City Council Minutes 1971 12-09-71 FORM 601-490 U.S.A. DECEMBER 7 1971 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS, HELD AT %HE CITY HALL ON DECEMBER 9, 1971 AT 8i0O P.Me Mayer Coleman called the meeting to order s*d asked the City Council and visitors to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken the following Aldermen were present tat Ward - Follmor 2nd Ward - Florence, Tha*epehn 3rd Ward - Ellis, McHugh Absent - Madden Mayor Coleman directed the clerk to read the minutes of the regular mooting of November 119 1971. Alderman Florence waived reading of the minutes since all aldermen had received copies.. Seconded by Aldo Thanspohn. Motion passed. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills for November, 19710 GENERAL FUND Northern Illinois Gas Co., Police Static* $ 18.74 a a a a of « 1003 « N « « City Building 8.13 p a N M Palk N « « " 'torch 37.46 Illinois Bell Tel, Coo-Police Chief •08 Commonwealth Edison Co.-Police Station 3.24 " " " -Street Lighting 355.27 Yorkville National Bank-Payment #17 Tractor 138.54 Kendall County Record-Printing of vehicle tax notice (rm) 7.40 John N. Schneider-Ticket #06973, Opere Supple 1.52 Ernest Re Zeiter, Insurance Agency-Ina* on tractor 246.00 « a « " " -Ins. on Police car 238.50 Yorkville Hardware-Opere Supple, Street Dept, 11.64 Is of Police Depts, 8.82 Kendall County Treasurer-Building Inap. Nov. 80.00 Morten Salt Co.-Salt, Street Dept. 76.32 Farmers' Elevator Coe-2 culverts, Street Dept. 112.40 Fox Valley Disposal Co.-Disjesal services, Nov. 1.059.30 Hilltop Sinclair-Gas and service, Police Dept. 313.21 Checker oil Co.-Gas, Police Dept, 6.61 Bob's Service-Sascvice suple 6.95 Winfred We Prickett-6 calls 30.00 Durbin Office Machines-Inv. #5271, paper for copy machine 15.44 Illinois Office Supply Coe-Police Blotter #2 139.45 Kane Ford Sales, . Inc.-Repairs to Squad car (tickets 22455 A 22500 ) 53.80 Yorkville Body?--,Shop-Repairs to truck, T ckets 17343. 17344 616.05 Homer G. Dickson-Sump pump,- xromch, hydraulic fluid and sharp** bladoi 106 35.58 -2- FORM 601-49®U.S.A. December 1971 WATER FUND Co &. Bretthauer-Easomont well #2 (Due Dec. 1, 1971) $ 100.00 Northern I11. Gas Co.-pump house 22.73 Commonwealth Edison Co. - water tower 11.57 Illinois Bell Tole Co.-pump house 7.08 Yorkville Hardware-oiler. supple 9.95 Illinois Motor, Inc.-10 curb steps Inv. #90660 112915 The State Chemical Manufacturing Co.-liq. ice check activator, Inv. x'055542 186.00 Sidener, Inc.- 10 3/4" h-15154 CxC Minn Pat Mark II, Inv. WS361 110450 Yorkville Appliance & Furniture Co.-Mat•1. & labor to wire tower 18.55 Producers Chemical Co.-chlorine, Inv. #27447 60.00 E & H Utility Sales, Inc.-couplings & boxes, Inve#79498 76.62 715.15 Motion by Aldo Florence, seconded by Aldo Ellis that the bills be referred to the Finance Committee and be paid if found tech be correct, Motion passed unanimously. Treasurers Report was read by City Treasurer, Mrs. Merkel. Motion by Aldo Florence to accept the Treasurer's Report, seconded by Aldo Thanopohn. Motion passed unanimously. Police Chief Prickot road the Police Report, Discussion about magazine solicitors coming into the city followed. Aldo Fellsor read the street and sewer report. Aldo Follmor road the water dept. report. Clerk read the minutes of the regular Planning Commission sooting of November 11, 1971. Clerk read the minutes of a special mooting of the Planning Commission of December 1, 1971. Emmems and Millen presented a plat of Lets #11 and 12 to be ro-subdivided into Lots #1, 2, 3 and 4 an North Washington Street* Ald Ellis motioned to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation to re-subdivide Lets #11 and 12 to Lots #1, 2, 3 and 4e Seconded by Aldo Thanopohn, Roll Calls Fillmer - Aye Thanepehm - Aye McHugh - Aye Florence - Aye Ellis - Aye Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman read a progress report from the Department of Public Works on Randall Read By-Pass 47. Aldo Mis suggested the Mayor appoint a Blue Ribbon Committee to follow up on the pregress of Randall Read By-Pass 47. -3- FORm 601-49®U.S.A. December 9. 1971 Aldo Thanopohn asked what was being done to get a traffic signal installed on Bridge St. Mayer Coleman stated the request had been tuned down several times in the past but Belt it was not an impossibility. Al.d. Thanepohn was appointed to the existing committee to further investigate the possibility of placing a traffic signal somewhere on Bridge St. Mayor Coleman reported the State Depto had requested a light be putt at the end of Route 126 at Route 47 on the west side of the highway. This lieation is in the city limits and is the city's responsibility. Ald Fellmer was asked to check into this request. Mayer Coleman read a letter of resignation from Janos Hall, Secretary of the Yorkville Planning Commission. Fred Doliman was appointed by Mayor Cdheman to fill this vacancy as of the first of the year. City Attorney Basaak read a letter from the Economic Stabilisation Beard stating the water rates cannot be increased. He stated application has been made to the Price Board for an exemption from the price control of the Eaemonie Stabili- zatiox Board. City Attorney Basaak recommended the 1959 refunding bonds be purchased from Godfrey Reinhart at a cost of $794009 money of which is to cone from the asm- struction fund. Aldo Klis made a motion to approve this recommendation. Aldo Florence seconded. Roll calls Fellmer - Aye Thanopohn - Aye McHugh - Aye Florence - Aye Ellis - Aye Motion passed unanimously. Aldo Thanepohn raised the question to Attorney Basaak when an ordinance is needed to invest surplus funds. City Attorney Basaak referring to page 46 in the Handbook for Illinois Municipal officials, stated the only time an ordinance is needed is when the surplus funds to be reinvested are bonds of the municipality or general obligation securities of the United States or State of Illinois. Prodedure being the Finance Committee should direct the City Treasurer to transfer the surplus funds and the finance committee then report back to the Council as to what has been dens. Attorney Basaak stated the increases on permit fees and applications for re- zoning do not fall under any of the guide lines of the Economic Price Wage Board. Since application has been made for exemption of control of the water rates, he felt another aplUieation for exemption should not be made. City Attorney Basaak read an ordinance to sell real estate housing the library of the City of Yorkvillo, dated 9th day of December, 1971. Sealed bids to be submitted to the City Clerk by January 139 1972. Motion by Aldo Thanopohn to accept the ordinance, seconded by Aldo Fellner. -4- FORK 601.49®U.S.A. December 99 1971 Roll call i Follsor - Aye Thanspohn - Aye McHugh - Aye Florence - Aye Ellis - Aye Motion passed unanimously. Clark read s petition from Standard Oil Co., Chicago, Ill, for rezoning the proporty at Rt. 47 and Main Street from residential to B2. The petition has been forwarded to the Planning Commission and an invoice for $25 for rezoning fee has been sent to Standard Oil Co., Chicage, Ill. Mayor Coleman asked for committee reports. Aldo Florence of Future Planning Committee, recommended the council accept the Planning Commission's final draft of the proposed planning and rezoning regula- tions. Mayor Coleman informed the Council the final draft had net been received as yet. Discussion followed oikifte Planning Commission's recommendation to de away with or incorporate into the Planning Commission the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mayor Colemand reported an application and foe for a liquor license from Clyde Antrobus had been received by him. Aldo Thaaepohm of the Finance Committee recommended the Council instruct the Finance Committee to invest surplus funds in time deposits and certificates of of deposits. The committee anticipates drawing interest on approximately $50,400. Aldo Thanepohn stated the moneys would be in designated accounts and the interest received would go back into the same account. Aldo Florence moved the Council accept this recommendation, ascended by Aldo Fellser. Roll call: Fellmer - Aye Thanspeha - Aye Florence - Aye Ellis - Aye Aldo Thamopehn recommended all major goods and purchases be made by sealed bids 6o the City Clerk. This would include all purchases of gas, oil, tires, city vehicles, insurance and bonds. The City Clark would issue and receive all bids on a bid letter form, stating specifications, and then bring the sealed bids to the Council for their approval. Discussion followed. Aldo Florence moved the council accept this rocommondation, Aldo Fellsor socoaded. Motion passed. Aldo Fellmer saved the Police Committee be authorized to use their judgment in buying 2 new tires needed new by the Police Dept. Seconded by Aldo Floronca. Roll Calls Follaar - Aye Thaaepohn - Age Florence - Aye Ellis - Aye Motion passed unanimously* FORM 601-490 U.S.A. December 90 1971 Ald. Thanopohn motioned notice be given that all bills be in to the City Clerk by the last day of each month and presented to the council at the next meeting for approval to be paid. All bills received after the last day of each month will be hold ever until the following meeting. Seconded by Ald. Ellis. Motion. passed unanimously. Mayer Coleman instructed Jeff Fehron of the Kendall County Record to publish said notice. Ald Thanopohn moved bids be issued for bonds in the amount of $309000 each for the Mayer and City Clerk. Seconded by Ald. Fleremce. Roll Calls Fellmer - Aye Thanspohn - Aye Florence - Aye Ellis - Aye Ald. Thanopohn recommended the tractor be paid off and suggested a meeting of the Mayor, auditor and Finance Committee to go over this recommendation. Ald. Ellis asked if it would not be possible to publish an agenda before the regular council meetings, infe=img the public of some of the items to be covered at said meeting. Mayor Coleman said he and the City Clerk would consider this suggestion. It was noted by the Council the Community Sing held this night had a good tarn out even with rain. Meeting adjourned at 10s45 PoM. to executive session. TaAes J. Bran City Clerk JJB f nj'b