Resolution 2015-06 Resolution No.2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS APPROVING A PENSION FUNDING POLICY Whereas,the United City of Yorkville (the"City") is a duly organized and validly existing non home-rule municipality created in accordance with the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970 and the laws of the State; and, Whereas, the City desires to adopt a pension funding policy to determine its long- term costs of such benefits and define the City's actuarial determined contribution for such benefits; and, Whereas,the objectives of said policy include funding based on actuarially determined contributions, ensuring that future benefits can be paid,maintaining intergenerational equity, making funding a percentage of payroll and providing for clear reporting of how sufficient assets will be available to pay for such future benefits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1: That the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PENSION FUNDING POLICY, dated April 28, 2015, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference as Exhibit A, is hereby adopted to determine the actuarial determined contribution for the City's Police Pension Fund and contribution to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Section 2: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this day of 2015. CITY CLERK CARLO COLOSIMO KEN KOCH JACKIE MILSCHEWSKI LARRY KOT CHRIS FUNKHOUSER JOEL FRIEDERS ROSE ANN SPEARS DIANE TEELING Resolution No.2015-O10 Page 1 Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois,this 41 day of MA y 2015. A'a*V M 010R' Resolution No.2015- Olo Page 2 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PENSION FUNDING POLICY E I. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this policy statement is to define the manner in which the United City of Yorkville funds the long-term cost of benefits promised to plan participants and defines the calculation of Yorkville's "actuarial determined contribution" (ADC) to the Yorkville Police Pension and Illinois Municipal Retirement Funds. II. SCOPE This Pension Funding Policy applies to the pension funds in which employees of the United City of Yorkville are enrolled. The specific funds covered by this policy include: A. Yorkville Police Pension Fund B. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund(IMRF) III. OBJECTIVES A. Actuarially Determined Contributions - Ensure pension funding plans are based on actuarially determined contributions (ADC) that incorporates both the cost of current benefits and the amortization of the plan's unfunded actuarial accrued liability. B. Funding Discipline - Build funding discipline into the policy to remit timely contributions to the pension funds to ensure that sufficient assets will be available to pay benefits as promised. C. Intemenerational Equity - Maintain intergenerational equity so that the cost of benefits is paid by the generation of taxpayers who receive services from pension participants. D. Contributions as a Stable Percentage of Payroll - Contributions should be managed so that employer costs remain consistent as a percentage of payroll over time. E. Accountability and Transparency—Clear reporting of pension funding should include an assessment of whether, how and when the City will ensure sufficient assets will be available to pay benefits as promised. IV. ETHICS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Officers and employees involved in the pension funding process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with the proper execution and management of the pension funding program,or that could impair their ability to make impartial decisions. 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PENSION FUNDING POLICY V. ACTUARIAL DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION(ADC) YORKVILLE POLICE PENSION FUND The United City of Yorkville will determine its Actuarial Determined Contribution(ADC)for the Yorkville Police Pension Fund using the following principles: A. The ADC will be calculated by an enrolled actuary. B. The ADC will include the normal cost for current service and amortization to collect or refund any under or over funded amount. C. The normal cost will be calculated using the entry age normal level of percentage of payroll actuarial cost method using the following assumptions: 1. The investment rate of return assumption will be 7.00%per year. 2. The salary increase assumption will be 5.00%per year. 3. Non-economic assumptions, such as rates of separation, disability, retirement, mortality, etc., shall be determined by City management in consultation with the actuary to reflect current experience. D. The difference between the accrued liability and actuarial value of assets will be amortized to achieve 100%funding in 2040(a 30 year closed period that began in 2011) based upon a level percentage of payroll. E. Actuarial assets will be determined using market valuation. The City will make its actuarially determined contribution to the Yorkville Police Pension Fund in monthly installments each year,based on the amount received per the property tax levy each month. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND(IMRF) As required by State Statute, the City will, at minimum, fund the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund(IMRF) in the amounts determined by IMRF. The City does not obtain a separate actuarial report for IMRF and instead relies on the information provided by INW. IMRF costs are allocated to each department's budget activities in which the related salary expenditures are recorded. The majority of IMRF costs are funded by the City's property tax levy. Other City funds (ex. Water, Sewer and Parks &Recreation) pay their IMRF costs from revenues dedicated to those funds. Both employer and employee contributions to IMRF will occur on a monthly basis in accordance with statutory requirements. 2 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PENSION FUNDING POLICY VI. REPORTING Funding of the Yorkville's Police Pension and IMRF funds shall be transparent to vested parties including plan participants, annuitants,the Yorkville Police Pension Board,the City Council and Yorkville residents. To achieve this transparency,the following information shall be distributed: A. A copy of the annual actuarial valuation for all funds shall be made available to the City Council and the Yorkville Police Pension Board. B. The City's annual adopted budget shall include the City's contribution to the Yorkville Police Pension and IMRF Funds. VII. The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) shall be published on its website. This report shall include information on the City's annual pension contributions and the funding status of the Yorkville Police Pension and IMRF Funds as directed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board(GASB). VIII. FUTURE AMENDMENTS Funding a defined benefit pension plan requires a long term horizon. Assumptions and inputs into the policy focus on long-term trends, not year-to-year shifts in the economic or non- economic environments. Generally, assumptions or inputs should be evaluated and changed if long-term economic or non-economic inputs have fundamentally changed or are no longer reasonable. If, in the opinion of the City's Finance Director or Treasurer, conditions change to such an extent so as to alter the effectiveness of this policy statement, such changed circumstances shall be brought to the attention of the City Council for their consideration and review. IX. EFFECTIVE DATE This policy shall be effective on April 28,2015 upon approval by the City Council. 3