City Council Minutes 1971 08-12-71 FORM 601-49® U.S.A. AUGUST 12, 1971 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON AUGUST 12, 1971 AT 8:00 P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and asked the City Counsil and visitors to stand and give the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were presents 1st Ward - Fol.lmer, Madden 2nd Ward - Florence 3rd Ward - Ellis, McHugh Absent - Thanepohn The Clerk then read the minutes of the regular meeting of July 8, 1971. Said minutes were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned meeting of August 10, 1971 were read by the Clerk. Said minutes were approved as read. The Clerk then read the following bills: GENERAL FUND Northern Ill. Gas Co. - Torch in park 4.32 to of of to - City building 5.33 Commonwealth Edison Co. - Lights, park 26.67 of of " - Street lighting 338.47 Ill. .Bell Tel. Co. - Police dept. 2.16 to of it It - City Clerk 17.07 Ernest R. Zeiter Ins. Co. - 50010 of prem. on '70 Ford dump truck 77.50 Bretthauer's Groc. Store - Towels & Prev. bal. 508 Yorkville National Bank - Payment ##13, Tractor 138.54 Fredrickson's Office Supplies, Inc. - File for Planning Comm. 47.78 John N. Schneider - Oper. supplies 4.70 Meyer Material Co. - Gravel, Street dept. 13.50 Archie Bieritz - Mowing parks 70.00 Kendall County Building & Zoning Dept. - Bldg. Insp. Nov. 1970 75.00 Homer G. Dickson - Labor & matl. , Street signs 16.48 Yorkville Hardware - Pipe, Ballpark $15.12, Oper. Suppl. $6.95 22.07 Kendall County Record - Printing letterheads, City Clerk 16.50 Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Garbage removal, July 1036.20 Farmers Elevator Co. - Cement mix - Ballpark 27.00 Doug Roach - Snow removal, park, Jan. 8.00 Central Limestone Co. - Stone, Street dept. 61.90 Markelz Office Products, Inc. - Deposit stamps, City Treas. 10.00 Winfred W. Prickett - 3 Calls 15.00 Hilltop Sinclair - Tires & Service, P.D. 127.32 It is - Gas, Street Dept. 50.65 Prickett TV - Service radio, P.D. 15.00 Kale Uniforms - Shirts, P.D. 30.00 Duncan Industries - Repair Radar, P.D. 38.75 Badger Shirt Co. - Uniforms, H. Reed, P.D. 95.21 United Auto Sales, Inc. - Repair Squad Car, P.D. 5804 Bill Cottingim Mobil Service - Towing, P.D. 20.00 Richard A. Randall - Tailoring, P.D. 8100 Bob's Service Station - Parts & Labor, P.D. 27.45 " of " - to of Street Dept. 17.55 Checker Oil Co. - Gas, P.D. , June & July 237.58 Foxy 601-49®U.S.A. -2- AUGUST 12, 1971 Rice's Service - Gas, P.D. July 240.59 It of - Oper. Suppl. , Street Dept. 14.80 Total 3020.21 WATER FUND James E. Price - Postage 4.35 Hilltop Sinclair - Gas, Water Dept. 15.50 Producers Chemical Co. - Chlorine 45.00 E & H Utility Sales, Inc. - Inv. 75565 26.65 Ernest R. Zeiter - 50%o of Prem. on 70 Ford Dump Truck 77.50 Ill. Bell Tel. Co. - Pump House ## 8.04 --, Commonwealth Edison Co. - Water Tower Lights 4.45 Northern Ill. Gas Co. - Pump House 8.87 Commonwealth Edison Co. - Pumping 28.18 it of of 335.64 Badger Meter - 12 Meters 571.20 to it - 2 Meters 181.54 Clow Corp. - Material, Water hook-up 40.70 Kane Ford Sales Inc. - Truck repairs 16.05 Fred H. Dickson - Filing Fee, Kendall Cty. , Service of Summons- Morrissey .00 Total 1402.67 Motion by Aldo Follmer that. the bills be referred to the finance committee and be paid if found to be correct. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Motion passed. City Treasurer Mrs. Merkel read the Treasurer's report. Motion by Aldo Madden to accept the Treasurer's report. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Motion passed. The City Treasurer's annual report was presented to the City Council. A discussion followed as to the need to have this report published. It was determined that it did have to be published. Supt. of Streets, James Price read the street dept. report. Supt. of the Water Dept. , James Price read the water dept. report. Chief of Police, Win Prickett read the police report. The City Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings of June 16,and July 21 AM Mayor Coleman read a letter from Mr. Richard A. Barton, Rep. of the Chicago Bridge and Iron CO.to Aldo Thanepohn concerning the cost to put the water tower in operation. Mayor Coleman read a letter from Chicago Bridge and Iron Co. to Atty. Fred Dickson concerning the payments and interest to them.for work and material. Mayor Coleman read a letter from G. Wm. Moore Assc. to City Atty. Bassak concernig the p1°rposed water rate increase. Mayor Coleman presented the bids for street repairs from Aurora Blacktop Co. and Davis Cont. Co. These repairs are to be paid for from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund. FORM 601-49® U.S.A. -3- AUGUST 12, 1971 Motion by Ald. Madden to accept the low bid of Davis Cont. Co. Seconded by Ald. Ellis. Roll Call: Ald. Follmer - Aye Ald. Ellis - Aye Ald. Madden _ Aye Ald. McHugh - Aye Ald. Florence - Aye Mayor Coleman gave a report on the Civil Defense siren. Chief of Police Prickett supplemented this report with the purposed location of the unit. Mayor Coleman read the Building Inspection report. Mr. Gary Conover asked the City Council's reason for dening his petition for rezoning. A discussionnfollowed. Atty. Fred Dickson presented and explained the plat of John Conover Countryside Subdivision Unit #5. Motion by Ald. Follmer ## to accept the plat. Seconded by Ald. Madden. Motion passed. Mayor Coleman read the petition of Jean Elliott, Gayle Schoefielder, and Donald Schoenfielder to vacate an alley on the east side of Main Street between Fox Road and Washington Street. Motion by Ald. Madden to vacate said alley. Seconded by Ald. Follmer. Roll Call: Ald. Follmer. - Aye Ald. Ellis - Aye Ald. Madden - Aye Ald. McHugh - Aye Ald. Florence - Aye Motion passed Mr. Blaine Harker asked that the City extend water_ to the property he owns and has been zoned for apartments. A discussion followed as to the most feasible way and how cost would be paid. It was decided that this would be decided upon at a later date. City Atty. Bassak presented a resolution ordance to dedicate 2 roads in Countrysid Center. These reads will be known as Kendall Drive and Countryside Parkway. A motion by Ald. Florence and seconded by Ald. Follmer to accept the ordance. Roll Call: Ald. Follmer - Aye A1d.Ellis - Aye Ald. Madden - Aye Ald. McHugh - Aye Ald. Florence - Aye Motion passed unanimously City Atty. Bassak presented the May 1, 1971 Tax Levey Ordance. A discussion followed. Motion by Ald. Florence to accept the May 1, 1971 Tax Leveyordinance Seconded by Ald. Ellis. Roll Call: Ald. Follmer - Aye Ald. Ellis - Aye Ald. Madden - Aye Ald. McHugh - Aye Ald. Florence - Aye Motion passed unanimously City Atty. Bassak read an Amending Ordinance to increase the water rates. A discussion followed. Motion by Ald. Follmer to MO accept the ordinance. Seconded by Ald. Ellis. FORM 601-49®U.S.A. -4- AUGUST 12, 1971 Roll Call: Aldo Follmer - Aye Aldo Ellis - Aye Aldo Madden - Aye Aldo McHugh - Naye Aldo Florence - Aye Motion passed. Mayor Coleman presented a letter from the Planning Commission ## recommending that the City increase the building permit rate and the zoning petition rate. Motion by Aldo Ellis that the council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to increase the fees to conform with the present County fees and that the City Atty. amend the Ordinance ## and present it at the Sept. meeting of the Council. Seconded by Aldo Florence. All Aldermen voted Aye. City Atty. Bassak was directed by the 6ouncil to find out the cost of Micro- filming the City Ordinances at the County courthouse. Fred Schneider requested permission to cut steps in the curbing in front of his business on Bridge street. Motion by Aldo Follmer to grant Mr. Schneider permission to cut the steps under the supervision of Supt. of Streets James Price. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion passed. Motion by Aldo Follmer to reimburse Mr. G. Worby $125.00 for sidewalks he replaced at his residence. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion passed. The Police Committee recomended to increase the salary of Patrolmen Morrell, Spera, and Randall to $675.00 per month and to increase Chief Prickett•s salary to $750.00 per month. Increases to be rectroactive to August 1, 1971 and remain in effect thru July 31, 1972• Motion by Aldo Ellis to accept the committee recommendation. Seconded by Aldo Madden. Roll Call; Aldo Follmer - Aye Aldo Ellis - Aye Aldo Madden - Aye Aldo McHugh - Naye Aldo Florence - Aye Motion passed Motion by Aldo Madden that the Supt. of Streets and Water and the Clerk meet with the Chairman of the finance committee and readjust the expences of the Street and Water Dept. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion passed. Motion by Aldo Follmer that a mercury vapor street light be installed at the corner of W. Madison st. and So.-fie} st. Seconded by Aldo Florence. Motion passed. J�`h'`�RSoV Meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. City Clerk