City Council Minutes 1972 03-09-72 FORM 601-49® U.S.A. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MARCH 9, 1972 AT 8:00 P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Council and visitors to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present 1st Ward - Follmer, Madden 2nd Ward - Florence, Thanepohn 3rd Ward - Ellis Absent - McHugh Mayor Coleman directed the clerk to read the minutes of the regular meeting of February 10, 1972• Alderman Madden waived reading the minutes since all aldermen had received copies. Seconded by Ald. Ellis . Motion passed. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills for February, 1972. GENERAL FUND Ill. Bell Tele. Co. - Police Chief $ 1.00 Commonwealth Edison Co. - Park 8.62 Yorkville National Bank - Payment #20 tractor 138.54 Gloria M. Wakefield - Secty. Planning Comm. services and supplies 20.10. Yorkville Appliance Co. - shades for city hall 15.00 of to " - adding machine for city treasurer83.19 Central Limestone Co. - Rock, Street Dept. 23.87 Yorkville Hardware - oper. sup. P.D. $3.90, Street Dept. $ .90, City Hall $1.50 6.30 Fred Wayne - hauling salt, Street Dept. 35.00 Ellsworth Windett Insurance Agency - Bond for Mayor and Clerk 147.00 " - Workman Comp. adjustment 320.00 Dierzen Welding & Machine Co. - repair snowplow, Street Dept. 20000 Al-Hub Electric Supply Co. - oper. supp. , Street Dept. Inv. #Y05175 16.20 Commonwealth Edison Co. - Street lighting 448.09 Homer G. Dickson Inc. - repairs to treater, Street Dept. 16.40 Southtown Oil Co. - truck repairs, Street Dept. 51.60 Morton Salt Co. - salt, Street Dept. Inv. #3161ii6 & 3161772 180.36 Fox Valley Disposal Co. - disposal service, Feb., 1972 1059.30 Checker Oil Co. - gas, street dept. $38.16, police dept. $32.44 70.60 United Auto Sales, Inc. - repairs to squad car 93.92 Coffman Bros. - rental of car, P. D. 22.39 Rice's Serviee - gas, P. D. 280.84 Bob's Service - gas & repairs, P.D. _ 103.13 R. Clark Morrell - 3 calls, use of own car due to absence of Chief 15.00 State Employees Retirement System (S.S.) pro rata share adm. exp. 18. 0 3.194.95 -2- Mel FORM 601.49'®U.S.A. MARCH 91 19/2 SEWER FUND Geo. Cies - repair to sewer $ 18.37 WATER FUND Ill. Bell '-Tel. Co. - pump house 9.48 U fl l 11 tt — 1.20 of 14 it if - private line service 4.00 Commonwealth Edison Co. - pump house 020 " of - pumping •29 to it - water tower 14.45 John N. Schneider - oper suppl. .65 Walter E. Duechler Assc. , Inc. - engineering services, school water main ext. 64.17 National Boulevard Bank of Chicago - bond and interest acct. 150.00 National Boulevard Bank of Chicago - bond and interest res. acct. 170.00 Farmers State Bank of Yorkville - deps and contg. acct. 1,� ' 0.00 $564.44 Aldo Florence moved the bills be referred to the finance committee and be paid if found to: be correct. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion passed unanimously. Treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Merkel. Aldo Madden questioned where the interest goes on the money invested in certificates of deposit. Aldo Thanepohn reported the interest earned will remain in the same fund and cannot go in the general fund or any other account. Police report was read by Chief Prickett. Ald Florence asked if any parking tickets were being issued for over-parking in downtown area. Chief Prickett stated that some had been issued. Aldo Follmer asked if there was an ordinance for no parking on Bridge St. for trucks. Chief Prickett stated it could not be enforced because there were no signs posted. Supt. Price was instructed to order the necessary signs and post them. Supt. Price read the sewer report. Supt. Price read the water report. Clerk read the ghiog 4 Anirtg, isibxpprt.'. Clerk re ad the ,AR earl 'ePort� Ald. Thanepohn moved to accept the recommendati4a-of ttit' 3q B to .rezone and reclassify the Walter S. Olsen and Blanchd:E. 0166h.f"n` &tu al` uses to Apartment uses. Aldo Florence seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Follmer - Aye Florence - Aye Ellis - Aye Madden - Aye Thanepohn - Aye Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Illinois law enforcement Commission granting application for a police study. ; , '' a United City of <the Village of Yorkville shall COU�I'!Z � enter Into an installment par- ,chase contract with Leo.And- : 'Y?eiilcelller Illinois erson,'the owner of said prop- yo March 16, 1972 erty. That said contract shallbe for a period not to exceed 20 years, with no more than Fif- teen Thousand($15,000.00) Dollars placed as down payment AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING under said contract, and not to FOR THE PURCHASE OF REAL exceed seven per cent(7%)per PROPERTY TO BE USED FOR annum interest on the remain- LIBRARY PURPOSES WITHIN ing balance. Payments, under TEE UNITED CITY OF THE the terms of said contract, are VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE to be in annual installments. Section 3: That this ordinance WHEREAS, the corporate shall be published at least authorities have considered the twice within 30 days after its advisability of purchasingcer passage and approval in one or taro reaa property for theuseof more of the newspapers pub- the library of the United City fished in the municipality as of the Village of Yorkville;and by statute made and provided. WHEREAS, the corporate Section 4: That this ordinance authorities have determined has passed the City Council by that it is in the best interest an affirmative vote of two- of the United City of the Viii- thirds of the elected corporate are of Yorkville that additional j authorities now holding office. space be purchased and main- Section 5: That this ordinance tained for librarypurposes;and shall repeal all other ordinan- WHEREAS, the corporate ces or resolutions of the United authorities, after Investiga- City of the Village of York- tion, have determined that the -dlle, heretofore passed and public interest will be sub- adopted that conflict herewith served by such purchase an insofar as they conflict. maintenance; Section 6: That this ordinance NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT shall be in full force and effect ORDAINED BY THE CITY from and after its due passage _ COUNCIL OF THE UNITED and publication as required by CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF Illinois Revised Statutes, 24 YORKVILLE, KENDALL Sec. 11-76.1-3. COUNTY, ILLINOIS, as fol- PASSED: This 9th day of March A.D.' 1912. Section I: That the United City James Brant, for the Village of Yorkville City Clerk purchase,for the sum of Thirty- APPROVED: This 9th day of Two Thousand($32,000.00)DOl- March,A.D., 1972, hers, the Sollowing, described Robert Coleman property,to-wit: Mayor That part of_Lot 1 in,Block 11-2t 5 of Black's Addition to the Village of Yorkville,deseri- bed as follows: Beginning at 1 a point'of intersection of the � �► � " `{ West line of said Loot 1 with a the South bank of the Far Riv- _ s tip, M er;thence southerly alongthe West line of said Lot to a point 102 feet North of the South line of said .Lot 1; thence East parallel with the South bank of the Fox River; thence Westerly along--sue *; river bank to ths106040 -'�Z�yt4t 'j`.N0 1 Y y. �. ,.w 4F • -3- FORM 601-49® U.S.A. MsRru Q_ 1022 Mayor Coleman distributed to the Council statements of economic interests to be completed and filed with the County Clerk. Old Business: Blane Harker asked to speak to the Council in regard to the water main from Ridge St. to Van Emmons There were no objections. Mr. Harker asked the council to consider extending water up thru part of Van Emmon to service Lots 3,495,6,718 and other areas for rezoning. Mayor Coleman read the minutes of August 12, 19719 Ald. Florecne asked for engineering costs to see if the city could financially handle it. Mayor Coleman turned the matter over to the water committee to obtain an engineering estimate to be presented at the next meeting. Attorney Bassak read the ordinance for the purchase of real property for a library, known as the Leo Anderson Bldg. , for $32,000.00. Terms as follows: the United City of the Village of Yorkville shall enter into an installment purchase contract with Leo Anderson, owner of said property; that said contract shall be for a period not to exceed 20 years, with no more than $1$,000.00 placed as down payment and not to exceed 7 per cent per annum interest on the remaining balance; payments are to be in annual installments. Discussion. Ald. Thanepohn moved to adopt this ordinance. Seconded by Ald. Ellis. Roll calls Follmer - Aye Florence - Aye Ellis - Aye Madden - Aye Thanepohn - Aye Motion passed unanimously. Ald. Madden stated he had received correspondence back from the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund and had given forms to the Clerk to be filled out d returned to them for an estimated cost to the city. New Business: Council received the "Planning Recommendations for Comprehensive Amendments, City of Yorkville, Ill, Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Kincaid would like to meet with the City Council and the Planning Commission on March 21, 1972 at 7:30 instead of taking up time at a council meeting. Clerk read the petition to rezone the Nellie Brandt property located on Rt. 34. Ald. Thanepohn moved the petition be forwarded to the Yorkville Planning Coma mission for approval and if it is approved, the Mayor and City Clerk may also approve and sign the plat. Seconded by Ald. Follmer. Motion carried. It Clerk read a rezoning request for the Mabel Rowland's property on Rt. 47 to a two-family residence. Ald. Thanepohn moved it. be forwarded on to the Planning Commission. Seconded by°A1d. F'lerence.' Motion carried. C014MITTEE REPORTS: Streets and Alleys-no report Water Commission-no report Police and Fire-no report Streets and Parks-no report Sewer-no report • Future Planning-no report -4- A D RCH v FORM 601-49® U.S.A. MA 9, 1(]7(ry 2 Public Property and Buiding-Ald. Thanepohn stated the library board would meet the 29th of March and will try to get into the Leo Anderson Bldg. for planning the alterations to the building for the library. Aldo Ellis asked the Council to attend and also stated a speaker from the BurOak Libmary System would be in attendance at above meeting to guide the Board in State library requirements. Lights, telephone and gas-Ald. Follmer reported 4 or S street lights were left to be changed. The question was raised as to what to do with the public telephone booth when the library is moved. Liquor Commission-Mayor Coleman reported there had been 2 fights in 2 days in front of Paul•s Tavern and he would talk to the proprietor about same. Building and Zoning-Ald. Madden stated he had read the Nat'l Building Code books and had passed them on to Aldo Florence and Aldo Follmer to read. A recommendation from the Chairman of the Planning Commission that the Nat'l Building Code.be adopted as it is easier to read and understand and also have an abbreviated copy on file for builders use. Fifty are supplied as a starter with a sample ordinance to start it out and provisions for amendments. In discussion it was noted this be brought before a public hearing. Finance Committee-Ald. Thanepohn stated new bid..requests will be sent out for gas for city vehicles and also a publication of the bid request. The UAance committee requests all committees meet and make their individual committee appropriations, based on a realistic budget and have this ready for the April 13th Council meeting. Using last year's annual report as a guide, each committee project their anticipated expenses to make it a workable budget. The clerk will be available for meetings and information. Planning Commission-Ald. Madden suggested each alderman read all the ordinances, which are all indexed in Attorney Bassak's office and look into the possibility of printing all ordinances in a booklet. Mayor Coleman asked Aldo Madden to get estimates on the best method of printing the ordinances. No further business to come before the council, the meeting adjourned at 10x20 P.M. � JAMES J. BRANT, CITY CLERK JJB/njb