Ordinance 2006-044 '?00800017533 n Filed f car Record in KENDALL COUNTYr ILLINOIS REHNETTR S MIC:KELSON W -29 -2008 At Ii1:26 i STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ORDINPNC:E 45 ° 1 0 SF urcharse 11 01) ss fiH COUNTY OF KENDALL ) ORDINANCE NO. 2006- AN ORDINANCE REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY (Yorkville Bristol Sanitary District) WHEREAS, Yorkville Bristol Sanitary District is the owner of record of property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein (the Property), and WHEREAS Yorkville Bristol Sanitary District has made application by petition for the rezoning of the Property and approval of a Special Use for a public sanitary water treatment facilities, and WHEREAS, the Yorkville Plan Commission has recommended the rezoning of the property as A -1 with special use for sanitary water treatment facilities, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS UPON MOTION DULY MADE, SECONDED AND APPROVED BY THE MAJORITY OF THOSE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL VOTING, THAT: 1. The City Council approves the recommendation of the Plan Commission and hereby rezones the property as A -1 with special use for sanitary district water treatment facility. 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. JAMES BOCK JOSEPH BESCO lJ� VALERIE BURD PAUL JAMES J DEAN WOLFER y MARTY MUNNS y ROSE SPEARS JASON LESLIE `-- Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this �Z Day of W , A.D. 2006. MAYOR Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this �30 day of MAY A.D. 2006. ATTEST: CITY CLERK Prepared by: John Justin Wyeth City Attorney United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 EXHIBIT "A" i State of Illinois :SS County of Kendall: This is to certify that we, James M. Olson Associates, Ltd., Illinois Professional Land Surveyors have surveyed that pail of the North Half of Section 32, Township 37, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake on the center fine of River Road which monuments the West Line of a tract of land conveyed to the State of Illinois by deed from Clarence S. KriAiams and Mary E. Krillfams recorded in Book 76 on Page 350; thence North 70 °13'29" West along said center line 985.57 feet; thence northwesterly along said center line, being along a tangential curve to the left having a radius of 1850.0 feet, an arc distance of 493.61 feet; thence North 85 0 30'44" West along said center line 70.82 feet; thence South 04 6 29 1 16" West, 409.56 feet to the northerly bank of the Fox River, thence easterly along said northerly bank to the said West line of the tract conveyed to the State of Illinois; thence northerly along said West line, 625.0 feet to the point of beginning in Bristol Township, Kendall County, Illinois as shown by the plat hereon drawn which is a correct representation of said survey. Dated at Yorkville, Illinois December 30, 1997. James M. Olson IllCnois Professional Land Surveyor No. 2253 James M. Olson Associates, Ltd. 107 West Madison Street Yorkville, Illinois 60560 (630) 553 -0050 .. _ .. , i Plat of Survey of Pan` of the North Half of Section 32 -37 -7 Bristol Township Kendall County Illinois 30 29 29 29 z N 32 32 32 \ + 3/ a \ • k)*Mles imn Slake Farad AW'JO 44'W Imf�fes Ira° SfeFe Set 748 1 ° / �1 `., • males Reamed Splm Sd / • ! _� e5O.0' \$'• :'AM Mdrala P.1C Mal Sd r : �BZ �` \e• R'rB2S.0' too, to EY e A � Foo � 4 20.375 Acres I Excluding Rood) \ \ 1 �• (19.383 Acres o l � �L4�1 •+ A FbmT /xe p°M ine Yres proofed �j ♦ � Q Ic Pl Se rvice Gbmpenydlana't Wd State of Who& . �. in Book 95 on PW .912 CbmAyofKanda4 IV This is to M* that WO, James M 01son Assodain Lti . !lands processional Lend Survsyas have surveyed that part of the North May of Sedion A Township 37, Range 7 East of the Third PrirrdparMertdren doscead as Wow= B ar eginning of an lion slake on me writer fine of Mw Road whidl —wnwft the West Line of a tract of land ean d c ; t te b nois by deed from Ctarernx S. INr?lierns and Mary E l4'rEams recorded or Book 76 on page 35Q thence N ugh odh 7 0'132 k the Sta 9'Wesf along said • eernterrme 965.57 teak thence northwededy 01-9 said card -rIM beblg along a tangen8al Crave 10 the left having a rediva d Trod dMnd T B50 0 feet en ere drstanee of 491 6! tear thence North 85'3044'West abng mid carder 6ne 7D.62 feet thence South l a I f aos b �aR Srere d 047enr West 409.56 teat to the norlhe*bank of ft For River, Viatica, Viatica, mdtedy along said northe* bank to the said West 45. d p / IY d Mary E 4Ybams n mrded one of the tract caMVW to the State of groats: fhenoe Dome* ahng said West rare, 625.0 feet ID the pobd dbegbudng in f g 30.0' e a aook Td on Pace a5o Bdstot Township Kenda9 Cowdy, 'on limb es shown by fhe plat hereon dramr %ticb b e correct represerda5on d said survey, S Dated et Yo+kvglq grlimb December 3q 1997. I �♦ James At Olson glolois Pmfesdonal Land Surveyor No. 2253 James M Olson AssocWM Ltd �\( 707 Wed Madrson Street \ Yo � grail BD 10 -9 -1 10 -9 -2 CHAPTER 9 A -1 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT SECTION: 10 -9 -1: Purpose 10 -9 -2: Uses Permitted 10 -9 -3: Special Uses 10 -9 -4: Accessory Uses 10 -9 -5: Building Setback Line; Side Yards 10 -9 -6: Floor Area Ratio 10 -9 -7: Building Permits, Code and Fees 10 -9 -8: Fencing Restrictions 10 -9 -1: PURPOSE: The regulations for the Agricultural District are intended to govern the use of the land and building and structures for agricultural purposes after the annexation of land into the City j for so long as the owner or owners thereof shall desire to continue to devote said land to agricultural purposes. These regulations are also intended to provide for the protection, conservation and utilization of natural resources; to preserve the value of existing and future open space and recreation facilities; and to provide for the orderly development of the real estate for all uses permitted under the various use districts under this Title. (Ord. 1992 -14A, 12- 10 -92) 10 -9 -2: USES PERMITTED: A. Agricultural. B. Single- family residential use, provided only three (3) additional single - family dwellings shall be permitted for the total parcel zoned Agricultural District and annexed to the City; whether later subdivided into separate parcels after annexation. In the event of approval of rezoning to a residential use of the subject parcel or any portion thereof, this Section shall not apply. r City of Yorkville 10 -9 -2 10 -9 -3 C. The City Plan Commission and City Council reserve the right to require that prior issuance of a residential building permit within an agricultural district, the City Council has a right to require their approval of the residential building site, with regard to compatibility with the Comprehensive Plan, future roadway and utility extensions and sufficient buffering between residential and nonresidential uses. D. Signs: As permitted and regulated pursuant to the applicable provisions of Chapter 12 of this Title. (Ord. 1992 -14A, 12- 10 -92) 10 -9 -3: SPECIAL USES: _ Agricultural sales, storage and service of agriculturally oriented products. Airports or aircraft landing fields. Animal feed, storage preparation, mixing and wholesale and retail. Animal hospital. Blacksmith or welding shops. Cemeteries, including crematoriums and mausoleums provided no building shall be located less than one hundred feet (100') from a lot line. Churches, temples or synagogues. Colleges and universities, including dormitories, fraternities, sororities and other accessory buildings and structures or trade schools. Commercial feeding of fish, poultry and livestock. Commercial or private dog kennels provided that they are located not less than five hundred feet (500') from a residential lot line. Communications use. Fertilizer sales, including bulk storage and mixing. Golf courses, miniature golf courses and driving ranges, provided that no clubhouse or accessory building shall be located less than three hundred feet (300') from a lot line. Grain elevators and storage. City of Yorkville 10 -9 -3 10 -9- 3 Milk processing and distribution, including pasteurizing and manufacture of ice cream but not including the processing or manufacture of cheese. Nurseries and greenhouses, wholesale and retail, provided that all plants are grown on the premises. Outdoor amusement establishments, fairgrounds, carnivals, circuses, race tracks and other similar amusement centers and including places of assembly devoted thereto, such as stadiums and arenas. Philanthropic and eleemosynary institutions. Private clubs or lodges, except those the chief activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a business. Private recreational area or camps. Public utility and public services, including electric substations; repeater stations; microwave relay towers and stations; mobile transmitting tower and stations, antenna towers and other outdoor equipment essential to the operation of exchange in the interest of public convenience and necessity; water filtration plants; water pumping stations; water reservoir and similar uses. Railroad passenger depots. Railroad right of way and trackage, but not including classification yard, terminal facilities, piggy -back facilities or maintenance facilities. Rest homes, nursing homes, hospitals and sanitariums, institutions for the aged and for children for human beings only. Riding academies and stables. Sales yards, wholesale or retail, for agricultural products including, but not necessarily limited to, fruits, vegetables, flowers, plants, etc. Seminaries, convents, monasteries and similar religious institutions including dormitories and other accessory uses required for operations. (Ord. 1992 -14A, 12- 10 -92) City of Yorkville 10 -9 -4 10 -9 -7 10 -9 -4: ACCESSORY USES: A. Those customarily accessory to the pursuit of agriculture, provided that structures for the shelter of livestock, poultry and other farm animals shall be located not less than one hundred feet (100') from a lot line. B. Roadside stands for the sale of produce or poultry grown and raised on or in the immediate area of the premises but not including live animals and provided that such stands shall contain not more than six hundred (600) square feet of floor area. Each roadside stand shall have facilities approved by the Superintendent of Streets, for vehicular ingress and egress and adequate off - street parking. (Ord. 1992 -14A, 12- 10 -92) 10 -9 -5: BUILDING SETBACK LINE; SIDE YARDS: A. Setback Line: Every building hereafter erected or enlarged shall provide and maintain a setback from the public street in accordance with the following requirements: 1. Primary thoroughfares, (Route 34 and 47) two hundred feet (200') from the right of way. 2. All other streets or roads, one hundred feet (100') from the record or established right of way. B. Side Yards: Each building hereafter erected or remodeled shall have a side yard on each side of each building of not less than fifty feet (50'). (Ord. 1992 -14A, 12- 10 -92) 10 -9 -6: FLOOR AREA RATIO: Maximum floor area ratio for special use shall be established at the time a special use permit is granted. (Ord. 1992 -14A, 12- 10 -92) i 10 -9 -7: BUILDING PERMITS, CODE AND FEES: All buildings and structures used for agricultural purposes shall be exempt from building permits, codes and fees. (Ord. 1992 -14A, 12- 10 -92) City of Yorkville 10 -9 -8 10 -9 -8 10 -9 -8: FENCING RESTRICTIONS: The fencing restrictions contained in this Title shall not apply to agricultural uses under this Chapter. Fencing requirements for special uses shall be established at the time a special use permit is granted. (Ord. 1992 -14A, 12- 10 -92) City of Yorkville