City Council Minutes 1974 04-11-74 FORM 601-48 ® U.S.A. APRIL 11, 1974
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flan
He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
Aldermen were present:
1st Ward Madden 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellia-absei
Wolff-absent Thanepohn Simmons
Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of visitors. He then directed the Clerk to rear
the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Madden moved to dispense with reading of the
minutes, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried.
Attorney's Report-In the absence of the attorney, Mayor Coleman read an ordinance
to amend the ordinance governing the moving of buildings. Ald. Thanepohn moved
to accept the amendment as prepared, seconded by Ald. Madden. Roll call vote: Madder
aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor's Report-The month of May has been proclaimed National Senior Citizens Month
and the mayor will issue a proclamation to this effect. Mayor Coleman read a letter
of resignation from Joyce Windett, who has served on the Library Board since it was
started. He accepted her resignation with much regret and asked Ald. Simmons for a
recommendation for a new member. Mayor Coleman read a letter from States Attorney
Ingemunson requesting building permit applications, information, etc. for the Kendal
County Board for the property across from the Courthouse. This building will house
non-court related offices. The Mayor pointed out that building permit fees have beer
waived in the past for other taxing bodies. Ald. Madden moved in order to get a
waiver of building permit fee that the County Board pass a resolution requesting a
permit application, which would be filed in the normal fashion; they would have to
meet all our building codes and zoning and the usual hook-up fee would be required.
Supt. Pfister was directed to check with the County on the number of people who will
occupy the building for sanitary sewer requirements. Ald. Hanback seconded the motic
Motion carried. Mayor Coleman read a letter from Sen. Mitchler to the Department
of Transportation in regard to the removal of the trees at Palmer Dam. Hopefully,
the project will be completed in 1974. Mayor Coleman read a letter from Ingemunson
and Bassak, who have been authorized by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of
Kendall in the City of Yorkville to offer for sale to the City of Yorkville the
87 x 57 lot adjacent to and south of the No. 1 Pumphouse. Purchase price being $4,7C
Discussion. Ald. Hanback moved to purchase this lot at said price, seconded by Ald.
Simmons. Discussion. Roll call votes Madden-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Simmons
aye, motion passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman referred a letter regarding the bi-
centennial of 1976 to Ald. Hanback.
City Clerk's Report-The Clerk presented the bills. Ald. Thanepohn moved the bills be
paid as listed, seconded by Ald. Madden, motion carried. Clerk Brant read a contrac
he had received from the Clean Sweep Co. Ald. Hanback moved to accept this agreement
seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. Clerk Brant read a letter from the EPA
granting Loren Miller permission to construct sanitary sewer extension with special
conditions (see letter dated 3/26/74 on file).
Ald. Wolff arrived at 8:35 P.M.
Treasurer's Report was accepted as printed on the motion of Ald. Thanepohn, seconded
by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A.
APRTT, 11, 1974
Police Report-166 cases were reported to the Illinois Crime Commission and 16 placer
of business were found left unlocked. R'Lapvrts of Building Inspector, Sanitary and
Storm Sewers, Street Dept. and Water Dept. were presented.
Plan Commission Report-Ald. Madden read copies of letters in regard to First Kendall
County proposed application for zoning and annexation of Wildwood. The next Plan
Commission meeting will be held April 23rd at 7:30 P.M. City Hall.
Mayor Coleman reported he has talked with some attorneys to represent the city but
has not made up his mind as yet.
Old Business-Mayor Coleman directed Clerk Brant to open the gas bids-Southtown Oil
50.5¢ per gallon for regular gasoline. Virgil Rice discount of 8¢ per gallon off
the price at time of purchase. The 8¢ reflects a 4¢ per gal. discount and 4¢ off fo3
federal taxes. This price is self-service. Rich's Union 76 regular or super, pump
price less 3¢ + tax per gal. during normal working hours. Cheker Oil Co. returned
bid stating they could not submit a bid because of the uncertain situation of gas
supply. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the bid of Rich's Union 76, seconded by Ald.
Thanepohn. Discussion. Roll call vote: Madden-aye; Wolff-aye; Hanback-sustained;
Thanepohn-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion carried.
Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to open the cement bids for the maintenance bldg.
Perkins Builders, per spec. $6,306.00. Gabel and Pottinger, per spec. $6,305.00.
Edw. L. Bryant, Oswego, per spec. $4,162.32. Keith & Ray Flatwork, Sandwich,
$6,173.90. Ald. Wolff moved to refer the bids to the Public Property & Bldg. Commit-
tee to check out bidders for insurance and bonds and report back at the next meetin4
Ald. Madden seconded, motion carried.
New Business-Mr. Brian Mulhern presented a plat for subdivision in Countryside. He
is requesting to re-subdivide. Mr. Mulhern did not have the required 3 copies of a
petition stating what he plans to do and 3 copies of the plat. Ald. Thanepohn moved
to refer the request to the Plan Commission, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried,
Mr. Mulhern is to get the necessary papers to the Clerk tomorrow.
Clerk Brant presented the final plat for approval of Unit 5, Fox Lawn Subdivision.
Ald. Madden moved the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign after approval from the
Plan Commission, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried.
Mr. Bert Wilhelmsen presented an application for permit to construct sanitary sewer;
for 8 lots in Wayne Millen Subdivision. Ald. Madden moved the application be approve
seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried.
Committee Reports-Streets & Alleys-Ald. Madden reported the utility co. will only
put in overhead wiring for lights for Blaine Harker's property. A tentative appoint,
ifient to look over the streets has been set for Sat, the 20th.
Water-Ald. Madden stated the committee is researching possibilities to finance a we-
Health & Sanitation-Ald. Hanback reported the garbage problem on Hydraulic should b4
cleaned up soon. Mr. Ed Blithouse at Fox Valley Disposal is in charge of matters
such as this. There is also a garbage problem at the Kissel Apartments.
Police & Fire-Ald. Thanepohn reported Officer Millen will be going to school April
to May 24th. The telephone lines are all in for the communication system. The commi-
FORM 601-49® U.S.A..
APRIL 11, 1974
tee recommends the purchase of a tape recorder, a remote mike and tapes for use in
investigation work and also requests bids be sent out for 4 tires for the squad.
Ald. Thanepohn moved to purchase the tape,recorder, mike and tapes at a cost of
$113.17. Seconded by Ald. Madden, motion carried. Ald. Thanepohn moved to empower
the committee to obtain bids on 4 tires for the squad, seconded by Ald. Hanback,
motion carried.
Trees & Parks4layor Coleman reported Ald. Ellis has recommended accepting Archie
Bieritz bid for mowing everything except the police lot. Ald. Madden moved to accep
the bid of Archie Bieritz, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Ald. Thanepohn
moved to advertise for bids for the mower, which can be inspected at the maintenanc
building, and have them in by the first meeting in May, seconded by Ald. Wolff, mo-
tion carried.
Public Property & Bldgs-Ald. Madden appointed Marilyn Merkel and Norma Brant to pur
chase drapes for the city hall.
Lights, Telephone & Gas-The eternal light has been repaired.
Liquor Commissioner-Mayor Coleman stated the liquor licenses are due at the end of
the month.
Building and Zoning-Ald. Madden said complaints have been received on the size of
signs around town and will confer with the City Attorney on ordinance governing thi
Finance and Audit-Ald. Thanepohn reported on the April 4th finance meeting. Ald.
Thanepohn moved the City Clerk notify all property insurance holders that we ask
short-terming them as of Sept. 1, 1974, and that we also send out bids requesting
a consolidated price on all public properties insurance to be back by August 1, 197
Seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
Ald. Madden stated the sales tax received for December, 1973 was $12,103.00 which
is double the 1972 sales tax.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
MARCH 1974
G _
Commonwealth Edison Co.- Garage $2.08, Park $8.66 10.74
Illinois Bell Tel.. Co.- Street Dept.$0.47, Police Dept. $32.76 33.23
Riemenschneider Electric Co.-City Hall $623.20, Street Lighting #29.78 652.98
Ralph E. Pfister- Bldg. Insp. 75.00
Fred 0, Christian- Bl1g. Insp. 25.00
James J. Brant, City Clerk- Stamps 10.00
Building Officials & Code Administrators Intn11., Inc.- Appl. Plan Exam &bldg. Insp.
permit form 15.00
Xerox Corp. - 1602 copies 76.10
James B. Clarage & Assoc.- meetings, expenses & printing, Comp. Plan part payment 1,115.00
Clean Sweep, Inc.- Street Sweeping March 1974 25.00
Farmers' Elevator Co.- Ceiling mat'l. & underlayment for floor City Hall 306.49
Alexander Lumber Co.- Trim, City Hall 12.88
Fox Valley Disposal Service- Disposal service, March 1974 1,411.80
Don's Engraving Service - truck signs 20.00
Bender's - Work clothes, street dept. 157.00
Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl. , AW/UIUMNA14, City Hall & City Sect'y. 6.61
John N. Schneider- Oper. Suppl. , Street Dept. 30.64
Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl. , Street Dept. 25.50
Countryside Hardware- Oper. Suppl. Street Dept. 58.02
Southtown Oil Co.- .labor & mat'l. to instaal switch 4.45
Central Limestone Co. - Rock, Street Dept. 198.33
Rich's Union 76- gas; Street Dept.$87.74, Police Dept.$366.08 453.74
Buffalo Rock Shooter's Supply- 1,000 Chevron 38 WC shells 28.75
Markelz Office Products - Office Suppl. P.D. 47.27
Badger Shirt Co. - Uniforms, Millen 15.50
Ray O'Herron Co., Inc.- Firat aid Supply & name pins 113.30
Hamilton Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Inc.- Tune up 71.98
Bob's Service - Car washes(2) 2.00
Commonwealth Edison Co.- Water Tower$10.76, Pumping$31.24, Pumping$388.72 430.72
Illinois Bell Telephone Cm.- Pump house$13.41 13.41
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Bond payment 6,295.00
it it it " " - Water Revenue Bond payment 260.00
it " " " " - Bond & Interest Acct. 150.00
" " " " " - Bond & Interest Reserve Acct. 170.00
The Bank of Yorkville - Depr. & Contg. Acct. 150.00
John N. Schneider - Oper. Suppl. 50.39
Marilyn J. Merkel - postage 4.34
E & H Utility Sales, Inc. - Hydrant Floe gauge $39.40 less credit$0.70 38.70
Jim's Trenching & Sewer Cleaning- Dig ditch 50.00
Harry Crawford, Postmaster- Envelopes Paid 341.10
Homer G. Dickson & Co., Inc.- Copper tubing & parts 12.18
Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl. 32.84
Producers Chemical Co.- Chlorine Paid 16.00
Water Products Co.- meters, Inv.#7623, 7578, 7289 680.65
Aurora Concrete Products Co.- Inv.2724 rings & cones 112.00
Farmers' Elevator Co.- plastic, concrete mix 4
$ ,
Revenue Sharing Fund
Riemenschneider Electric Co.- Labor & Mat'l. for wiring new garage 292.30
Jim's Trenching & Sewer Cleaning - Labor & mat'l. to install sewer & drains,garage $ 1,259.00
$ 1,551.30