Resolution 2015-10 Resolution No. 2015- 10
WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois (the "City") is a duly
organized and validly existing non home-rule municipality created in accordance with the
Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970 and the laws of this State; and,
WHEREAS, the Kane/Kendall Council of Mayors announced a call for Surface
Transportation Program projects; and,
WHEREAS, the City desires to apply for funding for projects for four roadways located
in the City: Kennedy Road/Mill Road and Countryside Parkway/Center Parkway.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the
United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows:
Section 1. That the project scope of the reconstruction of Kennedy Road and Mill Road
as described in the application attached hereto and made a part hereof is hereby approved.
Section 2. That the project scope of the resurfacing of Countryside Parkway and Center
Parkway as described in the application attached hereto and made a part hereof is hereby
Section 3. That the City hereby agrees to commit the funds required in the Kane/Kendall
Council of Mayors' Surface Transportation Program (STP) Project Priority Methodology for its
local share of the cost of the abovementioned projects, including all funds required for Phase I
and Phase II Engineering and Right-of-Way.
Section 4. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and
approval as provided by law.
Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this
day of ,o) to y ) 2015.
Resolution No. 2015- 10
Page 1
Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this
0?3 day of J(AMF— , 2015.
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City Cler
Resolution No. 201540—
Page 2
Council Chairman ' -chairman fiA V s I K E R D i L L Counc"Vice
Chicago Metropolitan THOMAS B. RICKERT
Agency for Planning 41 W01 1 Burlington Road Executive Director
St.Charles,Illinois 60175
STP Project Application/Methodology Data Sheet
Date: 6/24/15 ® New STP Project ❑ Requesting Additional STP Funding
Agency: United City of Yorkville Street: Kennedy Road/Mill Road
Functional Class: I Minor Arterial FAU Key Route ID: FAU 3793/FAU 3788
North/West Limit: Emerald Lane/Kennedy Road South/East Limit: Galena Road/Pine Ridge Dr.
Jurisdiction: (check applicable categories)
❑ State ® County ® Municipal ❑ Township
Type of Improvement(s):
❑ Add Lanes ® Resurfacing ❑ Lighting Intersection Improvement
❑ Reconstruction ❑ ROW ❑ Signals ® New Road
❑ Sidewalks ® Bike/Ped Facility ❑ Bridge ❑ Commuter Parking
Estimated Cost
Funding STP Funding Request Projected Fiscal Year
(enter most recent cost)
Engineering-Phase I: $464,900 $0 2017
Engineering-Phase II: $619,800 $0 2019
ROW: $0 $0
Engineering-Phase III: $929,700 $697,275 2020
Construction: $7,747,300 $5,810,475 2020
Total: $9,761,700 $6,507,750
Project Readiness: (estimated time to project letting)
r 0-3 months (-3-6 months (-6-9 months
C 9-12 months r 12-15 months (*'Over 15 months
Cross-Section: (check applicable categories) ❑ Urban M Rural M Two-lane ❑ Four-lane
CRS: (Condition Rating Survey):
CRS Rating By Local Agency: By Council Staff: Project Length: 3.1
STP Project Application/Methodology Data Sheet (Page 2 of 3)
Roadway Improvement Information: Before After Traffic Volumes:
Number of Thru Driving Lanes: Current ADT: 4,850
Driving Lane Widths (ft): 11 12 Projected ADT: 8,200
Posted Speed Limit: 45 45
Signal Interconnects (Yes/No): No No
Number of Crashes:
(Roadways - Average number of crashes for last 3 years per million VMT)
(Intersections - Average number of crashes for last 3 years per intersection)
#of crashes #of crashes
1 st year 2nd year
#of crashes Average#of
3rd year crashes over 3 years
Bicycle Level of Service (BLOS) and Pedestrian Level of Service (PLOS):
BLOS Before 1 5.01 BLOS After 2.85
PLOS Before 4.23 �� PLOS After 3.11
Please check if the proposed Bike/Ped Infrastructure can be found in an adopted plan. List plan(s) below:
United City of Yorkville Integrated Transportation Plan
Local Commitment: (check all that apply)
® Local Commitment to Fund Phase II
(Provide more detail below that demonstrates local commitment and attach documentation if available.)
The United City of Yorkville has received and has successfully completed similar Federally funded projects in the past and has
budgeted the required local funding share at the appropriate time.
0 Multi-jurisdictional Sponsorship
List Partnering Agencies 1.)
® Local Commitment of Scope and Finances - Required for Eligibility
Attach documentation that shows financial commitment by the agency and documentation that displays the
agency's support of the project scope.
i.e., resolutions, copy of approved budgets,etc...
STP Project Application/Methodology Data Sheet (Page 3 of 3)
Safety: Demonstrate a correlation between the proposed project and an increase in vehicle, pedestrian or
bicyclist safety. Examples include reduction of crash rates, crosswalk implementation, signalization, and speed
reduction. (Attach additional comments if necessary.)
With the development over the past 10 years in the northeast corner of the City,safety improvements are needed to
accommodate increased traffic on the existing deteriorated two lane roadway. Safety improvements anticipated include:
•The implementation of left turn lanes at the neighborhood entrances.
•Realignment of Mill Road due to the proximity to Galena Road and to line it up with the existing park entrance.
•Turn lanes at Kennedy/Bristol Ridge Road and at the new proposed Kennedy Road/Mill Road intersection.
•Exclusive left and right turn lanes at the Kennedy Road/Galena Road intersection.
Implementation of turn lanes throughout the project will allow high speed traffic to continue their through movements while
traffic turning is unimpeded. With added turn lanes,the incidence of rear end crashes is expected to decrease. The
realignment of Mill Road would better allow vehicles access to the area park as well as give enough space to incorporate the
appropriate turn lane storage needed at the intersection of Kennedy Road and Galena Road. Safety improvements will also
be made at the Mill Road and Kennedy Road railroad crossings to allow for implementation of a Quiet Zone. Finally,the
horizontal alignment and vertical alignment will be reviewed and corrections made to the geometry to ensure the new
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Transportation Control Measures Benefits: Explain how your project exceeds the usual benefit to single
occupancy vehicles and substantially promotes the use of other more efficient transportation modes. Examples
include highway projects providing a bicycle or pedestrian facility, which forms part of a larger pedestrian or
bicycle system, or a highway project improving the accessibility of a transit station.
(Attach additional comments if necessary.)
As part of a separate project the United City of Yorkville has obtained ITEP funds to construct a 10'multi-use path from IL Route
47 to Steven G.Bridge Park adjacent to Kennedy Road. The City identified the installation of that path as a primary goal of its
Integrated Transportation Plan.The Kennedy Road path will provide a vital link for residents between the Park and Ride facility
in Oswego,the Autumn Creek and Grande Reserve elementary schools,the City's lighted regional baseball fields at Steven G.
Bridge Park,commercial shopping,and for the planned IL Route 47 trail to downtown Yorkville.
The existing 10'multi-use path located on the south side of Mill street at the east project limits will be extended along the
project limits.The extension of this shared use path will link up with adjacent bike path proposed on Kennedy Road as shown in
the Integrated Transportation Plan.The extension of this multi-use path will link these neighborhoods to the regional Park
located at the new proposed intersection of Mill Road and Kennedy Road.It will also grant these residents access to the Fox
River Trail in Oswego. 0
Additional Comments:
The project will include improvements on Kennedy Road,Mill Road and Galena Road. All three roadways are Minor Arterials
which will benefit the regional transportation needs of the Kendall County area,as well as the local Yorkville roadway system.
The roadways in this application move regional traffic from Yorkville to Oswego,and are directly adjacent to regional
destinations such as the Blackberry Oaks Golf Course and Steven G.Bridge Park. The general scope of this project is to
rehabilitate the pavement of Kennedy Road and Mill Road,which are both severely deteriorated and rated amongst the lowest
roadways in the City. As described above,turn lanes will be installed at various locations(including on Galena Road)and Mill
Road will be realigned.
The current ADT and projected ADT provided in the application are for Kennedy Road. The existing ADT of Galena Road is 8,700
and the existing ADT of Mill Road is 2,750. Galena Road is FAU 2502 and under the jurisdiction of Kendall County. Kendall
County agrees that Kennedy Road needs to be improved,and that the County would be appreciative of an intersection
improvement with Galena Road. p
Prepared By (Name & Title): Christopher J.Ott,E.I.Project Engineer(Engineering Enterprises,Inc.)
Address: 52 Wheeler Road Sugar Grove,IL 60554
Phone Number: 630-466-6700 Email Address: cott
Council Chairman KA N E / K E N DA L L Council Vice-Chairman
Chicago Metropolitan THOMAS B. RICKERT
Agency for Planning 41 W01 1 Burlington Road Executive Director
St.Charles,Illinois 60175
STP Project Application/Methodology Data Sheet
Date: 6/24/15 ® New STP Project ❑ Requesting Additional STP Funding
Agency: United City of Yorkville Street: Center Parkway/Countryside Parkway
Functional Class: I Major Collector FAU Key Route ID: FAU 3797
North/West Limit: US Route 34 South/East Limit: IL Route 47
Jurisdiction: (check applicable categories)
❑ State ❑ County ® Municipal ❑ Township
Type of Improvement(s):
❑ Add Lanes ® Resurfacing ❑ Lighting ❑ Intersection Improvement
❑ Reconstruction ❑ ROW ❑ Signals ❑ New Road
® Sidewalks ❑ Bike/Ped Facility ❑ Bridge ❑ Commuter Parking
Estimated Cost
Funding STP Funding Request Projected Fiscal Year
(enter most recent cost)
Engineering-Phase I: $0 $0
Engineering-Phase II: $44,100 $0 2016
ROW: $0 $0
Engineering-Phase III: $82,600 $61,950 2017
Construction: $550,200 $412,650 2017
Total: $676,900 $474,600
Project Readiness: (estimated time to project letting)
C`0-3 months C`3-6 months ('6-9 months
t`9-12 months C•` 12-15 months C`Over 15 months
Cross-Section: (check applicable categories) ® Urban ❑ Rural ❑ Two-lane R Four-lane
CRS: (Condition Rating Survey):
CRS Rating By Local Agency: 4.2 By Council Staff: Project Length: 0.55
STP Project Application/Methodology Data Sheet (Page 2 of 3)
Roadway Improvement Information: Before After Traffic Volumes:
Number of Thru Driving Lanes: Current ADT: 4,400
Driving Lane Widths (ft): 11 11 Projected ADT: 8,000
Posted Speed Limit: 30 30
Signal Interconnects (Yes/No): No No
Number of Crashes:
(Roadways - Average number of crashes for last 3 years per million VMT)
(Intersections - Average number of crashes for last 3 years per intersection)
#of crashes #of crashes
1 st year 2nd year
#of crashes Average#of
3rd year crashes over 3 years
Bicycle Level of Service (BLOS) and Pedestrian Level of Service (PLOS):
BLOS Before 1 3.56 BLOS After 3.06
PLOS Before 3.64 PLOS After 1 3.64
Please check if the proposed Bike/Ped Infrastructure can be found in an adopted plan. List plan(s) below:
Local Commitment: (check all that apply)
® Local Commitment to Fund Phase II
(Provide more detail below that demonstrates local commitment and attach documentation if available.)
The United City of Yorkville has received and has successfully completed similar Federally funded projects in the past and has
budgeted the required local funding share at the appropriate time.
❑ Multi-jurisdictional Sponsorship
List Partnering Agencies 1.)
( Local Commitment of Scope and Finances - Required for Eligibility
Attach documentation that shows financial commitment by the agency and documentation that displays the
agency's support of the project scope.
i.e., resolutions, copy of approved budgets,etc...
STP Project Application/Methodology Data Sheet (Page 3 of 3)
Safety: Demonstrate a correlation between the proposed project and an increase in vehicle, pedestrian or
bicyclist safety. Examples include reduction of crash rates, crosswalk implementation, signalization, and speed
reduction. (Attach additional comments if necessary.)
The new pavement surface will enhance the safety and ride-ability of the roadway.Safety will be increased through improved
pavement cross slope and drainage,and improved pavement markings(crosswalks and stop bars).Also all sidewalk crossings
will be updated to ADA standards.
Transportation Control Measures Benefits: Explain how your project exceeds the usual benefit to single
occupancy vehicles and substantially promotes the use of other more efficient transportation modes. Examples
include highway projects providing a bicycle or pedestrian facility, which forms part of a larger pedestrian or
bicycle system, or a highway project improving the accessibility of a transit station.
(Attach additional comments if necessary.)
N/A-This is a LAFO project and is intended to provide an"interim"improvement until a rehabilitation or reconstruction
improvement can be funded.
Additional Comments:
This project will be a LAFO project generally consisting of milling,patching,resurfacing,and spot curb and gutter and sidewalk
repairs. The existing ADT listed is for Countryside Parkway. The existing ADT of Center Parkway is 3,500. Additionally for Center
Parkway,the BLOS Before is 4.49 and the BLOS After is 3.01.
This project will provide a valuable extension in the serviceable life of the roadway pavement by renewing the riding surface
and providing effective diversion of surface drainage off the pavement and into the existing storm sewer.The resulting
improvement will extend the pavement life another 15 to 20 years by reducing the intrusion of surface drainage into the
pavement and the resulting detrimental effects.Center Parkway and Countryside Parkway are both critical inter-city routes on
the west side of Yorkville,north of the Fox River,serving residential neighborhoods and the existing commercial development
between the intersection of IL Route 47 and US Route 34.These roadways serve as the two ways to access the NCG-Yorkville
Cinemas as well as the nearby restaurants,banks,and other commercial establishments.
Prepared By (Name & Title): Christopher J.Ott,E.I.Project Engineer(Engineering Enterprises,Inc.)
Address: 52 Wheeler Road Sugar Grove,IL 60554
Phone Number: 630-466-6700 Email Address: cott