City Council Minutes 1972 01-13-72 FORM 601-49®U.S.A. JANUARY 1 1922 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YOXRKVILLE, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JANUARY 139 1972, AT 8s00 P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Council and visitors to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Alderson Were present 1st Ward - Follmer, Madden 2nd Ward - Florence 3rd Ward - Ellis Absent - McHugh and Thanepohn Mayor Coleman directed the clerk to read the minutes of the regular meeting of December 99 1971. Alderman Florence waived reading of the minutes since all aldermen had received copies. Seconded by Ald. Ellis. Motion passed. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills for December, 1971. GENERAL FUND Ill, Bell Tel. Co.-Police Chief $ 1.16 Commonwealth Edison Co.-Police Station 3.25 Illinois Municipal League-Membership dues 132.00 Fox Valley Disposal Co.-Disposal services, Dec. 1.059.30 Yorkville National Bank-Payment #18 tractor 138.54 Dr. Robt. J. Coleman, Mayor-Blue Ribbon Comm. luncheon 22.98 Zeiter's Cities Service Station-gas,:-Street Dept. 53.23 Fred Wayne-hauling salt, Street Dept. 35.00 Central Limestone Co.-rock, Street Dept. 153.81 Yorkville Body Shop-repair Squad car 50.00 Winfred W. Prickett-5 calls 25.00 Illinois Law Enforcement-5 subs. Officers Law Bulletin 42.50 Kane Ford Sales, Inc.-Inv. 23382, 21064, 17345. 22996 197.84 $10914.61 WATER FUND I11, Bell Tel. Co.-Pvt. line 4.00 Ill. Bell Tel. Co.-Pump House 14.36 Commonwealth Edison Co.-water tower 12.43 The Yorkville National Bank-Box rent #1544 5.'00 Riemenschneider Electric-Mat'1, labor, Water tower & well house 159*04 James E. Price-postage 9.58 Sidener, Inc.-parts for meters 6.32 National Boulevard Bank of Chicago-bond & into acct. 1,200.100 National Boulevard. Bank of Chicago-bond & int. Ron. acct. 1,36QGO0 Farmers State Bank-depreciation & eontg. acct. 19200.00 Davis Construction Coo-labor & mat'l. for tower less credit memo. 1.939.49 Walter E. Deuehler Assco, Inc.-engo on tower open. 440 00 6.350.22 -2- FORM 601-49®U.S.A. .lama= 13- 1977 SEWER FUND John Conover-Bal. due from Loftus Tower Drive $ 250.00 MOTOR VEHICLE TAR FUND Davis Construction Co.-read work& repairs 29132.89 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Davis Construction Co.-1971 maintenance 139995- Walter E. Deuehler Assc., Inc. 1971 maintenance eng. 1 1 .04 15,174.90 Aldo Ellis questioned the bill of Walter E. Douchler Asse., Ine. maintenance engineering for 1971. The finance committee will check on these costs. Aldo Madden moved the bills be referred to the finance committee and be paid if found to be correct. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion passed unanimously. City treasurer, Mrs. Merkel, read the treasurer's report. Motion by Aldo Madden to accept the treasurer's report, seconded by Aldo Follmer. Motion passed unanimously. Police Chief Prickett read the Police Report. Aldo Follmer read the street and sewer report. Aldo Follmer read the water dept. report. Supt. of Water De£p., James Price asked the Council if Rick Pfister, water dept* employoe, could take a 16 week liquid metering course at Waubonsee Community College this semester. Aldo Ellis moved the Council pay Mr. Pfister's registra- tion fee of $24.00, 3 hours overtime for time in class and 100 a mile travelling expense. Aldo Ellis suggested the Council think about establishing a policy in the future concerning city employees going to school and the time they spend in school. Aldo Florence seconded the motion. Roll call votes Fellmor - Aye Florence - Aye Madden - Aye Ellis - Aye Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission's regular meeting of December 15, 1971- Clerk read the minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals regular meeting of January 10, 1972. Mayor Coleman brought before the Council the petition of the American Oil Co. to rezone and reclassify adjacent property to the north and east of Bob's Standard Service, Rt. 47, from residential to business B-2. Mr. James R. Emmet, Standard 011 representative, gave a brief description of what is to be done and answered questions of the Council. It was noted there had been no ob- jectors to this petition at three meetings. Motion was made by Ald. Madden to grant American Oil Co. this petition to rezone from residential to business B-2 Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Roll calls Follmer - Aye Florence - Aye Madden - Aye Ellis - lye Motion passed unanimously. -3- FORM 601-49®U.S.A. r'- Clerk read a petition from Walter S. Olsen and Blanche E. Olsen to reclassify property from agricultural to apartment zoning. This property is known as Tract 1 and Tract 2 in the Hughes Subdivision which is bounded on the west by Illinois Route 47, on the east by Illinois Route 126, and on the south by property presently zoned for Agricultural Usage within the zoning classifications of Kendall County. This pvttttJX has been forwarded to the Planning Commission. Attorney Bassek asked the Council for a resolution to direct the Mayor and Clerk to sign a new copy of a 1969 ordinance annexing the above property to the United City of the Village of Yorkville. This document was executed property in every way except for the fact it was not recorded in 1969s Aldo Fellmor moved this resolution be made. Aldo Florence seconded. Motion passed. Clerk read a letter from the Environmental Protection Agency granting a permit to Ter-Jac Construction Co., Inc. , Kendall County, Illinois, to install for and under the direct supervision of the City of Yorkville, and the City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, to own and operate 8 inch, 10 inch, 12 Inch, a4d, 15 Inch sanitary sewer extensions, and pumping station with two pumps each rated at 120 GPM 0 42 feet TDH and related appurtenances to serve Countryside Center, with outlet to an existing 8 inch sanitary sewer located south of Route 34 on Pleasant Lane, thence to Yorkville-Bristel Sanitary District sewage treatment plant, all in accordance with plans and specifications submitted by Walter Be Douchler Associates, Inc. Mayor Coleman stated the Blue Ribbon By-Pass 47 Committee had been appointed. It is as follows: Glen Palmor, Chairman= Lawrence Langland= Dean Thanopohn; Sen. Robert Mitchlerf Robert J. Coleman and David Sharkey ex-officio. Attorney Bassek asked the Council for a resolution to re-affirm the blanket bond on file with the State Highway Dept* covering location, eonstruetiont operation and maintenance, with its own forces or by contract of water mains, sewer lines, driveways, alleys, street returns, sidewalks, street lights and other facilities within the city limits. Motion by Aldo Madden for this resolution. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Motion passed unanimously. Old Business: Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to open and read the bids received on the sale of the Library property. Edward L. Salisbury $39522.00 The Yorkville National Bank $15,000.00 subject to terms of possession to be worked out at agreement of both parties with a minimum of six months possession by the United City of the Village of Yorkville after acceptance of bid. Motion by Aldo Ellis to accept the bid of the Yorkville National Bank in the amount of $15,000.00. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman resolved Attorney Bassek 1prepare the ordinance for the sale of said property. Voice vote carried unanimously. FORM 601-49® U.S.A. January 13, 1972 Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to open and read bids received for $30*000.00 security bonds for Mayor and City Clerk. Zeiter Insurance Agency- Blanket bond-covers all city employees, council members, etc. everyone except city treasurer $25,000.00 bond - $142.00 per year and `mitten as a continuous bond. i(indett Insurance Agency- Mayor $30,000.00 bond for 1 yre $73.50 City Clerk $30,000.00 bond for 1 yre 71.50 t147-00 Motion made by Aldo Ellis to accept the bid of Windett Insurance Agency as it was the bid that followed the specifications set by the Council. Aldo Madden seconded. Roll calls Fellmer - Aye Florence - Aye Madden - Aye Ellis - Aye Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to open and read the bids received for servico and gas for city vehicles. Southtewn Oil 6 mos. 12 Rose Fuel Ethyl - Premium 32.5 per gal. 32.5 per gale Regular 2993 per gal. 29.3 per gal. Lubrication Oil (Quaker State, SAE 20) 750 Per qt- 75¢ per qt- Chassis lub.-cost per job $2.00 car $2.00 per car truck $8.00 per hr. $8.00 per hr. Misce Labor per hr* $8.00 $8.00 Hilltop Mobil Fuel Ethyl-premium 37.6 per gal. 37.6 per gal. Regular 34.6 per gal. 34.6 per gal. Lubrication Oil (Quaker State, SAE 20) 60o per qt. 60o per qt. Chassis lubrication- $1.50 squad $1.50 squad cost per job $3.00 truck $3.00 truck Misco labor per hre $6.00 $6.00 Discussion followed. Notion by Aldo Madden to refer this back to the finance committee and be brought back on the floor at the next meeting. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Discussion. Roll calls Fellmer - Aye Florence - Aye Madden - Aye Ellis - Abstain Motion passed. New Business: Request had been made by Illinois Bell Telephone Co. for street numbering for the Conover Subdivision, north of Game Farm Rd. to Rt. 34, and Countryside Center. Aldo Follmor and Superintendent of Streets, James Price are working on a numbering system for these tracts of land that will conform with the present numbering system. It was noted by Aldo Fellmer that there are a lot of houses -5- FORM 601-49® U.S.A. My 77�r- in the city that do not have numbers displayed: Mayor Coleman referred to Attorney Bassek the matter of an ordinance against outside overhead gas tanks. Mayor Coleman reported he had contacted Mr. Riemenschneid.er to hook up the civil defense siren. Attorney Bassek reported in the next week or two word should be received from the Federal Price Board on the water rate increase. Committee Reports: Streets and Alloys-Aldo Follmer stated the streets had been eindered well and snow removed. Aldo Florence had received a complaint from the Chamber of Commerce in regard to snow removal of the downtown area. Since there is no overnight parking it was suggested the downtown area be cleaned first before cars parked en the street. Parks:Ald. Madden reported Kenneth Roach has been obtained to clean walks in park. Police & Fire-Ald. Madden reported a committee meeting Tues.g January 18th. No word had been received in regard to the I.L.E.C. survey. Light Dept-Ald. Follmer reported all the street lighting in town will be updated. Liquor Commissioner reported the death of Clyde Antaobus did not effect the liquor license of Jackie's Tap, since it is a corporation. Finance Committee-Aldo Ellis reported a finance meeting had been hold and! rates of interest are being looked into. The committee will report later as to what has been invested and how. A motion by Aldo Follmer to purchase the city treasurer an electric adding machine. Seconded by Aldo Madden. Motion carried. This matter was referred to, the finance committee. Aldo `Maddon moved the window shades in the City Hall be replaced. Aldo Fellmor seconded 7 notion carried. This matter was referred to Building Committee. Mayor Coleman questioned where the information came from in an article in the Aurora Beacon News in regard to the size of building needed by the Yorkville Public Library. He was informed by the Beacon News reporter the information came from a report by "Friends of the Library". Adjourned at 10:45 P.M. to executive session. AMTS J. , CITY CLERK JJB�njb