City Council Minutes 1974 01-24-74 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A.
JANUARY 24, 197+
ayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
dermen were present:
1st Ward-Madden 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis
Wolff �VT Thanepohn Simmons
ayor Coleman introduced the visitors. He stated Attorney Dickson would not be pre-
sent as he was to receive the Jaycee's "Distinguished Service Award's-. Clerk Brant
as directed to send Mr. Dickson a card of congratulations. He then directed the Cle
to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Ellis moved to dispense with reading
he minutes. A correction by Mayor Coleman in Paragraph 2, Line 6, Page 1 should rea
'. . .and he had collected from Kackert & Popp Associates for the water meters. Han-
back seconded and motion carried. Ald. Ellis suggested postponing any action on the
rdinances presented at the last meeting but did recommend changing the title of
upt. of Streets and Alleys to General Superintendent of Public Works each place it
appears in the ordinances.
ity Clerk Brant read the Planning Commission report of Jan. 22, 1974. 7+.01 Pre-
iminary Review of the Fitch-Hanson Farm, which will be approximately 221-acre
lanned unit development called Wildwood Subdivision located in the southern portion
f the triangle formed by Rt. 47, 71 and 126. Plans were turned over to Mr. Clarage
or study. 74.02 Petition of Edward Salisbury to rezone Lots 1 , 4 &5 in Block 11 of
he original Village of Yorkville, presently zoned part residential and part busines
d Lot 7 in Block 5 of Mason's 1st addition to the Village of Yorkville to Business
District Use. Commission recommended approval subject to the proposed new city zonin
rdinance which would give the property a B-2 classification. It was recommended to
'nerease the Plan Commission secretary's salary to $10 per meeting which would inclu
11 expenses except postage and $3 per hour for additional work. Mr. Clarage and Mr.
ortell presented some land use, soil and topography maps and the area within 1 and
miles of the city limits in regard to the Comprehensive plan review. Ald. Madden
moved to go along with the salary increase of $10 per meeting and $3 per hour for
additional work. Seconded by Ald. Thanepohn. Roll call vote: Madden-aye; Hanback-
ye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion passed unanimously. Ald. Madden
stated the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary Board ask that they be consulted on all future
innexations and developments because they have no more hook-ups available, as the
sanitary system is at capacity now. Ald. Ellis pointed out the need for additional
chools when these large developments are built; Ald. Madden presented a fee schedul
rom James B. Clarage and Assoc. The minimum fixed fee for processing the Wildwood
lanned unit development proposal is computed to be $1,505. This fee is payable
directly to the city at the time of submission. The fee schedule as written was esti
ated to allow for the total costs involved in reviewing a project with 1/3 of the
xpenses being incurred by the city and 2/3 by the Planning Consultant.
ayor Coleman read a letter from the EPA in regard to Countryside Center Subdivision
and Shopping Center inspections which reveal violations of the EPA Act and related
water pollution regulations. The EPA is considering presentation of the results of
-these investigations to the Illinois Pollution Control Board. Ald. Ellis moved to
accept the termination of Patrolman George Lewis. Seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion
carried. Mayor Coleman appointed Wayne Millen as patrolamn on probation for 6 months
at a-,-salary of $650 per month with all regular benefits. Ald. Thanepohn moved to ac-
" t the appointment of Wayne Millen as patrolman. Ald. Ellis seconded. Roll call
e: Madden-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion unani-
FORM 601-49® U.S.A.
7ANTTARY 24 19z4
ously passed. Mayor Coleman had received drawings of the aerial veiw of the resur-
facing of Rt. 47 and suggested the problem of water standing on the highway at
omonauk should be taken care of when this work is done. Ald. Madden moved to adopt
a resolution requesting the necessary improvements be made to correct this water
roblem. Seconded by Ald. Ellis. Motion carried. Clerk Brant was instructed to follo
p on this matter. The annual water report and building inspections report were made
Gene Gordon, city engineer, presented plans for the sewer and water for Unit 1
at Williamsport, with an application for a permit to construct. Ald. Madden moved
to accept the application for construction not operation of sewer and water for
Unit 1 , Williamsport and it be signed by the Mayor and Clerk. Ald. Hanback seconded.
1 in favor. Mr. Gordon will set up a meeting some time in March with the Street
Dept. and committee to look over the city streets. Discussion on the bonding of
ew Business-Clerk Brant read petition of Glen Davidson to rezone and subdivide pro-
erty at the corner of Somonauk and Bridge on the northeast side. He wants to divide
he property into 4 lots with Lots 3 & 4 zoned as B-1 and Lots 1 & 2 as residential.
Discussion. Ald. Madden moved to refer the petition to the Plan Commission. Seconded
y Ald. Ellis. Motion carried.
ommittee Reports-Streets & Alleys-Ald. Ellis stated he had not been able to contact
Jack Purcell in regard to the streets in Countryside.
Water-Ald. Madden reported there had been breaks in water lines on Hydraulic and on
Van Emmon. Discussion on condition of water lines and the type of pipe to use in the
future. The pump house electrical panel is finished. Mike Price has started an algeb
ourse at Waubonsee and Ald. Madden moved the city pay the tuition as stated in the
personnel policy (2 of the tuition now and the other when the course is satisfac-
torily completed. ) Ellis seconded and motion carried.
ealth and Sanitation-Ald. Ellis reported on the meeting held with the Fire Chief.
Me inspections will be tied in with Fire Prevention Week which will be sometime
uring the next shcool year. Ald. Ellis will check into materials that can be left
%Tith business owners at the time of the inspection. The Fire Marshall and Chief
re to check the Pizza Place in the near future.
olice & Fire-Ald. Thanepohn stated the telephone company will have a report within
0 days to 2 weeks on the phone situation. There will be a police committee meeting
eb. 7 at 8:30. The new squad car was delivered. and the leased car was returned. Ald
_. anepohn had attended an Illinois I2aw Enforcement meeting about central record
ystems but would not recommend this procedure for the city.
blic Property & Bdgs.-Ald. Madden reported there was a leak in the roof of the
ibrary which he fixed. He was told there is a leek in the roof at the Police Statio:
e will check but possibly that building will need a new roof. Ald. Madden had re-
eived a call from the Book Publishing Co. and they will send a bid for codification
f ordinances. Then if we are still interested, call them collect and they will send
ilding and Zoning-Ald. Madden reported on the meeting of Jan. 17th of the Compre-
ensive committee. The committee will meet again next Thurs. evening to get it all
inalized for presentation to the City Council. Ald. Madden reported on the meeting
eld with Mr. Bell in regard to sharing a building inspector. Ald. Madden recommend-
d getting another man in the streets, water and sewer department and this would
ree Mr. Pfister for his supervisory duties and still do building inspections. He
11 have a meeting of the committee to go over applications now on file.
inance and Audit-Ald. Thanepohn reported. $2,612.06 had been received in interest fo.
he certificate of deposits. He stated Mr. Don Ament, Country Companies representati,
FORM 601-49 U.S.A.
JANUARY 24+ 1974
ad submitted figures on insurance for legal liability including loss reimbursement
or a municipality. 33 yy
imit 1 Yr. Pol. 3 Yr. Prepaid AnnualpInAt
1 ,000,000
lan I Municipality & officials only $615.00 $1,660.00 $581.00
Plan II Municipality, officials &
all employees 683.00 1 ,844.00 645,00
Deductible X00.00
lan I Municipality & officials only $770.00 $2,079.00 $728.00
Plan II Municipality, Officials
and all employees 856.00 2,311.00 809.00
Deductible 500.00
Prior unknown acts coverage can be obtained by increasing the quotations by 15%.
Ald. Thanepohn will check on any duplication of coverage on the police dept. Ald.
Ellis moved to purchase Limit 92,000,000 Plan IT and to include the prior unknown
acts coverage. Simmons seconded. Roll Call vote: Madden-aye; Hanback-aye; Thane-
pohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye. Motion passed unanimously.
Ald. Madden was given the authority to purchase materials necessary for the remodel•
ing of City Hall.
Ald. Hanback moved to adjourn at 10:25 P.M.