Public Works Minutes 1996 07-01-96 ,A_0 -
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Committee Minutes - Public Works
Date of Meeting: July 1, 1996 Location: 111 W. Fox
Time Convened: 6:40 P.M. Time Adjourned: 8:40 P.M.
J.T. Johnson
Jeff Spang
Jerry Lynch
Art Prochaska
Joe Wywrot
1 .) May Water Report - Water Report is good. Spang has some concerns
with the South Water Tower. He doesn't feel that it will wait another
five to seven years before it will need painting. Since he has been on
City Council the average daily usage has gone up by 200,000 gallons
per day. Prochaska thinks it should be able to wait four to five years.
The City has an agreement with Inland. Inland is waiting for one
more big user and they will donate $500,000 towards an additional
water tower. The are looking at putting n a one million gallon
tower. They City s portion will still be approximately $500,000 to
$600,000. Prochaska thinks that Wywrot should start looking for
funding and grants.
2.) Holak Sidewalk 112 Naden Court - Holak has a quote for $3.50 per
square foot for 216 feet of sidewalk. Wywrot or J.T. needs to go
and check the footage. Take to COW.
3.) Cannonball Trail Water Hookups - Nanninga asked Wywrot to call
K & K Well Drilling to find out if they have been having problems with
the water table or wells. K & K said they have not had any problems.
The water table has been stable. K & K also said that sand point
wells are very unreliable. Spang said that when the City ran the line
Liggett's pond dropped. Prochaska has had a hard time believing that
the City running a line caused all these wells to dry up: The City did
test wells and the test wells came back. Prochaska thinks the
minutes from that meeting should be looked up. There was an offer
made at that time. The City offered them City water hook up if they
would annex to the City. The City would put the B Box in the front
yard. The home owner would have to pay to have the B Box ran into
the house. Stafford thinks the City should make the same offer.
Wywrot said there are fees involved to the homeowner. They will
have the fees of the legal fees for annexing, and fees to abandon
their wells. Spang thinks we should do a pre-annexation agreement
until land owners become conta ious. Talk to Dan find out about
legalities and wording for area ofer.
4.) Water & Sewer Rate Study - DCCA will do a rate study at no charge
but th need some information. They need a capital improvement
plan. The Sanitary District owns the lines. The Sanitary District does
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not have to sign permits. Sanitary District needs to participate in
restoring the lines. Prochaska thinks the anyone that will be using the
48 inch line should be in on the meetings and discussion because
they are going to benefit by the line. Nanninga needs to get
permission from ComEd to use the ComEd easement. $2.5 million
dollars in impact to the current users and the developers need to help
come up with some way for funding. To get the State loan, the City
will need a secure dedicated fee for repaying the loan. Wywrot is
getting an estimate from Pavia-Marting on running the line. Wywrot
will put together a draft and bring back.
5.) Green Briar Road Improvement - At the last meeting the Council had
been asked by the developer to pass a resolution. Plans have not
been approved. Wehrli told Dan and Wywrot that he did not want to
put in street lights and landscaping in the parkways. He said he was
told verbally with Dan, Schmanski and Nanninga present that he
would not have to do any of this. Dan, Schmanski, and Nanninga do
not remember any of this. Prochaska does not feel that Green Briar
and Rt, 47 is safe. He does not think the City should issue any
occupancy permits until the road is lit and safe. Stafford would like
to get legal council and find out if the road can be closed or if the
City can issue a stop building.
6.) Engineering Review Fees - Wywrot does not want to charge an hourly
rate. The rate will be $400 for the first five acres and then $50 for
every gross acre after that. This is before they do anything. Need
some kind of wording for something other than residential.
7.) Leaf Burning - Stafford was going to contact the County about the
City hauling their brush and burnable stuff out to their location. The
County was unavailable at that time. Dan has recommended to ban
all burning.
8.) Additional Business
City Equipment - The City will be taking firmer action on personal
uses of City equipment. This will not be permitted. Add policy to
hand book.
Street Light - ConEd has contracted out to Trench It. Hoping to get
street light on soon.
Spring Street - There has been a request for a street light on Spring
Street. There is a dark area there. People are parking there, when
the homeowners come out of theie home they lump in their cars and
leave. The pole is already there. J.T. would like recommendation
from council.
Spring Street - Spring narrows at Terry. Prochaska would like to get
some kind of reflectors in the area.
Chipping - Still looking for an area for chipping. Would like an area
the will not disturb anyone. Keep on agenda.
Large Rubbish Piles in Countryside - Dan said the property can be
cleaned up and posted No Dumping. City can maintain and not have
to mow it. J.T. to talk with John Purcell.
Ward 1 Street Repairs - List that Spang had prepared was given to
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Bennett. Wywrot has gone over the list. Wywrot is going to have
Dhuse go over the list. Wywrot will check into repairs. Tpang would
like a report to know what has been done.
Ward 3 Street Repairs - Prochaska had turned in a list some time ago.
He would like to know how the list is going. Wywrot is not aware of
any list. Wywrot will do some checking.
Minutes by: Mollie Anderson