City Council Minutes 1972 05-11-72 1P �' FORM 601-49 ®U.S.A. MAY 11 1972 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MAY Ill 19729 AT 8s00 P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Council and visitors to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present 1st Ward - Follmer 2nd Ward - Florence 3rd Ward -Absent-Ellis Madden Absent - Thanepohn Absent -McHugh Mayor Coleman directed the clerk to read the minutes of the regular meeting of April 13, 1972. Alderman Florence waived reading the minutes since all aldermen . had received copies. Alderman Madden seconded, motion carried. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills for April, 1972. General Funds Commonwealth Edison Co.-lights, park March $ .94 of " " -lights, park April 17•4o " -lights, street March 375.69 " -lights, street April 375.69 Illinois Bell Telephone Co.-tel. service, City Trease 951 of of to to -tole service, Police Station 6.90 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund-calculation of participation cost 100.00 Ralph E. Pfister-building inspections 25.00 Fred 0. Christian-building inspections 25.00 Ernest Re Zeiter Insurance Co.-4th installment of Treasurer's bond 235.00 Yorkville National Bank-payment #22, tractor 138.54 Robert J. Coleman, Mayor-luncheon expenses, Gateway clean-up 23.78 Fox Valley Disposal Co.-disposal services, March 1,059.30 Kendall County Record-printing, notices & ordinances 93.60 Meyer Material Co.-limestone, streets Inv. C141616, 141617, 141621 119.86 Zeiter's Citeo Service-gas, street dept. 61.47 Kendall-Grundy FS, Inc.-salt street dept. 53.00 Jim's Trenching Co.-labor onsewer 20.00 Bob's Service-gas, street dept. 38.80 E & H Utility Sales' Inc.-parking signs Inv. 83246 5.30 Co Oe Nelson Co.-2 loads trash 10.00 Dierzen Welding & Machine Co.-repair snowplow, truck 10.00 Yorkville Hardware-oper. supple 21.66 Zeiter Citco Service-gas, police dept. 124.08 Motorola, Inc.-repair radio, police dept. 15.00 Winfred We Prickett-2 calls 10.00 Kane Ford Sales, Inc.-repair squad car, Inv, 25260, 25948, 262499 26414, 26434 725.28 Bob's Service-gas, police dept. 319.09 -2- FORM 601-49®U.S.A. MAY 11 1972 Coffman Bros.-car rental, police dept. $ 49.18 Southtown Oil Co.-gas police dept. 176.15 Checker Oil Co.-oil, squad car .60 United Auto Sales-repairs, squad car 6.75 Hilltop Sinclair-service squad car 37.40 $4,280.97 SEWER FUND Bond and Interest National Boulevard Bnnk of Chicago-sewer improve- ment bond P/A784 $1,301.67 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co.-lights, water tower 10.00 of of Of —.pumping 279.18 Illinois Bell Tole. Co.-tole. service pump house 8*33 of " It " -tole. line, pvt. line 4.00 James E. Price-oper. suppl. $2.64 & Pbstago $1.70 4.54 Bob's Service-gas, water dept. 24.45 Mark A. Johnson-service fire extinguisher 10.00 Farmers' Elevator Co. jack post 11.65 E & H Utility Sales, Inc.-Inv. 83247 pipe fittings 353.01 Producers Chemical Co.-chlorine, Inv. #28539 30.00 Water Products Co.-pipe fittings, Inv. 2130 & 2083 148.35 Illinois Meter Co. , Inc.-meter suppl. Inv. 92, 194 & 929322 114.35 Farmers StateBank of Yorkville-dept. & eontg. acct. 150.00 National Boulevard Bank of Chicago-bond & int. acct. 150.00 #I it to " -bond & int. acct. res. 170.00 Chicago Bridge & Iron Co.-10% payment per agreement on contract 69-4914 1,440.00 Davis Construction Co.-10%o payment on water tower bal. 1,58700 Walter E. Duechler Assc. , Inc.-10%o payment on water tower bal. 853.18 5,348.94 Alderman McHugh arrived 8sO5 P.M. Alderman Florence moved the bills be referred to the finance committee and be paid if found to be correct. Seconded by Ald. Follmer. Motion carried. Alderman Thanepohn arrived 8:10 P.M. Treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Merkel. Alderman Madden moved to accept thetreasurer's report. Seconded by Ald. Follmer. Motion carried. Chief Prickett read the police report. Supt. Price read the water report. Supt. Price read the street and sewer report. Alderman Ellis arrived 8:25 P.M. Supt. Price read the building inspector's report. Mr. Price informed the council Mr. Donald Burton was not going to build on his lot and the buildingfee should be returned. It was decided to find out what is going to be done with the lot before making said refund. -3- FORM 601-49®U.S.A. MAX 11 1977 Mayor Coleman read the Planning Commission report. The Feltz petition was re- jected on the request to rezone from single residential to duplex. The Dematral is petition for annexation, rezoning to business and multi-dwelling was passed with the following conditions: (1) recommending annexation if the present water and sewage system could handle (2) the entire or all units set out, mean- ing Thomas property, Chase property, Stark property, be included for rezoning 6) zoning be approved except that the multiples set out be reduced by two-thirds (2/3) and there be a single family dwelling buffer between the existing single family dwelling and proposed multiples. City Attorney Bassak explained our present zoning ordinances do not provide for duplex residential buildings and recommended it would not be practical to pass such an ordinance at this time. He also advised the Council to read the com- plete agreement on the Dematralis property before getting to the point of annex- ing. Aldo Madden quoted the zoning ordinance as "any subdivision hereafter or any land should be automatically classified as a residential area entirely and then rezone after annexed". Zoning Board of Appeals report was read by the Clerk. The application to rezone the Mabel Rowlands and Kackert Associates property from R-1 to R-2 was denied because the 3 yes votesdo not represent a majority of the Board. Alderman Madden moved to notify Mabel Rowlands and the Kackert Associates to go ahead and build as rezoning is not necessary and also refund the rezoning fee. Aldo Follmer seconded, motion carried. The plat was studied and will be forwarded on to the Planning Committee to see what recommendations are necessary. Mayor Coleman read a letter of thanks from the Senior Troop #17 for the use of equipment used cleaning up the dam area. Mayor Coleman stated the Ament property should not be used. as a race track for cycles because of insurance coverage and turned the matter over to the police. Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Dept. of Transportation stating requirements on street center line markings and referred said letter to Mr. Price. Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce requesting a police crossing guard in the downtown area at school disnr issal time and Friday evenings for a longer period of time. Also suggested regular cleaning of the streets with a rented street sweeper. Letter referred to the Street & Alley Committee. Mayor Coleman stated Sat. , May 13th, a seminar will be held in Kankakee for local government officials. Mayor Coleman stated the public library has been purchased as of April 11, 19729 and it will not be possible to get a tax exemption because of buying it on con- tract. The matter was referred to Attorney Bassak to see if there is some way to get this tax exemption. Mayor Coleman read a letter of thanks from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. -4.- FORM 601-49®U.S.A. MAY11 - 1922 OLD BUSINESSs Ald Follmer reported on the Kahle property and no bid had been obtained as yet but something would be worked out to get the work done as soon as possible. Ald. Ellis reported on finding a possible office to rent and the hiring of a city employee for office work. He stated the Chamber of Commerce could contribute $25.00 a month toward the salary of said employee. The title of city secretary was suggested for said position. Ald. Thanepohn moved to accept the committee's recommendations and empower the same committee to hire and find a place for the city secretary. Mayor Coleman read last month's minutes stating the job descrip- tion and asked the committee to bring their recommendations back to the Council. Ald. Florence seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ald. Florence reported the request of Mrs. Washay on animal treatment be deferred until next meeting. Ald. Madden stated he had talked with Mr. Kincaid about any charges for making a basic zoning map. Ald. Thanepohn reported on,-the Blaine Harker water main extension. Recommend he be permitted to extend at once after proper engineering and State Health Department permits have been secured, a 6" water main 350' west in Madison Street from Morgan to Grove, 200' north in Grove to W. Van Emmon thence 200' west of this point to property he has recently sold-Harker to pay all costs of engineering, permits, materials, labor, two hydrants, testing and chlorinating said water main and that he be given sub-dividers rights for two years from date of acesptanco of main by city to receive any balance of connection fees over costs of meter, tapping, materials and labor for new connections on this main. The city will refill said water main ditch with gravel and bring back to original condition the street surfaces involved, with provision that the five residences now served by city water will be transferred at city expense to the new main in return for street repair-2" galvanized line now serving these five residences will be retired. Ald. Thanepohn recommended this be done. Ald. Madden stated this should be check to make sure it meets the ordinance on the subdivision hook-up. Seconded by Ald. Follmer. " Roll call votes Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye Madden-aye Thanepohn-aye MQHugh-aye Motion passed unanimously. EW BUSINESS: Mr. Delbert McGill requested permission to place a mobile hot dog stand at the dam area or the city baseball park. He will take the responsibility of keeping the area clean and meet all state health requirements. He also will investigate the city park area to see if residents adjoining the park would object to a hot dog stand parked on one of the side streets. The City Council voiced no ob- jections to Mr. McGill operating a mobile hot dog stand at the dam area and city baseball park. Mayor Coleman referred the matter to Attorney Bassak for investigation and prepare necessary ordinances. -5- Fonw 601-49®U.S.A. MAY 11, 1972 Jaycees and Jaycettes wish to build a permanent stand at the Little League ball park. This will fall under any ordinances pertaining to any permanent structures on city property. Mayor Coleman read a request from Ralph E. Erickson to operate a small machine shop in the old post office building on Hydraulic St. until a suitable place can be found. This matter was referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Alderman Ellis read the proposed personnel policies recommended by the city. See attachment no. 1. Alderman Thanspohn moved to adopt the recommendations as a city policy and each employee should be furnished with a copy. Aldo Ellis seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mayor Coleman read the nominations fo-r city employees. See attachment no. 2. Akio Madden moved to accept the nominations. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion carried. Mayor Coleman appointed committees for the following year. See attachment no. 3. Aldo Madden moved to concur with the appointments and pledge the Mayor our support and cooperation as the next year will be full of changes and problems. Aldo Thanspohn seconded and the motion carried. Aldo Madden suggested buying a mower to handle the mowing of the city perk and Little League ball park. Homer G. Dickson, Inc. has a used 341 mower for $450.00. Aldo Thanspohn moved to purchase the above mower and do the city mowing by the Street Dept. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Roll call votes Follmer-aye Florence-aye Ellis-aye Madden-aye Thanspohn-aye McHugh-aye Motion passed unanimously. It was suggested by Mayor Coleman that the Clerk's estimate of appropriation request not be read since all the Councilmen had copies. See attachment no. 4. Attorney Bassak was directed to prepare the tax levy ordinance from this report. Leo Anderson reported on the alterations to the public library and stated bids would be received by the next council meeting and presented at this time. Aldo Madden requested a 1971 copy of the Illinois State Statutes for the City Building. Attorney Bassak stated there are new copies available in his office and at the Police Station and would not be necessary to purchase another set. Mr. Blaine Harker asked what the burning regulations were. Attorney Bassak asked Mr Harker to stop by his office and read the state ordinance on burning. Aldo Follmer moved to purchase a file cabinet for the use of James Price by the Finance Committee. Seconded by Aldo Thanspohn. Motion carried. Aldo Thanspohn stated the Fire Dept. volunteers are speeding and driving recklessly in their own cars to answer fire calls. Police Chief Prickett will take the matter to the Fire Chief. -6- FORM 601-49® O.S.A. MAY 11, 1972 COMMITTEE REPORTS: Streets and Alleys: Ald. Follmer stated he has tried to get George Griffin City Engineer, to make a survey of the ditch on East Orange St. east of the Mobil Station and also the street needs to be wider. Mayor Coleman suggested the alleys in town should be included also. Matter referred to the new chair- man to follow through. Waters no report Health and Sanitation: no report Police and Fire: Ald. Madden reported he had ridden with the police while on duty and suggested other councilmen take the time to do this as it is a way of getting better acquainted with the men and the problems they encounter. Ald. Madden also stated a yearly price for 1973 for IMRF was getting closer to knowing the amount and recommended getting a man out to speak to the Council at the next meeting. The Clerk was directed to follow up on this matter. Trees and Parks: Ald. Madden reported the Cub Scouts had planted 2 flowering crabs in the Park. Sewers: No report. Future Planning: no report. Public Property and buildings: no report. Lights, telephone and gas: no report. Building and zoning: no report. Finance and audit: no report. No further business to come before the council, at 11:35 P.M. Ald. Follmer moved the meeting be adjourned. MES J. BRANT, CITY CLERK JJB/njb ATTACHMENT NO. PROF-OSED PERSONTNEL POLICIES VACATIONS Each full=t-ime employee of the city sha-11 be entitled to one wmek of vacation after one year of service., two weeks after two years of ser- vice, and three weeks after ten consecutive years of employment., The employee shall advilse the chairman of bis committee of the intended time of* his vacation at least thirty days before it is to begin,, If a confl4ct of scheduling vacatJon time should ariss , aervice tame will take precedance - Vacation time. cannot be accumulated, PAID ?HOLIDAYS There shall be seven 'paid holidays each year for all employees, These are 1, New Years 'i'.Iay :-,emorial Day A ,, , Independance Dad= 1+, Labor Day 5� Veteran's Day 6, Thanksgiving Day- Christma5 Day SICK LEAVE Each full-time :..m-P-Ioyee shall be entitled to paid sick leave at the rate of one day per month cumulative to ninety days, It has been determined that- each full ­tiffe erimp"Loyac,, at 1-5ile- time of the ratification of this policy by the city counci'l rd.il have acl,'-uitiulated fourteen days of sick leave (unless art employee has been otherwise informed) and additional sick leave Yoiill begin to accumulate at the rate of one day per month. Sick leave may be used for sick leave only, Any absence from work for a period longer than three consecutive days may require verification fraw a doctor, SCHOOLS t','ND 'CONFERENCES The policy governing employee attendance at schools and conferences has been divided into two areas; required courses and electives. Required colarses° The city will pay all expenses including wages,, travel., and tuition for any full 1;'ime employee enrolling in required courses-, Such expenses must be approved by the city council prior to their incurrence, Elective �a'vurses-. The- Aty may pay the tuition of an electiore coursfa, 'Phe city U!"Ist rr'rsvp A)f -t-" fn -;,-I F?. r!. of the employee enrollment, If approved,,ptntywnt!,.nt wi.11 be made in the follow-Ing manner: one half of the tuition cost will be pa-1-d to the employee at the time of his registration and the other half .o be paid to the employee upon evidence that the course has been satisfactorily completed. The city council will del.-ermine which courses are required and which are not UNIFORMS Uni.foms will be filrn.i.shed by the city to all full-time emp-D yses_, All costs of such uniforms must be approved by the city council 13 advance of their purchase;, attachment No. 2 Mayor Coleman nominated James E. Price for Superintendent of Streets and Alleys and Superintendent of Water Works at the salary of $844.00 per month with 50/ from each General and Water Funds. He shall have 15 working days vacation with pay and 1 day per month sick leave up to but not exceeding 90 days. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden , seconded by Alderman F.11ia With all aldermen voting ave , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Ralph E. Pfister employee of Streets and Alley Dept. and Water Works at the salary of $675.00 per month with 75o of salary from General Fund and 25% from Water Fund. He shall have 5 working days paid vacation and 1 day per month sick leave up to but not exceeding 90 days. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden , seconded by Alderman g1jig With all aldermen voting ago , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Fred 0. Christian as employee of the Street and Alley Dept. at the salary of $675.00 per month. He shall have 5 working days paid vacation after 1 year's service and 1 day per month sick leave up to but not exceeding 90 days. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden , seconded by Alderman Ellis . With all aldermen voting a„oe , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated LeRoy Johnson to serve in the Street and Alley Dept. and Water Works Dept. at the pleasure of James E. Price, Supt. of both departments. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden , seconded by Alderman Ellis . With all aldermen voting avre_, motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Winfred W. Prickett as Chief of Police at the salary of $750.00 per month. He shall have 10 working days paid vacation and 1 day per month sick leave up to but not exceeding 90 days. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden , seconded by- Alderman Ell s With all aldermen voting C_&v^_, motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated R. Clark Morrell as Patrolman at the salary of $675.00 per month. He shall have 10 working days paid vacation and 1 day per month sick leave up to but not exceeding 90 days. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden , seconded by Alderman F11ia With all aldermen voting ay^, motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Richard A. Randall as Patrolman at the salary of $675.00 per month. He shall have 10 working days paid vacation and 1 day per month sick leave up to but not exceeding 90 days. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden , seconded by Alderman Ellis With all aldermen voting aye , motion carried. f -2- Mayor Coleman nominated Alvin P. Spera as Patrolman at the salary of $675.00 per month. He shall have 10 working days paid vacation and 1 day per month sick leave up to but not exceeding 90 days. Motion to accept nomination made. by Alderman Madden , seconded by Alderman Ellis With all aldermen voting &ne , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Anthony Bassak as City Attorney to be paid a retainer of $50.00 per month plus the privilege of billing the city for extra legal services performed. Motion to accept the nomination made by Alderman Madden seconded by Alderman Ellis With all aldermen voting aye , motion carried. Mayam^-Coleman nominated Bessie Lough as City Collector pro tem at the salary of $25.00 per month. She shall have approved by the board a bond with cooperate assurity to be approved by the council. Said bond to be in the amount of $3,000.00. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden , seconded by Alderman Ellis . With all aldermen voting ate_, motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated James E. Price as City Building Inspector to serve at the pleasure of the building council and to be paid a fee of $5.00 per inspection after working hours. He shall have authority to hire deputies when necessary. The deputies shall receive a fee of $5.00 per inspection. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden , seconded by Alderman Ellis With all aldermen voting ave , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Norma J. Brant for secretarial services at the salary of $20.00 per month. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden , seconded by Alderman Ellis With all aldermen voting aye , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated the Yorkville National Bank, the Bank of Yorkville, National Boulevard Bank of Chicago, and Northern Trust Bank of Chicago to serve as city depositories. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden seconded by Alderman Allis With all aldermen voting aye , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated the Chairman of the Finance Committee to be the fourth signature on X11 checking accounts in the absence of either the Mayor, Treasurer or Clerk. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Madden , seconded by Alderman Ellis With all aldermen voting aye , motion carried. attachment no. 3 CITY of YORKVILLE County Seat of Kendall County Yorkville, Illimis "S" MAYOR COMMITTEES May, 1972 - April, 1973 ROBERT J. COLEMAN CLERK COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MEMBERS JAMES J. BRANT TREASURER Streets & Alleys Madden Follmer - Ellis Mrs.PAUL A. MERKEL Water Ellis Madden - Follmer ALDERMEN Health & Sanitation Follmer, McHugh - Thanepohn Police & Fire Florence Madden - Thanepohn First Ward Trees & Parks Follmer McHugh ELDON MADDEN Sewers Florence McHugh - Madden JAMES W. FOLLMER Future Planning Ellis Thanepohn Second Ward Public Prop. & Bldgs. Ellis Florence VERNON FLORENCE Lights, Telephone & Gas Thanepohn Ellis LEROY THANEPOHN Assist. Liquor Comm. Madden Florence Third Ward Building & Zoning Madden Follmer C. RICHARD ELLIS Finance & Audit Thanepohn Ellis RALPH W. McHUGH Chief of Police WINFRED PRICKETT ZONING BOARD OF APPFAL PLANNING COMMITTFE SuperhwaWat of Waterworks George Walters, Ch. Leo nderson, h. MW Strealy Don Dirst, Seely. Fred Dollman, Seely. JAMES E. PRICE John Behrens Fred Schneider City A"onwy Delmar Becker Robert Mahoney ANTHONY BASSAK Nick Moisa George Walters Martin Behrens Walter Olsen Ron ?lard William Ford � Lawrence Langland Eldon Madden LIBRARY BOARD Grace Fisher, Ch. Louise Gabel, Tr-as. (reaprointment) Joyce Windett, Seely. (reappointment) La Donna Tweedy Martin Behrens R.W.Barkley Richard Ellis , council (reaprointment) Mary Thomas, Librarian Mary Jo Gardner Jessie Schobert CHAMBFR OF COMMFRCE Prnon Florence CITY ATTORNEY AnthonyBas,sak The mayor is ex-official to all committees and asks that the committee meetings be held on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday evenings, if possible, so that he may be present. ATTACHMENT ` 14 CLERK'S ESTIMATE J APPROPRIATION REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 1972-73 GENERAL FUND STREETS & ALLEYS Salaries-City Employees 24,500.00 Maintenance 7.500.00 Cement Sidewalks along City streets 3,500.00 Cement Curbs along City streets 3,000.00 Social Security 1,000.00 Operating Supplies 750.00 $40,250.00 SEWER Repair, Maintenance, & Cleaning 2.,500.00 Extension 15:000.00 $17,500.00 TRUCKS & TRACTOR Operating Maintenance 1;250.00 New Equipment 8,000.00 Insurance - City Bldg. , Trucks, & Tractor 500.00 $9,750.00 HEALTH & SANITATION Garbage Removal $15,000.00 POLICE & FIRE Salaries 41,715.00 Social Security 2,170.00 Department Expenses (Operating) 7,000.00 Equipment 5,000.00 Dog Catcher 200.00 $56,o85.00 TREES & PARKS BASEBALL PARK(LITTLE LEAGUE) Backstop 450.00 Benches 175.00 Mowing 300.00 CITY PARK Mowing 520.00 Equipment 150.00 Tree & Stump Removal 200.00 Electric & Gas 30.00 CITY PARKING Tree Removal 300.00 Tree Replacement 300,00 2,425.00 FUTURE PLANNING Planning Committee Expense $2,820.00 \ 1 -2-- PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS CITY HALL Repairs & Maintenance 900.00 Insurance 33.00 New Equipment 250.00 POLICE STATION Repairs & Maintenance 1,000.00 Improvements 150.00 Utilities for City Hall & Police Station 500.00 Library Building Repairs & Remodeling 3,000.00 Purchase Installments 2.000900 7.833.00 STREET LIGHTING $59700.00 LIQUOR COMMISSION $500.00 BUILDING & ZONING New Basic Map 300.00 Adoption of New Ordenance 300.00 Inspection Fees 750.00 Publication of Zoning 400.00 $1,750.00 PUBLIC LIBRARY Salaries 7,000.00 Janitor & Supplies 600.00 Utilities 10000.00 Insurance 325.00 Conferance & Dues 200900 Supplies 275.00 Books, Magazines, Records, & Etc. 2,000.00 Printing 30.00 Treasurer's Bond 30.00 Postage 140.00 $11, 00.00 FINANCE Legal Service 1,000.00 Salary - City Officals 30240.00 Other Salaries 59500.00 Insurance - Workman's Comp. 900.00 Bonding - City Officals 839.00 Audit Expense 29400.00 Health & Accident Insurance 4t5OO.00 Illinois Municipal League Dues 132.00 Dog Tags 10.30 Stationery, Supplies, & Printing 19000.00 Postage 150.00, New Equipment 500.00 Rent - Office Space 600.00 Education, Conference, & Convention Expense 1,500.00 Telephone 200.00 City Share - I.M.R.F. 3,000-00 25.471.30 a -3- MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Street Maintenance $35000.00 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX FUND City Stickers 150.00 Street Improvements 15000-00 Printing 26.00 15,17 .00 WATER FUND OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Salaries 8,500.00 Pumping Power 49000.00 Meters & Parts 4,500.00 Water Main Replacement 5,000.00 Water Main Extension 101,000.00 Repairs to Waterwork Plants 2,500.00 Repairs to Water Mains 2,000.00 Replacement to Waterwork Plants 2,000.00 Insurance 500.00 Telephone 225.00 Gas-Heat (Well House) 225.00 Office Supplies 250.00 Operating Supplies 250.00 Pump House Improvements 1,000.00 Easements 150.00 Chlorination 160.00 Postage & Freight 350.00 Truck Expense 450.00 Retirement of Bonds & Interest Water Revenue - 1959 Issue 5,000.00 Water Revenue - 1959 Interest 3,450.00 Water Refunding - 1969 Issue Interest 2,750.00 Water Revenue Bond - 1969 Issue 12,950.00 New Equipment 12,000.00 Balance Due Contractors on Tower 38.810.71 117,020.71 SUMMARY of TOTALS GENERAL FUND $196,684.30 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 35,090.00 Motor Vehicle Tax Fund 15,176.00 WATER FUND 117,O2Oo7l , . 3,881.01