City Council Minutes 1974 06-13-74 FORM 601-490 U.S.A.
June 13, 1974
yor Coleman called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
e then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
Aldermen were present:
1st Ward-Madden 2nd Ward Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis
Wolff Thanepohn Simmons
.ftyor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read
he minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Madden commented on Page 1, Para. 3, Line 13
hould read 5' instead of 5" of the lot line. Ald. Madden moved to accept the minute
econded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
yor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills. Ald. Simmons felt the bill from
amilton Olds for service and tune-up of $210.26 was high. Ald. Wolff verified the
barges and packing the wheel bearings was the only charge out of line. Chief Pricke
as talked to Hamilton Olds about this bill and they will take care of it the next
time the car is in for service. Alderman Thanepohn presented a bill from Communica-
tions Technicians & Consultants, Inc. for $1,839.35 as agreed and $105.15 for labor
or installation of antenna an tower. Ald. Thanepohn moved that all bills be paid
ncluding the bill from Communications Technicians & Consultants, seconded by Ald.
olff, motion carried.
ttorney's Report-Attorney Grant stated no letter had been received from Standard Oi
o. but the sign was down.
yor's Report-Mayor Coleman stated the sanitation ordinance needs to be reviewed.
ox Valley Disposal rates have increased from $1.76 to $2.41 per residence retro-
etive from May 1, 1974. There is no contract with Fox Valley Disposal. Discussion.
yor Coleman read letters from EPA-1.Permit denial for Wayne E. Millen for sanitary
ewers. 2.Approval of water improvements for Millen and Emmons Subdivision.
yor Coleman read a resolution from the Kendall County Board requesting the buildin
ermit fee be waived for the new Kendall Co. building to be built across the street
rom the Courthouse. Ald. Madden moved the building permit fee be waived for the
endall County building. Ald. Ellis seconded the motion, motion carried. Fees for
,rater and sewer hook-up will still be charged. Mayor Coleman read a letter from th
tendall Co. Civil Defense Director, Allan 0. Brady, advising that because the presen
ivil Defense siren system does not function properly and according to requirements,
he supplier is to remove the units at his expense. A meeting will be held when all
uotes and technical data are received. Mayor Coleman read a letter from Murphy,
rawford & Tilly in regard to changes in the water ordinance. He referred the matter
o the water and sewer committee for more discussion later. Mayor Coleman read a
etter of resignation from Dennis R. Fauth from the Planning Commission. He will be
oving to Bristol in the near future. Mayor Coleman directed the City Secretary to
write a letter of thanks to Mr. Fauth. Ald. Thanepohn moved to accept this resigna-
tion, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Mayor Coleman appointed Patrolman
Richard Randall as Captain and Al Spera as Lieutenant. Ald. Thanepohn moved to accep'
these appointments, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
lerk's Report-Clerk Brant read a letter from the EPA on the sanitary sewer extensioi
iolation at Loren Miller's Subdivision. Supt. Pfister stated Mr. Miller was to stop
FORM 601-49®O.S.A. JUNE 13. 1974
construction of sewers at least 10' of the existing sewer connection and has not com-
plied with this requirement. Ald. Wolff stated the developer has been notified of the
violation. Clerk Brant had received a telephone call from Illinois Bell Telephone
Co. in regard to the pay booth by the old library building. It is vandalized and
of working most of the time. Discussion. Ald. Wolff moved this be referred to Ligh'
elephone and Gas Committee for action, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried.
lerk Brant read a letter from Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc. to Mr. Loren Mill
tating they have had no part in the construction of sewers in the Miller Subdivisiol
d cannot assume any responsibility for their installation. Their services being
ompleted, asked for fullFayment for all work performed. Clerk Brant read a letter
rom the Dept. of Transportation in regard to bridge repair work on Illinois routes.
yor Coleman read a letter listing the needed repairs to the railroad crossings in
li-easurer's Report-Ald. Madden asked why the certificate of deposits were taken off
he treasurer's report. A certificate of deposit report is sent out periodically and
id not feel it was necessary to have it on twice, Ald. Thanepohn replied. Ald. Wolf:
ved to accept the treasurer's report, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried.
olive Report-Office Millen has completed 6 weeks base satisfactoily at the U of I as
s now back on the force.
treet Report-Ald. Madden noted the be.11 park had been dragged twice.
anitary and Storm Sewer Report-Ald. Madden asked if the city could do anything abou
he sewer connection of Millia. He feels the city should force them to comply with
he requirements setforth. Supt. Pfister did not feel the EPA would issue a use per,
t. Discussion. Noted other violations such as people moving into houses and apart-
ents before final building inspections are made. This was referred to Attorney
rant to research.
ilding Inspection Report-Ald. Ellis noted the number of inspections made and state,
t is more evident, a full time person is needed for this job.
ater Report-Ald. Wolff recommended getting some bids for the green Ford truck for
ires. Ald. Wolff moved the Clerk send out bids for 6 tires for the 350 Ford Truck,
econded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Ald. Ellis moved to accept all reports,
econded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
lerk Brant read the minutes of the Plan Commission meeting of May 28th. 5.01 Wild-
od Planned Unit development, preliminary proposals regarding zoning for industry
d use of open space, i.e. recreational areas for the development were presented.
.02 Preliminary review of residential planned unit development-Countryside Center,
rian Mulhern, a petition for a Planned Unit Development was presented for eight
12-unit apartment buildings. Two objections were immediately raised to this pro-
osal-the development still has access off Countryside Parkway and usable space
hould be created around each building. The Commission recommended Mr. Mulhern's
ttorney and engineer get a list of required materials in order to present a revised
lan at the next meeting. This includes maps which show off-street parking; utility
asements; existing streets and access to them; a soils report from the Soil Con-
ervation Service. A motion to table this petition until the next meeting was made.
ames B. Clarage provided a film "A Place to be Human" on open space planning for
ommun;ties was shown. Ald. Wolff questioned why the Wildwood Subdivision had gon
o the Plan Commission and Ald. Madden stated they had been referred to the Commis-
ion by the Council.
FORM 601-490 U.S.A. JUNE 13, 1971
ld Business-The Kendall County Real Estate Taxes for the library building had been
received. Attorney Dickson has filed for a tax exemption on this building. Clerk Br
as directed to hold this bill until Attorney Grant can check with the county treas-
er to see if the city qualifies for the exemption for taxes for last year.
ew Business-Frank Wakefield requested a variance on his lot at 30T E. Main St. as
he lot sizes will not meet the new zoning ordinance requirements. He wishes to make
lots out of one and was told this was definitely subdividing and he should petitio
o resub-divide and go thru the regular channels. Bob Grate requested for Countr
fide Theaters to erect a sign that exceeds 100 sq. ft. Discussion. Ald. Thanepohn
oved to refer this to the Building and Zoning Committee for their recommendation
d report back at the next meeting. Seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried.
ommittee Reports-Streets and Alleys-Ald. Madden asked if there had been a reply fro
he state on the water problems at Somonauk and Bridge. There has been no reply.
ater-Ald. Madden read amendments to the water ordinance as recommended by Supt.
ister. "The water department shall dictate all size and types of water meters to
e installed at contractor or owner's expense. There shall be a check valve installe
t the outflow side of all water meters, to prevent cross connections. There shall b
shut off valve installed on both sides of all water meters." "The water main shall
e of a steel ductile type, and shall meet a pressure test of 125 PSI for 2 hours
th a loss of no more than 5 PSI. It shall be a 150 PSI rating under the American
Water Works Association's acceptance." Engineer Anderson recommended a book pub-
lished by The Associated General Contractors of Illinois on standard specifications
or water and sewer main construction at a cost of $7.50 per book. Ald. Madden move
he City Attorney incorporate these amendments in the water ordinance and present it
at the next meeting. Ald. Wolff seconded the motion; motion carried. Engineer
derson covered briefly his letter of June 3, 197+ to the council. The serious
ainage problem involving runoff from the industrial park and the agricultural area
outh of Yorkville and as the runoff passes east through Elizabeth St. and Washingto
t. A form has been submitted to the City and he is filling in the data regarding
he sewer system reporting to the EPA. A portion of the data requested involves
he amount of sanitary sewers which are presently carrying storm water and which are
roposed for future separation of storm and sanitary waste. Although the EPA has
of yet pressed Yorkville for this action, kre would anticipate that such pressure
ill be forthcoming within the next few years. The majority of the street drainage
aining access to the sanitary system are located on S. Main St. The storm water
roblem in the vicinity of Madison and Van Emmon Streets might be combined into a
jor project along Main St. , whereby a storm sewer could be installed to pick up
he storm water draining along Main St. , could solve the storm water problem and
fight be extended far enough South to collect some of the storm water causing pro-
blems in the area of Washington and Elizabeth Streets. It would appear, by visual
bservation, that the first two parts of this program would be quite feasable, but
he last part night be quite difficult as it seems that Main St. slopes north and
outh from Beecher and that gravity flow would not extend as far as the swales South
f Elizabeth St. without recourse to an extremely deep sewer in the area of Beecher
t. He state(% based on previous experience with wells, they felt that it would be
omewhat unusual that a deep sand and gravel well would produce bacterially eontami-
ated water, and wonder if an examination of the well might locate a fault which coi;
e corrected without spending excessive sums of municipal funds. Another item of
oncern is that the public water supplies on the North and South side of Yorkville a
onnected by a single river crossing pipe. However, if a major failure would occur
n the river, then repairs might take several days and the elevated tank on the N.
ioRM 601-490 U.S.A.
JUNE 13 197
side would not be sufficient to sustain the water needs of those residences. It woulc
appear that a second river crossing pipe should be considered. Supt. Pfister has in-
dicated that a considerable amount of waste flowing t*ugh certain sewers in York-
ville which are serving relatively small areas. Fie also indicated the waste received
at the sewage plant is quite weak, which would probably be caused by ,excessive in-
filtration or seepage of water into sewers. There are several methods available to
correct these problems, none of which is particularly cheap and become more expen-
sive because of televising and other testing required to define the location of the
problem. The State of Illinois has recognized this type of situation and are re-
questing cities to become involved with inflow and infiltration testing, along with
appropriate corrections to limit the amount of water leaking into the system. Dis-
cussion. Ald. Ellis moved the City Engineer investigate the possibility of using
he old well, the storm sewer problem and water mains and bring definite facts back
to the Council, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried.
ealth and Sanitation-Ald. Hanback reported on the possibility of purchasing a Sani-
ruiser. He estimated it would cost the city $15,250 per year based on a 10-year
eriod. He will bring it up again at the next meeting.
olice and Fire-Ald. Thanepohn reported each patrolman will begin to specialize in
olice problems. He noted going into 1975, the department will be having 4 times the
eports filed in 1972, which indicates a great increase in police problems.
ees and Parks-Ald. Hanback reminded all Sunday is the day for the river clean-up.
eavy equipment and a driver have been donated, with the city paying for fuel vnl.y.
so, C. 0. Nelson will let the trucks dump free of charge. Ald. Hanback stated he if
n contact with Springfield about setting up a park district. The J.C. 's will be wil:
ng to turn over to the city the land they lease from the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary
'strict for additional park area. He will check further into this matter and report
ack. The Girl Scouts were commended for their recent painting of waste barrels and
enches in the City Park. Ald. Madden stated he had talked to the Legion about the
and behind the dam. The committee should contact Ken McGill.
tore Planning-Ald. Simmons will have more information on the census at the next
blic Property & B1 s.-Ald. Simmons reported no bids had been received for remodel•
ng the Police Department building. Notice to bid for air conditioning for City Hall
as been printed in the paper. Ald. Thanepohn moved Ald. Simmons be empowered to con
ract for the specified work to remodel the P.D. as soon as possible, seconded by
d. Hanback, motion carried.
lding & Zoning-Upon study of the matter of District 115 building a bus barn 5'
rom the lot line, Ald. Madden stated according to the ordinance, Page 86, Sec. 12.0'
hey would have to comply with the 10' requirement from the lot line. Mr. Ed Foley,
caner of the adjoining property, obj8cts to the building being built within 5' of
is property. The route to go would be thru the Plan Commission according to the or-
'nance. Ald. Madden stated James Clarage should re-edit the Comprehensive Amendment;
o the zoning ordinance and the city could have it printed by putting out bids.
'nance and Audit-Ald. Thanepohn asked who has a flood hazard boundary map? Ald. Mad.
en will check to see if he has one. The appropriation ordinance was gone over again
d changes made.
d. Hanback moved to adjourn at 11 :15 P.M. to executive session, seconded by Ald.
llis, motion carried.