City Council Minutes 1972 10-12-72 FORM 601-49®U.S.A. OCTOBER 12, 1972
1972, at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Council and visitors
to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the
Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were preseni
1st Ward-Follmer 2nd Ward-Florence 3rd Ward-Ellis
Madden Thanepohn McHugh
Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the regular meeting.
Alderman Florence moved to dispense with reading of the minutes since all aldermen
had received copies. Alderman Follmer seconded the motion. Motion carried. Alder-
man Madden questioned the minutes as to the payment of the Pontiac Squad Car.
The 1972 Pontiac squad car was purchased 6-13-72 from Detzler Pontiac, Oswego,
for $3,913.00 plus $7.00 for title and licence. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk
to read the bills for September, 1972•
Northern Ill... Gas Co.-Police Dept. $ 4.24
of to of " -Park Torch 36..28
of of to " -Street Light 8.64
it to of " -City Hall 3.23
Illinois Bell Telephone Co.-City Hall - Police Sta. 110,90
Commonwealth rdisbn Co.-Park Lights 7.26
to to " -Police Sta. 1.72
Yorkville National Bank-Payment Library Bldg. 121*80
" of " -Payment #27, Tractor 138..54
Fox Valley Disposal Co.-Disposal service, Sept. 1,162.80
Yorkville Hardware-Street Dept. $14.83;Police Dept. $15.18
operating suppl. 30.01
C. 0. Nelson Co.-trash disposal 15..001
John N. Schneider-oper. suppl. Police Dept. $.75; City Hall
materials air cond. $22.76 23.51
Central Limestone Co.-rock, Street Dept. 273.11
Fox Paving, Inc.-cold mix, Street Dept. 252.'00
Ralph E. Pfister-3 Bldg. insp. 15.00
James E. Price- 9 bldg. insp. 45..00
Odin Christian-3 bldg. insp. 15.00
Bob's Service-tire repair, Street Dept. 5.00
of -Squad Car repairs 4.00
Yorkville Body Shop-align front end of squad car(Pontiac) 10.00
Al-Hub Electric Supply-op;) suppl., Police Dept. 2.16
Hilltop Mobile-service squad car & shocks 62.30
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago-payment water rev.
bonds P/A722 $1,406.00
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. OCTOBER R 1 , 17/2
Northern Illinois Gas Co.-Pump house $ 4.45
of n 19 _ 3.23
Illinois Bell Telephone Co.-Pvt. line 4.00
Commonwealth Edison Co.-Pump house 14.55
of " " -Water Tower 7.27
of " " -Pumping 1.49
" -Pumping 310.42
The Bank of Yorkville-Deposit, Depr. & Contg. Acct. 150.00
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago-Deposit, Bond & Int. Acct. 1,556.00
to " of it - " " & Int. Res. Acct. 170.00
is " " " -Payment, Water Rev. Bonds
P/A943 256.00
Yorkville Hardware-opera supple 9.65
Bob's Service-tire repair 5.00
Sidener, Inc.-water meter 29.49
Layne-Western Co. , Inc.-repair to pump motor 1,034.00
E & H Utility Sales, Inc.-copper tubing 7 curb stops
Inv. #87974 & 88506 401.06
The Northern Trust Co.-water refunding bonds $1,390.60
The Northern Trust Co.-water refunding bonds $6,491.62
Alderman Florence moved the bills be referred to the Finance Committee and be paid
if found to be correct. Seconded by Alderman Follmer, motion carried.
Mayor Coleman asked for the Treasurer's Report. Alderman Florence waived reading
of the Treasurer's report and moved to accept said report. Alderman Madden
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Police Report was given by Chief Prickett.
Building inspector's report, sewer and water reports were given by James Price.
No serer hook-ups are being issued now by the Sanitary District. Mr. Price
recommended a suit be filed against the owner of 206 River St. as the stop work
order has been ignored.
Planning Commission report was read by the Clerk, approving the final plat of the
Harker Subdivision; recommending approval of the proposed zoning ordinance and
to recommend a public hearing on the ordinance Nov. 2, 1972. Discussion. Alderman
Madden moved we accept the planning commission's recommendation for a public hear-
ing and the City Attorney start procea4ures toward adopting the complete com-
prehensive zoning ordinance. Alderman Thanepohn suggested a copy of the zoning
map be published to inform the public. Seconded by Alderman Follmer. Motion carrif
Mayor Coleman instructed City Attorney Bassak to carry out the necessary procedure:
Old Business: Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Illinois Municipal League
stating in their opinion it would hot be legally possible for the city to rent the
C & W Bldg. space. Alderman Ellis reported his committee is still looking for a
place for a city office and that Mr. Leo Anderson now has not the time to draw
specifications for renovating city hall.
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. OCTOBER 12, 1972
No report from Alderman Madden on curbs and gutters on Orange St.
No report from Alderman Thanepohn on the burning permit for trees at Palmer Dam.
NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Coleman read an ordinance for Annexation into the city of
John G. Conover and Alice V. Conover, his wife, for 60 feet in S.E. corner Unit 3,
Countryside Subdivision. Alderman Thanepohn moved to refer the ordinance to the
Planning Commission. Seconded by Alderman Florence. Motion carried. IN
Mayor Coleman read a letter from the E.P.A. denying Country side Subdividion's
application because of an incomplete application and plan documents do not conform
with the design criteria adopted by this agency for the review of plans for water/
pollution control facilities.
Mayor Coleman stated he had contacted the Clean Sweep Co. of Aurora and the street;
had been cleaned early Thurs. morning before the Homecoming Parade free of charge.
Alderman Ellis moved the Clean Sweep Co. be obtained to clean the streets once a
month at a cost of $25 per month. Seconded by Alderman Madden. Roll call vote:
Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye
Madden-aye Thanepohn-aye McHugh-aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Coleman had a conversation with Mr. Walter R. Snedden of Commonwealth Edison
Company in regard to a discounted rate on the electricity used by the Yorkville
Public Library since it is owned by the city. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to
write a letter to Commonwealth Edison Co. in regard to this matter and also a lettl
to Northern Illinois Gas Co. inquiring if they have available a lower rate for
gas usage for the library.
City Clerk Brant announced the city vehicle stickers were available and a public
notice will be published in the Kendall County Record. City Attorney Bassak
remineded the council that not only Yorkville residents are required to buy
'Vehicle stickers but also anyone who has his prin"cipal business in Yorkville.
City Attorney Bassak read an ordinance adopting Illinois Municipal Retirement
Fund. Alderman Thanepohn moved to adopt the IMRF ordinance. Seconded by Alderman
Ellis. Roll call vote:
Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye
Madden-aye Thanepohn-aye McHugh-aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Alderman Madden stated the closed meeting held immediately before this meeting was
to discuss wages of city employees. He stated a tape recorder was being used by
someone and the tape should be held by the city. Mayor Coleman stated he would
keep the tape. Discussion. Alderman Madden moved an across the board increase of
$50 a month for all city employees until 30 April, 1973• Alderman Thanepohn second-
ed. Alderman Thanepohn moved to amend the motion to delete 30 April, 1973. Alder-
man Ellis moved to amend the motion to change the amount to $75. Alderman Thanepoh:
seconded. Aldermen Ellis and Thanepohn then withdrew their motion and second.
Alderman Madden moved an increase for all regular employees of $75 a month effecti,
thru--30 April, 1973• Seconded by Alderman Ellis. Roll call vote:
Follmer-nay Florence-nay Ellis-aye
Madden-aye Thanepohn-aye McHugh-aye
Four to two, motion carried.
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. OCTOBER 12, 1972
All the Police Department leave the council meeting.
Committee Reports:
Streets and Alleys-Ald. Madden stated the MFT funds could be held for several years
and used for a traffic signal in the downtown area.
Attorney Bassak informed the Council the Police Department was not satisfied with
the $75 increase and would resign immediately if they did not receive an increase
of $100 a month. Discussion. Based on the fact the Police Department will resign
if they do not gel what they are asking for, Alderman Ellis moved all regular
city employees get a raise of $'100 a month effective to 30 April, 1973, retro-
active to 1 October, 1972- Seconded by Alderman Florence. Roll call vote:
Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye
Madden-nay Thanepohn-aye McHugh-nay
Four to two, motion carried.
Streets and Parks-Mayor Coleman had received complaints the park needed mowing.
Police and Fire- Alderman Florence stated the Police Committee are asking for
"no parking" ordinances for the east side of Bridge St. 75' south of Van Emmon;
Both sides of River St. from Bridge St. to city limits; 100' in both directions
from the entrances of the Tastee-Freez on Route 47. Alderman Florence moved the
Committee's recommendations on these "no parking' areas be made into an ordinance.
Seconded by Alderman Thanepohn. Motion carried. The Committee recommends bids for
snow tires for the Pontiac squad car be obtained. Alderman Madden moved bids be
obtained for snow tires for the Pontiac squad car. Seconded by Alderman Thanepohn.
Motion carried. The Committee would like to purchase a 7' tall filing cabinet for
records which is available for $35. Alderman Thanepohn moved the Police Committee
Chairman be given authority to purchase said filing cabinet. Alderman Follmer
moved the police station be painted and other minor improvements be made to the
Police Committees approval. Seconded by Alderman Florence. Motion carried.
Sewers-Alderman Follmer recommends something be done on the storm sewers and the
matter was referred to Mr. Price, Superintendent of Streets.
Building and Zoning-Alderman Madden reported the zoning map could be printed in the
same size as the last ones for $28.50 a thousand along with some free maps but
must get a smaller map from which to make the copies.
Finance and Audit-Alderman Thanepohn set a meeting for October 28, 1972 of the
auditor, clerk and finance committee to prepare a budget for the council's approval
Alderman Madden stated he had attended the Illinois Municipal Conference held in
Chicago Sept. 23-24 and would recommend getting some copies of the handbook for
Illinois City Council and Village Boards. The cost is $3 a copy. Alderman
Follmer moved a set for the Council and City Attorney be ordered. Seconded by
Alderman Ellis. Motion carried.
Alderman Madden moved to adjourn at 10:45 P.M.
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