City Council Minutes 1971 06-03-71 FoRm 601-49®U.B.A. June MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMAEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JUNE 3, 1971 at 8:15P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and directed the clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken the following Aldermen were present: 1st Ward - Follmer, Madden 2nd Ward - Florence, Thanepohn 3rd Ward - McHugh, ( Ellis arrived at approx. 9:OOP.M. ) Atty. Fred Dickson presented the Annexation Agreement plan to the city council of John G. Conover and Alice V. Conover and Ter-Jac Construction Co. A discussion followed concerning the water and sewage. Mr. Otto Nerad presented a plot layout and veiws of the merchandising area. Mr. George Griffin explained the storm and sanitary sewer conditions, street surfaces. Mr. Jack Purcell explained his constuction plans. Atty. Dickson explained that in the future should the sanitary district stop additions, septic systems would be used on single family dwellings as a temporary measure until the sanitary system capacity is increased. City Atty. Bassak summerized the Annexation Agreement plan to the City Council. It was stipulated that one(1) package liqor and two(2) retail liquor licence would be required. City Atty. Bassak presented the agreement for annexation to the city council. Motion was made by Aldo Madden to enter into and execute the said Annexation Agreement with John G. Conover and Alice V. Conover and Ter-Jac Construction co. , Inc. Motion seconded by Aldo Follmer. Roll call Madden - Aye Follmer- Aye Thanepohn - Aye Florence - Aye Ellis - Aye McHugh - Aye Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.