City Council Minutes 1974 04-25-74 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A.
AP'RTT, 25_ 1971.4
.ftyor Coleman called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
e then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
Aldermen were present:
1st Ward-Madden-absent 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis
Wolff Thanepohn Simmons
ayor Coleman asked for introduction of visitors. He then directed the Clerk to read
the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff moved to dispense with reading of the
minutes, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motinn carried.
Attorney's Report-Attorney Dickson presented an ordinance "regulating and providing
or inspection of certain sewer systems and providing a standard for acceptance then
f". Ald. Thanepohn moved to refer this ordinance to the sewer committee for study,
seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Attorney Dickson had received a title com-
mitment and deed to the property downtown and presented a resolution authorizing the
ale of Part of Lot 6, Block 1, Black's Addition to the city for a price of $4,700.
Ald. Thanepohn moved to adopt the resolution as read, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motior.
carried. Attorney Dickson presented an ordinance "relating to local civil defense".
This ordinance empowers the Mayor to appoint a director and establish a board for
civil defense. Ald. Wolff moved to accept this ordinance, seconded by Ald. Ellis.
Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye. Motic
asked unanimously. Attorney Dickson has prepared a Revenue Sharing contract settir
forth the criteria regarding wages, etc. on bids. On the Mayor's instructions, he
fled a letter of objection to the R1 zoning on the area of a mile and a half within
he city limits at the Bristol Twp. zoning meeting and also at the Kendall Twp. zonj
Mayor's Report-Mayor Coleman appointed Ald. Hanback to represent him at the civil dE
fence exercises and training sessions. A civil defense exercise is to be held May 2;
and 23rd. Mayor Coleman read letters from the Illinois Commerce Commission on hear-
ings for increases in telephone rates and application for authDrity to make certain
investments for the purpose of increasing its gas supply and to place into effect a
as exploration adjustment rider in the Northern Illinois Gas Co. rate schedule.
Plan Commission Report-4.01 Zoning Change request, Dallas Ingemunson, petitioner.
e developers presented a "Petition for Special Use for Planned Development". The
petition listed the uses for the building similar to those under Office District in
he city zoning ordizmnee, with some exceptions. Objectors asked that a copy of the
petition and model of the proposed building be available for study by persons living
in the neighborhood. Others objected to the use of the property for anything other
than single family residential uses. Mr. Mahoney called for a "yes" or "no" vote on
recommending approval of th petition. Voting: Mr. Mahoney no, Mr. Feltz yes, Mr.
Olsen no. 4.02 Approved the final plat of Fox Lawn Subdivision, Unit 5. 4.03
ildwood Planned Unit Development They presented a new plan for the development wit2
19.8 acre commercial area in the northwest corner of the property (bordering on t7
Industrial Park) a school site; 322 single family homes, and 300 apartment units.
. Langland cautioned the developers about the difficulties of hooking up to exist-
sewer lines. Other commission members suggested more industrial area and better reel
Tonal planning. A "yes" vote was carried on the feasibility of the plan as presents
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. APRIL 25, 1974
4.04 Request to resubdivide. Mr. Mulhern owns 6.383 acres of property at Countrysidt
Center just north of the entrance to the Center of Rt. 47. The property is zoned mu7
family. He asked that the property be resubdivied into eight lots, each with one apaz
ment building on it. He would like to build seven 12 unit buildings and one 20 unit
o building. The density for this project would be allowable under the ordinance in efl
✓� at the time of the pre-annexation agreement but would not be allowable under the ncn
zoning ordinance. The commission suggested a better placement of the planned buildii
on the property. Mr. Olsen made a motion to table the petition for one month, seconc
by Mr. Feltz. All voting yes. Plan Commission secretary Kathy Farren submitted her
resignation. Mayor Coleman stated Mr. Mulhern has asked to use the services of the
u City Planning Consultant, Mr. Clarage, in finding a better plan for his subdivision,
The Council objected to this arrangement and feel it would not be a good policy to
Rstart Discussion on the need for more information from the Plan Commission. Mayor
Coleman reported he and the Clerk have signed the final plat on Fox Lawn Subdivisi.o7
oar x Old Business-In regard to the run off problem on Washington St. , Attorney Dickson
e suggested an engineering study as to the cost of correcting this problem. Attorney
Dickson had received a call from the developer of Mr. Mulhern's property in regard
to the new zoning ordinance which has cut down the number of units that could be
built along Rt. 47. He will report back after studying the pre-annexation agreement,
Committee Reports-Streets and Alleys-Ald. Ellis reported he and Mr. Pfister had met
with Mr. Bob Anderson of Murphy, Crawford & Tilley and had looked at most of the
streets in town. Mr. Anderson feels the streets are not in bad shape and recommender
with a couple of exceptions, not to spend our MFT money on chipping and resurfacing,
Ald. Ellis stated the state had recommended we not do any more work involving oil V
is necessary as the price of state oil has risen. 7Ze brought to the Council's attene
tion that MFT funds can be used for many other things than streets, such as sidewal:
work, renting equipment and many other areas. He recommended putting a curb with a
sidewalk to the top in front of the Methodist Church and running the water down hil'
At the bottom of Methodist Hill and Van Emmon install a pipe that will bypass Gerry
Groner's property, which will eliminate that water problem. Ald. Ellis reported it
night be worthwile to take a census as the MFT funds are based on population. This
as referred to the Future Planning Committee. Another meeting will be set with Mr.
Anderson to look at Washington Court.
Ald. Madden arrived at 8:40 P.M.
Health and Sanitation-Ald. Hanback reported at the time he checked on the Kissel
apartments there was no garbage problem. "No Dumping" signs have been poAd at Hy_-.
draulic and Morgan Streets but the apartment tenants still_ put their garbage by the
telephone pole.
Police-Ald. Thanepohn reported the Committee recommends sending Officer Richard
Randall to a "Search and Seizure Course" which would cost the city $85• Ald. Wolff
moved to send Officer Randall to this course, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion
carried. In answer to the complaint of WSPY on the lack of information they are
getting, we find we.:.are in compliance with the American Bar Assn. Guidelines The
ABA does not set requirements and restrictions for the City of Yorkville and we are
of bound in any manner, shape or form by them. We recognize the importance and
essential nature of the news media and to clarify our policy we will share any publ
information including accident reports, theft reports, copy of police summary repor,
at city council meetings. We will protect the innocent, the source of information,
protect prosecution of the cases and respect confidentiality and invasion of privac,
FORM 601-490 U.S.A. APRIL 25, 197+
Therefore, we will NOT turn over pre-arrest information, arrest reports or log sheet
Parking and speeding tickets do not really come under nature of arrests-involve noti
to appear as a misdemeanor.
Trees and Parks-Ald. Hanback reported the Girl Scouts asked to use the park as a
clean-up project. They will give the benches and barrels a fresh coat of paint and
asked the city pay for the paint. The committee is considering putting in some re-
creational equipment in the park and will approach the school board again about ten-
is courts. Ald. Ellis felt a note of appreciation should be sent to the Lions Club
for planting 25 trees around town.
Sewers-Ald. Madden asked each alderman to read the sewer ordinance presented and vol
on it at the next meeting.
Public Property & Buildings-Ald. Thanepohn moved to empower the committee to contra(
the lowest acceptable bidder for cement work in the maintenance bldg. and get the w(
done, seconded by Ald. Wolff. Discussion. Roll call vote-Madden-aye; Wolff-aye; Han-
back-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously. Ald.
anepohn moved that the Public Property & Bldg. Committee be instructed to get the
library cement work completed, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Ald. Madden
reported nothing had been rece;ved from Mr. Leo Anderson on the P.D. remodeling.
Ald. Wolff asked since Mr. Anderson has not done anything on the remodeling, why
the city did not hire a contractor and get the work done. Mayor Coleman questioned
if the city is bound to Mr. Anderson and Attorney Dickson said not if there is a
mutual agreement to terminate. Ald. Madden had met with Postmaster Crawford and
the curb mail delivery is in the workings. He felt an ordinance should be passed
regulating the style of supports for the mail boxes. The P. 0. has regulations on
eight; etc. but felt it would be more attractive to have them all one style. He,.
also, suggested possibly a civic organization would promote one style support and.,,s4
them in cement for homeowners. This matter was referred to the attorney for study.
Liquor Commissioner-Mayor Coleman stated he has the new liquor licenses but will
old Alidede's because the restaurant has been sold and another investigation will
have to be made.
Library-Ald. Simmons reported there are 2 openings on the Library Board. Mrs. Jessie
Scobert resigned some time ago and that the vacancy was never filled. He presented
the names of Mary Hoover and Carol Munson for consideration.
.B.S.-Ald. Madden stated he had done nothing on contacting the homeowners in Conovi
Subdivision on undedicated sewers. He does not receive copies of the minutes of the
YBS meetings or notification of meetings, therefore, does not know what has been
done in regard to the user charge or tax to be sent with water bills.
Ald. Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 P.M., seconded by Ald. Simmons,
motion carried.