney Marty Castle presented a petition for approval of annexation agreement for
the Wildwood Subdivision and asked it be referred to the Plan Commission. Ald. Thane
pohn moved to refer this petition to the Plan Commission, seconded by Ald. Wolff,
motion carried.
Attorney Tony Bassak presented the final plat for Fox Industrial Park, Unit 3. He
stated property adjacent to the park had been purchased which now allowed the ex-
tension of Deer St. to Rt. 126, (approval from the State has been received) and the
only other change was the realignment of some lots to face onto the proposed ex-
tension of Deer St. Attorney Bassak was asked to take to the developers the council'
concern about the serious water problem in that area. Mr. John McEachern, one of the
developers, was present and stated they would listen to any suggestion the city
might have as they wished the Fox Industrial Park to be an asset to the city of
Yorkville. Ald. Thanepohn moved to approve the final plat, seconded by Ald. Hanback,
motion carried.
Ald. Madden submitted his resignation to the Council effective June 30, 197+ with
regret. Mayor Coleman stated no one will be appointed to fill the vacancy because
there is less than a year left on Ald. Madden's term. Ald. Simons was moved to
chair the Building and Zoning Committee and Ald. Wolff was made chairman of the
Water Committee. Ald. Thanepohn moved to accept Ald. Madden's resignation with a
great deal of gratitude of his past service and looking forward to a great deal mor(
service from him in the future position. Ald. Ellis seconded the motion with the
same amount of feeling, motion carried. Mayor Coleman said the appointment of Ald.
Madden had leaked out and asked for more consideration from the Council on matters
discussed in executive sessions.
Attorney Grant presented an ordinance vacating a street that runs through the Lind-
blom and Feltz property. Ald. Ellis moved to refer it to the Streets and Alleys
Committee, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Committee Reports-Streets and Alleys-Ald. Ellis commended the City employees for
the clean-up work they have done since last Thursday's storm. Mr. McNelis has helper
a great deal, a 6-wheel truck from KR & G has been used, many citizens have helped
move the trees and all should be commended. About 90% should be cleaned up by Sat.
Water-Ald. Madden reported the old well is being looked at by Engineer Anderson.
Police & Fire-Ald. Thanepohn said some feed-back had been received in regard to the
Police specializing in different problems and would take it to the committee. The
committee recommends putting stop signs at Church and Center and at King and Center,
Ald. Thanepohn moved an ordinance be made up for these stop signs, seconded by Ald.
Ellis, motion carried.
Trees & Parks-Ald. Hanback reported another clean-up da e�will be held sometime in
August. No money was used in the June 16th clean-up and;` 11 get a letter of apprec.
iation out to the people that helped by donating machines, trucks, saws, manpower,
etc. Howard Johnson, a member of the school board, discussed school property to be
used for ball parks that are badly needed and the desire to work with the city in
getting tennis courts for public use. This matter was referred to committee for act:
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A.
JUNE 27 1974
Future Planning-Ald. Simmons presented information in regard to a census and asked
Mayor Coleman to write a letter to the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Census,
Washington, D.C. asking for a census. In 1970 the census was 2,049 with 593 water
accounts. Average 3.4 persons per household. In 1974 there are 766 water accounts,
83 apartments not having meters. 849 households x 3.4 persons would be a population
of 2,886.
Public Property & Buildings-Ald. Simmons reported he had received 2 estimates on the
work to be done at the P.D. Steve Halmagyi $3,053.0 M & W Construction Co.
$3,100. This estimate includes using cement blocks ike the building to close up
where the door is in the garage area. Ald. Simmons ndicated he would accept the
M & W Construction Co. 's estimate.
Gas, Telephone & Lights-Ald. Hanback stated he had called the telephone company in
regard to the phone booth downtown and had agreed t have the booth picked up. The
company feels a booth should have at least 30 users a day and this one only had10
or so each day.
Building & Zoning-Ald. Madden reported Clarage & As ociates would charge a maximum
of $450 to edit the zoning ordinance and $150 to t e it. He also presented bids on
printing from The Shopper-200 copies $1,286.50; Ken all County Record-200 copies
$680.98 and if they had to reset it, $745.00 for 209 copies; Open Door-200 copies
$556.00. Discussion. Ald. Thanepohn moved James Cla=nty e & Associates be engaged to
edit and type the zoning ordinance and the Kendall Record print 200 copies.
Ald. Wolff seconded the motion. Roll call vote-Madden-aye; Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye;
Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passel unanimously.
Ald. Wolff stated Mr. Loftus is moving people into �uildings that are not final in-
spected and something should be done. Attorney Grant him of the letter he
had sent out to Mr. Loftus in regard to this violation and if he continues to do so,
a fine can be charged the contractor. Discussion.
Finance and Audit-Ald. Thanepohn will check the final edition of the Appropriation
.Ordinance and bring it back at the next meeting.
YBS-Ald. Wolff will attend a meeting of a new county committee on July 2, 1974.
Ald. Madden moved to adjourn at 11 :15 P.M.