City Council Minutes 1972 11-09-72 FORM 601-49®U.S.A. NOVEMBER Q, 1972
1972, AT 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Council and visitors
to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the
Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present
1st Ward-Follmer 2nd Ward-Florence 3rd Ward-Ellis
Madden-absent Thanepohn McHugh
Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the regular meeting.
AldermanFlorence moved to dispense with reading of the minutes since all aide ran
had received copies. Alderman Ellis seconded the motion. Motion carried. :Mayor
Coleman asked for the Treasurer's Report. Alderman Florence waived reading of
the Treasurer's report and moved to accept said report. Alderman Follmer seconded
the motion. Motion carried. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills
for October, 1972.
CommonwealtbrEdison Co.-street lighting $ 424.17
"° if it -police station 3.44
Illinois Bell Telephone Co.-police station 9.32
it it It it -treasurer 1.73
Yorkville Nitional Bank-payment #28, tractor 138.64
" It if -library building payment 121.80
Eldon Maddon-expenses to Ill. Municipal League conference 31.25
Farmers' Elevator Co.-culverts, collar bends, sand mix, gloves 103.40
Yorkville Hardware-opr. suppl. street dept. $11.09, P.D. 11.75 22.84
Vernon and Sons-1973 dog bags 17.60
John N. Schneider-opr. suppl., street dept. 13.19
Aurora Concrete Products Co.-bases & rings, street dept. 131.05
Central Limestone Co.-rock, street dept. 55.85
Homer G. Dickson Co., Inc. -opr. suppl., street dept. 9.49
Southtown Oil Co.-truck repairs, street dept. 60.05
Rice's Service-tire & opr. suppl., street dept. 57.25
Aurora Typewriter Co., Inc.-3M copy paper, city clerk 31.00
Kendall County Record-printing, street dept. 18.90, clerk 22.00 40.90
Shalco Chemical Corp.-snow plow wax, street dept. 138.40
Ralph E. Pfister-5 bldg. insp. 25.00
Odin Christian-7 bldg. insp. 35.00
James E. Price-2 bldg. insp. 10.00
Checker Oil Co.-gas, street dept. 75.55, P.D. 201.34 276.89
United Auto Sales-battery adj. & check charge sys., squad car
Inv. 43359, 43567 24.60
Detzler Pontiac-service squad car & tune-up 42.65
Jan Kot-repair garage door, P.D. 10.00
R. Clark Morrell-2 steel cab., P.D. 55.00
Kane Ford Sales, Inc.-service squad car, Inv. 30858, 6024 113.95
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. NOVEMBER 9, 1972
Vernon & Sons-1973 city vehicle tags $ 181.40
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago, 4V bond, sewer imp. 6-1-60 11,305.00
Commonwealth Edison Co.-pumping $ 1.49
it 11 -_ if 324.44
it " -pump house 4.57
" 11 " water tower 7.70
Illinois Bell Telephone Co.-pt. line 4.00
it " to " -pump house .15
Badger Meter, Inc.-meters Inv. 432738, 436381 502.28
Yorkville Hardware-opr. suppl. 7.42
Fredrickson's Office Supplies-water bills 311.10
James E. Price-postage 6.33
Sidener, Inc.-water pipe union 23.81
Dean Sleezer-labor to repair water line 40.00
Lesco- Inv. 07229, chlorinator parts 109.60
1,3�•$9 .
Alderman Florence moved the bills be referred to the Finance Committee and be paid
if found to be correct. Seconded by Alderman Thanepohn, motion carried.
Police report was-given by Chief Prickett.
Building inspector's report, sewer and water reports were given by James Price.
Planning Commission report was read by the Clerk, approving the annexation of
approximately .0/78 acres of Unit 3 in Countryside Subdivision on--the petition of
John G. and Alice V. Conover. Alderman Thanepohn moved to adopt the recommendation
of the Planning Commission to annex said property. Seconded by Alderman Ellis.
Roll call vote:
Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye
Thanepohn-aye McHugh-aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Coleman read a letter stating November 17, 1972, a meeting will be held in
Chicago for Municipal Clerks and aldermen.
Mayor Coleman read a letter from the E.P. A. approving the sanitary sewer con-
struction permit for the Fox Industrial Park, with special conditions listed.
Mayor Coleman read a letter of resignation from Grace Fisher from the Yorkville
Public Library Board.
Mayor Coleman read a letter stating a meeting to discuss municipal problems will
be held November 16, 1972, in Ottawa.
Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Dept. of Transportation in regard to the
state owned property along the Fox River, asking if the city would renew their
FORM 601-49® O.S.A. NOVEMBER 9, 1 979
lease on said property or purchase the property and receive a quit claim deed.
Two appraisals would be necessary for a fair market price. Alderman Thanepohn
was asked to follow up on this matter.
Mayor Coleman read a letter from the E.P.A. approving, subject to certain con-
ditions, the plans and specifications for the proposed improvements to the
water works for the Millen and Emmons Subdivision.
Mayor Coleman read a no-parking ordinance covering the east side of Bridge St.
75' south of Van Emmon; both sides of River St. from Bridge St. to the city limits
100' both directions from the entrances of the Tastee Freez on Rt. 47. Alderman
Florence moved to adopt said ordinance. Seconded by Alderman Ellis. Roll call vo,
Florence-aye Ellis-aye
Thanepohn-aye McHugh-aye
Motion carried unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS: Petition was presented of Robert Laufer Thurow, executor of the
estate of Clara Thurow, to rezone from Residential District Uses to Legal Pro-
fessional Bldg. Uses Lots One and Four in Block Ten of the original Village of
Yorkville, now City of Yorkville, Kendall Co., Illinois. A check for $100.00
accompanied the petition. Alderman Follmer moved to refer this petition to the
Planning Commission. Seconded by Alderman Thanepohn. Motion carried.
Mayor Coleman had received a letter from Paul Washay, owner of Paul's Tavern,
requesting permission to open Sunday, December 31, 1972, from 6 P.M. to 2 A.M.
City Council approved all taverns be allowed to be open New Year's Eve., Sunday,
December 31st.
Yorkville Public Library request the marking of the 2 parking spaces in front of
the Library for a limited parking time. Council recommended a 15 minute parking
and signs will be posted. The Library also requested the Police Dept. enforce the
"no parking" area at the rear of the building on library property. Chief Prickett
will inform persons using said property and the "no parking" ordinance willbe
drawn up.
No date has been set for the public hearing on the new zoning plans.
The William H. Lawrence & Associates Co. is asking the city retain them on an
annual basis, asking 6 meetings a year and a retainer of $1,200 per year.
Alderman Ellis' appointment to the Library Board conflicts with his school's
P.T.A. meetings and he would like to be replaced. Mayor Coleman will take this
under consideration. Mayor Coleman stated an appointment to the Library Board
was necessary to fill the vacancy of Mrs. Fisher. Alderman Florence moved Mrs.
Clara Rezash be appointed to the Library Board. Seconded by Alderman Ellis.
Motion carried.
Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Kraus Electrical Systems requesting they be\
put on the agenda in regard to Cable TV. An ordinance was passed in 1967 stating
hook-ups fotr 60% of the population was to be established in 5 years. Discussion./
FORM 601-49®O.B.A. NOVEMBER 9, 1972
Alderman Florence moved to revoke said ordinance on the basis no hook-ups have been
made during the 5 years. Seconded by Alderman Ellis. Roll call vote:
Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye
Thanepohn-aye McHugh-aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Alderman Florence read bids received on',2 snow tires plus 4 regular tires:
Southtown Oil
4-H78x15 Deluxe Champion Firestone 4 ply super belt
2-H78xl5 Town & Country Firestone snow tires mounted and balanced $196.66
Bob's Standard Service
4-H78x15 Plycron 2+2 belted $196.00
2-H78xl5 Weather Guard white, 4 ply non belted 87.21
2-H78x15 Amoco Sno 4 ply non belted 72.42
All prices include mount, balance and weights
Union 76-Richard Shope
4-H78xl5 5 Star Union 76 tires (4+2 ply belted) at $44.03 ea. including
excise tax plus sales tax.
2-H78xl5 Union Sport oval snow tires (2+2 belted) at $41.59 ea. including
excise tax plus sales tax.
These carry `a guarantee of 30,000 on the snow tires and 40,000 on the
regular tires.
Discussion. Alderman Florence moved to accept the bid from Union 76 for all 6
tires because of the guarantee offered. Seconded by Alderman Thanepohn. Roll
call vote:
Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye
Thanepohn-aye McHugh-aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Police and Fire-Chief Prickett reported 17 ladies had offered their services as
crossing guards for Circle Center students and want to know if they would be held
responsible in ease of an accident. Mayor Coleman had checked with the insurance
company covering the city and was informed any unpaid traffic monitor would be
provided with defense of suit against the Village and also most families have
homeowners insurance which would defend them. Discussion. Alderman Ellis moved
to accept the services of these ladies for crossing guards. Elderman Follmer
seconded. Motion carried. Chief Prickett will inform the ladies.
Trees and Parks-Mr. Archie Bieritz stated there were too many leaves in the park
and presented a bid for $10.00 an hour to rake and dispose of the leaves. Dis-
cussion. Alderman Follmer moved to accept Archie Bieritz's bid of $10.00 per
hour to take care of the leaves and consider next year of hiring him on a con-
tract basis to mow the park like he did before. Seconded by Alderman Ellis.
Motion carried.
Futute Planning-Alderman Ellis reported Paul Hagen had installed a new sidewalk
in front of the Police Station. The Committee, Mayor and Chief recommend locating
the city secretary in the Police Station on a temporary basis and redecorating
the front office, w4th paneling and flooring; put a wall on the west side thru
to the back wall and make the storage space into a room for the Chief. Mr. Jan Kot
has given an estimate of the cost of the work, which he would do on Saturdays and
FORM 601.49®U.S.A. NOVEMBER 9, 1972
evenings, to be $1,200 with an additional cost for heating. Discussion. Alderman
Thanepohn moved Mr. Jan Kot be contracted to make these improvements on the Police
Station. Seconded by Alderman Florence. Roll call vote:
Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye
Thanepohn-aye McHugh-aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Building and Property-Alderman Ellis stated he didn't know where the city stood
on renovating City Hall. Discussion. Alderman Ellis was asked to contact a con-
tractor to see what can be done. Alderman Florence suggested the purchase of good
folding chairs be considered.
Liquor Commissioner-Mayor Coleman stated the liquor license had been held on the
489 Social Club because of no state liquor license. The Club will be given a
license to be open only as a private club and the Leion Commander will be held
Finance and Audit- Alderman Thanepohn reported a meeting had been held. There is
a $9,000 over-expenditure of the projected budget and this was due to the increase
of the city payroll. The City Clerk and Treasurer will present a quarterly re-
port of anticipated receipts, actual receipts, appropriated amounts in the budget
and what is spent. This will enable the Council to keep a closer tab on the amour
spent for each individual appropriation. The Finance Committee recommends the
purchase of an electric typewriter with an 18" carriage for the city secretary.
The Police Dept. have reports that require an 18" carriage typewriter and could
use this typewriter since the city secretary will be temporarily located in their
office. Discussion. Alderman Follmer moved the Finance Committee be empowered
to purchase the best suited electric typewriter for the city secretary. Alder-
man Florence seconded. Roll call vote:
Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye
Thanepohn-aye McHugh-aye
Motion carried unanimously. Alderman Thanepohn stated the Workmen's Comp.
insurance was all set. Group health and accident insurance has an increase of
21¢ per month per employee because of the average age of all employees. The
present plan and 2 other proposed plans were presented. Discussion. Alderman
Thanepohn moved to adopt proposed Plan 1. Seconded by Alderman Florence. Roll
call vote:
Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye
Thanepohn-aye McHugh-aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Alderman Follmer asked about the sidewalks that were to have been poured several
months ago. Alderman Ellis will follow up on this matter.
Mayor Coleman gave out maps of Countryside Subdivision. Discussion on stop and
ylild signs needed. Streets and Alleys Committee will consider this matter and
an ordinance should be made up.
Alderman Follmer moved an ordinance on B.O.C.A. code be drawn up on Alderman
Madden's previous recommendation. Seconded by Alderman Ellis. Roll call vote:
Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye
Thanepohn-aye McHugh-aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Warren Musick representing the property owners adjacent to the new Standard Servic4
Station asked if something could not be done about the flooding of yards from water
FORM 601-49®O.S.A. NOVEMBER 9, 1972
coming over the blacktop drive of the station. Mr. Price will set up a meeting
of the Building and Zoning Committee, Mr. Larson, sole contractor of the building,
and the property owners to discuss this situation as soon as possible.
At 10:55 Alderman Ellis moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Alderman
Florence. Motion carried.
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