City Council Minutes 1971 11-11-71 FORM 601-49® U.S.A. 11 E NOVEMBER A s_aws o 1971 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YOMILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON NOVEMBER 11, 1971 AT 8:00 P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Council and visitors to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He thba directed the Clerk to take the cell. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were preseal 1st Ward - Fullmer, Madden 2nd Ward - Florence, Thanepohn 3rd Ward - Ellis, McHugh Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the minutes of October:-14, 19710 Aldo Florence waived reading previous month's minutes since all alderman had received copies. Seconded by Aldo Follmer. Motion passed. Aldo Ellis questioned the stoning petition of Robert Loftus to roses* 3 lets of the old Hines property from duplex to 3tiplex dwellings.IrCeleman explained that the present owner could only build triplext however, if the property was sold the new owner could build multiple family dwellings. Mayer Coleman directed the Clerk to read the bills for October, 19719 SEWER IMP80VEMENT FUND National Boulevard Bank of Chicago-Bonds dtd. 6-1-69, 4 % $11,514.50 GENERAL FUND Ill. Bell Tel. Co. - Police Dept. 7969 Commonwealth Edison Co. - Street Lighting 355.50 Commonwealth Edison Co. - Police Station 1.62 Marjayn J. Merkel - Postage $1.189 Office Supplies $18.35 19.53 Yorkville National Bank - Payment #16, tractor 138.0 Ellsworth Windett Insurance Co. - Ins. Liability $19780.00, Workmans Compe $851.00, Police Indemnity Bond $113900 2,744.00 Kendall County Building A Zoning Dept. - Building Insp. 230.00 John N. Schneider - spore supple Street Dept. 1.69 C. Richard. Ellis - expenses to Municipal confsrence 88.96 Aden Madden - expenses to Municipal conference : 5.55 Farmers' Elevator Co. - culvert do Celotex 3$-90 Central Limestone Coe - rook, Street Dept. 35.07 Hathorn's Inspection Station - truck inspe, Street Dept. 9.00 Gloria M. Wakefield - sect. services, postage, office supple 31.18 Archie Bierits - mowing, Oct. 95.00 Beb's Service - gas, Street Dept. 33.88 Bob's Service - gas, Street Dept. $5.10. Police Dept. $16.93 20.77 Winfred Prickett - 4 calls 20900 Kane Ford Sales - Inv. 67349 Police Dept. 17.35 Kane Ford Sales - Ticket #223539 repair squad P.D. 25.95 Kane Ford Sales - Ticket #220639 repair squad P.D. 45.15 Salisbury Grocery - *per. supple P. D. 32.15 SouthtowR oil Co. - gas P. D. 13.00 -2- FORM GO1-49®U.S.A. Member 11 1921, Zeiter's Cities Service Station - gas P.D. $ 274.40 United Auto Salon, Inc. - Inv. 37928 P. D. 3&84 Root. Loftus - Refund of rezoning petition fees due to Price frees* 75.00 Fox Malley Disposal Co. - Disposal services t.oi6.20 59449.22 WATER FUND I11. -Bell Tel. Coe - pump house 17.30 Ill. ;Boll Tel. Co. - private line 4.87 Commonwealth Edison Coe - pumping, & lighting 18.76 Commonwealth Edisen Coe - water tower 7.08 Commonwealth Wison Co. - pumping 20908 Farmers State Bank of Yorkville - deposit tickets 13.85 Jim's Trenching - labor, digging water leaks 355.00 AL-HUB Electric Supply - *per. supple 18.17 Illinois Moter, Inc. - Corp.stop & drull 52.27 Yorkville Hardware - *per. supple 42.08 Aurora Clinical Laboratory, Inc. - water tests . 7.00 Mew'Corpl-gate valve X74.80 Z do H Utility Salon, Inc. - Inv. #78265, 78466t 78919 191089 Sideoer, Inc. - Inv. #15177 parts for Rockwell SR water meter AV 1.331.53 Motion by Aldo Florence, seconded by Aldo Ellis that the bills be referred to the Finance Committee and be paid if found to be correct. Motion passed unanimously. City Treasurer, Mrs. Merkel, read the Treasurer's Report. Motion by Aldo Madden to accept the Treasurer's Report, seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion passed umami- mously. Clerk read the police report. Aldo Fellmor read the Street and sower report. Aldo Fellmor read the hater Dept. report. A discussion followed pertaining to the cleaning of senors and the cost of adding storm sewers between Van Enmea and Hydraulic Sts., adjacent toe; the Farm Bureau Bldg. Aldo Ellis questioned Sept. of Streets as to whether the manhole cover at Rt. 47 and Orange Ste had been roltacod or repaired. Sept. Price stated the State Highway Depto had steel reds welded acress the top of theftnhole to prevent the cover from tipping. Discussion on culverts to be added followed. Supt. Price stated the 1968 .Subdivision Ordifsc* states the subdivider will provide culverts as required. Aldo Madden informod the Council that the revised coming and planning ordinance had beenApresentod to the Yorkville Planning Commission and that there were changes todbe made and would be brought back to the Planning Commission. Clerk road the minutes of the Oct. 20th meeting of the Yorkville Planning Commission. Discussion followed on the minutes* Aldo Madden stated at the next -3- FORM 601.49®U.S.A. meeting of the Planning Commission proposed regulations would be reviewed and presented for approval. He suggested the City Council be present as this would be informative and interesting. Mayor Coleman informed the Council that on the petition of Ysyne Millen and Robert Hemens that it was a re-subdividing petition and not resening as stated in the letter. This correction had been discussed between himself and Chair- man Lee Anderson, Aldo Ellis recommended the Planning Commission Secretary sign the minutes and not the Secretary's secretary. Aldo Madden will inform the planning Commission at their next meeting of this recommendation. Clerk read a letter from the Secretary of the Zoning Board of Appeals confirming the oral report that the Secretary roads at the Oct. 14th City Council meeting. Mayor Coleman road a letter from Michael Gardner thanking the City Council for hiring him during the past summer and requested this letter serve as a formal application for a summer job. The letter was referred to Supt. Price. Clerk read a letter from Traveler's Insurance Co. dated November 1, 1971, in reference to the increased rates. Aldo P1.lis suggested that the Finasce. Committoo review All ,insurance policies. Mayor Coleman and the council diseuseed.tho Mayor and City Clerk's bond amount and it was proposed that local insurance companies bid for this bonding insurance. Aldo Madden suggested that all services such .as gas, supplies, repair work eta. be put out for bids. This was referred to:.�the Finance Committee for their recommendation. Ald Fellmer recommended that the Finance Committee determine the amount of bond insurance for the .Mayor and City Clerk. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Motion pLesed unanimously Mayor Colenan.reported he had received applications and fees for all liquor licenses except Canoes Tape which is still pending approval of the Liquor Commissioner. Old business - Mayor Coleman stated that he had received a check in the amount of $19o16.00 from the Burlington Railxoad for damaged to city property at the time of the train derailment. Supt. Price questioned the settlement to John G. Conover and the transfer of foes .por his recommendation of Sept. 6, 1971• Having overlooked this, the Clerk will follow his recommendations as approved by the City Council on Sept. 9e 1971. Aldo Madden reported on a civil defense meeting he had attended. A discussion followed as the the cost and putting guy wires on the tower. Aldo Thanopohn asked if any action had been taken toward the installation of a Mercury-vapor light behind the pump house. Aldo Follmer reported that he had turned it in to Commonwealth Edison Company. New Business - Aldo Madden motioned that 7 sets of Handbeed for Illinois '.Municipal Officials (1970 edition) and 7 sets of Prodecudres, Ill, City Councils, Village Boards (1969 edition) be ordered by the City Clerk for -4- +(yy FORM 601-49®U.S.A. November 11, 17(1 members of the Council and the City Attorneys Aldo Thanepohn seconded. Roll calls Feller - Aye Thanepohn - Aye Madden - Aye Ellis - Aye Florence - Aye McHugh - Aye Motion passed unanimously. Aldo Madden reported ground had been broken for the now spice factory and also the now shopping centers Aldo Madden reported on the meeting with the Chief of Police and Police Captain regarding the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Discussion felled. Ala. Ellit moved the IMRF survey be made by'the state and be presented to the Council at a cost tinder $200s00.Secended by Aldo Florence. Roll calls Follser - Aye Thanepohn - Aye Madden - Aye Ellis - Aye Florence - Aye McHugh - Aye Motion passed;unanimeusly. Aldo Thanspohn motioned only persons with valid drivers licenses will be allowed to drive' setoiized vehicles in any parade on city streets and the parade marshal 'or a responsible individual must furnish or require all parade entries have an 'identifying number at least one foot square. Seconded by Aldo Fellmers Discussion followed. Aldo Follmer removed his seconds Ald Ellis moved that this motion be tabled until the next meeting. Seconded by Aldo Feller. Motion carried. Mayor Colenax''made reference to Supt. Price's recommendation to hire Odin Christian, Mayor Coleman nominated Odin Christian, employee of Streets and Alleys Depto, .at the salary of $650.00 per month with 100% of salary taken from the General Fund. He shall have one week paid vacation after one year's service and one day sick leave per month up to but not exceeding 14 days per year. After e 6 month probationary period, he shall receive $25 increase. Motion to accept nomination made by Aldo Madden. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Roll calls Follmer - Aye Thanspohn - Aye - Madden - Aye Ellis - Aye Flo#ence - Aye McHugh - Nays Majority vote ruled. Mayor Coleman appointed James E. Price as Building Inspector and Ralph Pfister and Odin Christian as Deputy inspectors. Discussion followed. Motion by Aldo Madden to pay,$5s00 inspection fee before or after working hours. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Roll calls Folleor - Aye Thanspohn - Aye Madden - Aye Ellis - Aye Florence - Aye McHugh - Aye Motion passed unanimously. k --1 -5- FORM 601-49®U.S.A. -V�fr ii7 i77i Various committee chairman made their reports. Mayor Coleman recommended the new water rate shorts be printed so they will be ready for the,Dsceaber billing date. Aldo Follmer motioned an increase in wages of James Price and Ralph Pfister of $50900 per month each or the maxiumum Phase II of the wage freeze will allow, to take effect as seen as possible. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Roll call: Follmer - Aye Thanepohn - Aye Madden - Aye Ellis - Aye Florence - Aye McHugh - Naye Majority vote ruled. Aldo Madden swggested the City Attorney present the amended ordinance to in- area a the building permit and zoning petition rates to the council for approval so they can go in effect when authorization is given. Aldo Thenep©h* reported the Finance Committee will meet and make recommendations for transferring dormant funds into an interest bearing account. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. to executive session. awes J. nt, City Cler JJB/njb ,