City Council Minutes 1974 05-23-74 FORM 601-49 0 U.S.A. MAY 23, 1974
City Clerk Brant called the meeting to order in the absence of Mayor Coleman and as]
for a motion appointing a mayor pro tem. Ald. Thanepohn moved Ald. Madden serve as
mayor pro tem, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Mayor pro tem Madden askei
all present to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He, then, direc-
ed the Clerk to take roll. The following Aldermen were present:
1st Ward-Madden 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis-absent
Wolff Thanepohn Simmons
Mayor pro tem Madden asked for introduction of guests. Mayor pro tem Madden direetec
the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the
minutes as printed, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried.
Attorney's Report-Attorney Tom Grant reported he had written a letter to Standard 0:
Co. in regard to the ordinance violation of the Golf Range sign posted at Bob's Seri
Station and would report again on the matter at the next meeting.
Mayor's Report-Mayor pro tem Madden read a copy of a letter Senator Mitchler had
written to the Illinois Commerce Commission in regard to the poor condition of the
railroad tracks and crossings in town. He also read a letter to Jeff Ferren of the
Kendall Co. Record from the Illinois Commerce Commission stating the railroad had
been notified to give this matter immediate attention. Ald. Thanepohn stated the
tracks were being worked on this week. . . For recording secretary for the Plan
Commission Betty Houston is being nominated by Mayor Coleman. Ald. Thanepohn moved
to accept the nomination of Betty Houston as recording secretary for the Plan Com-
mission at the same salary as previously paid. Roll call. vote: Madden-aye; Wolff-
aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion passed unanimously. . . Mayor
pro tem Madden read a letter from Charles Garrison, Superintendent of Schools, Unit
District 115, stating ..the Board of Education plans to build an additional storage
building for buses. This would come within 50 of the lot owned by Mr. & Mrs. Ed
Foley, which is on the south side of the existing bus parking area. The area will
be totally enclosed with a chain link fence with the hope this will eliminate the
many problems of vandalism, etc. They also request waiver of the building permit
fee. Discussion. Ald. Thanepohn moved this matter be referred to the Building and
Zoning Committee for study with a report at the next meeting. Seconded by Ald. Han-
back, motion carried.
Plan Commission Report-Mayor pro tem Madden reviewed the letter from the Ottawa
Service Corp. requesting a one-year extension on the preliminary plan for Unit 1
Williamsport Subdivision because of the sanitary district improvements. Ald. Thane-
pohn moved to grant the extension of one year, July 25, 1975, to the Ottawa Service
Corp., seconded by A1dWolff, motion carried.
Ald. Ellis arrived 8:40 P.M.
Mayor pro tem Madden gave a verbal report on the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting in
regard to consideration of the petition of Ingemunson, Bassak, Langland and Anderson
to rezone from residential to B1, office use only, the Clark residence. Attorney
Ingemunson appeared before the board and withdrew the petition, therefore, no action
was taken. Next on the agenda was the petition of Glen Davidson on property at
Somonauk and Bridge. There was quite a bit of discussion with approximately 24 peop
in the audience. Some thought that it had been advertised incorrectly and a motion
was passed that the hearing be re-advertised and have another hearing on July 27th.
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A.
MAY 23, 1874
Since there are new members on the Board, a meeting has been set with the Plan Com-
mission for the 28th.
Old Business: Mayor pro tem Madden presented a written bid for the 7 h.p. riding
mower from Walter J. Olson for $225.00 and he had received a verbal bid of $100.00
for the mower. Ald. Hanback moved to accept the bid for $225.00 from Walter J.
Olson, seconded by Ald. Ellis, roll. call vote: Madden-aye; Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye;
Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports-Streets and Alleys-Ald. Ellis reported he had not been able to col
tact Mr. Anderson, City Engineer, relative to a more definite report on the street
work. A lot of telephone calls have been received about water in basements since
the 47111 rainfall last week. Supt. Pfister gave a report on the basements the city
has pumped out and the sewers that were plugged due to the excessive rainfall.
Water-Mayor pro tem Madden read the resignation of Rick Pfister, Superintendent of
Public Works. He will begin working for the Yorkville Bristol Sanitary District Jull
1, 197+. Ald. Ellis moved to regretfully accept the resignation of Rick Pfister an(
the council wishes him luck in his new job. Ald. Thanepohn seconded the motion and
also expressed his regret in seeing him go. Motion carried. Ald. Ellis suggested
the council give a lot of thought to the needs of the city in regard to this vacanc;
such as a building inspector, etc. and not carelessly fill the position. Mayor
pro tem Madden referred the matter the Mayor Coleman.
Police and Fire-Ald. Thanepohn reported a meeting will be held June 5th at 8:00 P.M,
at City Hall.
Trees and Parks Ald. Hanback reported the committee recommends the Boy Scouts be
allowed to use the city park for a week-end in August. Ald. Hanback reported on the
June 16th clean up of the river. It will be necessary to have some heavy equipment
to pull. out the trees and up on the shore so chain saws can be used to cut up the
trees, and they are trying to get one large truck from a construction company. The
committee is asking for $1,000 to use if necessary for the Sunday Clean-up if these
services are not donated. Ald. Hanback moved that the committee be allowed to use
up to $1,000 that day if necessary, seconded by Ald. Ellis. Discussion. Roll Call
vote: Madden-aye; Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye:
motion passed unanimously. Ald. Hanback moved that the Boy Scounts be allowed to of
the city park for a week-end some time in August, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion
Future Planning-Ald. Thanepohn asked about the census. Ald. Ellis stated it might be
worthwhile to check to see if there is a number set of increases in city population
to get an increase in MFT funds. The committee will look into this.
Public Property & Buildings-Ald. Simmons reported the committee is working on the
remodeling of the P.D.
Building and Zonin -Ald. Madden reported on the agenda of the Plan Commission's next
meeting. 5.01 Wildwood Subdivision, 5.02 Brian Mulhern, Countryside Center, PUD,
5.03 Color slides on city planning. A check in the amount of $360 has been recei.vec
from Brian Mulhern, which is the fee according to our new zoning ordinance.
Finance and Audit-Ald. Thanepohn reported a meeting had been held and the appropria-
tion ordinance had been revised. Copies will be given to each of the aldermen and
resented at the next meeting. Ald. Thanepohn had a bulletin on Flood Insurance fox
1975 and will write to the Governor's Task Force to get full details. The Revenue
Sharing Planned Use Report must be filled out and filed by June 24th. He will meet
with Mayor Coleman on this.
Library-Ald. Madden will check with the man who is to put in the new sidewalk at the
library again.
FORN 601-49 ® U.S.A.
MAY 2a 147+
YBS Board-Ald. Wolff reported he attended the last meeting and there are a lot of
storm sewers that are going to have to be disconnected especially on Main St. The
Board asks that the Village does not take any more new annexations as the sanitary
system will be near capacity when it opens.
Ald. Ellis reviewed the letter from Robert Anderson, city engineer, regarding flood
problems on West Elizabeth and West Washington Streets. If an extensive storm sewe:
system is installed it would probably be in the range of $450,000 to $500,000. To
eliminate immediate problems, a storm sewer could be installed to route flow from ti
south to the north side of Elizabeth St. at a cost of approximately $7,500 to $10,01
Regarding the problem of Washington Street, the original plans called for.:a=72" x 4
oval arch-culvert to carry water under the street. It appears that facility was nev,
installed. As a result, even moderate rains cause surface water to rush down the
valley, cross the street and between the houses. If the water shed were to remain
agriculture the culvert, as designed, would be suitable to handle the flow from a
severe storm. However, if the water shed would be developed residential then the cu
vert would be unsuitable. To provide adequate protection, the facility would be ap-
proximately 600, long and cost approximately $45,000 to $55,000. Legislation passed
this year, requires a developer to install storm water holding ponds at the site of
each development. Discussion. Ald. Thanepohn suggested sending a copy of the letter
to the Plan Commisson. Discussion on other problems of water in the city.
Ald. Madden asked each alderman to give a lot of consideration and thought in cases
where petitions come in for or against something. He fee's they carry more power
than they should. Discussion.
Ald. Wolff moved to adjourn at 9:30 P.M., seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
J es J. B t, City Clerk
JJB n-b