City Council Minutes 1971 04-08-71 FORM 801-49®U.S.A. April 8, 1971 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MDNTHLY MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS, HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON APRIL 8, 1971 AT 8:00 P.M. Mayor Colman called the meeting to order and directed the clerk to take the roll. Upon roll biing taken the following aldermen were present: 1st ward - Thomas, Follmer 2nd ward - Thanepohn 3rd ward - Mitchell, McHugh The clerk then read the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of March 11, 1971. Said minutes were approved as read. The clerk then read the bills as follows: K R & 0 Excavating, fix the 146.00 Kendall County Record, publish ord and notices 195,20 Southtown Oil Co., gas police car 214.50 Dean A. Robinson, court reporter 1500 Badger Shirt Co., police uniforms 23.25 Kale Uniforms, pmai uniforms 58.50 t A & J Printing, forms for PD 13.00 MuniChem Corp., cleaning supplies, pd 14.61 Win Prickett, use of personal car 25.00 Motorola, walkie talkie PD 34.50 Charles Blackford, dirt 10.00 H G Dickson Co., op supplies 10.85 Yorkville National Bank, payment #9, tractor 138.54 Yorkville Hardware, op supplies 42.98 John Schneider Co., op supplies 6009 Hathorn's Inspection, truck inspection 3.75 Erlenborn's, American flag 15.80 Neenah Foundry Co., frames and beehives 29440 United Laboratories, paint 50.70 . Al-stub Electric, bulbs 4.40 Commonwealth Edison Co., street lighting 351.96 K R & G Excavating, water ditch 90.00 Illinois Bell Telephone, phone service 8.07 Ralph Pfister, expenses 13.00 Arlie Lough, postage 4.80 E. R. Zeiter, insurance 60.00 Commonwealth Edison, pum_Ding 59.89 Consolidated laboratories, sterl gran 106.00 Badger meter Co., meters 533.96 Producers Chemcial, Chlorine 30.00 E & H Utilities, curb box, copper tube 299.22 Elliot A Vick, water parts 85.15 Ellsworth Windett, insurance 441.00 The bills were refered to the finance mmittiee to be paid if found correct. FORM 601-49® U.S.A. Chief Prickett then read the.police report for the month of March which was approved as read. The Treasurer's report was read by Alderman Thanepohn. Said report was approved as read. James Price then read the report on the Streets and Alleys and the Water Depart- ment. Said report was approved as read. The report of the Planning Commission was then read and approved. The report of the Planning Commission on the Pulfer request for zoning change from residential to multiple family was read. Tharrecommended denial. The request of John Conover to rezone was tabled until a later date. Mayor Coleman then read a letter from Mrs. John Knight concerning the parking area and sidewalks in front of her home. A discussion followed. This was referred to the Street committee for action. Mrs. Ethel Perkins and Mrs. Elizabeth Leifheit were appointed as jubs of election in ward three. Attorney Basseck then read a letter from Mr. Monel, Allen stating that the Cozy Cafe was not a fire hazzard and he would not tear it down or make repairs. A discussion following. Alderman Follmer seconded by Alderman Thanepohn that the City make application in Circuit Court for condemenation. Upon roll being taken all Aldermen voted aye: A discussion was had on burning the Mort Cave home on Spring Street. This was tabled until permission could be had from all neighbors. Mayor Coleman then reported that a license revocation hearing was had on Gene Brown, Genus Tap and that he be suspended the license for two weeks, being May 1, 1971. The report of the Zoning Board of Appeals to rezone the Harker property was read, with approval being recommended. Alderman Florence seconded by Alderman Thanepohn to rezone the Harker and Loftus property to apartment uses. Upon roll being taken all aldermen voted aye. Alderman Thomas then recommended upgrading of all street lighting. A general discussion following. Alderman Thanepohn then reported on the lease for Palmer Dam. A discussion following. Alderman Thanepohn then reported on the bill sponsored by Senator Mitchler to give land on south side of dam to City of Yorkville. Alderman Thanepohn seconded by Alderman Florence to enter into lease for land on north side of dam for two years at the cost of #2*00. Upon roll being taken all aldermen voted aye. Alderman Thanepohn seconded by Alderman Thomas to erect No Admittance signs on the north side of Dam, the signs to be in both English and Sapnish. Upon roll being taken all aldermen voted aye* FORM 601.49®U.S.A. Mayor Coleman then instructed the Trees and Parks Committee to set regulations for south side of Dam. Mr. Robert Mayes then asked the status of modular homes in the city. A discussion following. Attorney Bassek then gave a report on the water revenue bonds and construction bonds regarding Mr. William Morrissey. A discussion was had:on purchasing controls to complete the water tower. T49 was tabled until the May meeting. Chief Prickett then gave a report on the Civil Defense siren to be installed Per- mission was granted to erect tower for siren by water tower. Attorney Fred Dickson then presented a petition to annex strip of land to thel Anderson property and the Anderson farm now owned by Tear Jac Construction Co.j Attorney Dickson explained what was to be built, the business areas etc. A ', general discussion followed. This was referred to the Planning Cowtission for study. Alderman Thomas then reported that the Yorkville National Bank wanted to purc3hase the Yorkville City Library. A general discussion followed. A discussion was had on crossing guards. This was tabled until the May meeting with the salaries to bet set then. Alderman Thanepohn seconded by Alderman Follmer that Attorney Dickson be empowered to begin necessary civil actions for recovery of water bond monies. Upon roil being taken the following aldermen voted aye: Thomas, Follmer, Florence, Thane- pohn, Mitchell and McHugh. There being no other business the meeting was adjourned until April 22, 19171 1a 7 P.M., for the purpose of canvas of votes and other general business. I