City Council Minutes 1971 09-09-71 FORM BOI-49®O.S.A. SEPTEMBER 9, 1971
1971 AT 8:00 P.M.M.
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Council and visitors
to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He then directed the
Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present
1st Ward - Follmer, Madden
2nd Ward - Florence, Thanepohn
3rd Ward - Ellis, McHugh
Mayor Coleman announced that there would be a three(3) minute time limit per
person for discussions so that the length of the meeting could be shortened.
The Clerk then read the minutes of the regular meeting of August 12, 1971. Said
minutes were approved as read except that Page 4, last entry should read:
Motion by Aid. Follmer that a mercury vapor street light be installed at the
corner of W. Madison St. and So. Jefferson St. Seconded by Aid. Florence. Motion
passed.. Pen change ordered. Motion by Aid. Florence, seconded by Aid. Ellis that
minutes be approved. Motion passed.
The Clerk the read the following bills:
Yorkville National Bank - Payment #14, Tractor $ 138.54
Jean P. Brady, County Clerk - 3 Photocopy of plats 1.50
Checker Oil Co. - Gas, Street Dept. 43.61
Yorkville Hardware - Oper. Suppl. 5.70
Rogers Trenching Service - Backhoe 3 manholes 15.00
Hopkins Road Equip. Co. - Street signs 230.65
James Brant,• City Clerk - Reg. letter fee to Aurora Blacktop Co. 2.98
Fox Valley Disposal. Co. - Disposal Service, Aug. 1036.20
Kendall County Record - Printing ordinances 313.60
Homer G. Dickson - Oper. Suppl. 23.02
Fox Paving, Inc. - Cold mix, Street Dept. 256.00
Farmers' Elevator Co. - Sand and cement, Street Dept, 23.44
Meyer Material Co. - Sand, Street Dept. 11.34
Central Limestone Co.- Stone, Strret Dept. 32.31
Ill. Bell Tel. Co. - Pump House 2.49
of it to 11 - Police Dept. 9.92
of of to of - Police Chief 2.08
of of of of - City Treasurer 1.92
Commonwealth Edison Co. - Lights, Park 18.70
" of - Lights, Water tower 3.02
of of it - Street lighting 338.47
Francis J. McNelis - Tree and stump removal 370.00
Prickett TV - Repair and service police radio, P.D. 41.90
Gem Business Forms, Inc. - Traffic tickets, P.D. 83.95
Winfred Prickett- 6 Calls 30.00
R. Clark Morrell - Trip to Spfd. as witness 46.80
Kane Ford Sales, Inc. - Repairs to squad car, P.D. 50.15
Bob's Service - Gas, P.D. 279.39
Yorkville Body Shop - Reair squad car, P.D. 65.00
Badger Uniform - Police uniform trousers and strips 41.72
Total F3-51-9--40
FORM 601-49® U.S.A. -2- SEPTEMBER 9, 1971
John G. Conover - Sewer conn. on W.Somonauk St. , Gales Add. $250.00
James E. Price - Postage and Oper. Suppl. $ 3.15
Bretthauer's Groc. - Oper. Suppl. 2010
Ill. Bell Tel. Co. - Private line 3.13
Badger Meter, Inc. - Meters 780.04
Nelson Pottinger - Water service ditches 105.00
Water Products Co. - Corporation stops 31.65
Commonwealth Edison Co. - Pumping 54.32
It of to _ 01 494.82
E & H Utility Sales, Inc. - Water conn. parts 350.41
of of It " - Drill & Tap 26.6
Total 1851.27
Motion by Aldo Madden that the bills be referred to the finance committee and
be paid if found to be correct. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion passed
City Treasurer Mrs. ftsr.kel read the Treasurer's report. Motion by Aldo Madden
to accept the Treasurer's report. Seconded by Aldo Follmer. Motion passed.
Police Chief Prickett read the Police report.
Aldo Follmer read the Water Dept. report.
Aldo Follmer read the Street Dept. report. A discussion followed on the signs
posted at the dam. It was decided that the signs wsre correct.
Aldo Ellis discussed the 10 cents per mile and expenses that was to be paid to
Patrolman Morrell for his trip to Springfield, Ill. Ald.. Ellis moved that 10
cents per mile be paid to City officials attending out of City conferences and
business trips. This amount to include a�l vehicle operating costs. A discussion
followed. Seconded by Aldo Madden. Lv
Roll Call s
Follmer - Aye Thanepohn - Naye
Madden - Aye Ellis - Aye
Florence - Aye McHugh - Aye
Mayor Coleman reported that Mr. Geo. Griffin had informed him that all material
for completing the water tower has been ordered and as soon as the material
arrives, work will commence for the completion of the tower.
Mayor Coleman read the Planning Commission report of August 18, 1971.
Motion by Aldo Ellis to have the Mayor appoint someone to assist the Clerk in
preparing the minutes for the City Clerk and forwarding them to members of the '
City Council and Planning Commission. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Motion passed.
City Atty. Bassak explained the Federal Price Freeze effects on the water increase
Mayor Coleman read the petdtion of Robt. Loftus to rezone from duplex to multi-
family. The petd.tion had been referred to the Planning Commission on Sept. 4,1971.
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. -3- SEPTEMBER 9, 1971
Supt. of Water, James E. Price, read a survey he had made relative to the
agreement the City had made with John Conover. ( See attachment) Aldo Thanepohn
moved that the survey and recommendation be excpted. Seconded by Aldo Follmer.
Roll call:
Ald.Follmer - Aye Aldo Thanepohn - Aye
Aldo Madden - Aye Aldo Ellis - Aye
Aldo Florence - Aye Aldo McHugh - Aye
Motion passed unanimously.
City Atty. Bassak reported that the City ordinances had been micro-filmed by
the County Clerk's office. The cost will be approximately $30.00.
Aldo Follmer motioned that Supt. of Streets,with approval of the Mayor and
Street committee, use thier judgement in having additional streets repaired.
The cost to be paid from Motor Vehicle Tax Fund. Seconded. by Aldo Florence.
Motion passed.
City Atty. Bassak reported that a court order has been obtained for further
inspection of the Cozy Cafe for health and safety conditions.
Aldo Thanepohn motioned that a mercury-vapor light be installed in the alley
behind the pump house. Seconded by Aldo Follmer. Motion passed
Mayor Coleman reported that the Ill. Liquor Commission had ruled in favor of
the City in complaint against Gene's Tap. As soon as official notice is received
the tavern will be closed.
City Atty. Bassak recommended that the Mayor, City Clerk, and Chairman of the
Finance Committee be bonded. A discussion followed concerning the amount of
bond. Recommendation tabled.
Motion by Aldo Ellis that Wm. Mosley be expected to abid by the Zoning Ordinance
under which his property is zoned on W. Hydraulic St. Seconded by Aldo Florence.
Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
l City Clerk
September 6 0197
To Sewer and Water Committees:
Previous to written aggreement formulated at a meeting
of Jo#n Conover and committee of City Council,held at City Halls.
on February 22,1968,there was an informal agreement. This ins
refered to in the written agreement and was the result of meetings
held in March 1963 and subsequent meetings .
As follows:
1. Conover would at his own expense install city sewer and water
starting at W Somonaak Street,north through school and Illinois
State Game Farm properties; securing his own easements. Then into
and through Countryside subdivision which is outside city limits.
This to be engineered by Charles DeGraff subject to OK by city
engineer, Walter Deuchler Associates as to grade, pipe, size,
quality etc.
2. Conover and Assignees to abide by exsisting city and Sanitary
Diabriet .ordinances relative to water and sewer connections and
3. City agreeded to install water meters in Countryside at cost.
No connection fees to be collected by city in Countryside since
Conover was to bear all cost of house service connections.
Double water rate to be charged,as per ordinance, to all users
outside of city limits.
4. Any sewer connections fees collected by city in Countryside
were to be payed to Conover to offset sewer instalktion cost
payed by himo'within the dity limits.
in-go 2
$vigtemb6r 601971
5. City to be notified and inspect all sewer and water
connections made in Countryside at a charge of $10.00 per
I have checked all of the City Treasurerts entries since
April. 1963 to date in both sewer extension and water accounts,
bank deposits slips, annual auditsand compared them against
billings and collections made. Also the day work book entries
during the same period.
They are as follows:
Lot Number & Inspection Sewer Con. Fee Meter Inst. Paged for by
Name Date Dates & Amt. Date & cost
Paid to city
Nursing No.1 No record None received 7-31-63 $133.75 Purcell
4 Perkins 7-23-63 11-22-63 $150 11-22063 34.50 Perkins
8 Mahoney 7-25-63 10-16-63 $150 8-5-63 121.00 Purcell
7 Staples 7-26-63 ' j
8-16-63 $300
2 McElhone 7-30-63 Purcell
3 Kreppert 8-9- 63 None Received 10-11-63 34-50 Not pd.
17 May 10-17-63 6-5-64 $150 5-11-64 34.50 Purcell
22 Lchr 6-11-64 None Received 11-18164 45.00 Not pd.
21 Newell 6-12-64 " " 8-10-66 45.00 Purcell
20 Pinks 6-13-6 "
4 5-17-68 55.00 Conover
24 Bitterman No record " " 6-27-67 55.00 Purcell
5 Burts 9-8-64 rr " 11-18-64 45.00 Not pd.
Nursing No.2 9-19-64 " " 12-27-64 1966o0 Purcell
Written Contract of March 1968 takes over.
Page 3 September 6,1971
Tptal fees (sewer) collected as itemized above $750.00
Less total connections checked 11@ $10.00 not paid - 110.000
Less motors ins talled on lots 3-,5,22 not paid - $124.50
Plus interest at 6% for 6 A years + 716.50
I recommend that as equitable settlement under item 4 Pagel
above, the sum of $716.50 be paid John G Conover from the
sewer extension fund(wbere collected fees were deposited) .
I recommr and that one half inspection fees deducted above,
or $55.00 be paid the water fund from the sower extension
I recommend that the $124.50 deducted above ft a meters not
settled for be paid to the water fund from the sewer extension
I further recommend that should the committee find this satisfactory
a copy be inserted with sower extension bills for September and
motion to pay same be inserted in minutes for auditor. Also
that John G Conover receive a copy with his check.
Supt. of Streets a nd Sew