City Council Minutes 1971 07-08-71 FORM 601-49® U.S.A. JULY $ 197
1 ! 1
AT 8s00 P.M.
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and directed the clerk to take the roll.
Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were presents
1st Ward - Follmer, Madden
2nd Ward - Florence, Thanepohn
3rd Ward - Ellis, McHugh
The clerk then read the minutes of the regular meeting of June 10, 1971.
Said minutes were approved as read except the dates were changed from June to
August for the use of the city park by the Jaycee's.
The clerk then read the following billss GENERAL FUND','
Ill. Bell Tel. Co. - City Treasurer 3.81
of of " it - City Clerk 16.60
to of " to - Police Chief 1.16
Commonwealth Edison Co. - Lights, City Park 15.45
it of of - Lights, Police Station 1.62
of of of - Street lighting 338.47
Central Limestone Co. - Rock for streets 339.67
Byers Printing Co. - 2 books Lie. for sale of retail Alc. 8.69
of of of - 10 books of Warning Tickets, P.D. 17-50
Farmers Elevator Co. - 1-2x6x20' board, Street Dept. 5.00
Homer G. Dickson & Co. - Repairs for tractor., street dept. 30.77
Zeiter's Cities Service Station - Gas, Street Dept. 114.44
Fox Paving, Inc. - Cold mix for streets 84.00
Archie Bieritz - Mowing parks and ball park 95.00
Dierzen Welding & Machine Co. - Welding Apronon(spreader)truck 30.00
John N. Schneider - Opera supplies 306
Fox Valley Disposal Co. - June garbage pick-up 1036.20
Yorkville Hardware - Opera Supplies 9.82
Kendall County Record - Printing 172.10
Dean A. Robinson - City Liquor Commission Hearing 55.00
Kendall-Grundy Farm Supply, Inc. - Grease, Street Dept. 1.83
Hopkins Road Equipment Co. - Street signs and posts 185.90
Homer G. Dickson & Co. - Mower 491.00
of of It " - Accessories for mower 265.00
Kendall County Recorders Office - Recording fees 29.60
Robt. J. Coleman, Mayor - Expenses to Spfd. , Ill. Liq.Comm. Hearing 20.00
Sears, Roebuck & Co. - Fencing for ball park 127.84
Postmaster, Harry Crawford - Box rent, P.D. 4.40
Duncan Industries - Repair radar, P.D. 17.30
Winfred Prickett - Use of police chiefs car, 1 call 5.00
United Auto Sales, Inc. - Repair squad car 18.50
Ald. Madden - Expenses to Municple League Conf. 62.00
it of - Misc. fencing aces. , ball park 22.76
Markelz Office Products - Typewriter ribbon 4.41
Yorkville National Bank - Payment #12, Tractor 138.54
Ill. Bell Tel. Co. - Pump house 12.48
" " - Tel. Line from pump hose to well .87
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. -2-
JULY 8, 1971
Commonwealth Edison Co. - Pumping 154.88
of of " - Lights, Water Tower 7.10
Arlie Lough - Postage 300
Ralph Pfister - Overtime, 10 hrs. 34.60
of of - Postage 3-55
Badger Meter Co. - 12 meters 543.90
of of of - 500 ft. wire 10.00
E & H Utility Sales, Inc. - Copper St9ps & Unoins 41.76
Motion by Aldo Florence that the bills be referred to the finance committee and
be paid if found to be correct. Seconded by Aldo Follmer. Motion passed.
Mayor Coleman made the appointment of Marilyn J. Merkel to fullfil the vacancie
of City Treasurer for the remainer of the term.
Mrs. Merkel read the Treasurer's report.
Motion made by Aldo Madden to accept the treasurer's report. Second by Aldo
Florence. Motion passed.
Police Chief Prickett read the police report. A discussion on the report followed.
The Police Committee was directed to investigate the air conditioner for the
police station. Aldo Follmer motioned that the Police Committee ft investigate
the air conditioner for the police station. Second by Aldo Thanepohn. A discussion
followed. Seconded withdrawn by Aldo Thanepohn. Motion withdrawn by Aldo Follmer.
Mayor Coleman read the Water Dept. report.
Mayor Coleman read the Street and Sewer Dept. report.
Aldo Florence reported that the Planning Commission would like to have the
procedure revised so that matters only involving the particular committee
(Planning Committee or Zoning Board of Appeals) be sent to them. A dicussion
followed. Mayor Coleman directed Aldo Florence & Aldo Follmer to instruct the
Planning Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals sectetaries to forward a report
of thier meetings to the City Council for report.
Mayor Coleman read the report of June 14, 1971 of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Aldo Ellis moved that the petition of Yttttt Robert J. Blake and Carol J. Blake
to rezone and reclassify from Residential District uses to Duplex uses be granted.
Seconded by Aldo Madden,
Roll Calls
Aldo Follmer - Aye
Aldo Madden - Aye
Aldo Florence - Aye
Aldo Thanepohn - Aye
Aldo Ellis - Aye
Aldo McHugh - Aye
Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Coleman read the petition of John Conover to rezone and reclassify from
Agricultural district uses to Apartment district uses submitted bye the Zoning
Board of Appeals. A discussion followed. Motion by Aldo Thanepohn to deny the
Foam 601-49® u.s.A: -3- JULY 8. 1971
petition. Seconded by Aldo Madden.
Roll Calls
Aldo Follmer - Aye
Aldo Madden - Aye
Aldo Florence - Aye
Aldo Thanepohn - Aye
Aldo Ellis - Obstained
Aldo McHugh - Aye
Motion Passed
Mayor Coleman read the report of July 6, 1971 of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Petition #1 - Walter Olsen and Blanche Olsen to rezone and reclassify.
No action to be taken by the City Counsil.
Petition #2 - Walter Olsen and Blanche Olsen to rezone to B-3, Business
District uses.
No action to be taken by the City Council.
Old Business
Mr. Geo, Griffen gave a report on Davis Consruction Co. to begin work on the
water tower. City. Atty. Bassek gave a report on the finaning of the remaining
Mayor Coleman gave a report on the hearing of Gene's Tap held in Springfield
on June 29. 1971. Atty. Bassek reported that a new trial will be held on
July 23, 1971 and the city will send all witnesses to the trial at the cities
Atty. Bassek reported that the summons had been served to the owner od the
Cozy Cafe and they will defend the condemnation action.
Attr. Bassek Reported that William Mosley is being sued by the City for 2
delquent water hook-ups.
Aldo Madden gave a report on the work and improvements made at the ball park
and city park. He also reported on his attendance to the Municiple League
Mayor Coleman presented Aldo Madden with a Certifcate of Attendence for
attending the Municiple Conference.
A card of Thanks was read by Mayor Coleman from Marilyn Merkel,
Mr. Wm. Wackland submitted a plot that he intends to subdivide. He explained
that he would like the City Council to annex it into the City and have the
City waiver the requirement for water and sewer. He wants to use septic
systems. A discussion followed. The Mayor suggested that this matter be taken
to the Planning Commission. At&.
Atty. Fred Dickson submitted the plans for Country Side Center and requested
that the Mayor and City Clerk be impowered to sign the plot before the City
Council's next meeting. Aldo Madden moved that the Mayor and City Clerk
be impowered to signthe plot after approval of the Planning Commission.
Seconded by Aldo Thanepohn.
Motion passed.
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. -4- lJill U Y Q 1971
Mayor Coleman read the sealed bids of Hilltop Sinclair Station and Bob's
Service Station for new tires for the Police Car. Motion was made by Aldo
Ellis to purchase the Carneigie Custom Premium, full 4 ply nylon cord tiresp
mounted and balanced at the price of $103.52 from Hilltop Sinclair Service
Station. Seconded by Ald. Thanepohn.
Xff roll Call:
Aldo Follmer - Aye
Aldo Madden - Aye
Aldo Florence Aye
Aldo Thanepohn - Aye
Aldo Ellis.. - Aye
Aldo McHugh - Aye
Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Coleman read a request from M&W Construction co. to move a garage at
Park St. Approval was given by the Mayor to move the garage.
Aldo Thanepohn gave a report on water increase rates from G. William Moore
and the Water Committee. A discussion followed. The suggestions were presented
to City Atty. Bassek to be d-lawn-up into an ordance and be presented at the
next meeting of the City Council.
Atty. Bassek presented the Appropriation Ordance to the City Council. A discussion
followed.. Motion was made by Aldo Thanepohn to accept the ordance. Second
by Aldo Follmer.
Roll Call:
Aldo Follmer - Aye
Aldo Madden - Aye
Aldo Florence - Aye
Aldo Thanepohn - Aye
Aldo Ellis - Aye
Aldo McHugh - Aye
Motion passed unanimously.
Regular meeting adjourned to Excutive Session at 11:40 P.M.
City Clerk