City Council Minutes 1974 02-14-74 `s M nD �p FORM 601-490 U.S.A. FEBRUARY 14, 1974 bMRJTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND AIWRMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON FEBRUARY 14, 1974 AT 8:00 P1 Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the pldege of allegiance to the flag He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: 1st Ward-Madden 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis-absen Wolff Thanepohn Simmons Mayor Coleman introduced the visitors. He then directed the Clerk to read the min- utes of the last meeting. Ald. Simmons moved the minutes be approved, seconded by Ald. Wolff. Motion carried. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills. Ald. Wolff moved to accpet and pay all bills, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn. Motion carried. Attorney's Report - Attorney Dickson presented the following: An ordinance to provide for the control, supervision, inspection and recon- struction of excavations within streets and alleys. Ald. Thanepohn moved to accept this ordinance, seconded by Ald. Simmons. Roll call vote: Madden-aye; Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion passed unanimously. An ordinance governing the moving of buildings. Ald. Madden moved to accept this ordinance, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn. Roll call vote: Madden-aye; Wolff-aye; Hanbaek-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion passed unanimously. Adoption of a resolution, which was passed last meeting, to correct surface water problem on State Rt. 47 at Somonauk Street. . An ordinance of authority to police for delegation of authority for eontrollin parking. Ald. Madden moved this ordinance be studied and presented again. Seconded by Ald. Simmons. Motion carried. A rough draft of a letter to 1959 water revenue bond-holders seeking the vol- untary retirement of said bonds. Clerk Brant was directed to send a letter to each of the bond-holders. An ordinance amending a 1964 ordinance for telephone service. Ald. Thanepohn moved this be tabled for 2 weeks to amonth forzeview. Seconded by Ald. Madden, motion carried. Clerk Brant read a letter and resolution from the Illinois DW tment of Transports tion for the yearly renewal of the 1964 permit which provided for the issuance of permits (for work to be performed on State Highways) without the necessity of adop- ting an individual resolution for each permit, thus expediting the issuance of permits. Ald. Madden moved this resolution be passed, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Clerk read a letter to the EPA from Walter E. Deuchler Assoc. in regard to Williamsport, Unit 1 Sanitary Sewers enclosing plans and specifications; copies of forms EPA-WPC 17 & 18 including pricing and general plan; copies of Application for a conditional installation permit. He read another letter from Deuchler Assoc. to EPA on watermain extension Williamsport-Unit 1; another on Supplemental permit no. 1971-1A-1196-1 reporting on the number of sanitary sewer connections as of Feb. 8, 1974, which stated 8 single family homes occupied, the Pizza Hut and Veterinary Clinic both occupied. He read a letter of Feb. 7, 1974 from Deuchler Associates to EPA in regard to Rule 901 (b) (2). Clerk Brant read a notice of annual meeting of the Country Mutual Insurance Co. to be held on March 20 19741n Bloomington, Ill. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency requested of Mr. Blain Harker a letter together with the Application for Permit stipulating -2- FONN 601-49 ® U.S.A. FEBRUARY 14, 197+ his willingness to waiver his rights to petition the Pollution Control Board for a variance. Clerk Brant received a copy of this letter. Ald. Thanepohn moved the treasurer's report be accepted. Mayor Coleman questioned how we could get more money in the Sewer Fund to extend sewers on Walnut Street. Attorney Dickson explained money could be transferred from Sewer Bond & Interest Fund. Discussion followed. Ald. Thanepohn stated a meeting will be held with the auditor soon. Motion seconded by Ald. Hanback. Motion carried. Police Rkport was given by Officer Dick Randall in the absence of Chief Win Pricketi Ald. Madden moved all reports be accepted, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Mayor Coleman read a letter from Art Schierer, Countryside Center, complimenting the water department on fine service and the courtesy shown him recently when he hac a frozen water line. Committee Reports-Streets & Alleys-Ald Simmons stated the committee had not been able to contact Jack Purcell. Mr. Al Brady requested diagonal parking in front of his building on Hydraulic St. Mayor Coleman referred the matter to this committee. Water-The panel has been completed at less cost than expected. Mr. Pfister has made up brochures as an enclosure with the water bills. Police and Fire-Ald. Thanepohn reported Feb. 15th is the deadline for city stickers, A fine of $5.00 plus city sticker will be enforced after that'date. Officer Randall is giving an "Officer Vic" program in the local schools. Officer Jerabek is taking advanced training at Waubonsee. Sewers-Ald. Madden requested the purchase of a portable sump pump. A 3" pump would cost from $650.00 to $705.00. Ald. Madden recommended buying a Homelite pump. Ald. Wolff moved to purchase the Homelite pump at the cost of $705.00. Seconded by Ald. Simmons. Roll call vote: Madden-aye; Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Simmons. aye; motion passed unanimously. Ald. Madden explained that the water and street dep, have no tools for the shop. In the near future, a recommendation from the committee and Rick Pfister will be made for the necessary tools. ° Public Property & Buildings-Electricity and gas are in at the new garage. Thy leak in the roof at the P.D. is not leaking now and will be checked later. Building & Zoning-Final meeting of the comprehensive zoning was held and copies are to be presented the 28th to the city council. Due to public notice, this will be presented the first meeting in March. Finance and Audit-Ald. Thanepohn notified all departments to plan a budget and a meeting will be held March 21st. The legal liability insurance is in effect and ex- tends our previous coverage. Library-Ald. Simmons reported all funds have now been repaid. Public Property-Ald. Madden mentioned he had talked to the man who had done remodel, ing at P.D. and stated the committee would get together and have an architect make plans and advertize for bids. He recommended council actteon authorizing this. Ald. Thanepohn moved to engage Leo Anderson to work with the public property & bldgs. committee on the remodeling of the P.D. Ald. Wolff seconded the motion, motion carried. Ald. Madden ,stated paneling has started on City Hall and all help will be appreciated. Mayor Coleman will not be at the next meeting. Ald. Madden requested the agenda be published in the Record. Igeeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. upon motion by Ald. Hanback and seconded by Ald. Simmons, to go into executive session. JJH/njb \� ----- -- ames ran , city C.Lerk JANUARY 1974 GENERAL FUND Commonwealth Edison Co.-Park,$3.05, Street Lighting,$523.96 527.01 Illinois Bell Tel. Co.-P.D.,$46.31, Police Chief $3.97, Street Dept.$3.42,Mayor $3.03 56.73 Marilyn J. Merkel - Postage $3.12, Envelopes $0.58 3.70 Mayor Coleman - Expenses, Toll $1.40, Lunch $9.14(return squad car) 10.54 James J. Brant,City Clerk - Stamps 8.00 Ralph E. Pfister -Bldg. Insp.(5) 25.00 Fred 0. Christian - Bldg. Insp. (3) 15.00 Fredrickson's Office Supplies Inc.- Inv.#41180, Acet. ledger pads 2.80 Building Officials & Code Adm. Intl. Inc.- Inv.#31515, Bldg. permit & Stop-Work notice 24.00 Illinois Municipal League - Membership dues, 1974 158.40 Xerox, Corp.• Copies, 183, Inv.#021107621 8.69 Ellsworth Windett Ins.- Workman's Comp. & Libility audit 10-1-72 thru 10-1-73 796.00 The Country Companies Ins. Co.-Policy#AV0414300,P.D. Squad cars 564.99 Fox Valley Disposal Service- Dec. & Jan. 2,823.60 Clean Sweep Inc.- Jan. street sweeping 25.00 Yorkville Hardware- Envelopes,City Clerk $1.18; Street Dept. Oper. Suppl.$12.73 13.91 Central Limestone Co. - Rock chips 211.13 Jan Bot- File cabinets, Street Dept.$96.60; Police Dept.$102.38 ' , (Paid) 198.98 Homer G. Dickson & Co.,Inc.- Truck repairslnv.26649 &26875 3.98 Suuthtown Oil Co. - Truck repairs 13.35 John N. Schneider - Oper Suppl. , Street Dept. 35.47 Dierzen Welding & Machine Co.- Repair snow plow 18.00 Fred Wayne- Hauling salt 59.20 Navy Brand Mfg. Co. - Frgt. on inv.#64184 10.00 E & H Utility Sales, Inc.- Signs, Inv.#6136, 5909 66.05 J'S Shoe Repair- 3 pair shoes, Street Dept. 66.00 Rice's Service- Truck repairs 84.05 International Salt Co.- Salt, Invs. #325031, 312432, 311205 342.72 Ray O'Herron Co., Inc.- Street Dept., Clutch $10.36: Police Dept. Coats $33.70, Radar cord $13.50 57.56 Rich's Unoin 76- Gas; Street Dept.$195.18, P.D. $341.20 536.38 Markelz Office Products- Legal pads, mail sorter, Triumph pads, chair mat 62.16 Durbin Office Machines - 3M paper, Inv.#8612 33.20 Badger Uniforms- uniforms, R. Reuter, Inv.#75539 197.30 Hamilton Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Inc. - 1974 Olds squad (paid) 4,286.00 Secretary of State- Lic. Trans & Title (paid) 5.00 Hamilton Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Inc. - Service squad & install equip. 149.78 Wifred W. Prickett- Switch for Dodge squad 4.24 Robert W. Prickett- Install radios in Squad car 75.00 Bob's Stard service- Car washes & Towing Tickets 22, 32, 28 10.00 Auto Specialists, Inc. - Install spot light squad car, Inv.#51579, labor & Matl. 115.75 Share Corp.- Cleaner, Inv. 188953 20.00 TOTAL $11,724.67 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co.- Water tower$14.18, Pumping$767.749 Pumping $41.61 823.53 Illinois Bell Tel. Co.=-Pump house $10.87 10.87 Ralph E. Pfister - PostaGE 1.78 Lesco Service Co., Inc.Ainv.#9038 4.57 Countryside Hardware - Oper Suppl. & tools 151.43 Farmers' Elevator Co. - Oper. Suppl 13.42 Yorkville Hardware - Oper. Suppl. 3.99 Riemensehneider Electric - Repair light panel, Pump house; labor & Matl. 504.32 Jim's Trenching & Sewer Cleaning - repair water leaks; labor & equip. 1,278.00 Metropolitan Pump Co.- Couplings, Inv.#15676 61.00 Wallace & Tiernan Div.- renew contract for electro rust-proofing water tower 175.00 Sidener, Inc. - meters Inv.#W20593 $285.00 less credit memo $19.95 265.05 Water Products co. - Couplings & Clamps Inv.#7158, 7043, 7089, 7083 1,014.44 E & H Utility Sales, Inc. - Corp. stops, Oriseal mag. dip needle, Inv.5777,5778,6232 183.46 TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Morton Buildings, Inc.- Building 54x72, City garage (Paid) $15,420.00