City Council Minutes 1972 07-13-72 FORM 601-49®U.S.A. t. JULY 13, 1972
y i
AT 8,00 P.M.
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Council and visitors
to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the
Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were
presents 1st Ward - Follmor 2nd Ward - Florence 3rd Ward - Ellis
Madden Thanopohn McHugh
Mayor Coleman directed the Clark to read the minutes of the regular meeting and
the adjourned meeting. Alderman Florence waived reading of the minutes since all
aldermen had received copies. Alderman Ellis seconded, motion carried.
Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills for June, 1972.
Commonwealth Edison Coe-lights City Park $ 9.08
" " "-street lighting 409.68
" "-police station .01
Illinois Bell Tel. Co., City Treasurer .51
of " Police Station & City Hall 8.47
Yorkville National Bank, Library Building Payment 121.80
Payment #24 tractor 138.54
Fox Valley Disposal Co. , disposal service May & June 2,325.60
Kendall County Record, Printing Building Permit Applications 24.00
Homer G. Dickson Co., Inc. Oper. Supple Street Dept. 37.88
Central Limestone Co., reek-Street Dept. 199.36
Del Chemical Corp.-weed killer 142.65
Farmers' Elevator-field tile 44.95
Aurora Blacktop Inc.-cold mix, Street Dept. 144.00
Fox Paving, Inc.-cold mix, Street Dept. 168.00
Illinois Motor, Inc.-street signs 43.91
Archie Bieritz-mewing grass, May 140.00
Schneider's Hardware-*per. supple Street Dept. 3040
Erlenborn's Office Supplies Co.-office supple, Street Dept. 13.09
C. 0. Nelson Co. 3 leads disposal 15.00
Jim's Trenching and Sewer Cleaning-equip. & labor 30.00
James E. Price-3 building insp. 15.00
Odin Christian-6 building insp. 30.00
Ralph Pfister-6 building insp. 30.00
Yorkville Hardware-oper. supple, Street Dept. 28.59
of " • #1 Police Dept. 2.26
Winfred W. Prickett-3 calls, Police Dept. 15.00
Badger Uniforms-trousers & stripes, R. Clark Morrell 53.25
shirts, R. Clark Morrell 97.84
Al Spera 63.36
Al Spera 52.80
Harrison Reed 35.20
" 2-raincoats 40.70
FORM 601-49®V.S.A.
JULY 13,197
Durbin Office Machines-service typewriter $ 24.95
Checker Oil Co.-gas, Police Dept. & Street Dept. 238.57
Prickett TV-lights, speaker, siren & radio Police Dept. 822.52
Kane Ford Sales, Inc.-parts & labor, Police Dept. Inv,
No. 27507 & 27564 133.06
Coffman Bros.-car rental, Police Dept. Inv. 1131609-6 114.23
Bob's Service-repairs, parts & tires, Police Dept. 88.31
Hilltop Sinclair-service squad car, Police Dept. 1.59.20
United Auto Sales-repairs squad car, Police Dept. 68.00
George D. Kachert-refund of rezoning costs 100000
Donald L. Burton-refund of building permit 88.00
Northern Illinois Gas Coe-pump house 36.15
Illinois Bell Tel. Co.-pvt. line 8.00
if " pump house 7.98
Commonwealth Edison Co.-water tower 15.61
" n
it pumping, May & June 680.98
Aurora Voncrote Products Co.- water pipe suppl. 81.50
Badger Motor, Inc.-motors 655.61
Yorkville Appliance Co.-4 drawer file 131.20
James Price-postage 7.36
Illinois Meter, Inc.-meter parts,:.Inv. 92,752 43.91
Jim's Trenching & Sewer Cleaning-labor & equip. 120.00
E & H Utility Sales, Inc.-Inv. 84659, 84926 & 85469 136.28
The Bank of Yorkville-Dop=e & Contg. Acct. 150.00
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago-Bond & Int. Res. Acct. 170.00
" -Bond & Into Acct. 150.00
Chicago Bridge & Iron Co.-unpaid bal. $12,960.00
Davis Construction Co.-unpaid bale 13,889.75
Walter E. Douchler Assc. , Inc.-unpaid bale 7.678.63
City Clerk requested a bill from the Yorkville Body Shop for $50.00 be paid since
a check had been received from Country Mutual for that amount covering the $50x00
deductible less. Ald. Madden moved to include it in the bills and be paid.
Seconded by Alderman Florence. Motion carried.
It was stated by the Clerk the amounts due Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., Davis
Construction Co. and Walter E. Douchler Assc., Inc. would be paid from the
water construction fund. Alderman Florence moved the bills be paid if found
to be correct. Seconded by Alderman Ellis. Motion carried.
Mayor Coleman asked for the Treasurer's Report. Alderman Florence waived reading
of the Treasurer's Report since all aldermen had received copies from Mrs. Merkel.
Police Report was read by ChL*f Prickett.
Water Report was read by James Price.
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. JULY
13) 1972
Street and Sewer Report road by James Price.
Building inspector's report was read by James Price.
City Clerk read the minutes from a special 3ointmeeting of the City Council and
the Planning Commission of June 22, 1972. Mr. Rhodes presented the original peti-
tion on the Demetralis property. No action was taken and the petition will be
reworked and presented at the Council meeting. Mr. Kincaid presented a new
zoning map. The City Clerk also read the report of June 27, 19729 of the
Planning Commission. Petition for annexation was approved for the Williamsport
Subdivision. Petition for annexation of the Fox Industrial Park was approved
in accordance however with our proposed zoning code of M10 Petition to subdivide
Millen and Emmons Subdivision was presented and approved as long as Mr. Hinman
indicates there is no water problem. Correction in the report--Aldo Madden should
be included in those listed as present at the meeting and Aldo Florence was not
in attendance. Aldo Madden stated the Planning Commission needs a secretary.
City Clerk stated no report had been received from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to got a report by telephone from a board
member and would come back to the report.
Aldo Thanepohn presented an application for a State Waterway Permit to be signed
and sealed by the Mayor and City Clerk and also requires a certified copy of a
resolution authorizing the application. (See attachment). Alderman Thanepohn
moved to pass the resolution for Application for a State Waterway Permit. Ald.
Follmor seconded the motion. Roll call vote:
Follmor - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
By telephone conversation with Nick Moisa, Zoning Board of Appeals member, City
Clerk reported the petition for annexation of the Fox Industr@a Park was
approved unanimously.
City Clerk read a petition of withdrawal from the annexation agreement from the
Old Second National Bank of Aurora on the Demetralis property.
Mayor Coleman read a notice of continuance of hearing from the Illinois Commerce
Commission on cable TV to be hold July 11, 1972, in Chicago. City Clerk acknow-
ledged receipt of same.
City Clerk stated he had received a report available for the aldermen to read on
Municipal City Clerks.
Mayor Coleman reported approval was received from the Environmental Protection
Agency on specifications of the water main extension on the Blaine Harker property.
City Eeigineer George Griffin read a list of streets to be repaired from MFT funds.
FORM 601-49® U.S.A. JULY 139 1972
Alderman Thanepohn moved an ordinance be prepared and accepted for these repairs.
Seconded by Alderman Madden. Roll call veto:
Fellmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden -aye Thanopohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
City Clerk read a petition for annexation of the Williamsport Subdivision owned by
the Ottawa Service Corp. Discussion. Alderman Thanopohn moved to annex this
property. Attorney Bassek read the ordinance to annex said property. Alderman
Thanopohn moved to adopt said ordinance. Seconded by Alderman Madden. Discussion.
Roll call votes
Fellmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden -aye Thanopohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion passed unanimously.
Jerry Nelson, attorney for the Ottawa Service Corp., asked the Council to accept
the plat for the first unit. $91derman Ellis moved to accept this plat since it has
gene to the Planning Commission and has been signed by the Chairman of the Planning
Commission. Seconded by Alderman Florence. Roll call votes > ' -,bL
Fellmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye "
Madden -aye Thanopohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion passed unanimously.
City Clerk read the Fox Industrial Park petition for annexation agreement. Discus-
sion. Alderman Ellis moved to accept this petition for anoxation agreement with
the M1 classification. Aldo Follmor seconded. Bell call votes
Fellmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanopohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion passed unanimously.Atterney Bassek set a special meeting for July 27, 1972.
at 8:00 P.M. with petitioner's attorney to accept said petition as there were some
corrections to be made in the said petition and se the petitioners would not be
delayed any longer in starting to build. Ce -, - �0. 9�a• �°
City Clerk read a petition to r*-plot property known as Wunsch property at Morgan
and Washington. Alderman Madden moved the petition be approved eontigent upon the
approval of the Planning Commission. Alderman Florence seconded. Roll call votes
Fellmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden -aye Thanopohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
City4Clork read a petition on the Loren Miller property. Aldo Ellis moved to
accept this petition contigent upon the approval of the Planning Commission. Aldo
Thanopohn seconded. Roll call votes
Fellmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanopohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
City Clerk read a petition of re-platting Unit One of the Millen and Emmons Addition
Alderman Madden moved the plat be accepted contigent upon the approval of the
Planning Commission. Seconded by Aldo Thanepohn. Roll Call votes
Fellmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
FORM 601-49® U.S.A. 21 y
13g 1972
Mayor Coleman directed. the Clerk to open the sealed bids on the revised specifi-
cations of the Library. Only bid received was for $5,340.00 from Donald Hausler
Masonry Construction, Plano, Illinois. Discussion. Aldo Thanepohn moved to
accept the bid of $5,340.00 from Donald Hausler. Aldo Ellis seconded. Roll call
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Librarian Mary Thomas reminded the Council of the Antique and Household Auction
being held by the Friends of the Library July 20, 1972 at 5130 P.M. in the
Yorkville National Bank parking lot. Proceeds to go to the renovation of the
library building.
Mayor Coleman asked Supt. Price for a report on the Kahle property curbs. Mr.
Price stated one bid was received. for $1,400 and was getting another bid in the
near future.
Aldo Ellis reported on finding an office for a city secretary. He felt City Hall
would be a good location and could be renovated to become an asset to the com-
munity. He has estimated work, such as electrical, furnace, drop ceiling,
carpeting and paneling would be approximately $4,000. Discussion. Aldo Ellis
recommended City Hall be seriously considered as an office for a city secretary.
Aldo Thanepohn moved the Public Buildings and Property committee contact an
architect and form specifications that incorporate electrical work, furnace,
drop ceiling, carpeting and paneling so bids can be submitted for these im-
provements. Seconded by Alderman Follmer. Roll call votes
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Council approved the appointment of James Brant, City Clerk, to be the IMRF agent
representing the city employees.
Alderman Madden presented the following bid on sidewalks on Colton Streets
Sidewalk 0 90¢ per sq. ft. (90 lin. fte sidewalk per lot 41 wide)
Concrete Total Price $324.00
Quentin Chatham Company
Plano, Illinois
Homeowners share would be $324.00 also. Aldo Madden recommends the city pay for an
additional 15' at the same location and have it all done at once. Also a bid for
curbs at this location was submitted but the committee feels curbing should not
be done now. Aldo Thanepohn moved to accept the recommendation of the Committee.
Aldo Ellis seconded. Roll call vote:
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Aldo Ellis questioned the bills. He pointed out the uniforms purchased by the
Police Department had not been approved by the Council. Aldo Ellis quoted from
the Personnel Policies "All costs of such uniforms must be approved by the City
Council in advance of their purchase." Department heads were given additional
-6- JULY{/
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. tJ 13,, 1972
copies of the Personnel Policies and should be more aware of the procedures. A
copy should be posted on the bulletin boards at the Police Station and the Pump
House, Aldo Ellis objected to the fact we now have 2 police cars. He questioned
the purchase as he was absent from the Council meeting when bids were presented.
Aldo Thanepohn stated it was a matter of judgment on the committee whether or not
to use it as a second car or take it to a car auction as no dealer would accept
it as a Discussion.
Aldo Thanepohn reported on the Palmer Dam project. (See page 3 for the specific
work to be done) He stated getting the trees off the island is the big problem
and will cost approximately $1,000. Mayor Coleman directed Aldo Thanepohn to
continue working on the project toward the goal set to beautify the Palmer Dam area.
City Clerk read a petition from Emmons-Millen Builders to abandon the street known
as River Street beginning at the Easterly line of Lot #8 known as Harker's
Apartments. Aldo Follmer moved to refer this to the Planning Commission. Aldo
Madden seconded. Roll Call votes
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously.
City Clerk read a petition to annex land to the city owned by Vida Perkins and
the Photo Tool Co. located, on Rt. 47, known as Lot 13, Section 280 Township 37
North, Township of Bristol, Kendall County, Illinois. Aldo Follmer moved to refer
this to the Planning Commission stipulating the Mayor and Clerk would accept said
petition after acceptance of the Planning Commission. Aldo Thanepohn seconded.
Roll call votes
Follmer - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye
Madden - aye Thanepohn - aye McHugh - aye
Motion carried unanimously. Aldo Madden suggested holding checks accompanying
said petition until it was determined whether or not there is a fee due in this
City Clerk stated the Police Dept, refused to use the prepared time sheets for all
city employees. He asked the Council whether or not the time sheets were to be used
by all departments. Aldo Thanepohn stated the time sheets were made up to aid
the Council in being more aware of what is going on in each department. Discussion.
The matter was referred to the Police Committee to hold a meeting with Chief of
Police Prickett and the City "Clerk.
Mr. Fred Schneider asked the Council to consider blacktopping the sidewalk on the
West side of Bridge St. between Hydraulic and Van Emmons Discussion. Matter -;refer-
red to the Streets and Alleys Committee.
Aldo McHugh left the Council meeting at 11:45 P.M.
Aldo Ellis questioned the legality of the Earp's Bait Shop sign on Rt. 47. Mayor
Coleman stated Mr.- Earp had been directed to remove said sign.
Fo.b 601-49 ® U.S... JULY 13, 1972
Streets and Alleys-no report
Uter-no report
Health and Sanitation-no report
Police and Fire-no report
Trees and Parks-Ald. Follmer reported the gas light and other lights were out
in the City Park but had been repaired now.
Sewers-no report
Assistant Liquor Commissioner Madden stated he was under the impression there
was an ordinance stating you must be able to see into any place of business
that sells alcoholic beverages and that the 489 Club has a metal piece
in a window by the door. Mayor Coleman asked Ald. Madden to follow through
on this.
Building and Zoning-Ald. Madden stated the Wackerline Subdivision is ready to go.
All on wells and septic systems.
Finance and Audit-no report.
Ald. Ellis commented on the 4th of July celebration and felt it works out very well.
Ald. Follmer moved to adjourn at 11:55 P.M. The next meeting will be a special
meeting July 27, 1972 at 3:00 P.M. at City Hall.
L . i
11!_. sd. , a-nl r I3, 1972 P. 15
On or after Wed. 5 July 72
by request.
Bid security in the amount
Of five (5yo) of the proposal _
must accompany eachproposal.
Bid security shall be in the
form of a cashiers check,
certified check or bid bond
and made payable to the CITY
the right to waive irregularities
and to reject any or all bids
All bids shall be guaranteed
for a maximum of thirty day:
from bid due date. By order Notice of
of the Yorkville City Council public Hearing
Yorkville, Ill, 60560• b
James J.Brant PLEASE BE NOTIFIED that there shall be a public
City Clerk hearing as to a proposed Annexation Agreement between
the United City of the Village of Yorkville, Illinois, and
Dated; 22 Jun 72 Minnie O. Perlstein„at the Yorkville Courthouse Annex
27-2 on Monday, July 10, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. The proposed
Annexation Agreement is authorized under the pro-
. _ visions of Chapter 24, Sections 11-15.1-1 through Sections
f 11-15.1-5, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1971• The Yorkville
Zoning Board will hold the hearing on the proposed
Agreement and will consider all matters permitted under
-' said sections, including but not limited to annexation and
zoning. The Petition requests Industrial District zoning.
The property which is the subject matter of this Petition
and hearing is legally described as follows:
F That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4
and that part of the Northeast Quarter of Section
5, Township 36 North, Range 7 East of the Third
Principal Meridian, described by commencing at
the northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter
of said Section 5; thence South 89 degrees 40'
05” West along the north line of said Northeast
Quarter, 655.52 feet to the center line tangent
to Bid of Illinois State Route No. 47, extended fromthe
south; thence South 1 degree 44' 07" East along
Sealed proposals for the GEN- said center line tangent and said center line,
ERAL CONTRACT, including 475.21 feet for a point of beginning;thence South
Mechanical and Electrical, for 89 degrees 58' O6" East 1812,98 feet; thence
the alteration of the YORK_ South 9 degrees 09' 49" West 1890.09 feet to a
VILLE LIBRARY BUILDING line drawn North 81 degrees 52' 08" West from
(existing bldg• located at 102 the southwest corner of-crooked Creek woods"
South Bridge Street, Yorkville as per the plat thereof recorded in Book 14 of
IL- 60560, on Thur. 13 July plats at pages 4 and 5 as instrument No. 71-
72, until. 9:00 p•,n• at the 4055 in the Recorder's Office of Kendall County,
City Hall Bldg„ West Madison Illinois; thence North 81 degrees 52' 08" West
Street, Yorkville, Illinois along said line 528,93 feet to a point which is
60560. 907.05 feet South 81 degrees 52' 08"West along
Drawings and Specifications said line 528,93 feet to a point which is 907.05
may be obtained at the Office feet South 81 degrees 52'08"East of the easterly
of the Architect right of way line of said State Highway Route No.
Leo E.Anderson 47, said easterly right of way line being 40.00
213 W. Elizabeth Street feet normally distant easterly from the center
YorkvW,%It. 86W. '1 line of said highway; thence North 1 degree 44'
07" West parallel with said easterly right of
way line 390.00 feet; thence North 81 degrees
521 08" West 947.65 feet to the center line
of said State highway Route No. 47; thence
North 1 degree 44' OT' West along said center
line 1268.98 feet to the point of beginning, in
Kendall Township, Kendall County,Illinois and
containing 58.176 acres.
S/James J. Brant
City Clerk
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the United City of the
Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, thatthe Mayor, Dr. Robert
Js Coleman, and the City Clerk, James J. Brant, make application to the
State of Illinois, Department of Transportation Successor to the
Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Waterways for a
permit for the following :,project:
1. Remove trees (old cottonwoods and willows) from sand bar
island just off the south shore.
2. Clear the shoreline of beaten and battered willows
and cottonwoods.
3. Bulldoze or dragline the mass of the island to the shore-
line and shape and finish the shoreline.
4. Landscape and plant beautiful shade trees and pines all
along the improved shoreline.
FURTHERMORE, said application is necessary to maintain the
aesthetic beauty of the river at or near the point of said sand bar island.
PASSED this 13th day of July, A.D., 19729
C ty Clerk of the n ted City of the'
illage of Yorkv llo, Kendall County
APPROVED this 13th day of July, A.D., 1972.
Mayor of the U tod City of tho :Village
of Yorkvillo, endall County, Illinois