City Council Minutes 1972 08-10-72 FORM 601-49® U.S.A. AUGUST 10, 1972
1972, AT 8s00 P.M.
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Council and visitors
to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the
Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were
presents 1st Ward - Follmer 2nd - Florence 3rd - Ellis
Madden Thanepohn Absent McHugh
Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the regular meeting.
Alderman Thanepohn moved to dispense with reading of the minutes since all
aldermen had received copies. Alderman Madden asked for corrections on Page 4
Paragraph 29 line 10 should read "Alderman Ellis moved the plat be approved
contigent upon the approval of the Planning Commission". Page 4, Paragraph 3,
line 6 should read "Attorney Bassek asked for a special meeting for July 27, 1972"•
At the end of said paragraph add "Mayor Coleman set a special meeting for July
27, 1972 at 8:00 P.M." Alderman Madden seconded the motion to include said
corrections. Motion carried.
Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the special meeting of
July 27, 1972. Alderman Follmer moved to dispense with reading of the minutes
since all aldermen had received copies. Alderman Thanepohn seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills for July, 1972•
Northern Illinois Gas Co.-gas, City hall $ 36'23
of " " - " Police Station 5.29
of " " " • Park Torch 36.87
is " " " " Park St. lights 9.52
Commonwealth Edison Co.-lights, City Park 10.02
" Street lighting 435.05
ts " -Lights, Police Sta. 1.72
Illinois Bell Telephone Co.-City Hall & Police Sta. 8.91
" it " " -City Treasurer 051
Yorkville National Bank-Library Bldg. payment 121.80
" -Payment #25, tractor 138.54
Building Officials & Code Adm. Int., Inc. 1970 basic code 11125
James E. Price-bldg. insp. 15.00
Ralph E. Pfister-bldg. insp. 30.00
Fred Christian-bldg. insp. 40.00
Checker Oil Co.-gas, Police Dept. $169,04, Street Dept. 247.60
Yorkville Hardware-oper. suppl. Street Dept. $3.88
Police Dept. $19.95 23.83
Yorkville Hardware-oper. suppl. Street Dept. $23.99
Police Dept. $31.61 55.60
Farmers Elevator Co.-mat'l to mount radio in squad
Police Dept. 10.62
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. AUGUST 4 17/
0, 1 9 72
Farmers Elevator Co.-culverts & collar St. Dept. �✓� 1 $ 540.47
John N. Schne;,der-oper. suppl. Street Dept. 3.05
Neenah Foundry Co.-grates & frame 127.00
Frank Haggerty-work clothes, Street Dept. 130.16
Homer G. Dickson Co. , Inc.-open. suppl. & labor 12.10
Fox Paving Inc.-cold mix, Street Dept. 252.00
Central Limestone Co.-rock, Street Dept. 149.28
Ray O'Herron Co. , Inc.-shotgun, racks, scabbard,
ticket book holder-P.D. 108.50
Bob's Service-oiler. Suppl. P.D. 12.34
Kane Ford Sales, Inc.-repairs to Ford Squad, P.D. 44.37
Dierzen Welding & Machine Co.-mtg. bracket for Police
radio, P.D. 9.00
Durbin Office Machines-3M paper P.D. Inv. 6363 15.44
Salisbury Groc.-oper. suppl. P.D. 15.45
Sargent-Sowell, Inc.-emblems, Police Car —31-74
Commonwealth Edison Co -Water tower $ 7.28
Northern Illinois Gas Co.-pump house 43.48
Illinois Bell Tel. Co.-pvt. line 4.00
of to of to —pump house 7.77
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago-Bond & Int. Acct. 150.00
of it is it -Bond & Int. Res. Acct. 170.00
Bank of
The B Yorkville-Depreciation & Cont. Acct. 150.00
John Bazan-ditch digging less mat'1 for damage to lines 28.04
Yorkville Hardware-oper. suppl. 5.44
Producers Chemical Co.-chlorine 30.00
Water Products Co.-copper tubing 187.20
Healy-Ruff Co.switches & relays 34.10
E & H Utility Sales, Inc.-inv.86020, 85868, 86291
(drill, tap, meter & parts) 430.29
Alderman Ellis moved the bills be referred to the finance committee and be
paid if faumd to be carrect. Seconded by Aldo Madden. Motion carried.
Mayor Coleman asked for the Treasurer's Report. Alderman Madden waived reading
of the Treasurer's Report and moved to accept said report. Aldo Florence
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Police Committee Chairman Florence gave the Police Report.
Water Report was read by Alderman Ellis.
Street & Sewer Report was read by Alderman Madden. It was not by a published
ordinance an increase in the sewer hook up fee would now be § A stop-order
had been issued by Building Inspector Price on the Dale Kissel apartments on
River Rd. Discussion.
Planning Commission Report was not read as all aldermen had copies.
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. AUGUST 10, 1922
Correspondences Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Department of Transportation
on an upcoming training session in collecting and reporting a study of streets.
Alderman Madden was given the letter to study same and report back at the next
council meeting.
Mayor Coleman read a letter from Channel 50 WKBD TV in regard to establishing
a station in this area.
A letter from the ACTION LINE of Chicago Today newspaper was received in regard
to all the drownings at Palmer Dam. Mr. Glen Palmer has answered this. Alderman
Florence stated a sign will be put up listing the dates of the drownings written
in both Spanish and English. Discussion. '
A request from ALSAC St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to hold a tag day was
received and Ma*or Coleman has given permission for same.
A letter from the Environmental Protection Agency in regard to future sanitary
sewer extension was referred to Attorney Bassek and then on to the Sanitary District
Another notice of continuance of hearing on Cable TV was received and is to be
held August 16, 1972•
Received a letter from the National League of Cities U.S. Conference of Mayors
in regard to a revenue sharing bill now pending action in the Senate.
The Illinois Municipal League 59th Annual Conference will be held in Chicago
September 22-25, 1972• Clerk has information regarding this conference.
A letter from the Illinois Commerce Commission referred to Attorney Bassek.
Old business: Alderman Ellis reported on securing office space for a city office.
A small office can be rented in the Farm Bureax Bldg. for under $40 a month on a
temporary basis while the City Hall is being remodeled. This would also entitle
the council to use a meeting room and a large meeting hall upstairs. Mr. Leo
Anderson will make out specifications on the alterations of the City Hall and get
bids out so they can be opened at the next council meeting. Alderman Thanepohn
moved to obtain on a temporary basis the small office available in the Farm Bureau
Bldg. Seconded by Alderman Madden. Roll call votes
Follmer- aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye Motion carried unanimously.
Alderman Madden presented a bid on curb and gutter for the east end of Orange St.
from Ray Lage, Curb and Gutter Contractor, Aurora, Ill. for $1,120.00. Alderman
Florence moved to accept this bid, which is to be paid out of Motor Vehicle Tax
Fund. Seconded by A16rman Ellis. Roll call votes
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye
Motion carried unanimously
FORw 601-49 U.S.A. AUGUST 10, 1972
Alderman Thanepohn reported on the island clean-up in the Fox River. Mr. F.
McNelis will take the trees down for $3509 cut them in 10-15' lengths so they can
be burned. Alderman Thanepohn said this is what it takes to initiate some action
and the City must start by getting the trees down. Alderman Ellis moved the
Committee be empowered to take down the trees. Seconded by Alderman Florence.
Roll call vote:
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Coleman stated the ordinance for street repairs had not been received from
City Engineer George Griffin, Discussion, Alderman Ellis suggested some thought
be given to obtaining another city engineer. Mayor Coleman asked Alderman Madden
to talk with Mr. Griffin _-AbW to get more prompt action on his city engineering
New business: Clerk read a petition of Dale Kissel to execute a plat to subdivide
lots 206 and 208 on River Rd. Alderman Follmer moved it be referred to the
Planning Commission. Seconded by Alderman Florence. Motion carried.
Alderman Madden moved to refer plat with no petition of Blaine Harker's Sub-
division to the Planning Commission. Seconded by Alderman Follmer. Motion carried
Alderman Madden read a resolution signed by all the alderman congratulating
Mayor Coleman and his wife on their 25th wedding anniversary,
Mr. Millen of Millen & Emmons Builders presented several documents in regard to
their petition to vacate a section of River Street. Discussion. Alderman Madden
moved this be tabled until the next council meeting. Seconded by Alderman
F'l.orencf. Motion carried.
Alderman Madden moved to table the petition of Vida Perkins and Walter Karkow of
Photo Instrument Tool Co. until all the legal papers are in order. Seconded by
Alderman Thanepohn. Motion carried.
Streets and alleys-no report
Water-no report Mayor Coleman suggested some serious thought be given to getting
another pump or get the well in and referred the matter to the Water Committee
to meet with Supt. Price.
Health and Sanitation-no report.
Police and Fire-Last week a meeting was held and the police will take overtime pay
rather than time off. Have obtained the same crossing guards for the coming
school year. Discussion.
Tees and Parks-Alderman Follmer stated the lights on the Legion monument had not
been working and a part has been ordered.
Sewer-no report.
Future Planning-no report.
Public Property and Buildings-Roof on the Police Station is leaking and the
Committee will check it over.
FORM 601-49®U.S.A.
AuGIISL10- 1922
Asst. Liquor Commissioner-He had talked with the 489 Club and the metal will be
removed from the window by the door.
Building and Zoning-Alderman Madden reported several questions have come up in
regard to placing and the size of signs. The committee will check into this and
report at the next meeting.
Mayor Coleman set a special meeting for August 22, 1972 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall
to go over the tax levy ordinance.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M.