City Council Minutes 1972 06-22-72 FORM 601-49®U.S.A. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND THE ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS, :RELD AT THE COURTHOUSE ANNEX ON JUNE 229 1972, AT 7300 P.M. Mayor Coleman directed the City Clerk to take roll. Upon roll being taken, the fol- lowing Aldermen were present: 1st Ward-Madden 2nd-Thanspohn 3rd Ward-Ellis Absent Aldermen were Follmor, Florence and McHugh. Alderman Ellis reported on the Library Board meeting. Upon receiving bids for the a terations of the library building, there is not enough money to cover all the specified work. Mr. Lee Anderson, architect, conferred with Perkins Builders, lowest bidder on said work, about possible deletions from the original bid. Deletion/additien alternates: Door swing direction-1.01 Delete reverse swing work on two exterior doers at lower level and front entry door at upper level, leave all three openings as they now exist. Deduct the sum of $350.00. 1.02 Delete aluminum fascia and soffit and framing at street side overhang, leaving as is. Deduct the sum of $400.00. 1.03 Delete new electrical fixtures (recessed) at street side overhang. (102 above). Deduct the sum of $225.00. 1.04 Delete removal of 4" topsoil and installing-of; 4,"•�, ping ef`:crushed stone chips in planters at front. Deduct the sumret. f11l}44 00. 1.05 Delete removal of existing flagpole and base; DeductA'Ithe sum of $11.00. 1.06 Delete 6'-8 x 4'-0 borrowed lite panel between Office and Entry at Upper Level. Deduct the sum of $185.00. 1.07 Delete new door between office and entry-' at upper level. Deduct the sum of $80.00. 1.08 Delete new suspended gypsum board ceiling (exeopt at Furnace Room) and all of the lay-in acoustic plank coiling at the lower level. Deduct the,zum of $10000.00. 1.09 Delete all ceiling electrical fixtures and wiring at Lower Level coiling described in 1.08 above. Deduct the sum of $1,100.00. 1.10 Delete all furring of exterior walls, insulation and application of gypsum board at Upper Level. Deduct the sum of $950.00. 1.11 Delete all furring of exterior walls, insulation and application of gypsum board at Lower Level. Deduct the sum of $1,270.00. hose deletions total $5,681.00. This amount taken from the basic bid leaves 140257.00. Mr. Anderson stated a contract could be written and work started and inishod by mid-August. The library board would like to have all the original pecifications done but would compromise and accept the deletions. Discussion ollowed. lderman Florence arrived at 7340 P.M. lderman Madden moved the bids be rejected. Seconded by Alderman Thanepohn. Roll all vote: Madden - aye ]Florence - ayo Ellis - aye Thanepohn - aye otien carried. lderman Madden moved to advertise for bids for the work of the original bid less umbers 1.02 through 1.11 of the suggested deletions, loving 4 1,01, the door, -2- FORM 801-49®U.S.A. JUNE 92, 1922 swing direction. Seconded by Alderman Ellis. Alderman Thanepohn moved to amend the motion to include also separate bids on these deletions. Discussion. Roll call votes Madden - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye Thanepohn - aye Motion carried. Mayor Coleman directed the City Clerk to open the bids on the insurance for the new squad car. Country Mutual, 111 East Van Emmon, Yorkville, Illinois Don Ament, Agent Auto insurance for 1972 Pontiac Catalina 4 dr. sedan used in connection with police work-Village of Yorkville Bodily injury liability$100,000 ea. person $ 45.84 $200,000 ea. occurrence Property Damage liability $25,000 ea. occurrence 27.60 Comprehensive 30.00 Collision-$50.00 deductible 108.00 Family Protection-$10,000 ea. person $20,000 ea. accident 4.00 215.44 Alderman Ellis moved to accept the insurance bid from Country Mutual. Alderman Madden seconded the motion. Roll call votes Madden - aye Florence - aye Ellis - aye Thanepohn '- aye Motion carried. Alderman Thanepohn moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:05 P.M. Seconded by Alderman Florence. Motion carried. The next regular monthly meeting will be held at the City Hall on July 13, 1972 at 8:00 P.M. ES J. B , CITY CLERK JJB/njb