City Council Minutes 1971 02-11-71 FORM 601-49®U.S.A. February 11 1971 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLr METING OF THE ALDMHEN AND MkYOR OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON FEBRUARY 11, 1971 AT 8:00 P. M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and directed the clerk to call the roll. Upon roll being taken the following aldermen were present: lst ward - Thomas, Follmer 2nd ward - Florence, Thanepohn 3rd ward - Mitchell, McHugh The clerk then read the minutes of the regular monthly meeting held on January 14, 1971. Said *inutes were approved as read. The clerk then read the bills as follows: Yorkville National Bank, W H Tax, Jan 1971 $618.75 Illinois Department of Revenue, St. W H Tax 82905 Northern Illinois Gas Co., Heat 2 73.28 Illinois Bell Telephone, phone service 40.15 Farmers State Bank, Payment f11, police car 208. 57 leiter's Citgo, gas police car 72.67 United Auto Sales, service police car 48.67 Rice's Service, gas police car 227.68 Motorola, Inc., Inv. +G-8228-984, Walkie Talkie radio, police dept. 620.00 Salesbury Groceiry, cleaning supplies, PD 26.50 Southtown Oil Co. , gas police car 6.18 Win Prickett, use of personal car 38.68 Lies Chevrolet, service iolice car 37.90 Duncan Industries, repairs radar, PD. , Inv R-?962 38.62 Yorkville National Bank, payment P. tractor 138.54 Sandwich Redi-Mix, gravel 20.42 Fox Valley Disposal Co., garbage removal 912.00 E. R. Zeiter, Insurance, police car 191.00 H. G. Dickson Co., off supp. 10.46 Ruddy Brothers, labor sewers 312.00 Heitman Trucking Co., hauling cinders 54.24 Yorkville Hardware, off supply 30.99 Farmers Elevator Co., rock salt 122.54 Christine A. Weiss, catching and boarding of dogs 128.00 Commonwealth Edison Co. , street lighting 338.82 Checker Oil Co. , gas police dept. 218.04 The Travelers Insurance Co., group insurance, policy #814592 289.66 Kane Ford, police car 3700.00 Dallas Ingemunson, attorney fees 50.00 0jW.6f--1FoVkti11e'Bond and Interest Account, Bond req. 3570.00 City of Yorkville Bond Interest Reserve Account, Bond Reqp. 150.00 City of Yorkville Dept. and Cont Account, Bond Req. 150.00 Illinois Bell Telephone, Phone service 14.36 Northern Illinois Gas, heat pumphouse 68.05 Robert Coleman, DC., Expenses, Davenport, Iowa 27.30 Yorkville National Bank Box rent 5.00 E & H Utility Sales, tools 25.45 Capitol Controls, Meters pts., Inv. 42017 18.08 FORM 601-49®U.S.A. Commonweath Edison Co., pumping $ 55.74 Ross Valve Co., meter parts 51.86 Jim's Trenching, water ditches 189.00 Arlie P. Lough, salary 242.30 The bills were referred to the Finance Committee to be paid, if found correct. The treasurer's report was read by Moor Coleman and approved. The police report was read by Alderman Thomas for the month of February, said report being approved* the report of The Streets and Alleys Committee was read by James Price and approved. Mayor Coleman then nominated Attorney Fred Dickson as special City Attorney. Alderman Florence and seconded by Alderman Thanepohn to confirm said nomination with all aldermen voting aye. Minuted of the Zoning Board of Appeals' meeting of February 9, 1971, were read by Mayor Coleman. The Zoning Board of Appeals made the following recommendations: 1. Separate zoning classifications for duplex homes 2. Separate zoning classifications for modular homes 3. Review and improvement of building code City Attorney Ingemunson reported that you could not restrict modular homes by zoning. Alderman Thanepohn then suggested that city set square footage requirements for new homes before subdivision platts be accepted by City. Z general discussion was hade on Modular homes. Victor Smith, former city Build- ing Inspector stated that the Modular homes in question are not up to city code. Alderman Mitchell seconded by Alderman Thanepohn that all building permits for new construction be stopped until public hearing can be had by Zoning Board of Appeals. Gmral discussion following. Robert Mayes stated the roofs of the Modular Homes are not heavy enough and the purpose of the building code is to protect both property owners and buyers. Alderman Mitchell then withdrew said motion to stop construction of new homes. A motion was made by Alderman Mitchell, seconded by Alderman Thanepohn to amend the Building Code Ordinance to delete equal or better provisoes. Said amendment to take immediate effect and the building inspector is to strictly construe any and all provisions of said Building Code Ordinance. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen voted "Aye": James Follmer, Bob Thomas jAftyr Thanepohn, Vernon Florence, Richard Mitchell, Ralph McHugh. Alderman Thanepohn seconded by Alderman Thomas that a separate zoning classif- ication for Duplex Homes be established. Upon roll being taken all aldermen voting aye. FORM 601-49® U.S.A. Application was made accompanied by check to rezone Lot No-, -5• Edgewood Second Addition to Duplex, from residential. This was requested by Robert J. Blohr. This was referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals for action. In the municipal election of April 20th, the Bristol Kendall Fire Barn was established for polling place for Precindts No. 1 and 2 and the Yorkville Con- gregational Church for Precindt No. 3. Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Thanepohn that judges of election be paid $20 in the April 20th election. Upon roll being taken all aldermen voted aye. A general discussion was held on Night Watch. Alderman Follmer, seconded by Alderman Thanepohn that the charge for this service by despensed with. Upon roll being taken all aldermen voted aye. A general discussion was had on the Casey residence on Center Street and the Cozy Cafe. Mayor Coleman instructed Ralph Smith, Buildigg Inspect6r and the Yorkville Police Department to inspect said buildings and make recommendations by the next regular meeting. A discussion was had on salaries of elected officials. Alderman Florence, seconded by Alderman Thanepohn the salary of Mayor be $300 plus $300 as Liquor Commissioner, that of City Clerk $600 and that of City Treasurer $600, Alder- men $20 per month. Upon roll call being the following aldermen voted aye: James Follmer, Bob Thomas, LeRoy Thanepohn, Vernon Florence, Richard Mitchell and Ralph McHugh. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.