City Council Minutes 1974 05-09-74 FORM 601-490 U.S.A. May 9, 1974 AINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE LT-AGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MAY 9, 1974 AT 8:00 P.M. yor Coleman called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flag. e then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: 1st Ward-Madden 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis Wolff Thanepohn-absent Simmons yor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read he minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the minutes as printed, seconded by Ald. Simmons. Ald. Ellis asked for the addition of "because of a possib onflict of interest that may arise". to line 13, paragraph 1, Page 2. Motion carrie yor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills. Ald. Simmons moved to dispense th reading of the bills and accept them as printed, seconded by Ald. Madden, motie arried. Clerk Brant read 2 additional bills just received. 1. National Blvd. Bank f Chicago for interest, principal, service chgs. and postage and insurance in the ewer Improvement Interest Fund $880.00. Payment must be received by May 20, 1974. . Ellsworth Windett for insurance coverage on Police Bldg. , Pump House and Contents month period ending Sept. 1, 1974. Clerk Brant questioned the amount insured- on he bill it reads $10,000 for pump house contents and should be $6,000. Mayor Cole- an instructed the Clerk to verify this with Mr. Windett. Ald. Ellis moved to re- ommend payment of both bills, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Ald. Ellis questioned the bill of Ronald E. Morri, accident drawing. Clerk Brant explained this as per the State's Attorney's request for a more professional drawing of the accide involving the squad car and Officer Randall. Ald. Ellis also questioned the bill from G. William Moore for 1971, 1972 & 1973 audits. Clerk Brant stated he has each year requested bills for the audits. Ald. Ellis recommended encouraging the auditor to submit a bill each year for his services. ttorney's Report-Ald. Madden moved to pass an ordinance "regulating and providing or inspection of certain sewer systems and providing a standard for acceptance hereof". Discussion. Ald. Ellis seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Madden-aye; Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, passed unanimously. Attorney Dickso reported on his study of the pre-annexation agreement of Countryside Center property long Rt. 47 of Mr. Brian Mulhern. He stated technically the city can reduce the density with the new zoning ordinance. The city could not be challenged until Mr. lhern makes application of a Planned Unit Development. Attorney Dickson reported on an ordinance regulating the style of support for mail boxes for the city. He could not find such an ordinance and feels the city cannot regulate the style of supports for mail boxes for aesthetic purposes but could only regulate for the healt and safety of city residents. He stated Arnold Millen is suing the city for $216.00 or garbage collection at his apartments on Rt. 126. Attorney Dickson explained to he council some past history on a special assessment of water mains on the North side. Some property owners paid in advance, some paid annually and some did not ay at all. The city attorney at that time recommended the last three installments that were being paid annually be waived to the disadvantage of those who paid in advance. An escrow account of $9,000 is still in effect but a few thousand dollars is still needed. Atty. Dickson and Mr. Griffin are working on a method of getting that collected and getting it distributed to the property owners that had prepaid. ttorney Dickson has requested G. William Moore to make a certification of the water -2- FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. MAY Q, 1 Q74 avenue funds in preparation for financing a new well. Mayor's report-Mayor Coleman read the nominations for all city employees. (See at- tachment #2) Ald. Madden moved a blanket approval. of the entire sate as presented y the Mayor. Ald. Hanback seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Madden-aye; Wolff- ye; Hanback-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman resented his committees for the coming year (See attachment #3). Mayor Coleman pproved the nominations of Carol Munson and Mary Hoover to the Library Board. Ald. immons moved to accept the nominations of Carol Munson and Mary Hoover to the Libra ard. Seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Mayor Coleman asked the Chairman of he Zoning Committee to inform Marty Behrens of his appointment to the Zoning Board. ity Clerk's report-Clerk Brant read an advance notice of 1975 IMRF contribution rat e contribution rate will be 11.69 of participating employee earnings. The munici ality contribution rate on non-participating employee earnings will be 5.95% of the oci.al security wage base to be established by the social security administration ov. 1. The rate increase experienced by most employers results from higher social ecurity taxes and recently improved IMRF benefits. Complete official notice of all ates will be furnished later. Clerk Brant presented the Clerk's Estimate Appropria ion Request for the Fiscal. Year 1974-1975. (See Attachment #4). Mayor Coleman refer ed this to the councilmen for study and they should inform the Clerk of any changes ttorneY Dickson explained the Appropriations Request and stated it must be filed efore July 31 . 1974. Treasurer's report-Ald. Simmons questioned the water construction fund total. Clerk Brant said the certificates of deposit no longer appear on the treasurer's report. olice, street dept. , water dept. building inspector's reports presented. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the reports as printed, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. lan Commission-Ald. Madden read a copy of a letter from the Ottawa Service Corp. sking for an extension of one year, June 25, 1974 to July 25, 1975 on the prelimin- ry plan of Unit I Williamsport Subdivision by reason of the sanitary approval . Al.d. dden would like to study this and report back at the next meeting. From a news- aper account of the last meeting, Ald. Madden asked what the Council was referring o in regard to a more detailed report of the Plan. Commission meetings. He stated e would step down from this committee if the council was not satisfied. Also, thes eetings were open to the public which includes the council. It was explained this as not the intent but a more detailed account of the minutes would help the council No bids were received for the city's r�di.ng mower. Mayor Coleman directed Clerk Brant to open the tire bids. Rich's Union 76 4-Union 5 star white & gold stripe 4 Polyester Bias plys and 2 steel belt plies 40,000 tread wear guarantee $289.30 Mounted & Balanced, align front end 14.95 M4.25 Union Radial steel white side wall 2 polyester radial plies and 2 steel belt tires 4-JR78-15 $343.8o Mtd. and balanced, front end align 14. 35-T.7-5 -3- FORN 601-490 U.S.A. MAY o i o74 BF Goodrich, Aurora, Ill. 4 J78-15 Steel Belted Whitewall $35•43 ea. $1 +1.72 4 JR70-15 Radial Rayon Whitewall $41.66 ea. 166.44 4 JR70-15 Radial. Steel Whitewall $52.60 ea. 210.40 Installation-No charge Bubble Balance $2.15 ea. High Speed Balance $2.90 ea. Front End Alignment without air condition $10.50 Front End Alignment with air condition 12.50 ld. Wolff moved to purchase the 4 steel belted tires from B. F. Goodrich. In his pinion this tire would be serviceable for the type of driving th&* is done and just is safe. Ald. Madden seconded the motion. Roll call vote-Madden-aye; Wolff-aye; anback-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously. Ald. Wolff also tated these should be purchased right now even tho they are not needed immediately is prices are going up 20% as of the first of June. Chief Prickett was instructed to make said purchase. lain Harker requested the use of the City Park for a Friday night, all day Satur- ay and Sunday morning for a scout gathering sometime in August. Mr. Harker ex- lained some of the projects tla t would be taking place during the weekend. Ald. olff moved to refer this to committee for study and report back at the next meeting ommittee Reports-Streets and Alleys-Bob Anderson reported on the flooding condition n Elizabeth St. and Washington Court. It would cost $7,500 to $10,000 to alleviate his problem on Elizabeth St. and $45,000 to $55,000 on Washington St. There are homes on Washington Ct. that are involved in this flooding. He stated there is a ew state statute against building homes in a flood plain. It is questionable wheth he city has any responsibility at all. Attorney Dickson stated possibly the home ers would make some form of contribution to the problem. Ald. Ellis is to contact hese people and see what it would be worth to them. Ald. Ellis will report on ecessary street work at the next meeting. olice & Fire-In the absence of Ald. Thanepohn, Chief Prickett recommended replacing he yield signs at King & Cen-`er and Church & Center with stop signs and leaving enter a thru street. There have been recent accidents at these intersections. Ald. 11olff moved to refer this to the Police Committee. ees and Parks-Ald. Hanback reported on a meeting at the Palmer Dam with Sen. itchler and Leonard Spiers, Water Way Commissioner. He stated we do have a permit to clear the area but it is the city's problem to get the trees out of the river. . Henry Schwemlein of Sandwich, spoke to the council representing the Caterpillar anoe Club. This Club has done Fox River Clean-ups before but have by-passed York- ville and would like to help clear the river at Palmer Dam this year. June 16th has een set by the Canoe Club to clean-up the Fox River from Montgomery to Silver Sprin ark. Mr. Schwemlein asked for volunteers, heavy equipment and chain saws. There will be a camper set up at Silver Springs with food and possibly one at the dam area Mayor Coleman stated the city would furnish all three trucks and referred the matter to the committee for follow-up. Mayor Coleman has had requests for more ball arks. Each year more children sign up. It was suggested using the Jaycees park d Mike Price will take the suggestion to the JC's. Mayor Coleman referred this to he committee. Future Planning-Mayor Coleman stated the city needs at least 400 people to get an in -4- FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. May 9. 197+ rease in MFT funds and suggested waiting until next year for a census. blic Property & Bldgs.-Mayor Coleman had talked with Leo Anderson in regard to the emodeling of the P.D. Mr. Anderson said he would be glad to step down and the city ould have no obligation to him. Ald. Madden reported the library sidewalk work had een let to Keith & Ray Flatwork of Sandwich. They were the only bidders on this ork. The Mainetance Bldg. floor work has been let to the lowest bidder, Edward L. ryant, Oswego. There has been an increase in the price of mesh used in this work d the Council feels .the city should pay for the extra cost. iquor Commissioner-All petitions for licenses have been picked up and licenses issu Tiding and Zoning-Ald. Madden mentioned there are a lot of things happening in thi rea all the time. He stated he had explained the ordinance on signs to Mr. Miller, caner of the Golf Range. The Golf Range sign posted on the corner of Bob's Standard s in violation of the ordinance. Businesses cannot advertise on some other busines roperty. Attorney Dickson was directed to send a letter to Standard Oil stating he violation. Ald. Madden reported the zoning maps aren't ready yet but there are copies of the comprehensive zoning books at the Clerk's office and 1 at the City ecretary's office. 'nance and Audit-Clerk Brant said he would have an up to date certificate of deposi eport ready soon. ibrry-Ald. Simmons presented the annual. Library Report. d. Madden suggested all councilmen and wives attend the Plan Commission meeting Kay 28th. Colored films will be shown on city planning. Ald. Ellis moved to adjourn to executive session at 10:00 P.M. Ald. Hanback seconded he motion, motion carried. i AMES J. BROT, CITY CLERK JB/njb APRIL 1974 GENERAL F_,.- Commonwealth Edison Co.- Garage $7.80, Street Lighting $523.96 (March) $552.03(Apr. ) 1,083.79 Illinois Bell Tel. Co.- P.D342.27, Street Dept. $0.45 42.72 Marilyn J. Merkel- Drappery Rods & Accessorys, City Hall 20.49 Ralph E. Pfister- Bldg. Insp.(20) 100.00 Fred 0. Christian- Bldg. Insp.(6) 30.00 McNelis Tree Service-Topping tree & Removing Stumps 80.00 Ellsworth Windett Ins.- Treasurer's Bond 140.00 G. William Moore- Audits; '71 $1,580.00, '72 $1,565.00, '73 $1,425.00 4,570.00 Xerox Corp.- Copies,197 Inv.#022613448 9.36 Doug Roach- Snowing, Park 24.00 Riemenschneider Electric- Repair lamps & eternal lame, Park 268.29 Markel..z Office Products- Office Suppl. , City Sec'y. 15.70 Clean Sweep, Inc.- Street Sweeping, April 60.00 Fox Valley Disposal Co.- Disposal Service April $1,411.80; Palmer Dam Site April$30.00 i,441.8o John N. Schneider- Repair furnace, Library 70.85 Kendall County Record- Printing Ordinance, Bids, j3ublic Notice 256.00 Hopkins Road Equipment Co.- Street Signd 120.22 Yorkville Hardware- Street Dept. $47.82, City Hall $4.20 52.02 John N. Schneider- Opr. Suppl. Street Dept. 17.27 Homer G. Dickson & Co. , Inc.- repair tractor 406.51 Farmers' Elevator Co.- Sakrete, Street Dept. 70.48 Neenah Foundry Co.- Grates, frames,&lids Inv.#5-510 287.50 Central Limestone Co.- Rock, Street Dept. 154.08 Coffman Bros.- Service Truck, Inv.#C21119 37.63 Barco Municipal. Products,Inc.- coiled Rods, Inv.#7363 103.27 Rich's Union 76- Gas; Street Dept.$131.08, P.D. $352.30 483.38 Durbin Office Machines- Lamps & paper(3M) 104.96 Hamilton Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Inc.- Repair & service Squads, Inv.16802,16,813,16876 16877,16899 194.26 Winfred W. Prickett- Use of personal car (14 Days) 70.00 Bob's Service- Car washes 8.75 Aurora Typewriter Co. , Inc.- Typewriter Ribbon 4.50 Badger Uniforms - Uniforms, Reuter 131.49 Ronald E. Morri- Accident drawing per State's Att'y. request 30.00 Richard A. Randall- Expenses for training 84.50 Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl.. P.D. 11.05 Ray O'Herron Co. , Inc.Name pin, Inv.#20955 10.20 $10,595.07 Water FUND Commonwealth Edison Co.-.Water Tower$8.49Pumping $0.74, Pumping $24.34, Pumping $440.92474.49 Ill. Bell Tel. Co.-Pump House 8•�5 Natioal Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Deposit, Bond & Int. Acet. 150.00 National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Deposit, Bond & Int. Res. Acet. 170.00 The Bank of Yorkville- Deposit, Depr. & Contg. Acct. 150.00 E&H Utility Sales, Inc.-Corp.stops & copper tubing Inv.#8093 409.16 Water Products Co.- Cpper tubing, curb stop Inv.#7878 379.34 Floyd Denny Co.-Inst. lights water tower, Inv.#1180 15.00 Marilyn J. Merkel.- postage 3.48 Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl. 12.89 Homer G. Dickson & co. , Inc.- Fountian valve 21.50 Countryside Hareware- Oper. Suppl. 16.72 Farmers' Elevator co.- Sakrete 21.89 The Northern Trust Co. - Payment 1969 Water Rev. Bonds Paid 6,491.62 of It it it - Payment 1969 Water Refunding Bonds Paid 1 $9,716.06 REVENUE SHARING FUND HOMER. G. DICKSON & CO., INC._ Roughin pumping, Mat'l. Labor 392.99 ATTACHMENT N0. 2 Mayor Coleman nominated Ralph E. Pfister as General Superintendent of Public Works at a salary of $1, 100.00 per month effective May 1, 197+ with 50% from each General and Water Funds. He shall have all. benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman seconded by Alderman With all Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Fred 0. Christian as Supervisor of the Streets & Alleys Department at the salary of $900.00 per month effective May 1, 1974. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1072. Motion to accent nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all. Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Michael. L. Price as employee of the Streets and Alleys Department at the salary of $700.00 per month effective May 1, 1Q74 and increased to $750.00 per month June 10, 1874. He shall have al.l benefits as provided by the Personnel. Policy adopted May 11, 1072. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With ail. Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated James M. Mauser as employee of the Streets & Al.levs Department at the salary of $700.00 per month effective Mav 1, 197+ and increased to $750.011 per month September 15, 1974. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Leroy Johnson to serve in the Streets, Alleys and Water Departments at the pleasure of Ralph E. Pfister, General_ Superintendent of Public Works. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all. Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Winfred W. Prickett as Chief of Police at the salary of $1,050.00 per month effective May 1, 1974. He shall have all benefits as provided by th.e Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all. Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Richard A. Randall. as Patrolman of the Police Department at the salary of $950.00 per month effective May 1, 1974. He shall_ have all. benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alder- man , seconded by Alderman With all Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Alvin P. Spera as Patrolman of the Police Department at the salary of $925.00 per month effective May 1, 1974. He shad have all. benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman seconded by Alderman With all. Aldermen voting , motion carried Mayor Coleman nominated James S. Jerabek as Patrolman of the Police Department at the salary of $825.00 per month effective May 1, 197+. He shall. have all benefits as provided by the Personnel policy adopted May 11 1A72. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman seconded by Alderman With all_ Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Ronald W. Reuter as PP4-ro'-,iAn of the Pollee W ar t iien-t at the salary of $850.00 per month effective May 1, 197+. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alder- man , seconded by Alderman With all Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Wayne E. Millen as Patrolman of the Police Department at the salary of $700.00 per month effective May 1, 197+ and increased to $750.00 per month July 27, 1974. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman . With al_1 Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Alfred C. Baker and Arthur Thanepohn as School Crossing Guards at the salary of $8.00 per school day. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With ail. Aldermen voting , motion carried. -2- Mayor Coleman nominated Fred H. Dickson as City Attorney to be paid a retainer of $100.00 per month and the privilege of billing the City for extra legal services performed. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With al.l Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated the firm of Lewis E. Neuendorf and Thomas W. Grant with Thomas W. Grant as Attorney for an interim period during the excused absence of Attorney Dickson. He shad be paid a retainer of $100.00 per month. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all Alder- men voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Marilyn J. Merkel as City Secretary at the salary of $550.0 per month effective May 1 , 1974. She shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel. Policy adopted May 11, 197x. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Norma J. Brant for secretarial services at the salary of $25.00 per meeting. Mot;on to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all. Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated the firm of Crawford, Murphy & Tilly w;th Robert Anderson as City Engineer. They shall have the privilege of billing the City for engineering ser- vices performed. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With a'1 Aldermen voting , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated The Yorkville National. Bank, The Bank of Yorkville, The National Boulevard Bank of Chicago and The Northern Trust Bank of Chicago to serve as City Depositories. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all. Aldermen vot;_ng , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated the Chairman of the Finance Committee to be the fourth signature on all. checking accounts in the absence of either the Mayor, Treasurer or City Clerk. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all Aldermen vo+ing , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Ralph E. Pfister as building inspector to serve at the pleasure of the building council and to be paid a fee of $5.00 per inspection after working hours. He shad have authority to hire deput-les when necessary. The Deputies shall receive a fee of $5.00 per inspection after working hours.. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all Aldermen voting motion carried. ATTACH ENT NO. 3 CITY of YORKV ILLE County Seat of Kendall County Yorkville, Illinois 60560 MAYOR COMMITTEES MAY, 1974 — APRIL, 1975 ROBERT J. COLEMAN CLERK COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MEMBERS JAMES J. BRANT TREASURER Streets & Alleys Ellis Simmons - Madden MARILYN J. MERKEL Water Madden Wolff - Thanepohn ALDERMEN Health & Sanitation Ellis Thanepohn - Hanback First Ward Police & Fire Thanepohn Wolff - Ellis ELDON MADDEN Fees & Parks Hanback Ellis FRANK C. WOLFF Sewers Wolff Ellis - Hanback Future Planning Simmons Thanepohn Second Ward Public Prop. & Buildings Simmons Wolff DANNY C. HANBACK Lights, Telephone & Gas Hanback Ellis LEROY THANEPOHN Asst. Liquor Comm. Wolff Thanepohna Third Ward Building & Zoning Madden Wolff C. RICHARD ELLIS Finance & Audit Thanepohn Simmons ROGER E. SIMMONS Chief of Police ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS PLANNING COMMITTEE WINFRED PRICKETT Superintendent of Waterworks Martin Behrens, Chairman Leo Anderson, Chairman and Streets James Morganegg, Seely. Fred Dollman, Seely JAMES E. PRICE John Behrens Dennis Fauth City Attorney Delmar Becker Robert Mahoney FRED H. DICKSON Nick Moisa Walter Olsen Tom Lindblom Lawrence Langland Donald Walters Harold Feltz Martin Behrens, Ch. Zoning Board Elden Madden, Council LIBRARY BOARD Martin Behrens, Chairman Louise Gabel, Trees. LaDonna Tweedy R. W. Barkley Mary Jo Gardner Clara Rezash Wayne Gutzwiler Carol Munson Mary Hoover Roger Simmons, Council CHAM ER OF COMMERCE Y.B. SANITARY BOARD Roger Simmons Frank Wolff CITY ATTORNEY Fred Dickson Tom Grant (Interim Attorney) ATTACHmE NT N0. 4 CLERK'S ESTIMATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST t. FISCAL YEAR 197+-1975 GENERAL FUND STREETS & ALLEYS Salaries-City Employees $37,850.00 Maintenance 5,500.00 Cement sidewalks along City streets 1,000.00 Cement Curbs along City streets 1,000.00 I.M.R.F. 5096.81 Operating supplies 1,000.00 $51$51,5+ . 11 SEWER Repair, Maintenance & Cleaning $ 2,500.00 Extensions 15,000.00 $17,500.00 MUCKS & TRACTOR Operating Maintenance $ 3,750.00 New Equipment 1,000.00 Insurance, City Building, Trucks & Tractor 00.00 5,250.00 HEALTH & SANITATION Garbgge Removal $17,400.00 POLICE & FIRE Salaries $67,600.00 I.M.R.F. 9,281.48 Department Expense(Operating) 15,000.00 Equipment 5,000.00 Dog Catcher 200.00 $97,081.47 TREES & PARKS Baseball Park (Little League) Maintenance $ 500.00 Mowing 300.00 CITY PARK Mowing 520.00 Equipment 100.00 Tree & Stump Removal 200.00 Electric & Gas 40.00 CITY PARKING Tree removal 300.00 Tree replacement 00.00 2,2 0.00 FUTURE PLANNING Planning Committee Expense $ 1,000.00 Planning Consultant Fee 2,500-00 3,500.00 PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS CITY HALL Utilities $ 300.00 Repairs & Maintenance 1,000.00 Insuance 30.00 New Equipment 200.00 POLICE STATION Utilities 300.00 Repairs & Maintenance 500.00 Improvements 1,000.00 LIBRARY BUILDING Utilities 600.00 Repairs & Maintenance 00.00 $ 4,180.00 (2) -STREET LIGHTING $ 5,750.00 LIQUOR CO1*1ISSION $ 500.00 BUILDING & ZONING Adoption of New Ordinances 300.00 Inspection Fees 900.00 Publication of Zoning 500.00 $ 1,700.00 PUBLIC LIBRARY Salaries $ 7,000.00 Janitor & Supplies 600.00 Insurance 325.00 Conference & Dues 200.00 Supplies 275.00 Books, Magazines, Records, etc. 2,000.00 Printing 30.00 Treasurer's Bond 30.00 Postage 180.00 I.M.R.F. _ 261.10 �11, 01. 110 FINANCE Legal Service $ 1,200.00 Salary-City Officials 5,040.00 Other Salaries 7,740.00 Insurance- Workmans Compensation 2,387.00 Bonding- City Officials 702.00 Audit Expense 1,500.00 Health & Accident Insurance 7,584.84 Illinois Municipal League Dues 132.00 Dog Tags 20.00 Stationery, Supplies, & Printing 1,500.00 Postage 250.00 New Equipment 500.00 Education, Conference, & Convention Expense 1,000.00 Telephone 400.00 I.M.R.F. 1,754.69 $31 ,710.53 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Street Maintenance $20,000.00 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX FUND City Stickers 200.00 Street Improvements 15,000.00 Printing 80.00 $15,280-7 WATER FUND OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Salaries $ 7,000.00 Pumping Power 5,500.00 Mters & Parts 8,000.00 Water Main Replacement 4,500.00 Water Main Extension 10,000.00 Repair to Waterwork Plants 3,000.00 Repair to Water Mains 3,000.00 Replacement to Waterwork Plants 2,000.00 Insurance 150.00 Telephone 50.00 Gas ,& Heat(Well-house) 250.00 Office Supplies 250.00 i r (3) a WATER FUND (CONT.) OPERATION & MAINTENANCE(CONT.) Operating Supplies 300.00 Pump House Improvements 1,000.00 Easements 150.00 Chlorination 200.00 Postage & Freight 450.00 New Equipment 1 ,000.00 I.M.R.F. 961.10 RETIREMENT of BONDS & INTEREST Water Revenue- 1959 issue 5,000.00 Water Revenue- 1959 interest 3,450.00 Water Refunding- 1969 issue interest 2,750.00 Water Revenue - 1969 issue 12,950.00 $71,911.10 SUMMARY of TOTALS GENERAL FUND $390,079.92 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 20,000.00 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX FUND 15,280.00 WATER FUND 71,911-10 97,271.02