City Council Minutes 1972 12-14-72 FORM 601-49®U.S.A. DECEMBER 14, 1972 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YOURKVILLE, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON DECEMBER 14, 1972 AT 8t00 P.M. Alderman Florence no Alderman Eldon Madden act as Mayor pro ten in the absence of Mayor Robert Col . Seconded by Alderman Thanepohn. Motion oarried. Mr. Madden called the nee ing to order and asked the City Council and visitors to stand and give the Pledge o Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the clerk to take the roll. Upon roll ing taken the following aldermen were present: lot hard-Follmer absent 2nd hard-Florence 3rd Yard-Ellis Madden Thanepohn McHugh absent Mr. Madden directed the clerk to read the minutes of the regular meeting and of the special meeting held comber 7, 1972. Alderman Ellis moved to dispense with reading of both then utes since all aldermen had received copies. Seconded by Alderman Florence. Motion carried. Clerk read the bills or November, 1972. GENERAL FUND Commonwealth Edison Co., City Hall $ 10.79 M a" Street lighting Oat. & Nov. 884. 3© Police Station 3.44 Northern Ill ois Gas Co., City Park 39.44 « a City Hall 12.63 " Police Station 29015 a a a Park 9,56 Illinois Bel Tel. Co., Treasurer .76 Yorkville National Bank, Payment #29 tractor 138.54 Library Building payment 121080 Fox Valley D posal Co., Disposal services Oct. & Nov. 2081.40 Ellsworth Wlidett Ins. Co., Workman's Coup. & Liab. audit 687.00 « a a a Mayor's Bond 73.50 « a « Clerk's Bond 73.50 Kendall County Record, Printing 404.20 Archie Bieri s, picking up leaves in park 90.00 Clean Sweep Ino., Nov. sweeping streets 25.00 Aurora Typewriter Co., Inc., repair city clerk's typewriter 21000 Central Lijk ne Co., Rock street dept. 196.71 Jim's Trenand Sewer Cleaning, dig up storm sewer 52.50 Honer G. Dn Co., Inc. repair city trucks 164.53 Southtown o., repair city trucks 47.31 Hathorn's ction Station, truck insp. (2) 8.00 Farmers E1 r Co., sand mix, blacktop nix, plywood St. Dept-11.13 E. & H. Ui Sales, Inc* atop sign (4) Inv. 90022 49.00 Aurora Bla Inc., cold mix 144.00 Yorkville are, street dept. 12929, Police Dept. 8.20 20.49 Checker Oi , gas, St. Dept. 53.25, Police Dept. 164.35 217.6 0 R. Clark M , labor to paint Police Station 129.00 A. & J. Pang Co., printing & padding Police Dept. 41.15 Spera TV S e, install electric eye 8.00 Badger Uni , Police uniforms-Inv. 59040, 59151. 59150 104.35 Share Corp•, serer coup. Street Dept. 67950, Police Dept. 28,6o 96.10 -2- FORM 601-49®U.S.A. DECEMBER 1 19 2 Durbin Office Machines, 3M paper, for copier, Police $ 22.137, Hilltop Sinclair, tires, wheels, so ting, servie Oct. Nov. 345.03 Winfred We Prickett, desk, chair, apes & rods 164.88 Al-Hub Electric Supply, electric ey , Police station 10942 Yorkville Appliance & Furniture Co. rod oover, flora tube & starters 2.19 Paul Hagen, material & labor sidewa ks at Police Station 26too John Schneider Hardware, paint & su plc for Police Station Total ,172 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Coe, pumping $ 8.45 N N N N 304*?? Illinois Bell Tel. Coe, pvt* line 4100 of " pump house 1182 Northern Ill. Gas Co*, pump house 30069 N N N M N N N98 National Boulevard Bank of Chicago, bond & into scot. 7a� Oct. and Nov. 300000 National Boulevard Bank of Chicago, bond & into res. acct. Oct* and Nov. 340600 The Bank of Yorkville, Depr. & Con . acct. Oct. & Nov* 300o00 E & H Utility Sales, hydrant, , & unions Inv* 899 9029 899903P 9038++, 906 299670 Badger Meter, Inc., meters Inv. 4 , 440965 176667 Brad French Men's Wear, coveralls 73650 Riesenschnsider Electric, labor & a to repair pump 360.11 Lesoo, maintenance supple 10.67 Watw Products Co*, asters 517.50 Capital Controls Coo, repair and return chlorinator 51.59 James So Price, postage 3670 Jim's Trenching & Sewer Cleaning, labor to dig up water lines 493+50 Yorkville Sanitary Distriot, chlorinator 9.24 Yorkville Appliance & Furniture Coe, flora tube Total J7, 9. Aldo Florence moved the bills be paid if foumd correct. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion carried. Aldo Ellis moved to dispense with reading all reports. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Motion carried* Discussion on the Planning Commission repo -11.01 Thurow Residence, Fox Rd* and Main Ste Zoning Board of Appeals hearing a been not for Jan* 4, 1973 at 7130 Pox, at City Halle 11.03 James Be Clarage, pl ing consultant, presented a proposal for a 1 year oontract, retainer $900 per y and would attend 12 monthly meetings. Ws. S. Lawrence proposed a continuation of heir contract with the City for 1 year, retainer $1,200 and would attend 6 planning commission meetings. Aldo Florence moved this matter be tabled until nextsonthq Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion carried. -3- FORM 601-49® U.S.A. DECIMM 14a 1972 Clerk read a letter Mr. Palmer from the state in regard to the Island Mork at Palmer Dan stating wo could be continued and the City would be contacted by a state official soon. Aldo Thanepohn stated he also had talked to Mr. Palmer and 2 appraisers have be obtained to appraise the land that was resoned at the spoe- ial meeting of Dee. 7 1972. Mr. Madden read a let or from the Governor stating Oct. has been not as Blood Donor Month asking all to nate bleed. Mark read permit den a from E.P.A. on Apple Tree Courts, Miller Subdivision and Fox Industrial Park. Attorney Bassak reported he had talked to George Griffin, City Hagineer, inform the city the S.P.A. had reviewed the waste eapsoity and had raised it to 391 population. Next week it will be formalised and when Mr. Price receives the wr tten authorisation, he can issue sewer permits for Apple Tree Courts. Clerk asked all city aployeas stop by his office and fill out an apIllieation form for IMRF as soon as possible. Attorney Baasak read a letter from Consolidated Cables Utilities Inc. protesting the rescinding action taken last month on the ordinance for cable T Fo Court action in in progress with I11. Commerce Commission wanting to regulate cable TV. Mr. Art Craps, Craps Electronios, Ines asked:. his company be considered to receive the franchise for constructing cable TV, discussion. Old Business-Clerk roiLd a letter from Northern III* Gas Co. stating the city uses 6,300 therms (the fro amount allowed the city) by April or May and adding one more account (the li ) will not be beneficial to the City. Matter referred to the Lights, Tole no & Gas Committee and the Public properties and Building Committee. Attorney Bassak reported he needed additional information on B.O.l.t. Code before drawing up an ordinan e. Also will present next month the library 15-mino perking ordinance. Aldo Madden stated an ad for a city secretary had beenplaced in the paper and had received 7 applications as of this date. Aldo Ellis and Madden will set up a meet- ing for the Council interview all applicants. New Business-Clerk reLd a letter from Checker Oil Co. stating their Credit Card program would be din ntinued April, 19739 Clark reported a eh in the amount of $69924 had been received from the Revenue sharing program. He referred to Attorney Bassak information received with the check on how the son could be spent. Attorney Bassak will report back on this next month. Aldo 811 a moved the Finance Committee invest this $69924 revenue sharing check in a se to interest drawing account until it is determined what to do with it. Seca by Aldo Florence. Notion oarried. Alderman Florence nov the final plat of the Harker Subdivision be referred to the Planning Commis n and be accepted oontigent upon the approval of the Planning Commission. Seconded by Aldo Thanepohn. Motion carried. -4- FORM 601-49®U.S.A. DECEMBER 14g 1972 Dean Thanepohn asked the City to consider so a way of removing snow in the down- town area. Discussion. It was suggested the Street Dept, get in the area as soon as possible after a snow fall and gat it out of the parking areas. Committee Reports- Police and Fire-Ald. Florence reported a me e ing had been bald. Chief Prickett would like a telephone extension at the Pbl a Station on the number at his home. The Crime Commission will come in and set u all the police files when the re- modeling of the police station is completed. Aldo Florence moved to accept the recommendation of the Police Committee to w up a parking fine ordinance with fine for over-time parking= $5.00 fine fo parking in front of a fire plugs 3.00 fine for double parking. Seconded by d. Thanspohn. Discussion. Notion earried. .Ald. Thanspohn moved to accept the scommendation of the Pblice Com- mittee and advertise for a full time polio . Seconded by Aldo Florence. Notion carried. To clarify the question on the holLday pay section of the city personnel policy, Aldo Thanspohn stated "the 7>,paid holiday* are listed to detail those holidays which are considered paid holidays. Any employee who works any of these , holidays will be apid an extra days pay." Biblic Properties and Buildings-Ald. Ellis reported the remodeling of the Police Station would be finished in the next week. The first estimate did not include any work on the restroom facilities. Mr. Kot estimated a cost of $250. Diseussiono Aldo Thanspohn moved the public property and buildings committee look at the property and be empowered to make the necessay repairs. Seconded by Aldo Madden. Roll call vote- Madden-aye Florence aye Ellis-aye Thanepo -aye Notion carried. Aldo Ellis reported the new library is a greLt asset to the community. Mrs Price suggested the screens be put on the windows of the library to help protect the windows from breakage. The library is short of operating funds and ask the treasurer to see if a partial distribution uld be made at this time. F&nance Committee-Aldo Thanspohn reported th tractor insurance is due for renewal and bids have been sent out but ooul not be in by this date. Aldo Madden moved the Finance Committee be given the pow to accept the best insurance bid. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Roll call vote- den-aye Florence-aye Ellis - aye Thanepohn-aye Notion carried. Aldo Thanspohn moved the meeting be adjourn and extended the Council's sympathy to Mayor Coleman and Mrs. Coleman in the log of her father. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Next meeting will be January 1t 1973 at 8100 P.M. f Y CLERK JAMES J. SW JJB/njb