City Council Minutes 1971 06-10-71 FORm 601-49® U.S.A. NNE 10, 1971
AT 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and directed the clerk to take the
roll. Upon roll being taken the following Aldermen were presents
1st Ward - Madden
2nd Ward - Florence, Thanepohn
3rd Ward - Ellis, McHugh
The clerk then read the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of May 13, 1971
Said minutes were approved as read.
The clerk then read the minutes of the adjourned meeting of June 3, 1971.
Said minutes were approved as read.
The clerk then read the following bills:
I11. Bell Tel. Co. - Police Chief $ .08
Ill. Bell Tel. Co. - City Clerk, New Inst. 49.84
Norhtern Ill. Gas Co. - Park Torch and corrected bill 5.96
Commonwealth Edison Co. _ Street lighting 338.47
so of of - Police Station 3.24
Ralph Pfister - Overtime (12 hrs. school,6 hrs job ) 62.82
to It - Mileage to school (100 miles @$.10 ) 10.00
Archie Bieritz - Mowing grass in park 100.00
Fox Valley Disposal Co. - May garb4ge removal 1036.20
Fox Paving, Inc. - 32 tons Cold Mix 336.00
Fredrickson's Office Supplies - Minute bk. &supplies 21.94
Yorkville Hardware - Grass seed & oper. supplies 22.91
Homer G. Dickson & co. - Repair Dump Truck 19.35
Farmers Elevator - Concrete mix &cement (L.L. ball perk) 10.60
Checker Oil Co. - Gas, P.D. 6.95
Ernest R. Zeiter - City Collectors Bomd 15.00
Central Limestone Co. - Rock for streets 104.58
Kendall County Record - Printing 266.00
Robt. J. Coleman, Mayor - Business lunch & mileage 17.90
James H. Hall - Sect'y fee and expenses for Plan Comm. 77.92
Neenah Foundry Co. - Street Grates 64.00
James J. Brant, City Clerk - 100 $.02 stamps 2.00
Yorkville Natioal Bank - Tractor payment ##11 138.54
Ellsworth Windett - Workmans Comp. Audit & Liability 135.00
Bob's Service Station - Gas, street dept. 50%of Inv. 41.25
Winfred Prickett - use of Chiefs car, 7 calls 35.00
Badger Uniforms - Inv. 41737 ( 1 - Acorn ) 1.65
Bob's Service Station - P.D. , gas & repair_ to squad car 41.07
Hilltop Sinclair - P.D. gas and squad car service 314.94
E & H Utility Sales - Speed Limit sign & Assc. 63.90
Bob's Service Station - 50%of inv. Gas, water Dept. 41.24
" of of - Gas, water dept. 11.70
Ill. Bell Tel. Co. - Tel line from pump to well 4.87
of of It of - Pump house 10.18
Commonwealth Edison Co. - Tower lights 6.81
FORM 601-49® U.S.A. JUNE 10, 1971
E & H Utility Sales, Inc. - Curb Stops & Boxes $ 162.40
MuniChem Corp. - Fire Extinguisher 33.75
Aurora Concrete Prod. Co. - Inlets & Boxes 94.55
Homer G. Dickson & Co. - Brass Fittings 3.76
Farmers Elevator Co. - Plywood 2.95
E & H Utility Sales, Inc. - Clamp Inv. 71352 36.00
Motion by Aldo Madden, Seond by Aldo Thanepohn that the bills be referred to the
finance committee and be paid if found to be correct.
Mayor Coleman read the Treasurer's report.
Police Chief Prickett read the police report
Mayor Coleman read the Water report and the Street and Sewer report.
Old Business:
The amended Library Ordance was read by City Attourney Bassek. A discussion
followed.Motion made by Aldo Thanepohn to accept the Ordance as presented by
Atty. Bassek. Seconded by Ald. Florence.
Roll calls
Aldo Madden - Aye
Aldo Florence - Aye
Aldo Thanepohn - Aye
Aldo Ellis - Aye
Aldo McHugh - Aye
Library Ordance passed unanimously.
City Attourney Bassek reveiwed the present parking Ordance and then read the
amended parking ordance. A discussion followed. Motion by Aldo Ellis to accept
the amended Parking Ordance. Seconded by Aldo Florence.
Roll call:
Aldo Madden - Naye
Aldo Florence - Aye
Aldo Thanepohn - Aye
Aldo Ellis - Aye
Aldo McHugh - Aye
Ordance passed.
Attorney Dickson presented the Consent to annexation by United City of the
Village of Yorkville of certain real estate in Kendall county owned by the
State of Illinois, Department of Conservation. Adiscussion followed. Motion
by Aldo Florence and seconded by Aldo Ellis to annex the property owned by
the State of Illinois, Department of Conservation
Roll Calls
Aldo Madden - Aye
Aldo Florence - Aye
Aldo Thanepohn - Aye
Aldo Ellis - Aye
Aldo McHugh - Aye
Attorney Dickson presented the Conover Annexation to the City Council. Motion
by Aldo Thanepohn to accept the Conover Annexation. Seconded by Aldo Ellis,
Roll Call:
Aldo Madden - Aye
Aldo Florence - Aye
Aldo Thanepohn - Aye
Aldo Ellis - Aye
ATd, McHugh Aye
FORM 601-490 U.S.A. -3 JUNE 10, 1971
Motion passed unanimously.
Attorney Dickson requested that two (2) Retail liquor and one(1) Package
liquor licences be granted to the Ter-Jac cht. Co. City Attourney summerized
the liquor licenses. A discussion followed.. Aldo Thanepohn suggested a change
from 3,000 population to 4,000 population in the liquor ordance. A pen change
was granted to the City Attorney by the Mayor and Aldermen. Aldo Thanepohn
moved to accept the liquor licences, seconded by Aldo Florence.
Aldo Madden - Aye
Aldo Florence - Aye
Aldo Thanepohn - Aye
Aldo Ellis - Aye
Aldo McHugh - Aye
Mr. Geo. Griffin presented the resolution for maintenance of streets and
highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code:for the sum of
$20,000 to be appropreated from the Motor Fuel Tax Funds. Motion by Aldo
Florence and seconded by Aldo Thanepohn to accept the resolution. All Aldo
voted Aye.
A suggestion was made by Mr. Griffin to give the Mayor and Clerk authorization
to sign the necessary papers to forward to the State for the 1971 maintenance
program. A motion was made by Aldo Thanepohn to give the Mayor and Clerk
authorization to sign the necessary papers to forward to the State for the
1971 mainenance program. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion carried.
Mr. Griffin gave a report on the estimated cost to put the water tower in
operation. This cost estimate is $12,000. A discussion followed. Atty. Bassek
mentioned that the banks in town had shown a willingness to enter into conditional
contracts for the money to put the tower in operation. A discussion followed
A motion was made by Aldo Florence to give the city attourney authority to
draw up the necessary papers beween Davis Cont. Co.and the city to enter into
an agreement per the city engineers recommendation. Motion seconded by Aldo
Roll call:
Aldo Madden - Aye
Aldo Florence - Aye
Aldo Thanepohn - Aye
Aldo Ellis - Aye
Aldo McHugh - Aye
Motion passed
A request was read by Mayor Coleman to authorize the use of the two(2) city
trucks by the Jaycee's July 19. Motion was made by Aldo Ellis to authorize
the use of the trucks to the Jaycee's. Seconded by Aldo Thanepohn. Motion
Mayor Coleman read a request from the Jaycee's to use the city park June Wt
21 & 22. A motion was made by Aldo Madden and seco d by Aldo Ellis to
authorize the use of the city park to the Jaycee's V1 21 &22. Motion carried,
Mayor Coleman made the suggestion that a plan for a new resolution be adopted for
a procedure for petitions Requests for Rezoning. The requests:
1. Petition be submitted to the City Clerk with a check of $25.00.
2. City Clerk will forward to the Planning Commitee - Leo Anderson.
3. Planning Committee will forward to ZOning Board of Appeals with their
4, Zoning Board of Appeals will forward to the City Council with their recom-
mendation for final approval.
FORM 601-490 O.S.A. JUNE 100 1971
Motion made by Ald. Florence to accept the suggestion. SEconded by Aldo Madden.
All Aldo in favor. Motion passed.
Ald. Madden moved that the building ordance be amended to allow built-up roofs
( gravel or slag surface ) with a slope of 3" in 12" maximum pitch. Seconded
by Ald. Ellis.
Roll Call:
Ald. Madden - Aye
Ald. Florence - Aye
Ald. Thanepohn _ Aye
Ald. Ellis - Aye
Ald. McHugh - Aye
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ed Salisbury presented signed letters from residents and non-residents
to have the liquor licence ordance amended to permit the Sunday sales by
package liquor class store. Motion by Ald. Thanepohn to adopt and amend the Liquor
License Ordance to permit the Sunday sales by package liquor class store. Seconded
by Ald. Ellis,
Roll Call:
Ald. Madden - Aye
Ald. Florence - Aye
Ald. Thanepohn - Aye
Ald. Ellis - Aye
Ald. McHugh - Aye
Motion passed unanimously.
City Attorney Bassek requested that a set of books be purchased ( Municipal
Corporations by McQuillan ) and this set of books be shared with the City of
Oswego.Ald. Madden suggested that the request be tabled.
A recommendation was made by Mayor Coleman to clean Bridge Street. This Vias
referred to the streets and Alleys committee.
Motion by Ald. Thanepohn to reinburse Ald. Madden for expenses incurred while
attending Municiple Conference. Seconded by Ald. Florence. Motion passed.
Chief Prickett was instructed by the Mayor to have the Checker Oil Co. move
thier sign So. of building back away from highway Rt.47.
City Attourney Bassek reported that a summons has been given to the owners
of the Cosy Cafe and is to be served by the Kane County Sheriffs Dept.
Motion by Ald. Thanepohn to empower Ald Madden to have the ballpark on Van Emmon
street mowed and to check into the completion of the Shuffle Board court
in the City Park. Seconded by Ald. Ellis. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M.