City Council Minutes 1972 09-14-72 FORM 801-49®U.S.A. SEPTEMBER 14, 1972
minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the mayor and aldermen of the united
1972 at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Council and visitors
to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the
Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were
presents 1st Ward-Foller 2nd-Florence 3rd-Ellis
Madden Thanepohn McHugh absent
Mayor Coleman directed. the Clerk to read the minutes of the regular meeting.
Alderman Ellis moved to dispense with reading of the minutes since all aldermen
had received copies. Alderman Florence seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the special meeting of
/ August 19, 1972• Alderman Thanepohn moved to dispense with reading of the minutes
since all aldermen had received copies. Seconded by Alderman Ellis. Motion carried.
Alderman Madden moved all action taken at the special meeting of August 19, 1972
be ratified at this time. Seconded by Alderman Follmer, motion carried.
Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills for August, 1972•
Illinois Bell Telephone Co.-treasurer $ 051
of " it is -police dept. 6.91
Commonwealth Edison Co.-park 13.89
it so it -police station 1.72
to It " -street lighting, July 424.17
of It Of -street lighting, Aug. 424.17
Yorkville National Bank-library bldg. payment 121.80
to of Of -payment #26 tractor 138.50
Francis McNelis-tree removal, Fox River island 350.00
Fred 0. Christian-8 building insp. 40.00
Ralph E. Pfister-8 building insp. 40.00
Jean P. Brady, County Recorder-affidavit & cert. copy
Annexation ordinance 12.50
C. W. Riemenschneider-labor & mat'l for sign at dam 22.50
Kendall County Record-insp. notices, printing 16.00
Fox Valley Disposal Servid7es-garbage removal, July & Aug. 2,325.60
Bob's Service-wiper blades, truck, street dept. 2.80
Farmers Elevator Co.-plywood, concrete, cement, & field
tile, Street Dept. 23.18
Meyer Material Co.-sand, Street Dept. 14.73
Homer G. Dickson Co. , Inc.-oper. suppl. Street Dept. 21.58
Central Limestone Co.-rock, Street Dept. 243.05
Checker Oil Co.-gas, Street Dept. & Police Dept. July 288.57
" to It gas, Street Dept. & Police Dept. Aug. 252.20
Robert W. Prickett-repair police radio 20.50
Duncan Industries-repair radar, Police Dept. 49.25
Detzler Pontiac-inste alt., door edge guards & trunk release 296.00
-2- R r7
FORM 601.49®U.S.A. SEPTEMBER 14, 19/2
Hilltop Mobile-service Police car L� Ll$ 103.30
Winfred W. Prickett-front seat cover, police car 13.95
Kane Ford Sales, Inc.-repairs, police car Inv. 28581
and 28907 116.06
Al-Hub Electric Supply-spot light, Police Dept. 17.64
Illinois Bell Telephone Co.-pump house $ 11.07
" it to of -pvt. line. 4.00
Commonwealth Edison Co.-water tower 8.59
" of It -pump house 47.80
of to -pumping, July & Aug. 596.70
The Bank of Yorkville-dept. & cont. acct. 150.00
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago-bond & into res. acct. 170.00
11 to " -bond & into acct. 150.00
James E. Price-postage 4.25
Dan Nagel-ditch digging 25.00
E & H Utility Sales, Inc.-Inv. #86789 corps stops 60.90
Producers Chemical Co.-chlorine 30.00
Water Products Co.-clamp 100.50
Illinois Meter, Inc.-tap & drill repair, Inv. 093724 18.00
Hydronic Supply Co.-pipe suppl. Inv. #42671 3.19
Badger Meter, Inc. Meters, Inv. #422957, 424018, 425433.
and 426242 1,725.96
Alderman Florence moved the bills be referred to the finance committee and be paid
if found to be correct. Seconded by Alderman Follmer, motion carried.
Mayor Coleman asked for the Treasurer's Report. Alderman Florence waived reading
of the Treasurer's Report and moved to accept said report. Alderman Thanepohn
seconded the motion. Motion carried..
Police Report was given by Chief Prickett.
Sewer Report was read by Alderman Follmer,
Alderman McHugh arrived at 8s10 P.M.
Building Inspector's Report was read by Alderman Follmer.
Water Report was read by Alderman Follmer. Alderman Thanepohn asked if the streets
could not be cleaned or hosed down as they are very dirty. It was suggested
Thursday afternoons would be a good time as most businesses are closed and there
are fewer cars on the streets. Mayor Coleman referred the situation to the
Streets Dept. Chairman.
Planning Commission Report was given by Alderman Madden as the Clerk had not re-
ceived a copy. Review of zoning maps and ordinances-not entirely satisfied with
the map Wm. So Lawrence presented---should have one without any zoning on its Aldo
Madden was going to contact another mapping company for a price of a basic map.
8.04 County file no. 131 rejected petition of developer Samuel and Barbara McVicker
to rezone from A to R-2.
8.03 County file no. 126 tabled until next meeting petition to rezone from A to R1
of developer Wm. Ford.
8.02 Conover's Third Subdivision-preliminary plat, 4 lots, location-bounded on the
West by Blackberry Creek and on the South by the Game farm-recommended approval
FORM 60:-49® U.S.A. SEPTEK'RER 14,-1922
with the provision the driveway be a public street insead of a private drive.
8.01 Harker Subdivision 20 lots, 9.62 acres, R1, location-bounded on the north by
Millen and Emmons Subdivision, on the east by Adrian street extended, on the
south by Hughes Subdivision and on the west by Williamsport Subdivision.
Approved with a provision be given to Lots 1 and 2 would be subject to
approval or rejection, recommended it be changed to R2 and subdivision approv
Zoning Board of Appeals report was read by Mayor Coleman. Board voted unanimously
to recommend to the City Council that Mr. Blaine Harker's petition to rezone
from Agricultural District Uses to Residential District Uses. Alderman
Florence moved to accept the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals'
recommendations to rezone from Agricultural to Residential. Seconded by Alderman
Thanepohn. Roll call vote:
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Old Business: Mayor Coleman read a copy of the letter that was sent to "Action
Line" in regard to the signs located at the dam.
Mayor Coleman read letters from the Environmental Protection Agency approving
proposed improvements of water works and water extension mains for Fox Industrial
Park and also Miller's Subdivision. Sewer permit of Apple Tree Courts denied due
to incomplete application. Mr. Kackert has been notified of no occupancy until
permit is accepted by the EPA, EPA also requested additional information in regard
to removal of the sand bar at the dam.
Mayor Coleman read the MFT bids for maintenance of streets-
Stahl Construction Co. DeKalb $231 579.20
Aurora Blacktop Co. 21,343.05
Davis Construction Co. , Plano 21,127.20
Discussion. Alderman Madden moved to reject all bids and wait until spring and
ask for bids at that time. Seconded by Alderman Ellis. Roll call vote:
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Alderman Ellis reported on the progress of obtaining a city office. After further
discussion with Mr. Otteson of the Farm Bureau an office there could be obtained
for $50.00 a month on a short term basis and $40.00 on a longer term basis but the
Farm Bureau Board would prefer the office not be open on Saturday. Discussion.
Mayor Coleman offered the front desk in the C & W Building where his office is
located. Alderman Madden brought up the legality of renting said space. Alderman
Thanepohn moved this be tabled until the legal question is answered. Attorney
Bassak was instructed to write to the Illinois Municipal League for their opinion.
Alderman Thanepohn moved to rescind the action in regard to the Farm Bureau office
space taken at the August 10, 1972 meeting. Seconded by Alderman Madden. Roll
call vote:
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
FORM 601-49® U.S.A. STi!aMPER
derman Madden had received no word about the curbs and gutters at the east end of
Orange Street.
Alderman Thanepohn reported on the clean up at Palmer Dam and is working on obtainiA
a burning permit to clear the island of the debris.
Mr. Emmons and Mr. Millen presented several documents to substantiate their
petition to vacate a portion of River Street beginning at the easterly line of
Lot 8, known as Harker's Apartments. Discussion. Alderman Ellis moved the
petition to vacate a p9h ion of River Street beginning at the easterly line of
Lot 8, known as Harker's Apartments be rejected on the basis it would not be of any
benefit to the city to do so. Seconded by Alderman Florence. Roll call votes
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Coleman presented an application for certificate of payment from Hausler
Construction Co. on the library renovation for $4,934.30 and asked the Council for
approval of said payment. Alderman Ellis moved to approve the above certificate
of payment. Seconded by Alderman Follmer. Roll call votes
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Coleman instructed the Clerk to give the bill
to Mrs. Gable of the Library Board for payment.
Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Yorkville United Methodist Church in regard to
building of a new parsonage at State and Dolph Streets and asking if it would be
possible to be releived of any of the fees charged such as water, sewer, sanitary
district and building permit. Alderman Madden moved not to charge the Yorkville
United Methodist Church for a building permit. Alderman Thanepohn seconded the
motion. Roll call votes
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Coleman xead a letter from Pam Nichols of the Yorkville High School student
council requesting a permit for a bonfire on Oct. 6, 1972 and a parade for Home-
coming Oct. 7, 1972 (using Rt. 47 from south to north to the school grounds).
Discussion. Mayor Coleman will refer Miss Nichols to the Environmental Protection
Agency in regard to the bonfire. Alderman Florence moved to confine the parade
route to the North side of the river and not to cross Rt. 47 and/or Rt. 34.
Seconded by Alderman Madden. Motion carried.
Mayor Coleman read a letter from Mr. Max Peterson in regard to water and sewer
service to homeowners Simmons, Griswolds, Karkow and himself and asking for a
meeting with the Sanitary District. Discussion.
New business: A request from Supt. of Streets Price to give city employee Mike
Gardner an increase of 500 per hour retroactive to June 5, 1972• Discussion.
Alderman Follmer moved to pay Mike Gardner the increase of 500 per hour retroactive
to June 5, 1972s Seconded by Alderman Florence. Roll Call Vote;
-5- �p
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. O n Pr EMBIM 14 17/�ry
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
otion carried unanimously.
Alderman Thanepohn reported the Workmen's Compensation insurance is due October 1,
1972. Discussion. Alderman Madden moved to�:renew the workmen's compensation
insurance with the same company we have it with now. Seconded by Alderman Ellis.
Roll call vote:
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Blaine Harker presented a plat of the property that was rezoned to residential.
Alderman Madden moved to refer it to the planning commission. Seconded by Alderman
Florence. Motion carried.
Alderman Madden reported he had talked to the head man at Walter A. Dueschler's
and had been promised we would get some action from the city engineer.
Committee reports.
Streets and Alleys-no report
Water-Alderman Ellis recommended the city look into the well situation and consider
another well at this time. A possibility of one near the water tower was suggested,
Alderman Thanepohn mentioned Batavia and Geneva have a computer type billing of
utility bills and have suggested they would do small cities to help offset their
cost of the machine.
Health and Sanitation-no report.
Police and Fire-Alderman Florence stated he was hoping to get a film on police
training. The cost to the city would be $200.00. Also a policeman is on duty at
the tracks 3 days a week in the afternoon at school dismissing time and a record
of the extra time will be kept to see how much extra it will cost. A meeting has
been set with the Committee for Tues. Sept. 19, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall.
Trees and Parks-Alderman Follmer stated the lights aren't fixed yet in the park.
Alderman Thanepohn stated the Lions Club are thinking about having an ice skating
rink at the dam area if the city would be willing.
Sewer-no report
Future Planning-no report.
Public Property and Buildings-no report.
Asst. Liquor Commissioner-no report
Building and Zoning-Alderman Fadden reported the city needs a full time building
inspector. Mayor Coleman asked for a meeting of this committee.
Finance and Audit-Alderman Thanepohn stated there would be a meeting in the near
future. Alderman Madden asked if any one was going to the Municipal Conference
Sept. 23-24 in Chicago. Discussion. Ald. Madden moved any city official going to
said conference will be reimbursed for all expenses and registration fees. Seconded
by Alderman Thanepohn. Motion carried.
'Alderman Follmer moved the meeting be adjourned -11:30 P.M. Next regular meeting
October 120 1972.
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