City Council Minutes 1971 01-14-71 FORM 601-49®U.S.A. Jan 14, 1971 MINUTES OF THE REGUAIR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ALDERMEN AND MAYOR OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILL AGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JANUARY 14, 1971 AT 8:00 P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and directed the clerk to call the roll. Upon roll being taken the following aldermen were present: 1st ward - Thomas, Follmer 2nd ward - Florence, Thaneophn 3rd ward - Mitchell., McHugh The clerk then read the minutes of the regular monthly meeting held on December 10, 1970. Said minutes were approved as read. The Clerk then read the bills as follows: Yorkville National Bank, December 1970 W. H. Tax 634.96 Illinois Department of Revenue, State income tax, December 1970 82.28 State Employees Retirement °ystem, social security 4th qt, 1970 1520.53 Illinois Bell Telephone, phone service 11.53 Farmers State Bank, payment JWMnpolice car 208.57 Win Prickett, use of personal car 15.00 Cheker Oil Co., gas police dept 58.26 Durbin Office Machines, copy paper, police Dept. 30.88 Duncan Indurtries, repairs to radar 22.12 Don's Engraving service, signs police dept 13.00 Aurora Adding Machine and Typewriter Sales, repairs typewriter 48.95 Lies Chevrolet Sales, service police car 6.20 Hilltop Sinclair, oil change and tire, police car 25.80 Ray O'Herron Co. , police equipment 127.44 Fox Valley Disposal Co., garbage removal 912.00 Rice's Service, gas dtreet department 129.53 Yorkville Hardware, op supply 7.47 Kane Ford, service Bord truck 3.67 H. G. Dickson, chains for tractor 61.90 Bob's Standard Service, gas street department 42.17 Sandwich Redi-Mix, gravel 9.82 Farmers Elevator Co., rock salt 33.30 Meyer Material Co., de-icing gravel 6.32 Commonwealth Edison Co. , street lighting 339 19 Travelers Insurance Co. , group insurance 289.66 Illinois Bell Telephone, phone service 35.74 Yorkville National Bank, payment #6, tractor 138.54 Illinois Meters,parts and meters 79.48 Fredrickson's Office Supply, water bills 154.44 Bob's Standard Service, gas water department -211.87 Saunders And Co. , test kit, chlorine 12.97 Badger Meter Co. , Meters 621.40 E. & H. Utility copper tube 250.86 Commonwealth Edison Co. , pumping 48.81 The bills were refered to the finance committiee to be paid if found correc. Alderman Thaneophn then read the treasurers report which was approved as read. FORM 601-49® U.S.A. Chief Winifred Prickett then read the police report for the month of December, with said report being approved as read. James Price then read the reports of the Water Department and Streets and Alleys, the said reports being approved as read. The report of the Planning Commission to rezone the Harker property to apartment uses was read. The Planning Commission recommended said change. The clerk then presented the yearly work permit from the Department of Public Works. Alderman Thanepohn, seconded by Alderman Mitchell to accept said permit, with all aldermen voting aye. Mayor Coleman then read a letter from the Enviromental Protection Agency denying sewer for the Roger Wolf apartments until an eight inch sewer main has been installed. Mayor Coleman then read a letter from Aurora Commissioner John Cunningham, re- commending that an ordinance limiting the amount of phosphates in soaps be passed by the city. General discussion following. Mayor Coleman reported that his prelimary investigation of Modular homes showed they met minimum code requirements, with a general discussion following. Alderman Thanepohn seconded by Alderman Florence that February 9, 1971, at 7 o'clock P.M. , the Zoning Board of Appeals will conduct a public hearing for the following purposes: a. Elimination of Duplex Homes from Residential Zoning and creation of a separate classification for theme b. A separate classification for factory built homes. With the Planning Commission to report results of said meeting to City Council. Upon roll being taken all aldermen voted aye. Alderman Thanepohn then reported on«:a meeting with Mr. Robert Clem of the State Waterways Department. The state acknowledged ownership at Palmer Dam, they are willing to lease said land to the City, giving complete control over it. Alder- man Thanepohn also stated that the Lyons Club and Jaycees would assist in cleaning said area. Alderman Thanepohn, seconded by Alderman Florence t-the city enter into negotiations. Upon roll call being taken, all aldermen voted aye. A general discussion followed on moving the island south and east of the dam. This would further clean and straighten the south bank of the river. A general discussion was had for placing the city employees under Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. This was tabled until a later date. A general discussion was had on the lease or purchase of the new radar for the Police Department. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R E N E W A L OF THE 1964 PERMIT YEARLY RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the CI'1'7C OF YORMLL ' located in the County of XEHD= , State of Illinois, adopted a Yearly Resolution dated Apr11 9- 1464 covering location, construction, operation and maintenance, with its own forces or by contract of water mains, sever lines, driveways, alleys, street returns, sidewalks, street lights, and other facilities within the year of 19(34 on State Highways within the c t T y limits, now THEREFORE, be it resolved that this Resolution shall remain in force for the year 1971. I, L d/ZS O-CJ , hereby certify the above to be a true copy of the renewal to the 19F Resolution adopted by the of Loex✓ ; / i- , State of Illinois. Dated this / day of L, A. D., 19-1 . P Clerk