Public Works Minutes 2014 12-16-14Page 1 of 3
APPROVED 2/17/2015
Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 6:00pm
Yorkville City Hall, Conference Room
800 Game Farm Road
Committee Members
Chairman Diane Teeling
Alderman Jackie Milschewski
Alderman Larry Kot
Alderman Ken Koch
Other City Officials
Mayor Gary Golinski (left at 6:53pm)
City Administrator Bart Olson
Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI
Other Guests:
John Joyce, Autumn Creek
Kimberly Starr, Autumn Creek
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Diane Teeling.
Item # 2 under Old Business was moved forward for discussion.
Old Business:
2. PW 2014-81 Autumn Creek Parking Restrictions
Mr. Joyce asked if parking could be prohibited on the first block of Autumn Creek Blvd. off Kennedy
and he added there are only 10 houses in that section. It was also noted that the visibility at Kennedy
and Autumn Creek is very bad. Complaints made following sports events and school activities led to
suggestions of restrictions. He said there is only one entry lane to the school, but 3-5 exit lanes and
parents park on Autumn Creek to wait for their children. Making a left turn out of the school lot has
become dangerous due to no visibility when parents are waiting. He suggested the 'enter only' and 'exit
only' as it is now, would solve the problem. Ms. Starr added that during school activities and when
there are cars parked on both sides, it's hard to exit and a child could get hit by a car. Mr. Olson said
staff recommended a full parking restriction from Kennedy to Midnight Place. Alderman Koch noted
that enforcement would be easier with a full restriction.
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Alderman Milschewski said that what appears to be parking and waiting for students is most likely an
overflow of the pickup lane, however, Ms. Starr said parents are parking on the street. Mr. Olson noted
that only 2-3 complaints had been received about this area. Several ideas were presented such as no
parking April through July, restrictions Monday through Friday and parking only certain hours. Mr.
Joyce noted a partial restriction is already in place. After much discussion, it was decided to move this
matter on to the full Council on the January 13th regular agenda. Chairman Teeling suggested
committee members should visit the site.
Previous Meeting Minutes: November 18, 2014
The minutes were approved as presented.
New Business:
1. PW 2014-96 Game Farm Road and Somonauk Street Improvements – Project Overview
Mr. Sanderson said the project was bid and came in under estimate at $3.7 million with the
reconstruction expected to last 9-10 months. He said there will be turn lanes at key spots, a shared use
path on the north side of Somonauk and the east side of Game Farm and a retaining wall by Hillside
Nursing Home. Some sanitary upgrades will be done and some watermain replaced. The utility
relocations are going well and construction should start March/April and be finished in
Mr. Sanderson detailed the various stages of construction and access to the schools. He said the trash
hauler companies will be notified about reviewing schedules in conjunction with school traffic.
An open house will be held in February/March for residents to ask questions. Ms. Teeling suggested
asking the school to send a letter to parents about the project as well. Bi-weekly meetings will also be
held to address issues and weekly summary updates will be sent to the City.
The tree-trimming for this project was briefly discussed by Ms. Milschewski and Mr. Sanderson will
ascertain if one of the trees will be fully removed. Alderman Kot asked to have the Game Farm Road
info sent to the rest of the Aldermen as well.
2. PW 2014-97 IDOT - Route 47 Schedule
Administrator Olson detailed the finish work that remains to be done on Rt. 47 including striping, curb
pours, signals and downtown railing. The project is expected to be shut down soon for the winter.
Alderman Kot said business entrances need to be marked better. He asked if there has been an
increase in accidents, however, it has not been substantial. The speed limit was also discussed.
Alderman Milschewski commented that snowplowing downtown will have to be done carefully so as
not to break windows.
Alderman Kot asked about signage and lighting for the crosswalks downtown and he suggested a 'walk'
button for crossing the street. Complaints were received about no left turns onto Orange when
southbound on Rt. 47, to reach the school. A raised median for no left turns on Hydraulic was also
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3. PW 2014- 98 State Street Sanitary and Adrian Street Water Main and Drainage Improvements –
Change Order No. 1
Mr. Sanderson said two unexpected water issues arose from a side yard on the Adrian St. phase. He
said this added $6,290.60 to the project, but recommended approval. State St. will be done in the
spring starting in about May. This item moves to the consent agenda.
4. PW 2014-99 Route 47 Off-Street Parking Improvements – Change Order No. 1
Mr. Sanderson said there were many changes in the project which is now complete. Additional soils
had to be removed due to higher arsenic levels, work was done on stairwells, power pole was removed
where a sidewalk was planned and the power was put underground. The change order is in the amount
of $51,701.56, but still $15,000 below the total IDOT projected. The State only reimburses the amount
actually spent. Until the bushes grow, screening will be installed. This item moves to consent.
5. PW 2014-100 Wrigley EDP Engineering Agreement
This is for the engineering, design and construction of the entrance improvements on Rt. 47 and is
100% funded by the State. The agreement required the City to manage the project and HR Green did
the engineering work for Wrigley at no cost to the City. Mr. Olson recommended approval of this
agreement. The committee also approved and it moves to consent.
Old Business:
1. PW 2014-74 Railroad Quiet Zone Initiative
Questions previously raised were addressed. The cost for each crossing point downtown would be
$250,000 to $500,000. There are potentially funds available (85-95%) through an agency called
Illinois Grade Crossing. Alderman Kot noted that if the funds are federal, there might be a greater
chance to receive them. Ms. Milschewski raised the question what happens if the City applies and then
does not use the funds. Mr. Sanderson said a formal agreement would be needed before application for
The cost of a railroad engineering feasibility study would be needed at a cost of $25,000 to $30,000 per
railroad. There are 10 Railnet crossings and 3 Santa Fe crossings. That study may only be viable 2-4
years due to train schedule changes/traffic changes. Mr. Olson said train traffic will be expanding
significantly. He said the City would need $500,000 to move forward with the project. He felt the
City might be eligible for a high funding level, though the project may be another 5-10 years away.
However, Alderman Koch raised the question of the need for improvements on Countryside Parkway
instead and Ms. Milschewski agreed. She added that the quiet zone project is based on only a few
complaints, approximately 24 in 2 years. Alderman Kot suggested the below estimate savings of $1.4
million on the Game Farm Road project could be used on Countryside.
Mr. Sanderson will research the time frame in which to complete such a project if approved for grant
money. This matter will come back to committee for further discussion.
Additional Business: None
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm.
Minutes respectfully transcribed by Marlys Young, Minute Taker