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City Council Minutes 1971 05-13-71
FORM 601.49®U.S.A. May 13, 1971 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MAY 13, 1971 AT 800P.M. Mayor Coleman directed City Clerk Wayne Larson to install the the newly elected city officials tothe following offices: Mayor - Robert J, Coleman City Clerk - James J. Brant Alderman, 1st Ward - Eldon Madden Alderman, 2nd Ward - LeRoy Thanepohn Alderman, 3rd Ward - C. Richard Ellis Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and directed the clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken the following Aldermen were present: 1st Ward- Follmer, Madden 2nd Ward - Thanepohn 3rd Ward - McHugh, Ellis The clerk then read the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of April 8, 1971 Said minutes were approved as read. The clerk then read the minutes of the adjorned meeting of April 22, 1971. Said minutes were approved as read. The clerk then read the following bills: General Fund Ernest R. Zeiter, Insurance 66 Ford Truck, 50% of Prem. $ 69.00 Hayden's Sport Center, Backstop at ball park 176.00 Commonwealth Edison Co. , Lights - Police Sta. 3.24 E & H Utility Sales, Galv. Posts 37.50 Charles Blackford, Dirt for ball park 50.00 Stamps, City Clerk 6.00 Aurora Typewriter Co. , Victor Printing Calculator 355.50. Homer G. Dickson, Oper. Supplies 19.00 Kendall County Record, Daily work sheets - P.D. 18.00 Commonwealth Edison Co. , Street lighting 338.47 Checker 011 Co. , Gas - Street Dept. 50% of statment, Mar. 25.42 Rice's Service Station, Street Detp. 50% of statement, Apr. 58.29 Yorkville Hardware, Oper. Supplies 15.11 Farmers Elevator, Culvert lot #6 53.00 Fox Paving Inc. , Blacktop 409.50 Central Limestone Co. , 9 loads stone 149.88 Kendall County Record, Printing ballots 60.00 Kendall County Record, Printing vehicle tags-trip 36.00 Commonwealth Edison Co. , Park lights 7.53 Fox Valley Disposal Co. , City Garbage removal 912.00 Ernest R. Zeiter, Treasurer Bond Cont. 235.00 U.S. Post Office, Box retn 7.20 Byers Printing Co. , Election Supplies 83.49 Farmers State Bank, City Collectors checks 5.40 Zeiter's Citgo Service, Gas P.D. car Apr. 227.15 Kane Ford Sales Inc. , 1 tire, Inst. clock 32.50 Southtown 011 Co. , Gas P.D. Apr, 18.53 A.J. Printing, Police reports 13.00 -z- FORM 601-49®U.S.A. May 139 1971 Win Prickett, Use of Chief's car( 4 calls ) 20.00 Bob's Service Station, Service calls, parts, & labor P.D. 13.90 Checker Oil Co. , Gas P.D. car Apr. 4.69 Coffman Bros. , Car rental P.D. 20.37 Al- Hub Electric Supply, duplicate order lights P.D. 35.10 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. , Lights water Tower 7.64 Yorkville National Bank, Payment #10 Tractor 138.54 Ernest R. Zeiter INs. , 50% of Prem. 66 Ford truck 69.00 Commonwealth Edison Co. , Pumping & lighting 56.60 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., Tel. line from pump to well 8100 James E. Price, Postage 4.65 Badger Meter Inc. , Meters and Assc. 327.64 E & H Utility Sales, Water service supplies 141.85 Wallace & Tiernan, Water service supplies 10.89 Hydronic Supply Co. , Parts 9.87 Illinois Bell Tel. Co. ,/Pump house 4.98 Commonwealth Edison Co. , Pumping 33.19 Checker Oil Co. , Gas, Water Dept. 50% of statement Mar. 25.41 Rice's Service, Gas, Water Dept. 50% of statement Apr. 58.29 Jim's Trenching, Dig ditch 147.50 Sewer Imp., Bond P/A 784, National Boulevard Bank of Chicago $1,514.17 The bills were referred to the finance committee to be paid if found correct. Mayor Coleman then appointed the following committeess See attachment #1 The Treasurer's report was read by the City Clerk. The report was approved as read. Chief of Police Prickett read the police report for the month of Aparil,.;which was approved as read. Supt. of streets and water dept. James Price read the report on Streets and alleys and the Water Dept. The report was appproved as read. Mayor Coleman read the report of the Planning Committee of meetings held April 23 and April 28. The City Clerk read the followingrequest* that was submitted by the Planning committees Procedure for Requests for Rezoning 1. Petitions originate with City Council. 2. Council refers petition to Plan Commission at least 10 days prior to Plan Commission meeting on third Wednesday of each month. Petitions must be accompanied by legal description of property, plat, preliminary drawings of site layout, building floor plans, and exterior building elevations clearly defining finish materials and architectural character of project. 3. Plan Commission forwards their recommendation to City Council and Zoning Board of Appeals. The City Council directs zoning board to post notice for public hearing, and petition is reviewed by Zoning Board at the hearing. 4. Zoning Board of Appeals forwards their recommendation to City Councilfor final review and disostion. FORM 601-490 U.S.A. May 13, 1971 5• No petitions will be considered unless this procedure is followed exactly as outlined above. A dicussion followed. Librarian Mrs, Mary Thomas read the Annual Report of Library Board. The Library Treasurer's annual reprt was read by Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Fisher read a report on the proposed new library. A discussion followed. on the location. It was recommended that Aid. Thanepohn and Aid. Ellis, who are on the library board investigate the location further. Mrs. Fisher requested that the library plans be put in with the Planning Commission. Mayor Coleman suggested that Mrs. Fisher contact Leo Anderson on this matter. Atty. Bassak reported that the owner of the Cozy Cafe had been notified of the condemenation suit. Atty. Bassak read the new ordance pretaining to Parks and Forrest Preserves., aA discussion followed. Follmer made the motion that the ordance be adopted. Seconded by Thanepohn. Upon roll being taken all aldermen voted "AYE" Mayor Coleman read the "Thank You " note from Pete Merkel thanking the City Council for the plant they sent him. The City Council desided to send Bob Thomas a floral spray for the opening of his new pharmacy. Mayor Coleman reported on Gene's Tap. He can remain open until the offences are reveiwed by the State Liquor Commission. Mayor Coleman reported on the Subdivision reprsened by Leonard Olsen. He is to finish the Mayor Coleman read the petition of Walter Olsen & Blanche Olsen to rezone. Alderman Thanepohn moved that the petition be referred to the Planning Com- mission. A discussion followed. Motion seconded by Alderman Follmer. Motion carried. Fred Schneider requested a 2 drawer legal size file cabinet be purchased to store materialof the Planning Commission. Motion by Aid. Madden to purchase a file cabinet. Seconded by Aid. Ellis. Motion carried. Mayor Coleman read a petition dated Feb. 11, 1971 from Robt. J. Blake and Carol J. Blake for rezoning. Aid. Thanepohn motioned that the petition be forward to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Seconded by Aid. Follmer. Motion carried. The petition of John Conover was read by Mayor Coleman. Aid. Madden motioned that the petition be forwarded to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Seconded by Aldo Thanepohn. Motion carried. The City Clerks Estimate was presented by Mayor Coleman. A discussion followed. Aid. Thanepohn moved that an insert item be added for Traffic Control of $10000. Seconded by Aid. Madden. Motion carried. FORM 601-49®U.S.A. May 13, 1971 ,62 Aldo Thanepohn moved that the Public Library estimate be increadsed to $9.140.00. Seconded by Aldo Madded. Motion carried. Aldo Madden recommended that the City ordance for library be revised and submitted at the next meeting. Chief of Police Prickett requested that a meeting be held with himself and the Police Committee. This was referred to the Police Committee. The appoints for city employees was then made by Mayor Coleman. (See attach- ment #3) Aldo Thanepohn presented a plan to revise the parking ordance. A discussion followed. Aldo Follmer motioned that the plan be sent to the city attorney. He is to draw up the new ordance. Seconded by Aldo Ellis. Motion carried. Mayor Coleman presented an article from the Roanoke, Illinois newspaper of a situation the same as Yorkville's with Mr. Morrissey. Mayor Coleman explained that the trial date will be set in the next few weeks. A discussion followed. A summary of the past actions of the City of Yorkville and Morrissey was read by the Mayor for the benefit of the newly installed Aldermen. Mayor Coleman perposed that the council except the offer of Mr. Schuler, who will loan the necessary money to put the water tower in operation. A discussion follwed. Aldo Thanepohn moved that the city attorney prepare a note to be presented to Mr. Schuler for a loan to put the water tower in operation. Seconded by Aldo Follmer. A discussion followed. Second withdrawn by Aldo Follmer. Motion withdrawn by Aldo Thnaepohn. Motion made by Aldo Follmer to have the attorney negotiate a loan and prepare the necessary papers that will be presented at the adjorned meeting. Seconded by Aldo Thanepohn. Motion carried. Mayor Coleman announced that the adjourned meeting would be held June 39 19719 Meeting adjourned at 12s15A.M. ` + CLERK'S ESTIMATED EXPENSES Fiscal year-May 1,1971 through April 30,1972 For repairs at waterworks plant $ 1750.00 078% For replacement at waterworks plant 2000.00 •89% For replacement of water mains 5000.00 2.24% For repair of water mains - 1500.00 .67% For repair of water meters 600.00 .26% For expenses of pumping at waterworks plant 400.Op 1.07% For street lighting 4000.00 1.79% Bracket, center,mast arms- $2000.00 Ornamentals- $200.000 Bridge- $200.00 2400.00 1.07% For street lighting replacement 2000.00 .89% For street lighting extensions 1200.00 .:53% For salary of supertindent of waterworks 5000.00 2.24% For labor in waterworks 7500.00 3.36% For salary of all city officers- not including employees 3300.00 1.47% For salary of superintendent of streets 5000.00 2.24% For salary of employees in street department 7500.00 3.36% For improving streets and alleys 7500.00 3.36% For maintaining streets and alleys 15500.00 6.94% For purchase of new equipment - for all streets and alleys, department repairs, and maintenance of streets and alleys 6000.00 2.68% For improving streets and alleys from Motor Fuel Tax Funds - When,as and if allowed during fiscal year 18000.00 8.06% For improving streets and alleys - From special vehicle tax fund as provided by the sale of vehicle stickers 2000.00 .89% For salary of Chief of Police 8400.00 3.76% For salary, police services 28000.00 12.54% For cement sidewalks along city streets 2500.00 1.12% For curbs along city streets 2000.00 .89% For group hospital insurance 4000.00 1.79% For Compensation Insurance for all employees of the city 850.00 -38% �f -2- For Liability Insurance $ 2000.00 .89% For insurance of city vehicles 800.00 •359 For insurance of city buildings- 800.00 •35% For garbage disposal under ordinance for levy of garbage tax i4beerea 4.48% For supplies in Health Department 25.00 001% For legal services 1000000 .44% For printing 500.00 .22% For codifying of ordinances 250.00 011% For cleaning sewers 200.00 .08% For expenses in Police Department 6500.00 2.91% For repairs of City Hall 1000.00 .44% For contigencies 1000.00 .44% For audit of city books 1200.00 •53% For.trees and parks 2500.00 1.12% For extension of water mains 15000.00 6.72% For extension of sewer lines 15000.00 6.72% For sewer repairs 10000o00 4.48% For cleaning of streets and gutters 1000000 .44% � , / �Gd; For public library � e.�. + �) '�'o --:egg 3.80% Total $223175.00 99.80% C 19 ( 01 Mayor Coleman nominated James E. Price for Superintendent of streets and alleys and superintendent of water works at the salary of $800.00 per month with 50% from each General and Water funds. He shall have 3 weeks vacation with pay and 1 day per month sick leave up o but n t exceeding 14 days. Motion to e c pt nomination made by Alderman-- =kG -------, Seconded by Alderman With all alderman voting Aye , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Ralph E. Pfister employee of streets and alley Dept. and water works at the salary of $600.00 per month with 75% of salary from General Fund and 259 from Water Fund* He N 11 have 1 week paid vacation after 1 year service and 1 day sick leave ing 14 days. Motion to eXcept nomination made by Alderman , Seconded by Alderman With all alderman voting Aye , motion carried.. Mayor Coleman nominated Arlie P. Lough as employee of the streets and alleys at the salary of $600.00 per month. He shall have 3 weeks vacation with pay and 1 day W 66fth sick leave per month up to b%t not pxce eding 14 dads. Motion to eL ept nomination made by Alderman _ , Seconded by Alderman -6 • With all alderman voting Ave , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated LeRoy Johnson to serve in the streets and alleys dej_rt. and water works dept. at the pleasure of James E. Price, Aupt. f both depart- ments. Mot on to except nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman jje!.-`With all alderman voting Aye , motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated Winfred W. Prickett as Chief of Police at the salary of $700.00 per month. He shall have 2 weeks vacation with pay and 1 day per month upto and not exceeding 14 days sick leave. Motion , o Zcept nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman V, With all alderman voting Aye, motion carried.. Mayor Coleman nominated R. Clark Morrell as Patrolman at the salary of $625.00 per month. He shall have 2 weeks paid vacation and 1 day per mon h up to and not exceeding 14 days sick weave. Motion made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman Roll call-Follmer , Madden , Thanepohn Florence , McHUgh , Ellis Mayor Coleman nominated Richard A. Randall as Patrolman at the salary of $625.00 per month. He shall have 2 weeks paid vacation and 1 day per month up to and not exceeding JA days,,ovick leave. Motion made by Alderman r seconded by Alderman . Roll call- Follmer , Madden , Thanepohn Florence , McHugh , Ellis . Mayor Coleman nominated Alvin P. Spera as Patrolman at the salary of $625.00 per month. He shall have 2 weeks paid vacation and 1 day per Aonth up to and not exceed 14 days s ck leave. Motion made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman .Roll call - Follmer , Mad&Tn , Thanepohn Florence , McHugh , Ellis 7� -2- Mayor Coleman nominated t as 6ity Attorney to be paid a retainer of $50.00 per month plus the privelage of billing the city for extra legs s ices performed. Motion to except the nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all z alderman voting aye , motion carried. Y Mayor Coleman nominated Bessie Lough as City Cllector at the salary of $?X00 per month. She shall have approved by the board a bond with cooperate assurity to be approved by the council. Said bond to be in t,45 amo t of $3000.00. Moti 019 t approve tenomination made by Alderman by Alderman With all alderman voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Coleman nominated as City Inspector to serve at the pleasure of Vhe building council and a maximum of $15.00 per building application with authority to hire deputies when necessary. The deputies shall receive a maximum fee of $5.00 per inspection. Motion to exce the nomination made by Alderman k.~)jy D DO.O-.seconded by Alderman r--B � all alderman voting aye , motion carried.. Mayor Coleman nominated the Yorkville National Bank, Farmers State Bank of Yorkville, National Boulevard Bank of Chicago, and Northern Trust Bank of Chicago to sere,q as ity depository. Motion t4xaD=pve the nomination made by Alderman , seconded by Alderman With all alderman voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Coleman appointed the following committees. The first name on the list is chairman: v yAV �t k r fP.� � ,✓ ,✓. : ^�i�C�IC.-O . J 1J44 J CITY of YORKVILLE County Seat of Kondalt County Yorkville, Illinois 60560 MAYOR COMMITTEES May, 1971 - April, 1972 ROBERT J. COLEMAN CLERK COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MEMBERS Tam e s Bra.rT Streets & Alleys Follmer Thanepohl - Ellis TREASURER PAUL A. MERKEL Water Thanepohn Madden - Florence Health & Sanitation Florence Follmer - McHugh ALDERMEN Police & Flre Madden Florence - Ellis First Ward Trees & Parks Madden Thanepohn M. Sewers Fullmer McHugh - Madden JAMES W. FOLLMER Puture Planning Florence Follmer Eid°end Sco Public Prop. & Buildings Thanepohn McHugh VERNON FLORENCE Lights, 'telephone & Gas Follmer Thanepohn eAlf>• Assist. Liquor Comm. Florence Ellis Third WaFdd Building & Zoning Madden Florence Finance & Audit Thanepohn Ellis AML 1,e-A /QiChar E//.S Chef of Police WINFRED PRICKETT ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL PLANNING COMMITTEE urge Walters, Ch. Leo Anderson, Gh. Superinlendw*of Waterworks lion Dirst, Sec. James Hall, See. and Streets John Behrens Fred Schneider JAMES E. PRICE Delmar Becker Robert Mahoney City Attorney Nick Moisa George Walters ,8a ss �' Martin Behrens Walter Olsen Y Ron Ward Ws. Ford Lawrence Langeland X jtt,b I Vernon Florence L' LIBRARY BOARD (race Fisher, Ch. Louise Gabel, Trees. Jopce Windett, Sec. Lallonna Tw?edy Martin Behrens R. W. Barkley Richard Ellis V Mary Thomas, Librarian CHAMBhM OF COMMERCE LeRoy Thanepohn CITY ATTORNEY Tony n—Bass `-� The mayor is ex-official to all committees and asks that the committee meeting.e held on Tues. Thurs. Bn Sat. evening, if possi le, so that he could be present. 1p The Panta f a or Out o e •Qano e © 0 6 10 j from its alt are To Go After cause ae;;;,.• three he By June Shopm system, is attempting to collectiCouncil members backed upjwith 6 per teat interest monthly issue. Individual tarrihezt -,!> giving ,,;,, on a $105,000 check issued toIthis report Monday night. on the unpaid balance. 1104.50 a month nn tht outer ptu� The Pan! ROANOKE — The Roanoke,,Roanoke by Mr. Morrissey. ithe Mr. Morrissey not only owes reserved the right to pay addi-Itheir water bi'Ls from► area Village Hoard Monday note voted, h w overrlde the veto) Cbodk Nevor Cashed village the $106,000 to coveritional amounts of the principal] Monday's action assures hir nW*q them.. the check but 5% per cent in-above $1,000 if the board Soling of the Swain, Johnson and it GIBSON C moved Mayo- hire as att�ornrey and Morrissey issued Roanoke; �t a I terest, according to Mr. Isoar-j c1�. I Gard law firm to h6p Roanoke! Gibs. check tfato the obligations of di. ' No reply has been received)obtain the money due it- 8 I1, 101,but the check has never Adr. 1V� May, � 1�been casttcd and remains in the � April '0, Mr. Morrissey from the cxxttracting fittn. The -overriding of Mayor f mods dealer from ��k't, f11a of Jos Loardi, the village appeared before the village It was at the May 4 meeting Riser's veto Monday night was Taylor, Mrs. Et Iowa. treasurer, board and admitted he had no also that the mayor vetoed the led by Mr. Amigoni who said he Jupin. Sandra.$ma)u, explaining his funds to settk his obligation. board's motion, passed by a 3-2 felt "this matter has been pro- DvIlinger, \far% The Mr. Isoardi, a p p o i a t e d ,vote, to hire the Peoria kw too Dion vetp, read a statement b the, He offered to enter into an, � �8• boird ( saying was ePix+ i treasurer in November. 1989, agreement between his firm 1 firm to try to collect the .yw Need Atltornor' I Litherland, Mt bfthtg the Peoria law firm of,and reappointed May 4 by the and the village paying $'l,00o EtOS,000 plus interest from the Jaettq and Gard mayor, is dte>;nptiog to twtavel Twl,4W Payment F1us interest' y�, "We don't want any more to, baby girl,Ise Sook the dealiade betwaea Mr. Mar- do with Mr. Morrissey,' he'Ahrends, Mrs. eanse-6e hk*a few would be every year for 10 years.' toorbw rleeey and the VMW However, this would only YM000t � said "I think we need an at. City In an attempt In get Bids for amount to $'!0,000 plus interest. In addition to tht $115,111 torney to take this over — we — —' tlaoa up N"W a water and sewer sysum for not$106,000 plus interest. check Mr. lee" r"orts a need legal advice." to kwe ate baiting the the village, a leierentwm was i IchIld foe WAS was M ed Mayor Risser reported Mr.` 001KIIII fts 3jte11t beld is"W Voters incited down FkWs FwW 0* May A BW to Jdr- Marriwey Morrissey had requested i V11111109 to ao ahead with the pion to issue general Mr. Morrissey told the board ifa; interest payments MIL$111015 another meeting with the, so mfr!4 tabs bw firm wen eb�� bands. The village he is not willing to enter into an!each on Nov. 1, 1988, May 1,I Roanoke board — one at which ,foe =WIN,..I>lndd Nstiwuat bond then i to issue agreement involving h i s 11119,and Nov. L 1989. the press and public be exclud. and iM A wfili , x,111 was of wanks revemte pofIlOd l fia8c0 net' those of This fa effect, meint ins Mr. ed. This led Mr. Wehrh to say, U& ■am .mea ft is ben$,llt:'NwtClw4 wanaivea bb �iq. g to W Loaedl, eoatii t pra+payhtg "We don't want any closed) 1�1 14 A canto We M Nil the bonds on boric$• later:+eet in 1!11 for ti test not meetings. We have nothing to *rwa tlbsltt tsfltllg• Dec.L IIR Mayor Rinser at a May 4 doe we no. bide." i Va tdtb^ had 00 a 6111 comefl waetiag read a off of However,an audit of Apra 31, it 1 1AN.31 kodi.�e gad Mtttflnaled. a kft to Do laysted sad 11IM, by Robert Neary of Of- �tatriei and Lb., Ine. orl llecwdft M I!dlr. be", *. to pay the firm ton, Duederson, Coker and � fan$ wt.~'t Xm iwrr.. *ft net bedded.VA0•= .time 1;DeBrttyn, Peoria accountants, i� "requiretne�a of the, 3 _ .r t«��.. s � i�f�cW�+�O�7a�wb`t� � � 1 oR viiuo reverm bonus dated f 1i �: e s o n T.6 Begin Den. 1, 1988, wa+e reeoed bare hr Anion t, tTmoValley Grad e Roanoke, wViiMrh poptdation of f s Yea Deposit. 2.208, has a 40•year in- of flO'A11a — and the and a.r tiattmtt, elm �p!tthrough thl a grade will�bJe��at 1 debtedimm on the sewer bond "inp •i, i the � rft Claw wl9 M� jLm. I md" and Wsdnea- _ �ib W fIR $tenor wren!oneet sate Y•4 pin., atay�dayt speetd aativAW for fourth!