Resolution 2006-011 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )ss COUNTY OF KENDALL ) RESOLUTION NO. 2006- RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR THE COLLECTION OF TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FEES FOR KENDALL COUNTY HIGHWAYS WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville has considered a policy concerning collection of an amount to be used for county roads, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A ", and WHEREAS, the City Council of the United City of Yorkville has considered adopting said policy, and has discussed the reasons for adopting the policy; and WHEREAS, the revisions that the Council now desires to adopt policy are set forth on the attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein, and NOW THEREFORE, upon Motion duly made, seconded and approved by the majority of those members of the City Council voting, United City of Yorkville hereby adopts the policy titled A POLICY FOR THE COLLECTION OF TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FEES FOR KENDALL COUNTY HIGHWAYS as set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. JASON LESLIE JOSEPH BESCO VALERIE BURD � Is PAUL JAMES DEAN WOLFER MARTY MUNNS ROSE SPEARS Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this Vy Day of„�� �;_ 4 _, A.D. 2006. a MAYOR Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this day of ��..., - , A.D. 2006. ATTEST: U � CITY CLERK Prepared by: John Justin Wyeth City Attorney United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 t A POLICY FOR TIM COLLECTION OF TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FEES FOR KENDALL COUNTY HIGHWAYS - CiTY OF YORKVILLE - Background The suburban Chicago region has been experiencing tremendous growth over the past few decades. Kendall County and the municipalities within Kendall have recently become a part of this growth trend, as evidenced by the recent revelation that Kendall County is the 2 nd fastest growing county in the nation. Additionally, the Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS) has now included all of Kendall County in its metropolitan planning area. With this tremendous growth comes a myriad of issues, not the least of which is transportation needs. More population means more traffic on the entire transportation network, including state, county, municipal and township roadways. An evaluation of the historical growth trends reveals that the vast majority of new residential units are located within corporate limits. Kendall is no exception. In fact, in 2004, new residential building starts in the unincorporated region of Kendall County represented less than 10% of the total new building starts county-wide. The City of Yorkville recognizes this impact on the municipal transportation network, and has taken steps to address the municipal needs through implementation of a policy to collect $2000 per residential lot for improvement of streets impacted by new development. Fees collected generally fund improvements on just the municipal transportation system. The City of Yorkville also recognizes that Kendall County, like most counties in Illinois, has limited ability to collect fees from new municipal developments, even though those developments contribute directly to the need for capacity -type improvements on the County Highway System. To remedy this inequity, the City desires to adopt a policy that will address some of the funding deficiencies on the County Highway System, by collecting fees from new residential developments that will subsequently fund capital improvements on County Highways. Fee Guidelines As a rule, all residential developments would be subject to the collection of fees on behalf of the County, even if the development does not have frontage on a County Highway. This is because the average trip from nearly every development in Yorkville involves travel on at least one County Highway. And each new residential subdivision will have an incremental impact on the need for a capacity improvement. In general terms, it is more desirous to have larger developments, with significant frontage on a County Highway, actually install the capacity improvements on the adjacent county, ghway, rather than pay a fee that is collected by the City. This tends to be a more efficient means of realizing the capacity improvement. The cost of such a capacity improvement would be credited to the developer, and if the cost is equal to or greater than the fees that would have been collected through collection of a transportation development fee, then there would be no fiu th.er obligation to pay said fees to the City. Site specific improvements such as turning lanes, signals, etc. that are directly attributable to the development are exempt from receiving any credit on the transportation development fee. Smaller developments with limited frontage will be more likely to simply pay the transportation development fee. Again, site specific improvements would not collection of fees. Upon collection of sufficient fees the County field an credit on the colle n p will then Y Y have the ability to let a contract for the capacity -type improvement. i The City is supportive of the collection of a transportation fee on behalf of Kendall County, but desires to guarantee that said fees will be spent only on improvements that will directly benefit the residents of the City of Yorkville. Therefore, the City will collect and hold transportation fees, and will only release fees to Kendall County upon mutual agreement on the scope and extent of work to be completed on the County Highway. Fee Calculation The Kendall County 2005 -2030 Transportation Improvement Plan identifies approximately $30 million in needed capital improvements in the Yorkville area (see Exhibit 1) These costs do not include routine maintenance, but are all generally capacity -type improvements. The 9 -30 -05 Draft of Yorkville's Population Projection estimates that, with both current and future developments, the City's population will be 68,257 at some point beyond 2011 The City is now undertaking an effort to determine the current population by performing a special census. The results of that census are estimated to put Yorkville's current population at approximately 11,500 Using the 68,257 as a baseline projection, and assuming the special census will reflect an existing population of approximately 11,500, Yorkville can expect to see a population increase of 56,757 at some point in the future. Obviously, it is impossible to predict the exact time at which Yorkville will reach this population, but in an attempt to marry the County Transportation Plan to the City's projected growth, this policy assumes that the City's estimated growth will be coincidental with the need to complete all the capital improvements identified in the Kendall County 2005 -2030 Transportation Improvement Plan, adopted by the Kendall County Board on December 21, 2004. Therefore, all the transportation projects in the Yorkville area will need to be constructed, at a cost of $30,025,000 in 2005 dollars. 56,757 people _ 2.79 people /unit = f 20,343 units $30,025,000 _ 20,343 units = $1475 /unit Estimated Transportation Development Fee = $1475 per residential unit. I Conclusion An efficient transportation network will undoubtedly be one of the key issues facing Yorkville for the foreseeable future. And both City of Yorkville and Kendall County will need to partner their efforts to insure the necessary steps are taken to provide a safe and efficient transportation network that will continue to stimulate the local economy. For these reasons, the City of Yorkville hereby agrees to negotiate in good faith with new residential developments in an attempt to collect transportation development fees consistent with the context herein. Specifically, the City will attempt to negotiate the collection of not less than $1475 per residential unit for all new developments negotiated in the years 2005 or earlier, or will negotiate the actual construction of the capacity -type improvement by the developer. An inflator of 5% per year, effective January 1, 2006 and each subsequent January 1 St shall be added to the $1475 (see table below). This policy will be reevaluated on an annual basis by United City of Yorkville which will seek updated data from Kendall County in order to conduct the reevaluation. Year Negotiated Fee 2005 or earlier $1,475 2006 $1,549 207 $1,626 2008 $1,707 2009 $1,793 2010 $1,883 2011 $1,977 2012 $2,075 2013 $2,179 2014 $2,288 2015 $2,403 i Source: Kendall County Record 2 Source: Kendall County 2005 -2030 Transportation Improvement Plan 3 Source: Yorkville Planning Department 4 Source: 2000 Census ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- --------------------------------------------- - - - - -; - 2005 -2030 ANTICIPATED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS(From Kendall's 2005 -2030 Plan) Yorkville Area Costs Kendall County Highways (Highlighted in Gray) II Highway 2005 -2030 Anticipated Capital Improvements Estimated Total Cost II Shared Costs Revised Total FM ffim Intersection Improvement at Grove Rd. $500,000 Bridge Replacement east of Grove Rd. $600,000 Bridge Replacement west of Pederson Rd. $600,000 Bridge Replacement east of Schlapp Rd. $600,000 Intersection Improvement at Ridge Rd. $750,000 Urban 5 -Lane Section from Grove Rd. to Ridge Rd. $8,000,000 1 !1 E P . . 1 I Fly h Fox River Drive Extend through Newark to Rte. 71 $1,000,000 Reconstruct Crimmins Rd. as FRD Extension $1,500,000 Bridge Replacement at Clear Creek $500,000 Intersection Improvement at Walker Rd. $400,000 Urban 3 -Lane Section Through Millbrook $750,000 Intersection Improvement at Whitfield Rd. w/realignment $500,000 Exhibit N Bridge Replacement at Hollenback Creek $500,000 - r - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------- 20 &a -2030 ANTICIPATED CAPITAL 1MPROVEMENTS(Frorr, Kendall's 2005 -2030 Plan) Yorkville Area Costs Kendall County Highways (Highlighted in Gray) �I Highway 2005 -2030 Anticipated Capital Improvements Estimated Total Cost I� Shared Costs II Revised Total Fox River Drive Intersection Improvement at Fox Rd. $400,000 (Continued) Rehabilitate Bridge over Fox River $2,000,000 Intersection Improvement at Millhurst & River $1,500,000 Bridge Replacement over Big Rock Creek $1,000,000 Intersection Improvement at Griswold Springs Rd. $500,000 Galena Road Intersection Improvement at Creek Rd. w/Realignment $200,000 Bridge Replacement over Little Rock Creek $600,000 Intersection Improvement at Little Rock Rd. $500,000 Intersection Improvement at Rock Creek Rd. $400,000 Bridge Replacement over Biq Rock Creek $600,000 o r 'ff lil yy N p P Intersection Improvement at Concord Drive $200,000 Grove Road Intersection Improvement at Sherrill Rd. $400,000 Intersection Improvement at Whitewillow Rd. $250,000 Intersection Improvement at Rte. 52 $500,000 Bridge Replacement south of Van Dyke $600,000 Intersection Improvement at Chicago Rd. $400,000 Intersection Improvement at Rte 126 w/ Realignment $500,000 Intersection Improvement at Cherry Rd. w/ Realignment $300,000 -- ----- -------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------------------- --------------- - - - - -- - 2005 -2030 ANTICIPATED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS(From Kendall's 2005-2030 Plan) I Yorkville Area Costs Kendall County Highways (Highlighted in Gray) Highway I 2005 -2030 Anticipated Capital Improvements Estimated Total Cost I Shared Costs I Revised Total Grove Road Intersection Improvement at Reservation w/ Realignment $400,000 (Continued) Intersection Improvement at Collins Rd. $500,000 Intersection Improvement at Plainfield Rd. $500,000 Urban 3 -Lane Section; Rte. 126 to Plainfield Rd. $5,000,000 Joliet Road Urban 2 -Lane Section through Lisbon $400,000 Intersection Improvement at Rte. 47 $500,000 Lisbon Road Urban 2 -Lane Section through Lisbon $500,000 Little Rock Road Intersection Improvement at Abe Street $500,000 Intersection Improvement at Center Street $500,000 Intersection Improvement at Miller Rd. $500,000 Urban 415 -Lane Section; Rte. 34 to Galena Rd. $8,000,000 Millbrook Road i Intersection Improvement at Rte 71- Walker w/ Realionmentl $400,000 I l Millington Road Intersection Improvement at Rogers Rd. $300,000 Intersection Improvement at Millhurst Rd. $400,000 Intersection Improvement at Lions Rd. $250,000 . Extension to Duvick Road $500,000 Newark Road Intersection Improvement at Rte. 71 $400,000 Intersection Improvement at Lisbon Road $400,000 Intersection Improvement at Rte. 47 $400,000 Orchard Road Intersection Improvement at Rte. 71 $600,000 Bridge Widenin,q over Fox River $4,000,000 Intersection Improvement at Rte. 34 $500,000 Intersection Improvement at Mill Rd. $400,000 r - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------;---------------------------------- 200d -2030 ANTICIPATED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS(From Kendall's 2005 -2030 Plan) i Yorkville Area Costs Kendall County Highways (Highlighted in Gray) II Highway II 2005 -2030 Anticipated Capital Improvements Estimated Total Cost II Shared Costs Revised Total Intersection Improvement at Tuscany Tr. $400,000 Intersection Improvement at Galena Rd. $200,000 Intersection Improvement at Caterpillar Dr. $150,000 Intersection Improvement at Rte. 30 w/ dual lefts $600,000 Urban 415 -Lane Section; Rte. 71 to Tuscany Tr. $6,000,000 Plainfield Road Intersection Improvement at Templeton Dr. $150,000 Intersection Improvement at Woolley w /Realignment $400,000 Intersection Improvement at Collins Rd. $400,000 Intersection Improvement at Simons Rd. w / Realignment $500,000 Intersection Improvement at Douglas Rd. $300,000 Intersection Improvement at Stewart Rd. $500,000 Intersection Improvement at Johnson Rd. $500,000 Intersection Improvement at Rte. 126 $600,000 Urban 415 -Lane Section; Rte. 126 to Grove Rd. $12, 000, 000 Plattville /Chicago Intersection Improvement at Rte. 47 $400,000 Intersection Improvement at Ashley Rd. $300,000 Ridge Road ±20 Intersection Improvements $8,000,000 (WIKADUKE Tr.) Bridge Replacement south of Rte. 52 $600,000 Urban 5 -Lane Section; 1 -80 to Rte. 126 $30,000,000 Rock Creek Road Transfer to City of Plano before 2009 Sherrill Road Intersection Improvement at Grove Rd. $300,000 Bridge Replacement west of O'brien Rd. $250,000 Intersection Improvement at O'brien Rd. $300,000 •__ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -i --- 2005 -2030 ANTICIPATED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS(From Kendall's 2005 -2030 Plan) i Yorkville Area Costs Kendall County Highways (Highlighted in Gray) Highway 2005 -2030 Anticipated Capital Improvements I Estimated Total Cost II Shared Costs �' Revised Total Widen & Resurface w /Additional ROW $1,600,000 Townhouse Road [Intersection Improvement at U.S. Route 52 $500,000 Van Emmon Road I Intersection Improvement at Rte. 71 I $500,000 Walker Road Intersection Improvement at Rte. 71 w/ Realignment $700,000 Intersection Improvement at Lisbon Rd. $300,000 Intersection Improvement at Rte. 47 $400,000 Whitewillow Road I Intersection Improvement at Rte. 47 $400,000 Totals: $164,750,000 Estimated Capital Improvement Costs for County Highways in the Yorkville Area for 2 $30,025,000