Zoning Commission Minutes 2014 11-17-141 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE KENDALL COUNTY,ILLINOIS ZONING COMMISSION MEETING 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville,Illinois Monday,November 17,2014 7 :00 p .m . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 2 PRESENT: MR.MICHAEL CROUCH,Chairman. MR.JEFF BAKER, MR.PHIL HAUGEN, MR.GREG MILLEN, MR.GARY NEYER. ALSO PRESENT: MS.KRYSTI J .BARKSDALE-NOBLE, MR.CHRIS HEINEN. ----- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 3 CHAIRMAN CROUCH:I call the Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7 :01 and I call the roll call. Mr.Neyer. MR.NEYER:Here. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Mr.Millen. MR.MILLEN:Here. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Mr.Haugen. MR.HAUGEN:Here. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Mr.Baker. MR.BAKER:Here. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Mr.Crouch. We do have a quorum.It appears we have no citizens,so we will skip citizen's comments and move on to the approval of the April 23rd minutes.You have the meeting minutes in your packet. Are there any additions or corrections to the minutes?If not,a motion to approve would be in order. MR.BAKER:So moved,Baker. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Is there a second? MR.MILLEN:Second,Millen. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:It's been moved and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 4 seconded to approve the minutes.Is there any discussion on the motion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Hearing none,all those in favor say yes. (A chorus of ayes.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Opposed say no. (No response.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Motion carries. Do we need to move into public hearing? MS.NOBLE:Yes. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Can I have a motion to move into public hearing? MR.NEYER:So moved. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Is there a second? MR.BAKER:Second. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:It's been moved and seconded to move into public hearing.Is there any discussion on the motion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Hearing none,all those in favor say yes. (A chorus of ayes.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 5 CHAIRMAN CROUCH:We are now in public hearing for the purpose of the new zoning ordinance.I turn it over to Krysti at this point. MS.NOBLE:Thanks.So I have a quick Power Point presentation of the process and what we have approved.I will turn down the lights just a little bit. So we know who the members are,we all have met for over four years.Mike Crouch is our chairman;Baker,Millen,Neyer and Haugen are our members. Myself,I am the Community Development Director.Chris Heinen was a part of the process,who is our planner,and Jamie T . Berg was our former planning intern. So,why are we here?The historical perspective is that zoning has been around in some shape,form or fashion since the late 1700's in the United States. We over the course of that time have had zoning laws,and they have generally been accepted in the courts as early as the 1940's , you see some early cases in the 1920's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 6 challenging some zoning ordinances and the Supreme Court upholding those rights for communities to zone,so the courts between the 1920's and the 1960's dealt with several challenges to zoning and the authority to regulate zoning,which is a police power,so a community has a right to zone land for areas to create less conflict between land owners. Local perspectives.Yorkville had our first zoning ordinance in March of 1974;that was our first comprehensive zoning ordinance. Over the last 40 years,piecemeal, patch worked,did a lot of changes to address the issues that have come up,some have dealt with parking,signage,Telecommunications Act,et cetera,as they arose,but this was our first attempt to comprehensively update the zoning ordinance since that time. The process started with me in the spring of 2010;I know some of the members had started prior to that.We held meetings once a month.We did our final review back in June if you recall.We had our open house in July. Since that time where you guys were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 7 involved we have taken the zoning ordinance to the Economic Development Committee,and that was in August and October of 2014.There was a couple rounds of revisions during that time. It was reviewed by the Plan Commission in September,where we had some more comments to address,and Staff dealt with those, and then we took it to the Zoning Board of Appeals earlier this month for their review.No comments came out of that meeting. So we have our public hearing tonight and then afterwards we will go to City Council actually not in December,but on the 25th of this month. So here is the document.This is the final draft version.We've got the zoning ordinance covered there and then all of our title chapters. We have 20 chapters that we did in-house from beginning to end and rewrote pretty much every chapter in the ordinance. So the significant revisions were graphics were added,zoning districts were renamed,some unifying chapters and other titles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 8 of the code so that they complement each other and they don't contradict in certain areas. We added some newer technologies of comprehensive planning strategies and we have included innovative public engagement graphics, very light at the bottom.So we use graphics and tables. So in most of the chapters now as you flip through you see more illustrations,more tables,more pictures,when it is more effective and gives opportunity for the reader to immediately understand what information we are trying to put across. Here is examples of graphics now on the floor area ratios,which is a concept that's hard to understand just by text,so now we have graphics to show what --if a zoning district says you have 1 .0 F A R ,how that can happen on the site. Then we identify what lots look like,what's a corner lot,what's considered a first corner lot.Give a little graphic here. Again,the text does override graphics,but the graphics help accentuate the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 9 point to the reader quickly. Here is some more graphics where we are showing massing on the site and we're showing where the side yards are,where the corner side yards are,and what are the setback distances. There are tables.We have incorporated a permitted special use table. Previously when you looked in the zoning ordinance you had to know what district you were in to see if the use was going to be approved. Well,if you are coming new to the city,now you can just look at the use you want to bring into the city and see in what zoning districts you can locate.It's a little bit easier. Dimensions and bulk regulations were added in the table form;that way you can clearly --once you find out what district you can be in,you can quickly look at the chart and see what are my setbacks,what are my bulk regulations right across without having to read a lot of text. We incorporated pictures.This gives a more graphic representation of what we 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 10 are looking for in each district,and then the districts themselves,we have renamed them to be a little bit more explanatory of what we are looking for in those particular zones,so a majority of those districts were renamed to accurately describe the intent,and then some new zoning districts were created to address existing land uses where there was no appropriate zoning, like open space. So here are some examples of how we have renamed the districts.Right now we call R -1 our one family residence.We are now calling it the single family suburban district.The R -2 , we are now calling it single family traditional district.B -1 is now local business and B -2 is our retail commerce business. If you notice,commerce has been added.That was a comment that was brought before the E DC. We created zoning districts,the open space.We have two districts within the O S districts,you have an O S -1 ,which is passive open space,which would be more trails, non-active space,and then in the OS-2 ,open 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 11 space recreational,that's where you'll see more engagement in the environment,so you'll see playground structures,you will probably see buildings. We tried to unify the chapters of the title.We included a dult-oriented use,which were previously only addressed in Title 3 ,which is business and licenses,and now we include it into the zoning. We have actually increased some of the different parameters,how they can be situated in the zoning districts that we allow, and the same for a massage establishment,tattoo parlors,never addressed in our zoning ordinance, but in other chapters they were.Signs we brought back from the building regulations into the zoning. Newer technologies we addressed with alternative energy systems.We have included not only wind,but solar,so we did have some general ordinances for wind,but we hadn't addressed the newer technology which is being used more often, which is solar. Some of the contemporary planning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 12 strategies that we used was an incentive-based approach for bicycle parking,so if you have a development,commercial development,that comes in,if they provide off-street bicycle parking, now we give them an allowance to reduce their vehicular parking. Land banking is another one that we introduced.A developer can now provide two plans;one is their plan with their immediate parking needs and one is a plan that shows their build-out to the required parking needs,and they can save space,save impervious surface,by building out what their immediate needs are,and at the time as deemed by our commission or by our city council they need to build what's required, they can do so. And then we did some innovative engagement.We hired Civic Artworks,who did the online campaign,so some of the hot button items that we discussed in our meetings they put in graphic form right here,and the City engaged in a discussion,and so we have talked about,you know,what should we --should we have a smaller zoning district that allows for smaller lots, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 13 less than 12,000 square feet.We didn't really get a lot of positive feedback on that and that's why it's not included within our zoning ordinance. We talked about height measurements, we got some feedback on that,and then we talked about having residents above offices or maybe allowing a little small portion on the first floor,which we incorporated into the ordinance as well. As part of that,we have 73 participants that participated online.Now, remember,we held meetings for four years,about ten meetings a year.That was an opportunity for residents to show up,and none showed up. We had 73 participants here that were active.We had over 4 ,000 that just witnessed,came on,saw what we had,didn't really participate,but were aware of the discussions,and it actually mimicked our 2010 census,53 percent male,47 female,average age is about 46,and we had 91 individual comments of all of the 16 topics we brought up,and then 134 votes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 14 And this map shows you where those voices were heard all over Yorkville,so it wasn't just concentrated in new areas,it was actually all over. And then these are some of the topics that we ended up discussing,so we've got train horns and bees,downtown building height was a big one that was discussed,barbed wire, fencing,residential and office districts and so on,and actually this is the final graphic that's being presented and we're going to have in here. So what are the next steps?So we did all this work,over 180 pages double-sided, so what happens then.So the Zoning Commission, per the Illinois state statute,the Zoning Commission will make their recommendation at a public hearing,which we are doing here. Then within 30 days our recommendation will be forwarded to City Council and the City Council will be hearing this on November 25th,so next Tuesday,and they have three options.They can approve it as we present it,they can approve it with changes,or they can send it back to the Zoning Commission for further 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 15 consideration. And with that if there is --there is chapter summaries in the memo.If you have any questions or want to review any of those, just let me know.Thank you. MR.BAKER:Very nice.Don't forget all the time we s pent on definitions,though. MS.NOBLE:Yes,that's very important. MR.BAKER:Al Green would have been -- CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Al Green on definitions,forever and ever. MS.NOBLE:So your memo goes chapter by chapter,so I didn't want to go in chapter by chapter.The summary tells what was changed, what wasn't .If you have any specific questions, just let me know. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Do any members of the Commission have questions for Krysti regarding anything? (No response.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:If not,a motion to close the public hearing would be in order. MR.HAUGEN:So moved,Haugen. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Is there a second? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 16 MR.MILLEN:Second. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:It's been moved and seconded to close the public hearing.Is there any discussion on the motion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Hearing none,all those in favor say yes. (A chorus of ayes.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Opposed say no. (No response.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Motion carries.I don't believe we have any old business,so let's move on to new business and,with that,we would need a motion to approve the zoning ordinance,to adopt the new zoning ordinance to forward to the City Council,so would someone like to make that motion? MR.BAKER:So moved. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Is there a second? MR.HAUGEN:Second. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:It's been moved and seconded to recommend the zoning ordinance for approval to the City Council.Is there any discussion on the motion? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 17 MR.NEYER:I would just like to ask from the last time we saw this in June,were there any significant changes -- MS.NOBLE:Sure. MR.NEYER:--by any of the reviewing bodies? MS.NOBLE:Sure.So if you look at the second memo --not the first,the second one -- that's dated September 16th to the Economic Development Committee,it goes through all of the comments that were brought up in the open house, brought up at EDC and the Plan Commission,and some significant changes that I will say,fencing was one.That was brought up at the Plan Commission level,so previously we allowed galvanized chain link fencing that's vinyl coated in all yards. Now it's been changed to allow them in the side and the rear only,you can have the other type of material fence in the front yard, and the fence can't extend beyond the front of the house,so that's one of the changes. The other was bed and breakfasts. They were not allowed in the R -1 District and now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 18 they are allowed as special uses in the E -1 District.Those were the ones that really were significant. There were some minor tweaks to some chapters,particularly the alternative energy chapter,and the tweaks had to do with just being more specific about what it is,height.We set the maximum height to 175 feet rather than leaving it open as part of the special use.It is still a special use process,but we capped it at 175 because if we're using the setback at 110 percent of the height,you're not going to get any that's going to fit. MR.BAKER:What was the height required to put a light on? MS.NOBLE:After 200 feet -- MR.BAKER:It's 200 feet,okay.Thank you.I know that -- MS.NOBLE:--you were required to install a light. And the changes are actually in bold.And then there was a request,some we denied,and that was pretty much the gist of the major changes . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 19 CHAIRMAN CROUCH:I was going to say I read through them all this afternoon and most of them are things that we somehow didn't think of, like boats,for example,were added in one area, boat sales or rentals or whatever. MS.NOBLE:Yes. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:But some of the things we denied were the one --they wanted to restrict the color of the vinyl coating on galvanized fencing to three different colors,and since we don't restrict other fencing,we basically said no,and,you know,I don't think that's an issue that's going to come up anyway very honestly, but... MS.NOBLE:No. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Most of them were not really significant I guess would be a good way to put it. MS.NOBLE:Right. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:But there were --It was good to get input from all those bodies just from the standpoint of more --any time we get more input from people,we get a better sense of what they are thinking. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 20 MR.NEYER:Thank you. MS.NOBLE:You are welcome. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Other comments? (No response.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Hearing none,all those in favor of the motion say yes. (A chorus of ayes.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:And opposed say no. (No response.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Motion carries. Do we have anything else? MS.NOBLE:No,we don't . CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Before we adjourn,I want to thank the members of the Commission for their long service. I kind of echo Mr.Baker's comments the other night at the Planning Commission meeting when we received this packet and you said,Do you know what this is?This is the last Zoning Commission meeting,and I think we all enjoy that. It's been a long process.I appreciate the dedication of all the members for all the many meetings that we made and all the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 21 time we spent,and I think our time was well spent,particularly when I look at,as Mr.Baker says,the many,many meetings we spent on definitions.That seemed to be ad infinitum,we weren't ever going to get to the end of automobile laundries and such and so forth,but we did finally get to the end of it,and we dealt with some issues that I know that some people probably --we aren't going to make everybody happy,but that's just the way it is.That's just the nature of having things,so having said that,is there a motion to adjourn? MR.NEYER:So moved. MR.BAKER:Second. CHAIRMAN CROUCH:It's been moved and seconded to adjourn.Is there any -- MR.BAKER:Wait.Do we have to approve the minutes of tonight before we adjourn? CHAIRMAN CROUCH:I don't think we can actually. Any another discussion? (No response.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Hearing none,those in favor say yes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 22 (A chorus of ayes.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Opposed say no. (No response.) CHAIRMAN CROUCH:Motion carries.We stand adjourned.Thank you. (Which were all the proceedings held in the Zoning Commission meeting.) ---o 0 o --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 23 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS. COUNTY OF LASALLE ) I ,Christine M .Vitosh,a Certified Shorthand Reporter,do hereby certify that I transcribed the proceedings had at the pubic hearing and that the foregoing,Pages 1 through 5 ,inclusive,is a true,correct and complete computer-generated transcript of the proceedings had at the time and place aforesaid. I further certify that my certificate annexed hereto applies to the original transcript and copies thereof,signed and certified under my hand only.I assume no responsibility for the accuracy of any reproduced copies not made under my control or direction. As certification thereof,I have hereunto set my hand this 24th day of November,A .D .,2014. Christine M .Vitosh,CSR Illinois CSR No.084-002883 0 084-002883 [1]-23:20 1 1 [1]-23:6 1.0 [1]-8:18 110 [1]-18:12 12,000 [1]-13:1 134 [1]-13:23 16 [1]-13:23 16th [1]-17:9 17 [1]-1:19 1700's [1]-5:19 175 [2]-18:8,18:11 180 [1]-14:13 1920's [2]-5:24,6:4 1940's [1]-5:23 1960's [1]-6:4 1974 [1]-6:10 2 20 [1]-7:19 200 [2]-18:16,18:17 2010 [2]-6:20,13:20 2014 [3]-1:19,7:3, 23:17 23rd [1]-3:16 24th [1]-23:17 25th [2]-7:13,14:21 3 3 [1]-11:7 30 [1]-14:18 4 4,000 [1]-13:17 40 [1]-6:12 46 [1]-13:22 47 [1]-13:21 5 5 [1]-23:6 53 [1]-13:21 7 73 [2]-13:11,13:16 7:00 [1]-1:20 7:01 [1]-3:2 8 800 [1]-1:15 9 91 [1]-13:22 A A.D [1]-23:17 accentuate [1]-8:24 accepted [1]-5:23 accuracy [1]-23:14 accurately [1]-10:6 Act [1]-6:15 active [2]-10:24, 13:17 ad [1]-21:4 added [5]-7:23,8:3, 9:17,10:18,19:4 additions [1]-3:18 address [3]-6:13, 7:7,10:7 addressed [4]-11:7, 11:14,11:18,11:21 adjourn [4]-20:13, 21:12,21:16,21:18 adjourned [1]-22:5 adopt [1]-16:15 adult [1]-11:6 adult-oriented [1]- 11:6 aforesaid [1]-23:9 afternoon [1]-19:2 afterwards [1]-7:12 age [1]-13:21 Al [2]-15:9,15:10 allow [2]-11:12, 17:18 allowance [1]-12:5 allowed [3]-17:15, 17:24,18:1 allowing [1]-13:8 allows [1]-12:24 ALSO [1]-2:8 alternative [2]-11:19, 18:5 annexed [1]-23:10 anyway [1]-19:13 Appeals [1]-7:9 applies [1]-23:11 appreciate [1]-20:23 approach [1]-12:2 appropriate [1]-10:8 approval [2]-3:15, 16:23 approve [6]-3:20, 4:1,14:22,14:23, 16:14,21:17 approved [2]-5:7, 9:10 April [1]-3:16 area [2]-8:15,19:4 areas [3]-6:7,8:2, 14:3 arose [1]-6:16 Artworks [1]-12:18 assume [1]-23:13 attempt [1]-6:17 August [1]-7:3 authority [1]-6:5 automobile [1]-21:6 average [1]-13:21 aware [1]-13:19 ayes [5]-4:6,4:24, 16:8,20:7,22:1 B B-1 [1]-10:15 B-2 [1]-10:15 BAKER [11]-2:3, 3:11,3:21,4:17, 15:6,15:9,16:18, 18:14,18:17,21:14, 21:17 Baker [2]-3:21,5:11 baker [2]-3:10,21:2 Baker's [1]-20:16 banking [1]-12:7 barbed [1]-14:8 BARKSDALE [1]-2:9 BARKSDALE- NOBLE [1]-2:9 based [1]-12:1 bed [1]-17:23 bees [1]-14:7 beginning [1]-7:20 Berg [1]-5:16 better [1]-19:23 between [2]-6:3,6:8 beyond [1]-17:21 bicycle [2]-12:2,12:4 big [1]-14:8 bit [3]-5:8,9:14,10:3 Board [1]-7:8 boat [1]-19:5 boats [1]-19:4 bodies [2]-17:6, 19:21 bold [1]-18:22 bottom [1]-8:6 breakfasts [1]-17:23 bring [1]-9:13 brought [6]-10:18, 11:16,13:23,17:11, 17:12,17:14 build [2]-12:11, 12:15 build-out [1]-12:11 building [3]-11:16, 12:13,14:7 buildings [1]-11:4 bulk [2]-9:16,9:20 business [5]-10:15, 10:16,11:8,16:12, 16:13 but..[1]-19:14 button [1]-12:19 C campaign [1]-12:19 capped [1]-18:10 carries [4]-4:9, 16:11,20:10,22:4 cases [1]-5:24 census [1]-13:21 certain [1]-8:2 certificate [1]-23:10 certification [1]- 23:16 Certified [1]-23:3 certified [1]-23:12 certify [2]-23:4, 23:10 cetera [1]-6:16 chain [1]-17:16 chairman [1]-5:11 Chairman [1]-2:2 CHAIRMAN [39]-3:1, 3:6,3:8,3:10,3:12, 3:22,3:24,4:4,4:7, 4:9,4:13,4:16,4:18, 4:22,5:1,15:10, 15:17,15:21,15:24, 16:2,16:6,16:9, 16:11,16:19,16:21, 19:1,19:7,19:16, 19:20,20:3,20:5, 20:8,20:10,20:13, 21:15,21:19,21:23, 22:2,22:4 challenges [1]-6:5 challenging [1]-6:1 changed [2]-15:14, 17:18 changes [7]-6:13, 14:23,17:3,17:13, 17:22,18:21,18:24 chapter [7]-7:21, 15:3,15:12,15:13, 15:14,18:6 chapters [7]-7:18, Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 24 7:19,7:24,8:8,11:5, 11:15,18:5 chart [1]-9:19 chorus [5]-4:6,4:24, 16:8,20:7,22:1 CHRIS [1]-2:10 Chris [1]-5:14 Christine [2]-23:3, 23:20 citizen's [1]-3:14 citizens [1]-3:14 City [6]-7:12,12:21, 14:19,14:20,16:16, 16:23 CITY [1]-1:5 city [3]-9:12,9:13, 12:15 Civic [1]-12:18 clearly [1]-9:18 close [2]-15:22,16:3 coated [1]-17:16 coating [1]-19:9 code [1]-8:1 color [1]-19:9 colors [1]-19:10 coming [1]-9:11 comment [1]-10:18 comments [7]-3:15, 7:7,7:10,13:22, 17:11,20:3,20:16 commerce [2]-10:16, 10:17 commercial [1]-12:3 COMMISSION [1]- 1:8 commission [1]- 12:14 Commission [12]- 3:2,7:6,14:14, 14:16,14:24,15:18, 17:12,17:15,20:14, 20:17,20:20,22:8 Committee [2]-7:2, 17:10 communities [1]-6:3 Community [1]-5:13 community [1]-6:7 complement [1]-8:1 complete [1]-23:7 comprehensive [2]- 6:11,8:4 comprehensively [1]- 6:17 computer [1]-23:7 computer-generated [1]-23:7 concentrated [1]- 14:3 concept [1]-8:15 conflict [1]-6:8 consideration [1]- 15:1 considered [1]-8:21 contemporary [1]- 11:24 contradict [1]-8:2 control [1]-23:15 copies [2]-23:12, 23:14 corner [3]-8:21,8:22, 9:4 correct [1]-23:7 corrections [1]-3:19 council [1]-12:15 Council [5]-7:13, 14:19,14:20,16:16, 16:23 COUNTY [2]-1:6, 23:2 couple [1]-7:4 course [1]-5:21 Court [1]-6:2 courts [2]-5:23,6:3 covered [1]-7:17 create [1]-6:8 created [2]-10:7, 10:20 Crouch [1]-5:10 CROUCH [40]-2:2, 3:1,3:6,3:8,3:10, 3:12,3:22,3:24,4:4, 4:7,4:9,4:13,4:16, 4:18,4:22,5:1, 15:10,15:17,15:21, 15:24,16:2,16:6, 16:9,16:11,16:19, 16:21,19:1,19:7, 19:16,19:20,20:3, 20:5,20:8,20:10, 20:13,21:15,21:19, 21:23,22:2,22:4 crouch [1]-3:12 CSR [2]-23:20,23:20 D dated [1]-17:9 days [1]-14:18 dealt [4]-6:4,6:14, 7:7,21:7 December [1]-7:13 dedication [1]-20:23 deemed [1]-12:14 definitions [3]-15:7, 15:11,21:4 denied [2]-18:23, 19:8 describe [1]-10:6 developer [1]-12:8 Development [3]- 5:14,7:2,17:10 development [2]- 12:3 different [2]-11:11, 19:10 dimensions [1]-9:16 direction [1]-23:15 Director [1]-5:14 discussed [2]-12:20, 14:8 discussing [1]-14:6 discussion [6]-4:2, 4:20,12:22,16:4, 16:24,21:21 discussions [1]- 13:20 distances [1]-9:5 District [2]-17:24, 18:2 district [7]-8:17,9:9, 9:18,10:1,10:13, 10:15,12:24 districts [11]-7:23, 9:14,10:2,10:5, 10:7,10:11,10:20, 10:21,10:22,11:12, 14:9 document [1]-7:15 double [1]-14:13 double-sided [1]- 14:13 down [1]-5:7 downtown [1]-14:7 draft [1]-7:16 during [1]-7:4 E E-1 [1]-18:2 early [2]-5:23,5:24 easier [1]-9:15 echo [1]-20:16 Economic [2]-7:2, 17:9 EDC [2]-10:19,17:12 effective [1]-8:10 end [3]-7:20,21:5, 21:7 ended [1]-14:6 energy [2]-11:19, 18:5 engaged [1]-12:21 engagement [3]-8:5, 11:2,12:18 enjoy [1]-20:21 environment [1]-11:2 establishment [1]- 11:13 et [1]-6:15 example [1]-19:4 examples [2]-8:14, 10:10 existing [1]-10:7 explanatory [1]-10:3 extend [1]-17:21 F family [3]-10:12, 10:13,10:14 FAR [1]-8:18 Farm [1]-1:15 fashion [1]-5:19 favor [5]-4:5,4:23, 16:7,20:6,21:24 feedback [2]-13:2, 13:6 feet [4]-13:1,18:8, 18:16,18:17 female [1]-13:21 fence [2]-17:20, 17:21 fencing [5]-14:9, 17:13,17:16,19:10, 19:11 final [3]-6:22,7:16, 14:10 finally [1]-21:7 first [6]-6:10,6:11, 6:16,8:22,13:8, 17:8 fit [1]-18:13 flip [1]-8:9 floor [2]-8:15,13:9 foregoing [1]-23:6 forever [1]-15:11 forget [1]-15:6 form [3]-5:19,9:17, 12:21 former [1]-5:16 forth [1]-21:6 forward [1]-16:15 forwarded [1]-14:19 four [2]-5:10,13:13 front [2]-17:20,17:21 G galvanized [2]-17:16, 19:9 Game [1]-1:15 gARY [1]-2:6 general [1]-11:20 generally [1]-5:22 generated [1]-23:7 gist [1]-18:23 graphic [4]-8:22, 9:24,12:21,14:10 graphics [8]-7:23, 8:5,8:6,8:14,8:17, 8:24,9:2 Green [2]-15:9,15:10 GREG [1]-2:5 guess [1]-19:17 guys [1]-6:24 H hand [2]-23:13, 23:17 happy [1]-21:10 hard [1]-8:16 HAUGEN [4]-2:4, 3:9,15:23,16:20 Haugen [3]-3:8,5:11, 15:23 heard [1]-14:2 hearing [15]-4:4, 4:11,4:14,4:19, 4:22,5:2,7:11, 14:17,14:20,15:22, 16:3,16:6,20:5, 21:23,23:5 height [6]-13:5,14:7, 18:7,18:8,18:12, 18:14 HEINEN [1]-2:10 Heinen [1]-5:14 held [3]-6:21,13:13, 22:7 help [1]-8:24 hereby [1]-23:4 hereto [1]-23:11 hereunto [1]-23:16 hired [1]-12:18 historical [1]-5:17 honestly [1]-19:13 horns [1]-14:7 hot [1]-12:19 house [4]-6:23,7:20, 17:11,17:22 I identify [1]-8:20 ILLINOIS [2]-1:6, 23:1 Illinois [3]-1:16, 14:15,23:20 illustrations [1]-8:9 immediate [2]-12:9, 12:13 immediately [1]-8:12 impervious [1]-12:12 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 25 important [1]-15:8 in-house [1]-7:20 incentive [1]-12:1 incentive-based [1]- 12:1 include [1]-11:8 included [4]-8:5, 11:6,11:19,13:3 inclusive [1]-23:6 incorporated [3]-9:7, 9:23,13:9 increased [1]-11:10 individual [1]-13:22 infinitum [1]-21:4 information [1]-8:12 innovative [2]-8:5, 12:17 input [2]-19:21, 19:23 install [1]-18:20 intent [1]-10:6 intern [1]-5:16 introduced [1]-12:8 involved [1]-7:1 issue [1]-19:12 issues [2]-6:14,21:8 items [1]-12:19 J Jamie [1]-5:15 JEFF [1]-2:3 July [1]-6:23 June [2]-6:22,17:2 K KENDALL [1]-1:6 kind [1]-20:16 KRYSTI [1]-2:9 Krysti [2]-5:3,15:18 L land [4]-6:7,6:8, 10:8,12:7 LASALLE [1]-23:2 last [3]-6:12,17:2, 20:19 late [1]-5:19 laundries [1]-21:6 laws [1]-5:22 leaving [1]-18:9 less [2]-6:8,13:1 level [1]-17:15 licenses [1]-11:8 light [3]-8:6,18:15, 18:20 lights [1]-5:7 link [1]-17:16 local [2]-6:9,10:15 locate [1]-9:14 look [5]-8:20,9:12, 9:19,17:7,21:2 looked [1]-9:8 looking [2]-10:1, 10:4 M major [1]-18:24 majority [1]-10:5 male [1]-13:21 map [1]-14:1 March [1]-6:10 massage [1]-11:13 massing [1]-9:3 material [1]-17:20 maximum [1]-18:8 measurements [1]- 13:5 MEETING [1]-1:8 meeting [6]-3:2, 3:16,7:10,20:18, 20:20,22:9 meetings [6]-6:21, 12:20,13:13,13:14, 20:24,21:3 members [6]-5:9, 5:12,6:20,15:17, 20:14,20:23 memo [3]-15:3, 15:12,17:8 met [1]-5:10 MICHAEL [1]-2:2 Mike [1]-5:10 MILLEN [4]-2:5,3:7, 3:23,16:1 Millen [3]-3:6,3:23, 5:11 mimicked [1]-13:20 minor [1]-18:4 minutes [5]-3:16, 3:19,4:1,21:18 Monday [1]-1:19 month [3]-6:22,7:9, 7:14 most [3]-8:8,19:2, 19:16 motion [15]-3:19, 4:2,4:9,4:13,4:20, 15:21,16:4,16:11, 16:14,16:17,16:24, 20:6,20:10,21:12, 22:4 move [5]-3:15,4:10, 4:14,4:19,16:13 moved [10]-3:21, 3:24,4:15,4:18, 15:23,16:2,16:18, 16:21,21:13,21:15 MR [27]-2:2,2:3,2:4, 2:5,2:6,2:10,3:5, 3:9,3:11,3:21,3:23, 4:15,4:17,15:6, 15:9,15:23,16:1, 16:18,16:20,17:1, 17:5,18:14,18:17, 20:1,21:13,21:14, 21:17 MS [14]-2:9,4:12, 5:5,15:8,15:12, 17:4,17:7,18:16, 18:19,19:6,19:15, 19:19,20:2,20:12 N nature [1]-21:11 need [3]-4:10,12:15, 16:14 needs [3]-12:10, 12:11,12:13 never [1]-11:14 new [6]-5:2,9:11, 10:6,14:3,16:13, 16:15 newer [3]-8:3,11:18, 11:22 next [2]-14:12,14:21 NEYER [7]-2:6,3:5, 4:15,17:1,17:5, 20:1,21:13 Neyer [2]-3:4,5:11 nice [1]-15:6 night [1]-20:17 NOBLE [14]-2:9, 4:12,5:5,15:8, 15:12,17:4,17:7, 18:16,18:19,19:6, 19:15,19:19,20:2, 20:12 non [1]-10:24 non-active [1]-10:24 none [6]-4:4,4:22, 13:15,16:6,20:5, 21:23 notice [1]-10:17 November [3]-1:19, 14:21,23:17 O October [1]-7:3 OF [3]-1:5,23:1,23:2 off-street [1]-12:4 office [1]-14:9 offices [1]-13:7 often [1]-11:22 old [1]-16:12 once [2]-6:21,9:18 one [10]-10:12,12:7, 12:9,12:10,14:8, 17:8,17:14,17:22, 19:4,19:8 ones [1]-18:2 online [2]-12:19, 13:12 open [7]-6:23,10:9, 10:21,10:23,10:24, 17:11,18:9 opportunity [2]-8:11, 13:14 opposed [4]-4:7, 16:9,20:8,22:2 options [1]-14:22 order [3]-3:2,3:20, 15:22 ordinance [14]-5:3, 6:10,6:11,6:18,7:1, 7:17,7:21,9:9, 11:14,13:4,13:9, 16:14,16:15,16:22 ordinances [2]-6:1, 11:21 oriented [1]-11:6 original [1]-23:11 OS [1]-10:21 OS-1 [1]-10:22 OS-2 [1]-10:24 override [1]-8:23 owners [1]-6:8 P p.m [1]-1:20 packet [2]-3:17, 20:18 Pages [1]-23:6 pages [1]-14:13 parameters [1]-11:11 parking [6]-6:15, 12:2,12:4,12:6, 12:10,12:11 parlors [1]-11:14 part [3]-5:14,13:11, 18:9 participants [2]- 13:12,13:16 participate [1]-13:19 participated [1]- 13:12 particular [1]-10:4 particularly [2]-18:5, 21:2 passive [1]-10:22 patch [1]-6:13 people [2]-19:23, 21:8 per [1]-14:15 percent [2]-13:21, 18:12 permitted [1]-9:7 perspective [1]-5:18 perspectives [1]-6:9 PHIL [1]-2:4 pictures [2]-8:10, 9:23 piecemeal [1]-6:12 place [1]-23:9 Plan [3]-7:5,17:12, 17:14 plan [2]-12:9,12:10 planner [1]-5:15 Planning [1]-20:17 planning [3]-5:16, 8:4,11:24 plans [1]-12:9 playground [1]-11:3 point [2]-5:4,9:1 Point [1]-5:6 police [1]-6:6 portion [1]-13:8 positive [1]-13:2 power [1]-6:6 Power [1]-5:6 present [1]-14:22 PRESENT [2]-2:1, 2:8 presentation [1]-5:6 presented [1]-14:11 pretty [2]-7:20,18:23 previously [3]-9:8, 11:7,17:15 proceedings [3]- 22:7,23:5,23:8 process [5]-5:6, 5:15,6:19,18:10, 20:22 provide [2]-12:4, 12:8 pubic [1]-23:5 public [9]-4:10,4:14, 4:19,5:1,7:11,8:5, 14:17,15:22,16:3 purpose [1]-5:2 put [4]-8:13,12:20, 18:15,19:18 Q questions [3]-15:4, 15:15,15:18 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 26 quick [1]-5:5 quickly [2]-9:1,9:19 quorum [1]-3:13 R R-1 [2]-10:12,17:24 R-2 [1]-10:13 rather [1]-18:8 ratios [1]-8:15 read [2]-9:21,19:2 reader [2]-8:11,9:1 really [4]-13:1,13:19, 18:2,19:17 rear [1]-17:19 received [1]-20:18 recommend [1]- 16:22 recommendation [2]- 14:16,14:19 recreational [1]-11:1 reduce [1]-12:5 regarding [1]-15:18 regulate [1]-6:6 regulations [3]-9:16, 9:21,11:16 remember [1]-13:13 renamed [4]-7:24, 10:2,10:5,10:11 rentals [1]-19:5 Reporter [1]-23:4 representation [1]- 9:24 reproduced [1]- 23:14 request [1]-18:22 required [4]-12:11, 12:15,18:14,18:19 residence [1]-10:12 residential [1]-14:9 residents [2]-13:7, 13:15 response [10]-4:3, 4:8,4:21,15:20, 16:5,16:10,20:4, 20:9,21:22,22:3 responsibility [1]- 23:13 restrict [2]-19:8, 19:11 retail [1]-10:16 review [3]-6:22,7:9, 15:4 reviewed [1]-7:5 reviewing [1]-17:5 revisions [2]-7:4, 7:22 rewrote [1]-7:20 rights [1]-6:2 Road [1]-1:15 roll [1]-3:3 rounds [1]-7:4 S sales [1]-19:5 save [2]-12:12 saw [2]-13:18,17:2 second [11]-3:22, 3:23,4:16,4:17, 15:24,16:1,16:19, 16:20,17:8,21:14 seconded [5]-4:1, 4:19,16:3,16:22, 21:16 see [8]-5:24,8:9, 9:10,9:13,9:20, 11:1,11:2,11:3 send [1]-14:24 sense [1]-19:23 September [2]-7:6, 17:9 service [1]-20:15 set [2]-18:7,23:16 setback [2]-9:5, 18:11 setbacks [1]-9:20 several [1]-6:4 shape [1]-5:19 Shorthand [1]-23:3 show [2]-8:17,13:15 showed [1]-13:15 showing [2]-9:3 shows [2]-12:10, 14:1 side [3]-9:4,17:19 sided [1]-14:13 signage [1]-6:15 signed [1]-23:12 significant [5]-7:22, 17:3,17:13,18:3, 19:17 signs [1]-11:15 single [2]-10:13, 10:14 site [2]-8:19,9:3 situated [1]-11:12 skip [1]-3:14 small [1]-13:8 smaller [2]-12:23, 12:24 solar [2]-11:20, 11:23 someone [1]-16:16 space [6]-10:9, 10:21,10:23,10:24, 11:1,12:12 special [4]-9:7,18:1, 18:9,18:10 specific [2]-15:15, 18:7 spent [4]-15:7,21:1, 21:2,21:3 spring [1]-6:20 square [1]-13:1 SS [1]-23:1 Staff [1]-7:7 stand [1]-22:5 standpoint [1]-19:22 started [2]-6:19,6:21 state [2]-14:15,23:1 States [1]-5:20 statute [1]-14:15 steps [1]-14:12 still [1]-18:10 strategies [2]-8:4, 12:1 street [1]-12:4 structures [1]-11:3 suburban [1]-10:13 summaries [1]-15:3 summary [1]-15:14 Supreme [1]-6:2 surface [1]-12:12 systems [1]-11:19 T table [2]-9:7,9:17 tables [3]-8:7,8:10, 9:6 tattoo [1]-11:13 technologies [2]-8:3, 11:18 technology [1]-11:22 Telecommunication s [1]-6:15 ten [1]-13:14 text [3]-8:16,8:23, 9:22 themselves [1]-10:2 thereof [2]-23:12, 23:16 thinking [1]-19:24 three [2]-14:22, 19:10 title [2]-7:17,11:6 Title [1]-11:7 titles [1]-7:24 tonight [2]-7:12, 21:18 took [1]-7:8 topics [2]-13:23, 14:6 traditional [1]-10:14 trails [1]-10:23 train [1]-14:7 transcribed [1]-23:4 transcript [2]-23:8, 23:11 tried [1]-11:5 true [1]-23:7 trying [1]-8:13 Tuesday [1]-14:21 turn [2]-5:3,5:7 tweaks [2]-18:4,18:6 two [2]-10:21,12:8 type [1]-17:20 U under [2]-23:12, 23:14 unify [1]-11:5 unifying [1]-7:24 UNITED [1]-1:5 United [1]-5:20 up [9]-6:14,13:15, 13:23,14:6,17:11, 17:12,17:14,19:13 update [1]-6:17 upholding [1]-6:2 uses [2]-10:8,18:1 V vehicular [1]-12:6 version [1]-7:16 vinyl [2]-17:16,19:9 Vitosh [2]-23:3, 23:20 voices [1]-14:2 votes [1]-13:24 W wait [1]-21:17 welcome [1]-20:2 wind [2]-11:20,11:21 wire [1]-14:8 witnessed [1]-13:18 Y yard [1]-17:20 yards [3]-9:4,9:5, 17:17 year [1]-13:14 years [3]-5:10,6:12, 13:13 YORKVILLE [1]-1:5 Yorkville [3]-1:16, 6:9,14:2 Vitosh Reporting Service 815.993.2832 cms.vitosh@gmail.com 27 Z zone [2]-6:3,6:7 zones [1]-10:4 zoning [27]-5:2,5:18, 5:22,6:1,6:5,6:6, 6:10,6:11,6:17,7:1, 7:16,7:23,8:17,9:8, 9:13,10:7,10:8, 10:20,11:9,11:12, 11:14,11:17,12:24, 13:3,16:14,16:15, 16:22 ZONING [1]-1:8 Zoning [7]-3:1,7:8, 14:14,14:15,14:24, 20:20,22:8