City Council Minutes 1971 10-14-71 FORM sot-as® U.S.A. OCTOBER 149 1971 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON OCTOBER 14, 1971 AT 8100P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Counsil and visitors to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were presents iat Ward - Madden 2nd Ward - Florence, Thanepohn 3rd Ward - Ellis, McHugh Absent - Follaer Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to read the minutes of Setember 9, 1971. Alderman Madden moved that the reading of the minutes be dispensed with except for corrections since the Council had copies of the minutes.Sesonded by Aldo Florence. Notion passed. Aldo Madden stated that a correction of the minutes should be made on Page 2, Paragraph 89 Line 3e It should reads"cents per mile be paid to City officials and employees attending out of City conferences and" Mayor Ciheman asked Mr. D. Dirst, Secretary of the Zoning Beard of Appeals to give a verbal report on the petition of Robt. Loftus to rezone from DuplaK to Multi- family on lots 1,2096979 and 8 in Block 2 of Gale's Second Addition. Mr. Dirst stated that it was the unanimous recommendation of the Board that the petition be granted only as Triplex dwellings per lot. A discussion followed. Aldo Madden moved that the petition be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Seconded by Ald. Thanepohn. Roll Calls Madden - Aye Ellis - Aye Florence - Aye McHugh - Aye Thanepohn - Aye Mayor Coleman thendirected the Clerk to read the bills. Motor Vehicle Tax Fund Vernon & Sons - 1500 vehicle stickers $ 135.00 Bond A Interest Acot. #95-734-89 Water Rev. Bonds dtd.Nsv. 1, 1959 National Boulevard Bank of Chicago - P/A 722 19563650 Water Fund, Water Rev. Bonds dtd. May 1, 1961 National Boulevard Bank of Chicago - P/A943 256.25 Mater Fund, Water Rev. Bonds dtd. May It 1969 The Northam Trust Co. 68492.14 Water Fund, Mater Refunding Bonds dtd. May 1, 1969 The Northern Trust Co. 1,391.03 GENERAL FUND Vernon A Sons - 50 dog tags A links, postage 10.30 -2- FORM 60 I-49® U.S.A. OCTOBER 14, 1971 Janes Be Price - Postage $3:51, Tel. $3.71 7/ 7.22 Markels Office Products - Office Supple, City Clerk 36.99 Fredrickson's Office Supplies - Office Supple, City Clerk 26.55 Yorkville National Bank - Payment #159 Tractor 138.54 Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Garabage removal, Sept. 11,036.20 Farmers State Bank of Yorkville - Deposit tickets, City Coll. 2.77 Northern I11. Gas Co. - Park 37.32 « ;01 . » - City Building 3.23 I11. Bell Coe - Police Chief 1.00 Commonwealth Edison Co. - Park 025 « » - Water Tower 5.10 « w w - Street Lighting 338.47 - Police Station 1.62 Meyer Material Co. - Limestone Chips, Inv. 717786 26.13 a w a « w » 141686 26.41 717787 26.41 Yorkville Hardware - Oper. Supple 13.77 Rice's Service - Gas, Supplies, & Repairs-Street Dept. 268.56 Central Limestone Co. - Rock, Street Dept. 102.51 Mr. A. Bassak - Attye expenses to Spfd.,I11e,Liquor Comm.hsariag 277.00 Archie Blerits - Nowing, Sept. 55.00 Kendall County Record - Publishing 11.40 Dan Shockey - Hauling chips 51.94 Theo. H. Larson Agency - Appraise lot for Library Comm. 75.00 G. William Moore - Audit, Fiscal year ending 4-30-70 & Study of water bonds and rates 2,380.00 James $. Price - Advanoe for min. order, Tripp-Lite Co. 5.00 Del Chemical Corp. - Sewer cleaner 97.65 Bob's Service Station- Bulb, Street Dept. 3.65 Checker Oil Co. - Gas, Street Dept. 10.21 Prickett TV - Freg. oheok, P.D. 15.00 Kane Ford - Repair squad car, P.D. 6.25 Badger Shirt Co. - H.Reed, Uniform, P.D. 41.72 John N. Schneider - Oper. Supple, P.D. 8.72 A.J. Printing Co. - Daily Reports, Printing, P.D. 13.56 Durbin Office Machines - Coppr paper, P.D. 15.44 Badger Uniforms - Uniforms, Chief Priokett, P.D. 119.68 » " " Re Clark Morrell, P.D. 135.66 A. Spero, P.D. 72.65 w ;13. R. Randall, P.D. 95.06 Southtown Co. - Gas, P.D. 209.63 Leader Tire & Supply Co. - Tire adjustment, PeD. 13.50 Bob's Service Station - Oper. Supple, P.D. 12*70 Winfred W. Prickett - 6 Calls, P.D. 5 WATER FUND Homer G. Dickson - Opere Supple 2.05 Water Products Co. - Supplies 19.80 Badger Meter, Inc. - Water Meters 54660 8 & H Utility Sales, Inc. - Inv. 78027 &776689 Supplies 25.57 Ille Bell Tel. Co. - Pvt. Line, Pump house 7.13 w » » w - pump house 12.32 -3� FORM 601-490 U.S.A. OCTOBER 14 1971 . Nortern I11. Gas Co. - Pump house 7034 Commonwealth Edison Co. - Pumping 55.84 « » - Pumping 514.is Motion by Ald. Madden, Second by Aldo Florence that the bills be referro&to the Finance Committee and be paid if found to be correct. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman read the Treasurer's report. Motion by Aldo Thanepohn, seconded by Aldo Ellis to accept the Treasurer's report. Motion passed unanimously. Police Chief Prickett read the Police report. A discussion followed about the inoonvience of reaching the police by telephone. It was announced that the police committee will meet October 209 1971 at 7000 P.M. and discuss this problem. Mayor Coleman read the Street A Sewer report. Mayor Coleman read the hater Dept. report. Mayor Coleman read a letter to the Burlington Railroad concerning the condition of the railroad tracks thruogh town. Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Ill. Commerce Commission concerning the rail- road track�oondition. Mayor Coleman read a letter to-Ahe Burlington Railroad concerning payment of damages received at the time of the derailment in town. letter Mayor Coleman read?, a the Burlington Railroad concerning payment of damages received at the time of derailment. Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Burlington Railroad concerning *he condition of the tracks which had been inspected by the Mayor and a representative of the railroad. It was stated that the tracks had been found to be safe for speeds up to 30 M.P.H. Mayor Coleman read a letter from Senator Mitchler which stated that Senate Bill 681 had been approved 8-31-71 conveying land to the City. Mayor Coleman read a letter from the I119 Liquor Commission concerning the hearing held against Gene's Tap. It was stated that the tavern would be closed front Oct. 1, 1971 till Oct. 14, 19710 Mayor Coleman read a letter from Illinois Bell Telephone Co. which stated there would be a hearing held in Chicago, Ill* for a PHOININtM rate imorease. Mayor Coleman read a letter from Ralph Smithy Building Insp. which he stated he was resigning as City Building Insp. effective Nov. i, 1971. A discussionnfollowed in reguards to a replacement. It was determined that the various oommittees would meet and make a suggestion for a replacement. Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Ill. Munloiple League which said they were returning our check for Aldo Madden and Aldo Ellis for their registration fee. r4- FORM 601-49® U.S.A. OCrOBMR 14, 1971 It was stated that the two Aldermen had reservations at Bloomington # Ille and would still attend the conference. Aldo Thanspohn motioned that Norma Brant be hired as secretary for the City Clerk at a salary of $20.00 per month. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Roll calls Fadden - Aye Ellis - Aye Florence - Aye McHugh - Aye Thanepohn - Aye Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman read the petition of Robt. 1kmons to re-subdivide lots 11 and 12 of Unit 2, Fred Atlee Subdivision into 4 lots. A discussion followed* Aldo Thanepohn motioned that the petition be refered to the Planning Committee. Seconded by Aldo Madden. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman suggested that Satur"y, October 30, 1971 be observed as Holloween night. He and Chief of Pblice Prickett would see that a notice is pul.ished. Meeting adjourned at 10115 P.K. to executive session. awes J. Br#At - City Clerk