Zoning Commission Minutes 2014 04-23-14ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Wednesday, April 23, 2014 7:00 p.m. Yorkville City Hall Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road, Yorkville, IL 60560 Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m. by Mr. Crouchand hewelcomed everyone. Roll Call Roll call was taken; a quorum was established. Committee Members in Attendance Michael CrouchGreg Millen Gary NeyerJeff Baker City Officials in Attendance Krysti Barksdale-Noble-Community Development Director Chris Heinen –Planner Citizen’sComments There were no citizens in attendance. Previous Minutes Mr. Crouchasked fora motion to approvethe February 26, 2014minutes. Mr. Baker made a motion to move. It was seconded by Mr.Neyer. Mr. Crouch asked if there was any discussion on the motions; hearing none, he asked for approval by saying, “Yes.” It wasapproved unanimouslyand themotion was carried.Mr. Crouchthen turned the meeting over to Ms.Noble. Civic Art Works Ms.Noble saidthey had the formal preliminary report from Civic Art Works and it has all of the summaries of the hot-button items they had discussed during the Zoning Commission process. It is presented in two phases, the first is the Idea Phase that was open to citizen approval or not. The second phase is the Analysis Phase (page 49). This phase dealt with “yes/no” or “A/B” scenarios. The answers were tabulated and the committee received some good feed-backand they reviewed some of the more popular scenarios.Some of the questions were not presented as clear “Yes” or “No” answers. Mr. Baker asked to discuss numbers 58 and 59, Vehicle loading manufacturing districts. Ms. Noble said she believed they chose “side only”as opposed to “front loading.”Mr. Heinen suggested they might want to promote a shared access drive on the interior. In Phase I, Idea Phase, two ideas were presented that did not originate from committee discussions. One was on the Quiet Zone, which, technically, at the Zoning level would not enforce. They could promote more green space and higher set-backs through Zoning, but Ms. Noble did not think it was discussed at the committee level.The second was bee keepingin residential areas (R-1, R-2, possibly R-3).It was requested that it be allowed. It was voted down at the City Council level so it cannot return to Council APPROVED11/17/14 within six (6) months.As it currently stands, bee keeping is prohibited in all districts except Agriculture. Ms. Noble said she had the draft, which Chris and she are going through, to check for conflicts with anything. The City Attorney has a copy of it for her review, and her assistant has a copy of it for his review. They will be adding more graphics to some of the areas, and then they will finish the compilation from Civic Art Works (which may go to the end of May, 2014). Then she was hoping to meet back here in June for the open house. The public would be invited to inspect the documents and final draft and provide feedback. In July, she would like to take it to City Council for approval. Mr. Crouch asked how long she anticipated the process would take from City Council. Ms. Noble anticipated two (2) rounds of Public Hearings as a precaution. Shesees a possible vote at the end of August, 2014. Mr. Crouch asked if the committee would then be done and Ms. Noble said they would be done in June, 2014 (unless it gets kicked back). When the final packet is complete, Ms. Noble will distribute it to each committee member with a cover memo, following the open house. Mr. Crouchasked fora motionto adjourn. A motion was madeby Mr.Neyer; it wassecondedby Mr. Millen;all voted in favor; and the meeting adjourned at 7:45p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Bonnie Olsem Administrative Secretary