City Council Minutes 1974 03-14-74 FORK 601-49 ® U.S.A. MAR('H 14. 1!974 DEMMS OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MARCH 14, 1974 AT 8:00 PM. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flag. e then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: 1st Ward-Madden-absent 2nd Ward Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis Wolff Thanepohn Simmons Mayor Coleman introduced the visitors. He then directed the Clerk to read the minute of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the minutes and the reports from the Supt, of Public Works and Police Dept. Seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. The Mayor directed the Clerk to read the bills, (see attachment). Discussion on the Xerox bill. Clerk Brant brought to the Council's attention the bill under the Motor Fuel Tax Fund of Walter E. Deuchler for $1,496.11. He pointed out in May, 1973, $1,505.32 was paid to that firm for street engineering and was questioning the fact that this makes a total payment to them of $3,001.43, which is twice as much as usually paid. Discussion. Ald. Thanepohn moved to approve payment of all the bills with the exception of the Walter E. Deuchler bill, which was referred to Attorney Dickson and the Clerk for clarification. Ald. Ellis seconded and motion carried. Attorney's Report-Attorney Dickson stated the refund of 4 building permit fees to M: Emmons was returnable. He checked with the Chicago office of BOCA and Sec. 118.7 of the code requires return of building permit fees for abandoned projects to the eater that the fee has not been earned by inspections, etc. The Clerk was directed to i a 'check for the full rebate of these four building permit fe!!. j Attorney Dickson stated the public hearing notice has been published for the comprehensive plan for 7:30 PM March 28th. Attorney Dickson stated the construction of a new well has been discussed and he asked permission to contact the firm of Chatman and Cutler, a qualified legal authority on bonds. Ald. Ellis moved the City Attorney be authorized to look into this matter. Seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Mayor Coleman questioned why no notice for the comprehensive zmning hearing had been published. Attorney Dickson stated it was not necessary to publish said notice. yor's Report-Mayor Coleman read three letters from EPA-1. Permit to Construct granted to Blaine Harker with Special Condition, the construction of the proposed sanitary sewer shall be stopped at least 10' from the connection point of the pro- posed sanitary sewer to the existing sanitary sewer, and said last 10' of the sanity sewer construction and the connection to the existing sewer shall not be made until a permit to operate the proposed sewer is issued by this agency. 2. Permit to con- struct granted to Ottawa Service Corp. for Williamsport Unit #1, Sanitary sewers with the following 4 special conditions-1: the construction of the proposed sanitary sewer shall be stopped at least 10' from the connection point of the proposed sani- tary sewer to the existing sanitary sewer, and said last 10' of sanitary sewer Con- struction and the connection to the existing sewer shall not be made until a permit 0 operate the proposed sewer is issued by this agency. 2: Maximum flow rates in the receiving intermediate sanitary sewers shall not exceed their flowing full capacity as this permit is being issued knowing the herein permitted sewers can carry sewage lows in excess of the intermediate sewer capacity and with the understanding that larger interceptor sewer will be laid in the future. 3: Maximum flow rates in the immediate downstream existing 10 inch sanitary sewer to which the proposed 18 inch ewer will be connected, sha3LI-_not exceed 1.75 MGD. This includes all flows coming from the existing 10 inch sewer upstream from where the proposed 18 in. sanitary ewer will connect. 4: Standard spec. for Water & Sewer Main Construction in Ill., -2- FORM 601-49 ®U.S.A. MARCH 14• 197 First Edition, dated Aug. 1, 1967, shall govern the construction and testing of this sanitary sewer project, in accordance with the Engineer's note on the plan documents Section 41-2.01 Page 80, shall be used in lieu of Sec. 31-1.02, Para. 5, Page 59. 3.° Approving proposed improvements to the waterworks and water main extensions for Williamsport Unit 1 subject to the standard conditions and the following special condition: a. This approval is void one year after date of issue unless constructior on this project has started on or prior to that date. b. The EPA shall be notified when this water works improvement has been constructed and is to be placed in servic The Ill. Commerce Commission has stated they will have an engineer inspect the Bur- lington Norther Railroad crossings as soon as possible. Mayor Coleman had received two resignations from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Don rst, secretary, resigned after serving 17 years on the board and Chairman Ron Ward resigned because of a change in his work schedule. Mayor Coleman accepted these wits regret and asked each alderman to come up with two peoples names from each ward for consideration. Mayor Coleman read a letter asking the city to accept May 30, 1974 as Memorial Day, which is the original date for this holiday, rather than May 27th. Ald. Thanepohn moved the Mayor issue a proclamation to this effect. Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. A letter was read from the Fox Valley Girl Scouts in regard to National Keep America Beautiful Day, which is April 27th. This was referred to Ald. Ellis. City Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant read a letter from Clean Sweep Inc. notifying the city of a price increase for their service. Currently it is $25.00 and the new price 11 be $30, effective April 1, 1974. Discussion. Ald. Hanback moved this be referre to the Health and Sanitation Committee to look into the possibility of purchasing a street sweeper or renewing this contract. Seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried The Clerk read a reservation confirmation on a Local Roads Training Program course in Pavement Maintenance set March 27, 1974 at the Holiday Inn, Rockford, Illinois. Ald. Ellis moved the Supt, of Public Works be encouraged to attend with the city eying for mileage. Seconded by Ald. Thanepohn. Motion carried. Ald. Hanback moved to accept the Treasurer's Report, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Old Business-Ald. Hanback asked if the city was going to get bids on gas and what affect the shortage would have on this. Discussion. Ald. Ellis moved the Clerk be instructed to send out forms for bidding on gas. Ald. Wolff seconded, motion carries New Business-The Clark property petition and plats were referred to the Plan Commis- sion. Pat Schmid stated he would be covering the council meetings for the new radio station WSPY. Committee Reports-Streets and Alleys: Ald. Ellis reported a meeting with Gene Gordor had been set for 10:00 A.M. Sat. to look at the streets in town, the curbing in front of Mr. Groner's and in front of the Methodist Church. Police and Fire-It was reported an acknowledgment had been received for the GE radio communication equipment. Sewers-Attorney Dickson was directed to follow thru on amending the sewer ordinance. Public Property-Ald. Simmons reported&:meeting had been held with Leo Anderson on the police station remodeling and would have more on that at the next meeting. Ald. Wolff moved the Clerk send out bids for concrete floors in the new maintenance built ng. Seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. The contract with Archie Biertz for _3- FORK 601-49® U.S.A. MARCH 14, 1974 moving was referred to the Trees and Parks committee for consideration and they will report back at the next meeting. ld. Madden arrived at 9:10 P.M. Building & Zoning-Ald. Madden reported he had just attended the County Zoning hearii information session. The date of an official hearing will 'be published in the paper in the near future. Finance and Audit-Ald. Thanepohn reminded all of the April 4th meeting at the City Clerk's Office at 8:00 PM. d. Simmons reported some compaints about dogs running loose. The matter referred to the Police Committee. YBS board meeting next Monday night. ld. Madden reported the wiring had been replaced in City Hall. Blaine Harker asked about street lighting in his subdivision and was referred to the subdivision control ordinance and approval from the city engineer. ld. Ellis moved to adjourn to executive session, seconded by Ald. Hanbaek at 9:25PI r J a J. , CITY CLERK JJB/njb FEBRUARY 1974 GENERAL FM , Commonwealth ti-ison Co.- Garage $0,95, Street Lighting $523.96, Park $4.69 3 0:86 Illinois Bell Telephone Co.- P.D. $19.37 19.37 Odin Christian- 3 Bldg. Insp. 15.00 Ralph E. Pfister- 10 Bldg. Insp. 50.00 Kendall County Record- Zoning Board Notice & Classified Ads 9.30 Anderson & Bushell Office Supplies- Zerox paper & correction tape, City Clerk 8.48 The Yorkville National Bank- Safety Deposit Box rent #1838 Paid 10.00 James J. Brant, City Clerk- Stamps 4.Oo Harry Crawford, Postmaster- 1,000 Stamped envelopes,Stamps City secretary, & City Clerk,'Pd.A4.52 Fredrickson's Office Supplies, Inc.- Envelopes, Xerox paper, Envelopes, City Clerk 19.81 Aurora Typewriter Co., Inc.- Typewriter ribbon, City Clerk 2.25 Xerox Corp.- copies(149), document carrier, Rent 3-1-74 to 5-30-74, Toner 110.86 Alexander Lumber Co.- Paneling & trim, City Hall 345.56 Fox Valley Disposal Co,- Disposal service 1,411.8o Clean Sweep Inc.- Street sweeping 25,00 James B. Clarage & Assoc.- Plaaning Service, Wildwood,project#JC74-07 1,000.00 Building Officials & Code Adm. Inter.,Inc.- Adm. Bldg. Reg.(2) 6.00 C.O. Nelson- Disposal, 2 loads 10.00 Southtown Oil co. - Truck repairs 112.64 Central Limestone Co.- Rock chips 51.59 Countryside Hardware- Oper. Suppl. & tools 14.60 Farmers' Elevator Co.- Oper. Suppl. & plywood 35.85 Yorkville Hardware- Oper, Suppl. & Tools 43.30 Fred Wayne- Hauling salt 17.48 Nav- Brand Manf. Co.- Paint, Inv.#68124, Street Dept. 42.95 The Country Companies Ins, Co.- Insurance, Trucks 343.06 Homer G. Dickson & Co., Inc.- Tractor Repairs & Parts 51.85 Rich's Union 76- Gas; Street Dept. $130.69, P.D. $317.05 447.74 Share Corp. - Cleaner, Inv.#188953 20.00 Durbin Office Machines- 3M paper 53.95 Communications Technicians & Consultants, Inc.-Prep. FCC & Cord.forms,Inv#11901, CheckP.D. radio, Inv.#11566 45,00 Standard Motor Sales- Install switch 4.50 Ron & Helen Pechtold- Clean carpet, P.D. 28.00 Markelz Office Products-File folders, Inv.#41354 10.54 Bob's Service- Car washes & parts 43.42 Winfred W. Prickett- Altering Wayne Millen's uniforms 22,50 West Publishing Co.- 2 sets Ill. Revised Statutes, City Hall & P.D. 100.00 Jim McCarty -,Test fire extinguigher, P.D. 11.50 Badger Uniforms- Wayne Millen, Inv.#76639 124.70 John N. Schneider- Batteries P.D. $6.12, Stain, City Hall $8.78 14.90 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND $5,356-93 WAlter E. Deuchler Assc. Inc.- Engineering during constr. 1973 streets 1,496.11 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX FUND Kendall County Record- 200 vehicle receipts 17.55 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - Tower$13.69, Pumping $445.79 459.48 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - Pump house $ 9.75 Jim McCarty- Pump & hose 705,00 Kendall County Record-letters 11,00 E & H Utility Sales, Inc.- Inv.#6890 & 6891 less credit, dip needle 16.90 Sidener Inc.- Coupling Inv.#W2o989 17.53 Water Products Co.- Inv.#7242 &7190 481.38 Bob's Service- Lens for tractor 8.52 National Boulevard Bank od Chicago- Deposit, Bond & Int, Acet.,Jan. & Feb. 300.00 n n n it n - n to n , Res. Acct. Jan. & Feb. 340,00 The Bank of Yorkville- Deposit, Depr. & Contg. Acct. Jan. & Feb. 300.00 John N Schneider- Paint & Brushes 15.54 Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl, 23;.99 Continental Research Corp.- Inv.#08365, 15 gal. SLP 210 86.10 Badger Meter, Inc,- meters Inv.512657, 513209, 513208, 514505, 516373 less credit C929814 705,90 $3,481.09