City Council Minutes 1971 03-11-71 FORM 601-490 U.S.A. March 11, 1971
11 , 1971 AT 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and directed the clerk to call the
roll. Upon roll being taken the following aldermen were present:
1st ward - Thomas, Follmer
2nd ward - Florence, Thanepohn
3rd ward - Mitchell, McHugh
The minutes of the regular monthly meeting held on April 11, 1971 were read
and approved.
The Clerk then read the bills as follows:
Yorkville National Bank, WK Tax 596.50
Illinois Department of Revenue, St. WH Tax 80.06
Hilltop Sinclair, gas and service police car 61.65
Farmers State Bank, payment #12, police car 208.51
Prickett TV, service and install police radio 105.00
Lies Chevrolet Sales, service police car 4.50
R. Clark :Morrell, ase of personal car 11.70
Win Prickett, use of personal car 6.94
Richard Randall, use of personal car 8.06
Ray O'Herron, spotlight, police car 38.32
MuniChem Corp. , cleaning supply 13.80
Bob's Standard Service, gas police car 220.05
Motorola, parts, walkie talkie radio 164.58
Fox Valley Disposal Co., garbage removal 912.00
H. G. Dickson Co., cab for tractor 383.00
K R & G Excavating, sewer ditches 90.00
Frederickson's Office Supply, office supplies 24.38
J N Schneider, op supplies 4.37
Yorkville Hardware, op supplies 4•?6
E. R. Zeiter, police insurance 37.00
Illinois Municipal League, dues 132.00
Heitman Trucking Co., hauling cinders 106.32
Al Hub Electric, op supplies 18.38
Farmers Ilevator Co., rock salt 107.10
F. G. Dickson, labor snow plow 6.00
Central Limestone Co. , stone 161.53
The Travelers Insurance Co., group insurance 289.66
Illinois Bell Telephone, phone Z•25
Commonwealth Edison Co., street lighting 355.0+
Illinois Bell Telephone, phone 3.13
C. E. Bretthauer, Easement 100.00
Yorkville National Bank, payment #8, tractor 138.54
Yorkville National Bank, box rent 10.00
Hilltop Sinclair, gas water dept 63.49
Homer G. Dickson Co. , change valve, pumphouse 23.50
Commonwealth Edison Co. , pumping 67.88
National Blvd bank of ''hicago, bond req 2133.00
National Blvd Bank of Chiago, bond req 150.00
Farmers State Bank, Bond req 150.00
National Blvd bank of Chicago, bond req 256.25
FORM 601-49®U.S.A.
The treasuerers report was read and approved.
The police report was read by Chief Prickett and approved.
The report on the Mitchell house, where the Casey family resided and the Cozy Cafe
was read. They were declared a health and fire hazzard.
Alderman Mitchell seconded by Alderman Thanepohn, that the respective owners be
notified and said building either be repaired or torn down. Upon roll being
taken all alderman voted aye.
The following attached petitions to rezone were read by the Clerk. Each was
accompanied by a $25.00 check. Alderman Follmer seconded by Alderman Thanepohn
that they be referred to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals for
hearing. Upon roll being taken all alderman voted aye.
A letter was read from Attorney General Scott. This was for our charge for cast
iron pipe from certain suppliers. Alderman Thanepohn seconded by Alderman Follmer
that city enter into said suit to recover damages from supplier. Roll being taken
all alderman voted aye.
A general discussion was had on Modular Homes. Alderman Florence reported in his
inspection and stated that the footings must be inspected before cement is poured.
Mr. Mosley said he would core drill the footings to show they meet code.
Mr. Charles Boatman then asked about issuing an occupancy permit before homes are
Mr. Mosley stated that homes were not complete, but were livable.
Mr. Robert Mayes than stated the car port was set on post hole and would rise with
Alderman Thomas seconded by Alderman Mitchell that Building Inspector check for
violation with all alderman voting aye.
A discussion was had on the control of homes for each neighborhood. This was to
keep them compatitU with each other. This was referred to committee for study.
The following were appointed Judge of Election for April 20, by Mayor Coleman:
1st Ward. - Mrs. Wm. Duncan
Mrs. Audrey Hextell
Mr. Lester Houck
Mrs. Shirley Mayes
Mrs. Jackie Follmer
2nd Ward - Mrs. Chester Vial
Mrs. A. M. Johnson
Mrs. Carl Schobert
Mrs. Harry Morse
Mrs. Hilda Gardner
FORM 601.49® U.S.A.
3rd Ward - Mr. James Talbott
Mrs. Ruby Kellner
Mrs. Lenora Corniels
Alderman Thomas then reported on upgrading of Street Lighting. The city to upgrade
13 lights at present.
Discussion on School Crossing Guards. Alderman Mitchell seconded by Alderman
Thomas that they receive $10 per day. Upon roll being taken the aldermen voted
as follows:
Thomas - Aye
Follmer - not voring
Florence - naye
Thanepohn - nays
Mitchell - aye
McHugh - aye
and carried.
Alderman Thanepohn seconded by Alderman Florence that the $10 vote apply to the
South Side only.
Roll Call - Thomas - naye
Follmer - aye
Florence - aye
Thanepohn - aye
McHugh - aye
Mitchell - aye
and carried.
Alderman Thomas reported that there was no insurance on the Chief's car when used
for police purposes. Discussion followed and tabled until after budget approval.
A discussion was had on the building code. Alderman Florence seconded by Alder-
man Thanepohn to amend article 6, Section 1, Paragraph 8 - second line after word
Herein add the following: Providing that the following building material shall be
minimum qualification.
1. 1/2" outside sheeting and roof decking
2- 3 in 12 roof pitch with sealed 15 lb. double lap roof coverning belt
3. floor decking subfloor must have solid face substitute for 5/8 decking
Upon roll being taken the following aderman voted aye: Thomas, Follmer, Florence,
Thanepohn, Mitchell and McHugh.
Alderman Thanepohn seconded bhat the Parking Ordinance be amended to prohibit
parking between Van Emmon and Franklin Street on Bridge Street on both sides of
strdet► Upon roll being taken the aldermn voted as follows:
Thomas - no
Follmer - yes
Florence - yes
Thanepohn - no
McHugh - yes
and earried.
No other business the meeting was adjourned.