City Council Minutes 1972 04-13-72 FORM 601-49'®U.S.A. APRIL 13, 1722 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON APRIL 13, 1972 AT 8s00 P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Council and visitors to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present 1st Ward - Follmer, Madden 2nd Ward - Florence, Thanepohn 3rd Ward - Ellis, McHugh Mayor Coleman directed the clerk to read the minutes of the regular meeting of March 9, 1972. Alderman Madden waived reading the minutes since all aldermen had received copies. Seconded by Ald. Florence. Motion passed. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills for March, 1972. GENERAL FUND Ill. Bell Te. Co.-Police Dept. $ 2.97 to of to " -Mayor 1.19 Commonwealth Edison Co.-Street Lighting 301.52 Yorkville National Bank-Payment #21, Tractor 138.54 Kendall County Record-`,:Printing 52.80 Homer G. Dickson Co. , Inc. 11.25 Bob's Service Station-gas, Police Dept. $417.12, Street Dept. $4.50 421.62 Rice's Service Station-gas, Police Dept. $11.43, Street Dept. $122.69 134.12 Fred Wayne-hauling salt, Street Dept. 35.00 Farmers' Elevator-oper. suppl. 51.51 Kendall County Recorder, Jean P. Brady-photo copy of bids 7.00 Checker Oil Co.-gas, Police Dept. 31.67 E & H Utility Sales, Inc.-Parking Signs 42.70 Anthony Bassak, Atty.-Filing & Attorney fees, Cozy Cafe 200.40 Meyer Material Co.-Limestone, Street Dept. Inv. 141614, 141615 61.47 Kane Ford Sales, Inc.-Police car repairs, Inv. 25067 15.76 Durbin Office Machines, Inc.-3M paper, duplicating machine 1 .44 Salisbury Groc.-Police Dept. operat. suppl. 12.43 Coffman Brs.-Police Dept. , car rental 126.32 Winfred W. Prickett-5 calls, Police Dept. 25.00 A & J Printing Co.-Police Dept. forms & padding 24.92 West Publishing Co.-Police Dept. , Ill. Rev. Statutes 50.00 Postage stamps-City Clerk 8.00 1,771.63 SEWER FUND An& Trenching-labor & material, repair sewer 644.50 t. -2- FORM 601-49®U.S.A. APRIL 13, 1972 WATER FUND National Boulevard Bank of Chicago-Bond & into acct. $ 150.00 " of of a " —Bond & into res.acet• 170.00 Farmers State Bank of Yorkville-Dept. & Cont. Acct. 150.00 Ill. Bell Tel. Co. - pvt. line 4.00 Commonwealth Edison Co.-Water tower 24.09 of of Pumper 305.38 James E. Price-mileage $3.60, postage $11.00 14.60 Jim's Trenching-labor & equip. 610.00 Yorkville Hardware-oper. suppl. 6.98 E & H Utility Sales, Inc.-tubing & boxes Inv. 82453 163.13 Illinois Meter, Inc.-meters & mat'l. Inv. 091825 & 092000 66.81 The Northern Trust Co.-WATER Rev. 1969 issue '7% 6,492.65 a of $0 to — of 1969 issue 5% 1,390.60 National Boulevard Bank of Chgo.-Acct. 943 256.25 $9,804.49 BOND & INTEREST ACCT, National Boulevard Bank of Chgoo-Acct. P/A722 $6,521.25 Ald. Madden moved the bills be referred to the finance committee and be paid if found to be correct. Seconded by Ald. Florence. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman welcomed back Ald. McHugh after a lengthy illness. Treasuer's report was read by Mrs. Merkel. Chief Prickett read the police report. Supt. Price read the street and sewer report. Supt. Price read the water report. Clerk read the Planning Commission report. Mayor Coleman made a correction in the Planning Commission minutes. Date of special meeting with City Council should be the 18th of April instead of the 14th. Clerk read the Zoning Board of Appeals report stating the Harker petition to rezone was denied. Ald. Madden moved the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals to deny this petition be accepted. Ald. Thanepohn seconded the motion. Roll call votes Follmer - Aye Florence - Aye Ellis - Aye Madden -:_Aye Thanepohn - Aye McHugh - Aye Petition is rejected. OLD BUSINESS: Mayor Coleman asked the Clerk to read the insurance bids received covering (1) city hall and contents and (2) one city truck. -3- �p FORM 601-49'® U.S.A. APRIL 13 1(]77 2 (1) Country Mutual Insurance Co.-$25.00 per year on a 3 yr. instrument, also covering wind and vandalism at no extra charge $75.00 Aldo Thanepohn moved item (1) of the bid be rejected. Aldo Florence seconded the motion. All in favor. (2) City truck $119.36 per year Aldo Thanepohn moved to accept item (2) of insurance bid. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Roll call votes Aldo Follmer - aye Aldo Florence - aye Aldo Ellis - aye Aldo Madden - aye Aldo Thanepohn - aye Aldo McHugh - aye Motion passed unanimously. Aldo Madden moved the Finance Committee be empowered to get insurance on the city hall and contents and it should include wind and vandalism. Seconded by Aldo Fillaer. Voice vote-all in favor. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Coleman instructed the Clerk to read the gas bids received. Hilltop Mobil-less tax 36.90 premium 33.90 regular Checker Service Station 29.50 regular 95 octane 31.40 premium 99.5 octane Southtown Oil Co. 32.50 ethyl 290 regular Aldo Thanepohn moved to accept the gas bid from the Checker Service Station. Aldo Florence seconded the motion. Roll call votes Aldo Follmer - aye Aldo Florence -aye Aldo Ellis - aye Aldo Madden - aye Aldo Thanepohn - aye Aldo McHugh - aye Motion passed unanimously. Clerk read a letter from the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund stating the form submitted was being processed to determine the cost for participation in IMRF as of January, 1973• Mayor Coleman read the report from the city engineer concerning the extension of the water main for Blane Harker. Aldo Madden suggested this matter be referred to the Water Committee for further study. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Rhodes presented a petition for pre-annexation for property east of Rt. 47 and north and south of Rt. 34, commonly known as the Dematralis property. This was referred to the Planning Commission. A petition to rezone from residential to duplex from Harold Feltz on property known as Dr. L. A. Wunsch property. This was referred to the Planning Commission. Discussion of recommendation from the Planning Commission to have all petitions in to the City Clerk by the first working day of the month. This recommendation was not accepted by the City Council. Mr. Gary Conover presented a request for a street change and was referred to the Planning Commission. -4- �p FORM 601-49® U.S.A. APRIL 13, 17/nr� 2 Pauline Washay requested the city adopt an ordinance on humane treatment of animals. This matter was referred to the Health & Sanitation Committee. Mr. Kenneth Kahle, 311 E. Orange St. , stated the street in front of his home is still not completed and every time it rains, his garage is flooded. This was referred back to the Street Committee to get bids to have this street completed. Mayor Coleman reported the loss of office space for the Building Inspector. Aldo Thanepohn suggested renting the outer office in Dr. Coleman`s building for a clerk, either part time or full time, to issue building permits, act as city collector, work with the City Clerk, building inspector and treasurer at a suggested salary of $60.00 per week. Aldo Thanepohn also staed the Chamber of Commerce was also in need of an office in the downtwon area and suggested shar- ing some of the expense with the city for representing the Chamber too. Mayor Coleman appointed Aldo Ellis and Also Madden as a committee to study this matter and report back at the next meeting. Aldo Madden reported a cost of $7,000 to $10,000 would be necessary to have the ordinances classified. The City of Batavia is in the process of having a classi- fication of their ordinances and Aldo Madden will contact that city at a later date in regard to this matter. Mayor Coleman read a letter from the American Red Cross thanking the city for participating in Red Cross Month. Mayor Coleman reported on the Blue Ribbon Committee meeting held March 23rd. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Streets and alleys-Aldo Ellis questioned the unsafe condition of gravel over the sidewalk from the driveway of the Loftus property on Rt. 47. Mr. Price was instructed to talk to Mro Loftus and if the condition is not remedied, enforce the ordinance pertaining to said matter. Water Dept.-Ald. Thanepohn recommended renting uniforms for the 3 water dept. employees. The cost would be $3.45 per week for 3 changes per man; $1.35 per week for 1 jacket per man. Discussion followed. Aldo Thanepohn moved the uniforms and jackets be rented for the city employees. Discussion followed. Motion tabled and the matter referred back to the committee. Aldo Ellis stated a more consistent policy is useded to treat all city employees equally and recommended a study group go over all policies and have one basic plan for all departments. Library Report-A1d.Thanepohn read suggested specifications needed on the new library building. Architectural fees to be approximately $400.00. Aldo Thanepohn moved the specifications necessary for converting the building to a library be made by "hiring Mr. Leo Anderson, architect, to draw plans per specifications. Seconded by Aldo Madden. Discussion followed. Roll call votes Aldo Follner - aye Aldo Florence - aye Aldo Ellis - aye Aldo Madden - aye Aldo Thanepohn - aye Aldo McHugh - aye Motion passed unanimously. Health and Sanitation-no report. Police and Fire-no report. Streets and Parks-Aldo Madden asked the Street Department to move the large poles from the ball park which were left from the old backstop and fence and -5- FORM 601-49® U.S.A. APRIL 131 1972 put them down by the west backstop and leave one roll of fence there. Also have the Street Dept. move back the seats and purchase new planks for bleachers and construct same. Planning Committee-Meeting at 7:30 P.M. April 18th and 7:00 P.M. April 25th. Public Property and Building-Library report given above. Police Dept. building is in need of paint. Lights-Aldo Follmer reported the last 4 lights would be hung Saturday. Mayor Coleman, Liquor Commissioner, reported the police had received com- plaints of fights at the 489 Social Club. If this doesn't improve, a club license will not be issued to them. Building and Zoning-Aldo Madden stated he is still working on the zoning map. Mr. Kincaid has offered his help but possibly will have to get a basic map and put in the zoning. Finance-Ald. Thanepohn requested all appropriations from committees be com- pleted and a meeting will be held before the next mouncil meeting. Aldo Madden recognized the good work being done by the Finance Committee. Mayor Coleman showed the council a street address directory put out by Reuben H. Donnelley Corp. at the cost of $5.00 per copy to be added on to present phone bills He did not feel the community was large enough to warrant placing them on sale at this time. Aldo Thanepohn reported on a recent meeting held to arrange for the river clean- up this spring. Cooperation from several state departments and organizations will result in a beautiful shore line and the Palmer Dam area at no cost to the city. Mr. Blane Harker asked what the solution would be tot' the traffic on Hydraulic St. and the railroad tracks. The matter was referred to the Streets and Alleys Committee. Aldo Madden moved the meeting be adjourned at 11:15 P.M. Seconded-' by Aldo Florence. JAMES =J. BRANT�, CITY CLERK JJB/njb